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JNU rusticates Umar, Anirban; Kanhaiya fined for Rs. 10,000


Jun 7, 2013
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The Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) administration on Monday announced rustication of Umar Khalid and Anirban Bhhatacharya in connection with an event organised in the campus to mark the death anniversary of Afzal Guru.

While Umar has been rusticated for one semester and a fine of Rs. 20,000 imposed on him Anirban has been declared out of bounds from the campus for five years after July 23, 2016. He has been rusticated till the period of July 15.

Both of them were arrested by Delhi police on sedition charges and spent about 15 days in Tihar jail under judicial custody.

JNUSU president Kanhaiya Kumar, who was also charged with sedition and arrested in connection with the incident has, however, not been rusticated. The university authorities have imposed a fine of Rs. 10,000 on him.

A Kashmiri student Mujeeb Gattoo, who was found shouting “anti-national” slogans on February 9 by the varsity's High Level Enquiry Committee (HLEC) report has also been rusticated by the administration.

“The committee has recommended rustication/fine for three students, withdrawal of hostel facilities/financial penalty for two students and only financial penalty for fourteen students. Two former JNU students, moreover, have been declared out of bounds,” an official statement from the university read.

“The students who have been rusticated are – Umar Khalid, Anirban Bhattacharya and Mujeeb Gattoo. A fine of Rs. 10,000 has been imposed on Kanhaiya and other students who were debarred have also been given financial penalty,” a senior official from JNU confirmed.

“The recommendation of the Committee for the above disciplinary measures pertains to “Not following university procedures”, “providing misinformation to the university”, “misconduct and indiscipline”, “causing and colluding in the unauthorized entry of any person into the campus”, “putting up objectionable poster”, “arousing communal, caste or regional feelings and creating disharmony among students”, “furnishing false certificate or false information in any manner”, “blockade or forceful prevention of any normal movement of traffic” and “violation of security, safety rules” notified by the university,” the statement added further.

Eight students were debarred by the administration following the organising of February 9 incident on the campus where some anti-national slogans were allegedly shouted.

Now THAT's the way to do it.

Not putting them in jail. Now they can be full time politicians and see how the real world treats as the parasites they are :lol:

Hope they don't kill themselves and starve us of the fun.
Not putting them in jail. Now they can be full time politicians and see how the real world treats as the parasites they are :lol:

in the real world india, farmers are killing themselves almost daily, not because nature ordered them to via celestial writing in the night sky but only because of india's extreme capitalist system and rubbish social system... two male farmers in karnataka have killed themselves in the last seven days and the wife of the recent one burnt herself along with her two daughters aged 4 and 6... just in the first three months of this year ( it is only april now ) the bjp-ruled maharashtra state has had 250+ farmer suicides and there is no water in towns like latur for medical operations much less for drinking and bathing.

in the real world india, innocent people in urban centers are sweltering in artificial heat created by the "development infrastructure" for india's idiotic and callous neo-rich middle class who prefer to play with their cell phones and go to prayer houses and alcohol-flooding discos and kirket stadiums and feed dogs while in rural areas people either eat grass rotis or die of hunger or suicide, and all this while the pampered military being given another 85,000 crores and the minister of state for "defense" declaring that if "india" doesn't buy western fighter jets "to protect the borders" then even those grass rotis won't be available inside the borders... sanghi logic.

in the real world india, 2000+ people sell their kidney every year.

in the real world india, a few thousand children die every day because of malnutrition... yeah, dogs never go hungry in india, and should i say openly the other wastage??

in the real world india, corrupt doctors are benefiting from the anti-human traditional indian family system and its penchant for boys and are killing female foetuses and feeding them to the post-1998 ever-present dogs.

in the real world india, sanghi groups and the environment created by them in 2900 years has resulted in "honor killings", whether it be within same religion marriages or inter-religion marriages like the recent case in tamil nadu of the father of a upper caste girl having the girl's dalit husband and herself ( his own daugher ) brutally attacked and the boy dying and the girl being seriously injured and the father proudly admitting to the attack later and some local lawyer supporting the attack.

in the real world india, among anyone who can think, has empathy and is not a sociopath, will see kanhaiya, shehla and their comrades like anirban as heroes, revolutionaries, successors of bhagat singh... they strive to change india while nationalist parasites and anti-humans like you and preity zinta ignore india's daily tragedies and continue your wage-slaveries ( jobs ) and your engineering/mba degree courses and then come on internet and utter filths not thinking that the world looks at you and thinks "such sadists these are !!".

lot of india, lot of background india, is a chaos and a mad-house, only because of capitalism and reactionaryism the level of which is unseen anywhere in the world in history.

bhukmari se azaadi !! punjivaad se azaadi !! saamantvaad se azaadi !! brahmanvaad se azaadi !!

har insaaniyat ke khilaaf bolne vaali ideology se azaadi !!

