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JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 7]


indeed a very big occasion

JF17A Block III will be amongst the latest and most sophisticated fighters
Gujral [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]

I thought the thread was about JF-17 & not fake news about cousin/nephew/BIL/MIL of some Indian politician. I feel sorry for people who take this paranoid BS seriously.

AVM has jello legs, Nawaz Sharif was traitor, PAF is incompetent because M2K deal fell through, Gujral has a nephew who spilled beans about India's top agent to somebody's someone somewhere, blah blah blah....

....and then people wonder what happened to PDF. I tell you what happened to PDF - posters whose expiry date passed a decade ago are stuck on repeat.
Bitter truth
Probably that's the reason Block-3 and Azm getting delays


Proof is in the pudding---whomsoever was the highest ranking officer in the air---his legs had gone " Jello ".
Without going into the specifics of whose legs were rubbery on that day, it can be said that a more aggressive commander on a longer leash by his leadership-both political as well as service- could have slaughtered the opposition.
We had a local superiority in numbers in the sky, the CAP birds had turned tail after getting one of their pals shot down and the jamming was drowning out the comms.
The door had had been knocked down and the stable was wide open.
The boys could have made a dash for the enemy radar bird, a SEAD effort could have targeted the hi-level radar at Natha Top and other similar sensors near Barnala and Amritsar. Subsequently the sub could have been easily targeted. You see the opportunities were endless. But we were not committed to a wider operation with further ramifications. So at the end it was termed a measured response. BTW, I saw the LY-80 battery deployed in the sports ground right next to my residence at Malir next day. We were kinda ready for the missile/air raids.
Gujral [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]

I thought the thread was about JF-17 & not fake news about cousin/nephew/BIL/MIL of some Indian politician. I feel sorry for people who take this paranoid BS seriously.

AVM has jello legs, Nawaz Sharif was traitor, PAF is incompetent because M2K deal fell through, Gujral has a nephew who spilled beans about India's top agent to somebody's someone somewhere, blah blah blah....

....and then people wonder what happened to PDF. I tell you what happened to PDF - posters whose expiry date passed a decade ago are stuck on repeat.
Before we derail this further - about 10 years or so before coming to the states I met a man from the US who knew my father in the lobby of the Sheraton Karachi while waiting to meet some investors. My dad just winked at me and then the following snippets happened:
“I am telling you Pakistan is going to be invaded in 3 years .. you guys don’t know anything, Obama told me himself.. I met him last in Washington, he comes to my ranch in Waco and him, bush and I hang out - I told him to not do this it is not worth it as Ill introduce him to Zardari just as I intro’ed Bush to Mush... shauki(shaukat aziz) personally invited me when Bush first came and I was in the delegation - Bush wasn’t giving aid that much but I spoke to him and Cheney, great guy know him from University of Texas( Cheney never went there) , I made a lot of money in oil thanks to him ... he knew my calibre and invited me to Halliburton HQ... “ and this kept on .. the most common theme was if we politely interjected on some common facts his response was “Aap ko kuch nahin pata.. you guys have no idea”

And it kept on ...

But then you have an American president who talks the same way, “of a swamp, terrible situation “ unless he is heard and has millions of votes, so the popularity of such self aggrandizement isn’t limited to PDF.

As for the PAF and leadership - I think better posters have destroyed such narratives with much more thorough and well thought out arguments. The result is exactly what happens to such posters, they start defensive, further boasting their prowess , speaking of unfair treatment and so on.

The PAF is plagued with issues from both external and internal factors , but that doesn’t mean every decision it takes it faulty. It has for the better part taken fairly prudent decision with better than average implementation of it.

Your greatest external threat did not just resort to SSMs without realizing how badly they were outmatched.

As for the block-III, there is a paucity of funds that is hitting the tri-services not just due to the economy but also additional expenses from coronavirus management and impact.
Without going into the specifics of whose legs were rubbery on that day, it can be said that a more aggressive commander on a longer leash by his leadership-both political as well as service- could have slaughtered the opposition.
We had a local superiority in numbers in the sky, the CAP birds had turned tail after getting one of their pals shot down and the jamming was drowning out the comms.
The door had had been knocked down and the stable was wide open.
The boys could have made a dash for the enemy radar bird, a SEAD effort could have targeted the hi-level radar at Natha Top and other similar sensors near Barnala and Amritsar. Subsequently the sub could have been easily targeted. You see the opportunities were endless. But we were not committed to a wider operation with further ramifications. So at the end it was termed a measured response. BTW, I saw the LY-80 battery deployed in the sports ground right next to my residence at Malir next day. We were kinda ready for the missile/air raids.
Maybe the aggression was tempered deliberately based upon the hesitation on the civil-military leadership? Not wanting to have the Indians all out in a save-face operation? Because that is something they will sell their keyster for.
Without going into the specifics of whose legs were rubbery on that day, it can be said that a more aggressive commander on a longer leash by his leadership-both political as well as service- could have slaughtered the opposition.
We had a local superiority in numbers in the sky, the CAP birds had turned tail after getting one of their pals shot down and the jamming was drowning out the comms.
The door had had been knocked down and the stable was wide open.
The boys could have made a dash for the enemy radar bird, a SEAD effort could have targeted the hi-level radar at Natha Top and other similar sensors near Barnala and Amritsar. Subsequently the sub could have been easily targeted. You see the opportunities were endless. But we were not committed to a wider operation with further ramifications. So at the end it was termed a measured response. BTW, I saw the LY-80 battery deployed in the sports ground right next to my residence at Malir next day. We were kinda ready for the missile/air raids.
Even to the point where senior Air Commodores and AVMs got themselves checked out, and after 3 hops with an IP they were flying CAPs in Thunders and F-7s. F-16s was less of an issue as they already have senior leadership checked out on them.
the completion ceremony of JF17B and start of production of JF17 Block 3 is like when Navy does launch of one warship and keel laying of another

looks like air force is copying navy !
Hi at the end of the day we will see JF3 on 23rd March as this year there will be a March & will be a or couple of JF17/3 now the Q is what else beside AESA can one see Pl15 kind of thing hanging around the plane or if possible to identify HMDs if there is any
any answers with more knowledgeable members will be a great help
thank you

Thank you for this. I waited like a year for this to be posted on the net.
was it HP? if so than him chickening out seems slightly far fetched :o
No, DCAS (OPS) does not fly combat missions during a hot situation. He is of more value in the AHQ/Command center(s).
If I recall correctly, one of the AOC-regional commands was up in the air. The orders to shoot won't come from him as he was in the air to understand the situation as it was unfolding. The orders to shoot would come from the controllers on the ground/air via clearance from the operations branch.

None of this "kill chain" is handled on an ad-hoc basis with a gent in a saddle in the air calling the shots. What if the gent in the air is rendered incommunicado? Does the ability of the Air Force to respond to aggression stop then? The controllers know the SOPs, they know when a kill is authorized after due checking before green lighting to the pilots.
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Last time when some self made guru posted on pdf about block III flight, i said that it's the prototype... i was given negative ratings by the hateful mafia for sharing information.
Today, not only those who were involved in negative rating and backing it up, but all the fake guru mafia stood exposed with their pants down.
I urge those who were involved in debate as i stated and pressing negative rating buttons... show up and continue the discussion. or else shame on you.
Care to explain what's so special about this Image?
nothing special its just related to the hobby of collection of JF-17 pics with serial number, before this particular pic even I had only one pic of air frame of 16-227 that too was not clear and was not showing complete air frame.

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