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JNU: Lal Masjid of India?

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Jun 7, 2013
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Lal musjid students were threatning people for sharia law and were closing down message parlors, they were not demanding freedom from Pakistan unlike JNU students.
So your comparison is flawed

Lal Masjid's students raised their voice against the nation of Pakistan, something similar is being done by JNU students.
Considering how Anti national elements are being groomed in JNU, I believe it won't be wrong to draw a parallel from the land these free loaders love so much?
Your views please?

@paritosh @JanjaWeed @Levina @Abingdonboy @Jason bourne @echo419 @Tridibans @Nair saab @nair @Rain Man @mpk1988 @Roybot @kaykay

I think a comparison to Lal Masjid is a tad strong. I think JNU is a case of students romancing with concepts they don't fully understand. I have been exposed to the culture at JNU, their left inkling is all because of the Nehruvian leftist, liberal ideology that is indoctrinated there (notice the paradox).
Nehru and co. gave this country a constitution way ahead of it's time which the hoi polloi still don't understand fully. Result is a myopic view of the performance of the Indian establishment basis human rights violations.

You and I know for a fact that Kashmir has half a million troops and has some human rights violations.
Till the late 80s, Kashmir didn't need such a heavy troop presence, till Pakistan started investing in the insurgent problem that snowballed and forced us to get an iron grip on the state.

and now the generation of youth born into the late 80s and early 90s has only seen the iron-grip and not the precursor to it.
This combined with the fact the reason for ceding of J&K (religion) is the most non-secular of all the reasons possible, shows how one dimensional the support to the Kashmiri cause has been.

JNU should instead see how we have actually gone out of our way to offer avenues of growth to Kashmiri migrants by offering sops (leftist concept) like quota of seats in universities, jobs, etc. How Kashmir land ownership is preserved for Kashmiris. This needs praise as a very well executed instrument of democracy.

The demand for freedom defies logic as it's only on the basis of religion. The Sikh demand for Khaiistan had more credence to it as their demand for an equal representation as an Indian state was not met till very late.
The Sikhs complained that by not making Punjabi the state language and not giving statehood to Punjab, the govt. of India was trying to subdue the Sikhi culture, which made more sense.
Kashmir has it's culture unhindered, language, festivities, etc. Yet these JNU pests complain and make us seem like Mao's China suppressing Tibetan identity.

But JNU's case is still ideological and does warrant a debate. Dissent is healthy in a democracy. I am ignoring "Bharath ki barbadi" over here to make my point. Lal Masjid is a little strong as an analogy imo.

No dont make things , they demanded things which every mullah demands sharia law.
Demanding sharia law and demanding freedom are quite different things

The true difference is that one of the two groups of people being compared here received a proper education. Enough said.
Lal Masjid is acres worse than JNU. Their belief in their ideology is so strong, they will even kill other Pakistanis and die for what they believe in.

Where as JNU students are just a mix of bleeding heart liberals and kids in their rebellious phase of life..but they will not risk their futures much less their lives for a cause they do not understand. They are just out their protesting, because it is cool or rather trending.
Yes, there are a lot of similarities between JNU and Lal masjid, for starters both JNU and Lal masjid have the word LAL in it.
(JNU-Jawahar LAL Nehru university and LAL masjid :P).

On a serious note, both LAL Masjid and JNU(if the reports are true) are being used for orchestrating rebellion against the respective countries they are built in.
For once I am glad that the people behind it have been exposed in India. But I hope unlike Pakistan where the mastermind behind Lal masjid,Maulvi Abdul Aziz, is still a free man, we put the people-professors/ students/politicians/supportive twitteratis etc who fan such rebellions against the state, are put behind the bars.
If this is not crushed soon then India might have to redraw it's map. :(
Lal musjid students were threatning people for sharia law and were closing down message parlors, they were not demanding freedom from Pakistan unlike JNU students.
So your comparison is flawed

They invited ISIS to Pakistan no?

About OP: I was thinking about this yesterday :lol:
I think a comparison to Lal Masjid is a tad strong. I think JNU is a case of students romancing with concepts they don't fully understand. I have been exposed to the culture at JNU, their left inkling is all because of the Nehruvian leftist, liberal ideology that is indoctrinated there (notice the paradox).
Nehru and co. gave this country a constitution way ahead of it's time which the hoi polloi still don't understand fully. Result is a myopic view of the performance of the Indian establishment basis human rights violations.

You and I know for a fact that Kashmir has half a million troops and has some human rights violations.
Till the late 80s, Kashmir didn't need such a heavy troop presence, till Pakistan started investing in the insurgent problem that snowballed and forced us to get an iron grip on the state.

and now the generation of youth born into the late 80s and early 90s has only seen the iron-grip and not the precursor to it.
This combined with the fact the reason for ceding of J&K (religion) is the most non-secular of all the reasons possible, shows how one dimensional the support to the Kashmiri cause has been.

