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Kalabagh, Kala Bagh, kaaaalaaaaa Baaagh: Where art tho?

Thanks to @Imran Khan, Change the name of the damn to "Shahid Bhutto dam". Great idea.
Name it after the dead of the army, give the project to the army, and tell any people having issues to go learn basic economics and better yet, throw themselves in ditches and stay there.
Name it after the dead of the army, give the project to the army, and tell any people having issues to go learn basic economics and better yet, throw themselves in ditches and stay there.

I hear you.

Please see the context in which @Imran Khan made the recommendation. :-)

I hear you.

Please see the context in which @Imran Khan made the recommendation. :-)

Hopefully the Bhutto dynasty will be broken soon, and there should be nothing left with those names. Time to stop appeasing and try the carrot stick approach, hit with a stick, does not work, hit again with a carrot, repeat till progress made :)
What is wrong in his statement electricity can be made with out DAM

a) Solar energy
b) Wind farms
c) Electric plants running on coal
d) Electric plants running on gas

But KPK is making DAMS regardless
I had this opinion years back and still do now...Musharraf koi aik kaam acha kar jata that would have been Kalabagh.
What is wrong in his statement electricity can be made with out DAM

a) Solar energy
b) Wind farms
c) Electric plants running on coal
d) Electric plants running on gas

But KPK is making DAMS regardless
Mukhalfat , just for own political reason n to defame other Party/Politician these stupid people overlook entire nation's life line projects.
A country that complains about lack of drinking water

Cannot afford to have PPP stop people from drinkable water and electricity
Most of them who are against they have 70% of their families in west and they controling Pakistans future ..
What a pity.. any sane person sud not be involve inthis argument instead of going against the project...
Pakistani stablishment sud not ask anyone and do what is good for people..
Main question how much people controling pakistan those who controling looting everything and taking away with their ganddi aulad.
A country that complains about lack of drinking water

Cannot afford to have PPP stop people from drinkable water and electricity
I am not a Geo physics engineer or whatever they are called who see the probability of making dams, where, n how much small or big, but being an engineer I know this much that scientists n engineers ain't fool or stupid that they can't see which city would be flooded or which would die of drought.
Just conspiracies, n these so called foreign agents who pose themselves as Leaders.
I had this opinion years back and still do now...Musharraf koi aik kaam acha kar jata that would have been Kalabagh.

Why did General Musharraf not do this when he had absolute power as dictator?
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