sangh mukt india hai saaf india swachh india.

india didn't actually get freedom in 1947, that was simply a power transfer from the british to the anti-socialists... but india will have true freedom soon.
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in the real world india, farmers are killing themselves almost daily, not because nature ordered them to via celestial writing in the night sky but only because of india's extreme capitalist system and rubbish social system... two male farmers in karnataka have killed themselves in the last seven days and the wife of the recent one burnt herself along with her two daughters aged 4 and 6... just in the first three months of this year ( it is only april now ) the bjp-ruled maharashtra state has had 250+ farmer suicides and there is no water in towns like latur for medical operations much less for drinking and bathing.

in the real world india, innocent people in urban centers are sweltering in artificial heat created by the "development infrastructure" for india's idiotic and callous neo-rich middle class who prefer to play with their cell phones and go to prayer houses and alcohol-flooding discos and kirket stadiums and feed dogs while in rural areas people either eat grass rotis or die of hunger or suicide, and all this while the pampered military being given another 85,000 crores and the minister of state for "defense" declaring that if "india" doesn't buy western fighter jets "to protect the borders" then even those grass rotis won't be available inside the borders... sanghi logic.

in the real world india, 2000+ people sell their kidney every year.

in the real world india, a few thousand children die every day because of malnutrition... yeah, dogs never go hungry in india, and should i say openly the other wastage??

in the real world india, corrupt doctors are benefiting from the anti-human traditional indian family system and its penchant for boys and are killing female foetuses and feeding them to the post-1998 ever-present dogs.

in the real world india, sanghi groups and the environment created by them in 2900 years has resulted in "honor killings", whether it be within same religion marriages or inter-religion marriages like the recent case in tamil nadu of the father of a upper caste girl having the girl's dalit husband and herself ( his own daugher ) brutally attacked and the boy dying and the girl being seriously injured and the father proudly admitting to the attack later and some local lawyer supporting the attack.

in the real world india, among anyone who can think, has empathy and is not a sociopath, kanhaiya and shehla and their comrades like heroes, revolutionaries, successors of bhagat singh... they strive to change india while nationalist parasites and anti-humans like you and preity zinta ignore india's daily tragedies and continue your wage-slaveries ( jobs ) and your engineering/mba degree courses and then come on internet and utter filths not thinking that the world looks at you and thinks "such sadists these are !!".

lot of india, lot of background india, is a chaos and a mad-house, only because of capitalism and reactionaryism the level of which is unseen anywhere in the world in history.

bhukmari se azaadi !! punjuvaad se azaadi !! saamantvaad se azaadi !! brahmanvaad se azaadi !!

har insaaniyat ke khilaaf bolne vaali ideology se azaadi !!

sangh mukt india hai saaf india.

Yes, we can all see you are desperate to make political capital out of other people's misery.

What a shame that this desperate attempt will earn you nothing but a continued miserable existence full of anger, frustration and jealousy. That thought somehow brings a smile to my face. Naughty me.
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Yes, we can all see you desperate to make political capital out of other people's misery.

incorrect... i have had my share of sufferings, though that is not the only reason why i empathize with the oppressed.

What a shame that this desperate attempt will earn you nothing but a continued miserable existence full of anger, frustration and jealousy. That thought somehow brings a smile to my face. Naughty me.

so you went through my long post, seeing all the listed tragic realities of india, and yet it didn't move you one bit and all you could think was "how more sarcastically do i reply to jamahir??".

please see the wrong path you are taking and repent.
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extreme capitalist system
we can not afford an advanced economy style welfare state yet, let alone the full commie totalitarian nightmare you keep pining for.

maybe you are the extremist here, not the system.

also, ontopic.. great move, throw these bums out of university and let them try their luck in the political scene now, the people will decide their fate, my money's on it doesn't end well are they will end up a distant flash in the pan in a couple years from now.

mashallah, umar ki barbadi :dance3:
This lenient punishment is like sugar candy for them.:-)

Kanahiya's mother should be India's finance minister. She bought her son an iPhone and air ticket between Mumbai/Pune all with the monthly salary of RS.3000.00. :o:

Someone must have leaked this information to Khaniya. That is why he orchestrated "Strangulation" Topi Drama Yesterday & Blamed it on BJP; on behest of his Master's. :blink:
we can not afford an advanced economy style welfare state yet

so india long having become a trillion dollar gdp economy and 'world's third largest economy' is not enough?? :)

in reality, establishing a socialist welfare state has nothing to do with having vast amounts of money but rather is about having a clean, simple and scientific political system that declares that the economy must primarily be arranged towards people's immediate welfare, their development and only then for other things.

