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Jordan Air Force destroys Armored Vehicles trying to enter Jordan

Okay, they weren't armored vehicles and rather camouflaged trucks. They killed rebels it seems like ....:





Jordanian air force fighter jets destroyed a number of combat vehicles Wednesday as they tried to enter the kingdom from war-hit Syria by crossing the border, the army said.

"Royal air force jets fighters today at 10:30 am (0730 GMT) destroyed a number of vehicles that attempted to cross into Jordan from Syria," the Jordanian army said in a statement.

"The camouflaged vehicles tried to enter from an area with rugged terrain.

"The fighter jets fired warning shots, but they were ignored, promoting them to destroy the vehicles. The army will not tolerate such actions," said the statement.

A military official told AFP that "they were three-wheeled vehicles which tried to enter the kingdom" near Ruwaished in northern Jordan.

Jordan's border guards in recent weeks clashed with and arrested several people as they attempted to cross into the kingdom from Syria, where a devastating conflict has been raging for more than three years.

The government in Damascus has regularly accused Jordan of assisting rebels fighting its forces.

But Amman denies this, saying it has tightened control of the border and jailed dozens convicted of trying to cross the frontier illegally.

The kingdom, home to more than 500,000 Syrian refugees, says arms smuggling across the border with Syria has risen by 300 percent in the past year.

Jordan destroys 'camouflaged' vehicles crossing from Syria - Yahoo News Philippines
Good job Jordan, you killed the people you claim to support who were trying to 'cross' into your territory with 'armored' vehicles.

How embarrassing and tragic this is. What's even more tragic are the Jordanians on that website who are bragging about killing their own allies in civilian cars in the middle of the desert.
RJAF should be looking in to Joining K-8 Block-II and JF-17 Block-II program in order to produce locally:
K-8 Block-II : 70+
JF-17 Block-II : 70+
JF-17 Block-III : 110+
Also UAVs JV with PAC-NESCOM-GIDS-China.
After another look, the burning tank that was supposedly destroyed seems to be a Syrian military T-72AV vehicle.
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