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Jordan Air Force destroys Armored Vehicles trying to enter Jordan

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Elijah Magnier is reporting they belonged to rebels.
Strike happened as a result of lack of coordination.
Jordan destroys armored vehicles at Syrian border

Jordanian air forces destroyed a number of armored vehicles as they tried to enter the kingdom from Syria. (File photo: Reuters)
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By Staff writer | Al Arabiya News
Wednesday, 16 April 2014
Jordanian air forces destroyed a number of armored vehicles on Wednesday as they crossed the border from war-torn Syria, the army said in a statement.

"Royal air force jets fighters today at 10:30 am (0730 GMT) destroyed a number of vehicles that attempted to cross into Jordan from Syria," the Jordanian army said in a statement.

The army said the vehicles were warned prior the Jordanian fighter jets attacked them.

"The camouflaged vehicles tried to enter from an area with rugged terrain.

"The fighter jets fired warning shots, but they were ignored, promoting them to destroy the vehicles. The army will not tolerate such actions," said the statement.

A military official told Agence France-Presse that "they were three-wheeled vehicles which tried to enter the kingdom" near Ruwaished in northern Jordan.

Jordan's border guards in recent weeks clashed with and arrested several people as attempted to cross into the kingdom from Syria, where a conflict has been raging for more than three years.

The government in Damascus has regularly accused Jordan of assisting rebels fighting its forces.

But Amman denies the accusations, saying it has tightened control of the border and jailed dozens convicted of trying to cross the frontier illegally.

(With AFP)

Last Update: Wednesday, 16 April 2014 KSA 16:23 - GMT 13:23
Probably retreating rebel forces cause the SAA has no reason to enter Jordan
Probably retreating rebel forces cause the SAA has no reason to enter Jordan
: نبض الشارع : تدمير (آليات) سورية حاولت اجتياز الحدود

Let us hope for the best.

It would be a great shame if it turned out to be FSA or the Syrian Opposition. Twitter with conflicting reports as of now.
Or they could have been somewhat related to the Assad's regime, trying to run for their own good!
Most probably, they belong to either SAA or Qaeda. The vehicles were well camouflaged with desert mud and refused to submit to the orders to stop, so sure they were not retreating from anything but rather they had ill intentions by breaking into Jordan this way.
Are you positive these were armored vehicles or camouflaged jeeps/trucks?
Most probably, they belong to either SAA or Qaeda. The vehicles were well camouflaged with desert mud and refused to submit to the orders to stop, so sure they were not retreating from anything but rather they had ill intentions by breaking into Jordan this way.

Well if that the case then they deserved to get smoked.
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