JNU should instead see how we have actually gone out of our way to offer avenues of growth to Kashmiri migrants by offering sops (leftist concept) like quota of seats in universities, jobs, etc. How Kashmir land ownership is preserved for Kashmiris. This needs praise as a very well executed instrument of democracy.

The demand for freedom defies logic as it's only on the basis of religion. The Sikh demand for Khaiistan had more credence to it as their demand for an equal representation as an Indian state was not met till very late.
The Sikhs complained that by not making Punjabi the state language and not giving statehood to Punjab, the govt. of India was trying to subdue the Sikhi culture, which made more sense.
Kashmir has it's culture unhindered, language, festivities, etc. Yet these JNU pests complain and make us seem like Mao's China suppressing Tibetan identity.

But JNU's case is still ideological and does warrant a debate. Dissent is healthy in a democracy. I am ignoring "Bharath ki barbadi" over here to make my point. Lal Masjid is a little strong as an analogy imo.

The true difference is that one of the two groups of people being compared here received a proper education. Enough said.

My point was regarding "Bharat ki barbadi" and other similar slogans.

They invited ISIS to Pakistan no?

About OP: I was thinking about this yesterday :lol:
Read your thoughts :p:
Yes, there are a lot of similarities between JNU and Lal masjid, for starters both JNU and Lal masjid have the word LAL in it.
(JNU-Jawahar LAL Nehru university and LAL masjid :P).

On a serious note, both LAL Masjid and JNU(if the reports are true) are being used for orchestrating rebellion against the respective countries they are built in.
For once I am glad that the people behind it have been exposed in India. But I hope unlike Pakistan where the mastermind behind Lal masjid,Maulvi Abdul Aziz, is still a free man, we put the people-professors/ students/politicians/supportive twitteratis etc who fan such rebellions against the state, are put behind the bars.
If this is not crushed soon then India might have to redraw it's map. :(
The real battle is to wipe out any ideology which is seeking "Bharat Ki Barbaadi" & pls do it religiously without any mercy.....
Wrong comparison.
Lal masjid walas challenged government writ by kidnapping people, beating and humiliating them and when police tried to stop them they grabbed their weapons as well. While at JNU liberal, left leaning students are voicing their opinions. I have a nationalist(a practicing Hindu) friend from JNU, according to him BJP always had a problem with JNU and they are trying their best to clip JNU's wings.
Considering how Anti national elements are being groomed in JNU, I believe it won't be wrong to draw a parallel from the land these free loaders love so much?
Your views please?

@paritosh @JanjaWeed @Levina @Abingdonboy @Jason bourne @Echo_419 @Tridibans @Nair saab @nair @Rain Man @mpk1988 @Roybot @kaykay
JNU houses front organisations for banned outfits. It has become a hub for anti-Indian activities..aided & abetted by mainstream political parties. GOI shouldn't worry about being branded as intolerant..smoke out these rats & eliminate them. Giving them long rope & providing them with constitutional protection will only result in SAR Gilanis of this world.
N such issue has already hijacked our attention from the real issues that country is facing ..... These scums are draining our energy for all wrong reason from Ghar wapsi to Award wapsi....
Media is doing extremely great job in misleading the ppl by putting a mask of being free & fair in its business.....
Need a complete overhaul .....
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Wrong comparison.
Lal masjid walas challenged government writ by kidnapping people, beating and humiliating them and when police tried to stop them they grabbed their weapons as well. While at JNU liberal, left leaning students are voicing their opinions. I have a nationalist(a practicing Hindu) friend from JNU, according to him BJP always had a problem with JNU and they are trying their best to clip JNU's wings.
Their cadre kill people in other states. Latest being a guy hacked to death in Kerala.
Considering how Anti national elements are being groomed in JNU, I believe it won't be wrong to draw a parallel from the land these free loaders love so much?
Your views please?

@paritosh @JanjaWeed @Levina @Abingdonboy @Jason bourne @Echo_419 @Tridibans @Nair saab @nair @Rain Man @mpk1988 @Roybot @kaykay

you seem to have copied my months-old demand for the indian military to raid the offices and practice grounds of all reactionary movements, especially the rss. ;)

as to "free loaders"... one credo of socialism is "one who produces, can consume"... how have the all the sanghis put together contributed to humanity?? sanghis are the free loaders, isn't it?? :)

but "free loaders" if you are connecting with money, well, india should have been socialist where everything is either free or subsidized or low-costing, with education to take your hint further, being free too... during modi rule in late 2014, many people died of hunger in the tea estates of darjeeling... it wasn't that there was a famine in india and the world... just that those who died so didn't have money in this extreme capitalist system to buy food... they died of hunger while maneka gandhi's insane followers have money to feed dogs and the bjp central government has money to be the largest importer of armaments in the world... there is one more point but i will desist.

