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Jordan slammed for aiding al-Qaeda to enter Syria


Jan 13, 2010
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Russian Federation
The Iranian military’s top brass has criticized Jordan for facilitating the infiltration into Syria by al-Qaeda terrorists.

“Opening Jordan’s borders to al-Qaeda to massacre people in Syria has sharply reduced the credibility of the country in the eyes of Muslims,” Iran Armed Forces Chief of Staff Major General Hassan Firouzabadi said on Wednesday.

He added that Jordan has chosen to have military cooperation with al-Qaeda due to its erroneous assessment of regional conditions.

“While the Arab League considers the Syrian issue to be a political one, Jordan’s military actions strain the Arab world… and threaten the interests of the Muslim Ummah,” the general noted.

On April 4, the Syrian government warned Jordan that it was "playing with fire" by allowing the US and other countries to train and arm militants seeking to topple the government of President Bashar al-Assad on its soil.

The Syrian warning came after the US and other Western and Arab officials said Jordan has been facilitating arms shipments and hosting training camps for militants operating in Syria since October 2012.

Syria has been experiencing a deadly unrest since March 2011. Many people, including large numbers of security personnel, have been killed in the violence.

The West and its regional allies including Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey are reportedly giving financial and military support to the militants.

Jordan slammed for aiding al-Qaeda to enter Syria > Strategic-Culture.org - Strategic Culture Foundation
This news was posted yesterday by Joke-TV by another street picked official talking in the name of Muslims like he doesn't know Muslims despise his regime. He talks about massacring Syrian people like he doesn't know that his regime is doing that. Jordan along with it's Arab brethrens will do whatever it takes to get the illegal Syrian regime down along with his mercenaries as soon as possible. Let's see what Iran and it's terrorists would do other than crying out loud via their wacky media outlets & Co.
This news was posted yesterday by Joke-TV by another street picked official talking in the name of Muslims like he doesn't know Muslims despise his regime. He talks about massacring Syrian people like he doesn't know that his regime is doing that. Jordan along with it's Arab brethrens will do whatever it takes to get the illegal Syrian regime down along with his mercenaries as soon as possible. Let's see what Iran and it's terrorists would do other than crying out loud via their wacky media outlets & Co.

So base upon you logic there wouldn't be any problem if we start supporting Bahranians to establish FBA ... as you said we need to do whatever it takes to get the illegal Bahrani regime down .... then other regimes like Saudi ....
So base upon you logic there wouldn't be any problem if we start supporting Bahranians to establish FBA ... as you said we need to do whatever it takes to get the illegal Bahrani regime down .... then other regimes like Saudi ....

You simply can't, but if you can, then plz be our guest :cool:
Free bahraini army would be so small, and its such a small island that it is no challenge for the close neighbours to have dozens of soldiers every 50 meter.
Its a worthless effort, you might aswell annex it but the US navy prohibits it
It will be an end to Assad if he messes with Jordan.

Jordan is an old time ally of Pakistan.

It is important to note that Pakistani army chief met with John Kerry in Amman few weeks ago.

I wonder what was cooking in that meeting (besides dealing with Afghan problems, and Pak-Af border issues).
^^ Iran will be in even bigger doodoo if it goes into Bahrain. Not that Bahrain is big enough to face of Iran. No Siree!

It all depends on the allies of Bahrain and they can surely beat the cr@p out of any local army in the gulf.

look what happened to million man army of Saddam.
Free bahraini army would be so small, and its such a small island that it is no challenge for the close neighbours to have dozens of soldiers every 50 meter.
Its a worthless effort, you might aswell annex it but the US navy prohibits it

US fleet has nothing to do with Bahraini riots, America thought of moving it's base away to not get involved . The West also imposed arms embargo on Bahrain. However, Iranian regime kept barking and didn't dare to do anything. No one can touch Bahrain, Arab countries rushed to help out countering Iranian threat in destablising the country, my country was among them:)

^^ Saudi can face off Iran only with the help of US and allies.

Taking on Iran militarily is not that easy for Saudi and other gulf sheikdoms.

As I said, modern wars are like the wars of old, really dependent on support system.
Can somebody please inform me why we should even give two stinking farts what arabs want to do to each other? ffs, who gives a fuuu if some arab wants to finger another arab.

This akhoond regime will go down in history as the most failed regime in the past 2500 years.

The Qajars and the akhoond dynasty have been by far the nastiest regimes in Iran. Not surprisingly, the Qajar clan were the ones responsible for creating these akhoonds in the first place.

Anyway, let them finger wach other, none of my business.

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