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Jordan confirms Israeli Ambassador left the kingdom


May 9, 2007
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[5/15/2013 4:32:02 PM]
AMMONNEWS - Israel's envoy in Jordan left Jordan last week, the Jordanian government confirmed on Wednesday.

In a press conference held on Wednesday, Minister of State for Media Affairs and Communications Mohammad Momani officially confirmed that Israeli Ambassador to Jordan Daniel Nevo had departed back to Israel last Wednesday, after he was summoned by the Jordanian Foreign Ministry to relay Jordan's condemnation of Israeli violations in occupied Jerusalem.

Momani told Ammon News on Tuesday that all Jordanian official options are subject to consideration, including political, diplomatic, and legal actions, in addressing the Israeli aggression and violations committed against Al Aqsa Mosque and the occupied territories.

The Minister noted that the government did not take any decision to oust Israel's Ambassador in Amman, Daniel Nevo, or recall Jordan's Ambassador in Tel Aviv Walid Obeidat.

Momani reiterated that the Jordanian government relayed a "strongly-worded message" when it summoned the Israeli Ambassador last Wednesday, stressing that Jordan strongly denounces Israeli violations that "must stop immediately."

Earlier on Tuesday, Momani said that the Jordanian government has not considered ousting the Israeli ambassador in Jordan or recalling its ambassador from Tel Aviv per the parliament's request.

The Minister's statements come two-days after 87 MPs threatened to drop the parliament's vote-of-confidence it had granted Prime Minister Abdullah Ensour's government last month if the latter does not take any measures to expel the Israeli ambassador from Amman.

Several MPs later reportedly withdrew from the motion to censure confidence in the government, which initially enjoyed a majority-backing.

In response to escalating Israeli violations in occupied Jerusalem and Al Aqsa Mosque, members of the Lower House voted unanimously last Wednesday to ask the government to expel the Israeli ambassador and recall Jordan's ambassador from Tel Aviv.

Several MPs called for annulling the 1994 "Wadi Araba" peace treaty between Jordan and Israel in reaction to Israeli actions in the occupied territories.

Jordan's Foreign Ministry on Wednesday reacted to developments in occupied Jerusalem by summoning Israeli Ambassador Daniel Nevo.

Deputy Foreign Minister and Interior Minister Hussein Majali reportedly gave Nevo a "strongly worded message" to deliver to Israel on Jordan's condemnation of violations being committed, including the brief detention of the Mufti of Jerusalem and the storming of Jewish settlers into Al Aqsa Mosque yard facilitated by Israeli guards.

Israeli forces also prevented Muslim worshippers under the age of 50 from entering Al Aqsa Mosque last week.

Jordan confirms Israeli Ambassador left the kingdom | Main News | Ammon News
Jordan calls for end to Jewish extremists’ entry into Al Haram Al Sharif compound


[5/15/2013 2:47:25 PM]
AMMAN (Petra) -- Jordan's Ambassador to Israel, Walid Obeidat, has called for an immediate end to the entry of Jewish extremists into Al Haram Al Sharif compound in occupied Jerusalem.

Obeidat, who made intensive contacts with the Israeli Foreign Ministry and the prime minister’s office, under the directives of Minister for Foreign Affairs and Expatriate Affairs Nasser Judeh, said Israel, as the occupying power in Jerusalem, should stop the regular attacks against the holy sites in Jerusalem.

Such acts, he added, violate international resolutions and charters, undermine efforts to achieve peace in the region and provoke anger among Arabs and Muslims around the world.

Jordan calls for end to Jewish extremists
@BLACKEAGLE what do you think? what did say your king ?
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@BLACKEAGLE what do you think? what did say your king ?

Everything is possible in the light of Israeli provocations, King Abdullah is officially the custodian of Al-Aqssa mosque after signing the agreement with the Palestinian president , and any Israeli attacks concern Jordan directly, yet it would react to save the mosque.
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It was the Israelis who gave the Jordanian king custody over Temple Mount in the first place, Abbas has no power there.
What Israeli attacks? If Israel would have wanted to take control of it we could have back in 67', but we don't.
We respect the Muslims that want to pray there, any restrictions are a result of Palestinian riots and violence against the Jews who pray on the wailing wall underneath.
You can check yourself how many restrictions where there before the Palestinian intifada. Or in stretches of time with little violence.
[5/15/2013 4:32:02 PM]Several MPs called for annulling the 1994 "Wadi Araba" peace treaty between Jordan and Israel in reaction to Israeli actions in the occupied territories.
Every Muslim in the world hopes they could call for annulling the treaty. The Jordanian government did an excellent job, showing how they cared about Al Asqa but they should rethink about the Al Asqa policy that were implemented by the Zionist governments especially for the age restriction entry. I think it would be difficult, oh well. :undecided:
rethink about the Al Asqa policy that were implemented by the Zionist governments especially for the age restriction entry.

There is no age restriction policy. It is very clear cut if you are not biased. Only on the days the Palestinians organize violent acts from Al Aqssa does Israel impose those restrictions. You want no restrictions? Quit throwing rocks boulders and debris on the Jews praying underneath. No violence = No restriction. A formula tested for decades and proven to work. way before the intifada's stated.