"free loaders" again... so you want to allow the indian establishment to first have a income tax system, whether or not people have income, whether or not the people have facilities, so very like the british 'lagaan' system, and then to use those unjust taxes to allow the military and the government to spend 65,000 crores ( 9 billion dollars ) on just a single purchase of western fighter planes, instead of spending that money on building free high-quality neighborhood-level hospitals, free schools, vertical farms, unemployment benefits. free high-quality houses and neighborhoods... so you want the bjp government to buy billions of dollars of armaments to kill chinese and pakistanis where in reality it is indian banks and parents and colleges and security forces that are killing other indians?? so you want to build the military on the blood and tears of indians?? :)

it is most easy to condemn salman khan for his car running over people sleeping on the foothpath... the real blames lies with the tragedy of the indian establishment following a capitalist system that has made 70+ million indians be homeless in 2016 !! and yet nine billion dollars being spent on buying armaments to kill non-indians?? what kind of justice is this??

any society of humans or even a single isolated hamlet must follow the laws of justice and humanism to be called civilized... anyone who forwards capitalism, reactionaryism and nationalism can go live in antarctica... either one is with the progressive jnu students or one is against humanity. :coffee:

to anyone who objects to my condemnation of nationalism, they can condemn two earlier luminaries who also condemned nationalism - rabindranath tagore and albert einstein... perhaps modi, rajnath singh and smriti irani can condemn tagore and einstein in the uno general assembly. :)

Wrong comparison.
Lal masjid walas challenged government writ by kidnapping people, beating and humiliating them and when police tried to stop them they grabbed their weapons as well. While at JNU liberal, left leaning students are voicing their opinions. I have a nationalist(a practicing Hindu) friend from JNU, according to him BJP always had a problem with JNU and they are trying their best to clip JNU's wings.

you are correct.

on pdf long before these agitations, one would have seen pdf sanghis venting against jnu and using dismissive names like "jhola-wallahs".

but the world dismisses the sanghis... does a single country in the world want to adopt the sangh ideology?? :lol:
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you seem to have copied my months-old demand for the indian military to raid the offices and practice grounds of all reactionary movements, especially the rss. :lol:

as to "free loaders"... one credo of socialism is "one who produces, can consume"... how have the all the sanghis put together contributed to humanity?? sanghis are the free loaders, isn't it?? :)

but "free loaders" if you are connecting with money, well, india should have been socialist where everything is either free or subsidized or low-costing, with education to take your hint further, being free too... during modi rule in late 2014, many people died of hunger in the tea estates of darjeeling... it wasn't that there was a famine in india and the world... just that those who died so didn't have money in this extreme capitalist system to buy food... they died of hunger while maneka gandhi's insane followers have money to feed dogs and the bjp central government has money to be the largest importer of armaments in the world... there is one more point but i will desist.

"free loaders" again... so you want to allow the indian establishment to first have a income tax system, whether or not people have income, whether or not the people have facilities, so very like the british 'lagaan' system, and then to use those unjust taxes to allow the military and the government to spend 65,000 crores ( 9 billion dollars ) on just a single purchase of western fighter planes, instead of spending that money on building free high-quality neighborhood-level hospitals, free schools, vertical farms, unemployment benefits. free high-quality houses and neighborhoods... so you want the bjp government to buy billions of dollars of armaments to kill chinese and pakistanis where in reality it is indian banks and parents and colleges and security forces that are killing other indians?? so you want to build the military on the blood and tears of indians?? :)

it is most easy to condemn salman khan for his car running over people sleeping on the foothpath... the real blames lies with the tragedy of the indian establishment following a capitalist system that has made 70+ million indians be homeless in 2016 !! and yet nine billion dollars being spent on buying armaments to kill non-indians?? what kind of justice is this??

any society of humans or even a single isolated hamlet must follow the laws of justice and humanism to be called civilized... anyone who forwards capitalism, reactionaryism and nationalism can go live in antarctica... either one is with the progressive jnu students or one is against humanity. :coffee:

to anyone who objects to my condemnation of nationalism, they can condemn two earlier luminaries who also condemned nationalism - rabindranath tagore and albert einstein... perhaps modi, rajnath singh and smriti irani can condemn tagore and einstein in the uno general assembly. :)

you are correct.

on pdf long before these agitations, one would have seen pdf sanghis venting against jnu and using dismissive names like "jhola-wallahs".

but the world dismisses the sanghis... does a single country in the world want to adopt the sangh ideology?? :lol:
Kindly explain how Qaddafi funded his fairy tale in the la la land?
We encountered his elder brother and some of their comrades and humiliated abdul aziz by traping him and then exposed in a black burka, Lal masjid was closed down for quite some time.This is what we have done, what have you done?This was done only in response to closing down message parlours, while JNU students are shouting for freedom and wishing for barbadi of bharat mataa

You still dont get the difference.
Your people in lal masjid will kill anyone for their mission and will go to any extent for their mission. we know what happened in peshawar.

Where are these scums in JNU , dont even dare to slap a person. Raise a few slogans, police slaps sedition and various charges and their game is over and rest sit in their home watching tv.
Same is not the case with the people of lal masjid.

Its also similiar to that common comparison we see on this forum of taliban and shivsena. What SS can do most, throw ink, and throw some bad words at the target. Where as taliban is all togeher a different ball game. You know it better than me.
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