for example, in iraq even between the illegal-sanctions-ravaged years between 1990 and 2003, before the 2003 invasion, the socialist system of iraq ensured that city neighborhoods had government outlets/stores of the public distribution system where every family could go and obtain the basic food they needed, for free... this was of course separate from the restaurants, small eateries and the street food stalls... the indian journalist, satish jacob, along with cameraman, the late nuh nizami, were the only indian media people in iraq just before the 2003 invasion and during the invasion... satish jacob writes in his iraq 2003 memoir that as usa and allied governments were gathering forces for invasion the iraqi government saw to it that the pds system provided three months supply of food and reasonable amount of drinking water to the citizens... he describes the iraqi pds system as a simple system that has every family listed and given a ration card ( what india had for some years )... every fortnight a family goes to the pds store and walks out with whatever is needed.

however, look at the post-2003 nato-arranged "democracy" years that has scrambled some peoples' minds[1] in iraq :
Sa'ad al-Shimary, a government employee from Baghdad, said his family used to be dependent on the PDS. "I don't even need the food supplies we get from the ration card now," he said. "I can buy good quality food from the markets, as everything is available now."
so this sample doesn't want free food ( free is how nature works ) but wants to buy food and to buy food he has accepted capitalism and the destruction of his country and the regular suicide bombings and crime and chaos and his country being a puppet... why??

and arrival of capitalism and "democracy" and the almost compulsory buying of food has brought in the inevitable effects[1] :
Malnutrition indicators paint a blurrier picture.

While the percentage of children under five who are underweight nearly halved from 15.9 percent in 2000 to 8.5 percent in 2011, according to the Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS), conducted by the government and the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF), chronic and acute malnutrition indicators look less positive.

The percentage of children under five who are moderately or severely stunted (too short for their age) or wasted (underweight for their height) both increased - if only slightly - over the same period, a "worrying" trend, aid workers said, given the long-term impacts of malnutrition on mental development.

According to UNICEF, one out of every four Iraqi children suffers from stunted growth. High levels of chronic and acute malnutrition are a sign that mothers and children do not have access to quality food. While access to food has improved, stunting and wasting are difficult trends to reverse in a short period of time. As such, it may take years before improved access to food reflects in malnutrition rates across the board.
note that unicef is a uno agency and uno agencies generally take direction from nato in many things and yet unicef gives these reluctantly truthful pictures.

however, cuba is a fine example of where a small and economically poor socialist country has a welfare system acknowledged by another uno agency, undp, as being superior in providing comfortable and healthy living conditions that are superior to so many bigger or richer countries, especially india... in undp's 2014 release[2] of its regular 'human development index', cuba has a lot lot higher ranking ( 44 ) than the trillon dollar gdp economy india ( 135 )... why is this??

let alone the full commie totalitarian nightmare you keep pining for.

i would prefer the full commie totalitarian nightmare to the paradise that india has been for seven decades. :)

it would be unthinkable in the commie "totalitarian systems" that the governmental system spends 85,000 crores on just three military items for a unnecessarily pampered military while farmers are suiciding hither-thither and the general rural folk are either dying of hunger or are eating grass rotis.

maybe you are the extremist here, not the system.

i am just a idealist and realist.

also, ontopic.. great move, throw these bums out of university and let them try their luck in the political scene now, the people will decide their fate, my money's on it doesn't end well are they will end up a distant flash in the pan in a couple years from now.

mashallah, umar ki barbadi :dance3:

you may dance but you are going in right direction, if they are thrown of jnu they can perhaps more better organize their political objectives. :azn:

umar rahega amar. :enjoy:

God bless you son. Love to see Jamahiriyat is still alive. I can see young Muammar Gaddafi in you.

are you really from libya??


[1] http://fas.org/news/iraq/2000/02/iraq99.htm

[2] http://www.undp.org/content/undp/en/home/presscenter/events/2014/july/HDR2014.html
so india long having become a trillion dollar gdp economy and 'world's third largest economy' is not enough?? :)
no it's not, only foreign capitalist investments have made it so

in reality, establishing a socialist welfare state has nothing to do with having vast amounts of money but rather is about having a clean, simple and scientific political system that declares that the economy must primarily be arranged towards people's immediate welfare, their development and only then for other things.
we have a billion+, economy of scale must be taken into consideration

the socialist system of iraq..
oil, we don't have any.

cuba is a fine example of where a small and economically poor socialist country has a welfare system
again, economy of scale, that's a very tiny landmass and peoples you're talking about there

i would prefer the full commie totalitarian nightmare to the paradise that india has been for seven decades. :)
no, we're a poor country, there is no one claiming here to be a "paradise"

i am just a idealist and realist.
does not compute, we don't have massive oil wealth to spread around like your heroes gaddafi and saddam did

thrown of jnu they can perhaps more better organize their political objectives. :azn:
somehow I'm very bearish on them, in 12 to 18 months, nobody will remember them.. :coffee:
You need to start wondering why you have such low credibility. My path/reply brought a smile on my face and a few others. Can you say the same ?

so what was your previous account??

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