You want Jordan to annul the agreement concerning Temple mount? go ahead, Israel gains nothing from this agreement. It only gives the authority over the Mount to Jordan, Israel gets nothing in return.
Jordan is gaining a lot from the peace with Israel, Israel recently increased the dri9nkable water it transfers to Jordan above the amount agreed upon in the peace treaty, out of good will.
You want to annul this? go ahead, shorten the water supply you get. Israel gets back only peace, and that's all we want from Jordan.
It was the Israelis who gave the Jordanian king custody over Temple Mount in the first place, Abbas has no power there.
It was signed by Abass not Israel, if Israel is willing to take it over, then it can welcome a new intifada with support of neighboring countries as well as a complete isolation. Israel is officially an occupier of Western Bank.
What Israeli attacks? If Israel would have wanted to take control of it we could have back in 67', but we don't.
We respect the Muslims that want to pray there, any restrictions are a result of Palestinian riots and violence against the Jews who pray on the wailing wall underneath.
Stop lying, they come to Al-Aqssa only to pray, and they don't throw anything unless your illegal occupiers attack them. What an audacity and rudeness, occupy their country, displace them, kill them, imprison them, harass them and yet whine over throwing stones, the only way left for them to defend their own occupied lands.
You can check yourself how many restrictions where there before the Palestinian intifada. Or in stretches of time with little violence.
There have always been restrictions.

There is no age restriction policy. It is very clear cut if you are not biased. Only on the days the Palestinians organize violent acts from Al Aqssa does Israel impose those restrictions. You want no restrictions? Quit throwing rocks boulders and debris on the Jews praying underneath. No violence = No restriction. A formula tested for decades and proven to work. way before the intifada's stated.
Again, stop lying and making things up, they don't throw anything unless you attack them and break into their holy places. It's their fvcking lands, don't you get it?
You want Jordan to annul the agreement concerning Temple mount? go ahead, Israel gains nothing from this agreement. It only gives the authority over the Mount to Jordan, Israel gets nothing in return.
Jordan is gaining a lot from the peace with Israel, Israel recently increased the dri9nkable water it transfers to Jordan above the amount agreed upon in the peace treaty, out of good will.
You want to annul this? go ahead, shorten the water supply you get. Israel gets back only peace, and that's all we want from Jordan.
As, I told you before, Israel will not last with suck an attitude, there will be a point when you find yourselves being kicked out to your countries.
The israeli ambassador in Amman returns, apparantly of free will, to Israel after the parliament voted to have him expelled, a power that is in the hands of the king as I understand it. Yet still "87 MPs threatened to drop the parliament's vote-of-confidence it had granted Prime Minister Abdullah Ensour's government last month if the latter does not take any measures to expel the Israeli ambassador from Amman" . If and when Daniel Nevo will return is what is interesting. Any indications on that? Personally I believe this is just a theatre to calm the jordanian mob and sell the image of a parliament with actual power. @BLACKEAGLE ,why is the 87 MP's holding the prime minister accountable if what they ask is not in his power?
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The israeli ambassador in Amman returns, apparantly of free will, to Israel after the parliament voted to have him expelled, a power that is in the hands of the king as I understand it. Yet still "87 MPs threatened to drop the parliament's vote-of-confidence it had granted Prime Minister Abdullah Ensour's government last month if the latter does not take any measures to expel the Israeli ambassador from Amman" . If and when Daniel Nevo will return is what is interesting. Any indications on that? Personally I believe this is just a theatre to calm the jordanian mob and sell the image of a parliament with actual power. @BLACKEAGLE ,why is the 87 MP's holding the prime minister accountable if what they ask is not in his power?

Actually no, it's not a "theater", if it was so, Jordan wouldn't have said that he left by his free will. He left after he was scolded by our interior minister, Hussien Al-Majali. Our foreign minister said that Israel hear a language from us that it doesn't hear from anybody else. Our PM said that all options are possible in case Israel continued it's provocations. The king could have just dealt with it like all Arab and Muslim countries leaders who stayed silent. But he didn't.
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I don't understand why this fvcking Israel provoke us at this specific time.

No one cares and nobody talked about it.

My guess he will return when things become calmer with this issue. Regarding the provocations it would be a hard hit for descision makers in Israel to consider the "Arab feelings" and stop this tradition (I understood the Aqsa incident to be a yearly jewish tradition) . Especially for a hard liner like Netanyahu if it were to be reflected back at him. What specific time are you referring to
My guess he will return when things become calmer with this issue. Regarding the provocations it would be a hard hit for descision makers in Israel to consider the "Arab feelings" and stop this tradition (I understood the Aqsa incident to be a yearly jewish tradition) . Especially for a hard liner like Netanyahu if it were to be reflected back at him. What specific time are you referring to

I mean we are all going through a very critical time in the ME, including Israel, in which we all desperately need to alleviate the tensions, but rather Israel is pouring gasoline on fire by such actions.
I mean we are all going through a very critical time in the ME, including Israel, in which we all desperately need to alleviate the tensions, but rather Israel is pouring gasoline on fire by such actions.

Yes things can turn very ugly very fast in the arab world we have seen in the last years. It seems domestic Israeli descisions can cause tension in the jordanian streets , and even in its parliament. Perhaps this sends a signal to Jordans king. Soft power it can be called.

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