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JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 7]

Nowadays every twitterati has become a defense expert. India had much more leverage with Russia at the start of J17 project but now that is next to impossible.

True that. India tried all the so-called might to stop it but of no avail. We are in-fact receiving more than Engines for Thunder from Russia, as we speak and that doesn't include the cooperation in different areas where we are heading towards self reliance. Electronics is the keyword here.
True that. India tried all the so-called might to stop it but of no avail. We are in-fact receiving more than Engines for Thunder from Russia, as we speak and that doesn't include the cooperation in different areas where we are heading towards self reliance. Electronics is the keyword here.

True more significant than RD93 is the sale of MI35s which in the past was not possible. There are also rumors of possible sale of Pantsir sale so that window of putting pressure on Russia to drop sales of defense products is long gone. This specially after India ditched them in several big ticket items in favor of france and Russia. The biggest factor here is China which is a partner in the project.
Roger that, we will move the discussion about that topic to the relevant thread.
Boys there is no semi stealth thunder . Not possible. Why u cant simply understand a stealth plane is an entirely new design concept. So block 4 of thunder if coming will have additional more powerful subsystems but design at large will remain same
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Americans were killing afghans and iraqis while they were building F16's meant for pakistan---.

Did that outcome ever concern you---?

I was questioning the gentleman why he felt suspicious PAF had built the Thunders for MAF.

Anyway, I am also aware Pakistani GIDS was building ammunition for the US after they toppled the Taliban. No one objected then or found it surprising.
Bro engine is big no from turks side.incase of jf17 China is best they can install technologies from j20 to jf17 with out any hesitation. For semi stealth jf17 we can achieve that target with out any if and buts.next target should be semi stealth like KFX. We can coop with Turks incase of AZM
What is being said is theoretically possible but do you realize what the cost implications are. What is a semi stealth fighter and how will it be semi stealth when it will hang its armaments on external HPS. So essentially what is being asked is to make the plane look sexier while technically it brings nothing more on the table. If I were to say such a redesign would cost you anywhere between 3 to 5 years or more cost you 2 billion dollars and still be visible in the BVR spectrum would you as a technical person still accept this? I do not see any benefit in making a lo observable fighter without concealed weapons and a single engine fighter will not succeed till you can have an F35 class engine.
What is being said is theoretically possible but do you realize what the cost implications are. What is a semi stealth fighter and how will it be semi stealth when it will hang its armaments on external HPS. So essentially what is being asked is to make the plane look sexier while technically it brings nothing more on the table. If I were to say such a redesign would cost you anywhere between 3 to 5 years or more cost you 2 billion dollars and still be visible in the BVR spectrum would you as a technical person still accept this? I do not see any benefit in making a lo observable fighter without concealed weapons and a single engine fighter will not succeed till you can have an F35 class engine.
Listen bro it’s a evolving project semi stealth mean one step further towards complete indigenous stealth aircraft.just study f16 progress till block 72 you will find how they increase the size n shape of that plane as compare to first block. Any semi mean low observable but for PAC it’s a learning process toward fifth n sixth generation
Listen bro it’s a evolving project semi stealth mean one step further towards complete indigenous stealth aircraft.just study f16 progress till block 72 you will find how they increase the size n shape of that plane as compare to first block. Any semi mean low observable but for PAC it’s a learning process toward fifth n sixth generation
The philosophy behind-block 72s-is-different and block 3 uses-the same-principles. This is to stay outside the range of the enemy eadars-and keep your radars-off relying on a netcentric central platform to input who should fire at what. So if you want to do that you can do so with block 3. Semistealth is a misnomer as long as your weapons are mounted on external HPs. From pure observabilitypoint of view you will get caught out. This is the reason for the-silent Eagle to have pods to contain weapons. However with a light weight fighter you cannot do that. This is-why no attempt has been made to contain the weaponry inside pods on the 16s. The rest is-upto you.
The philosophy behind-block 72s-is-difdwrent and block 3 uses-the same-principles. This is to stay outside the range of the enemy eadars-and keep tour radars-off relying on a netcentric central platform to input who should fire at what. So if you want to do that you can do so with block 3. Semistealth is a miamomeras long as your weapons are mounted on external HPs. From pure observabilitypoint of view you will get caught out. This is the reason for the-silent Eagle to have pods to contain weapons. However with a light weight fighter you cannot do that. This is-why no attempthas been made to contain the weaponry inside pods on the 16s. The rest is-upto you.

F-15 is a monster of another nature -- this platform will be viable the next 30+ years due to net centric war fare.
The philosophy behind-block 72s-is-different and block 3 uses-the same-principles. This is to stay outside the range of the enemy eadars-and keep your radars-off relying on a netcentric central platform to input who should fire at what. So if you want to do that you can do so with block 3. Semistealth is a misnomer as long as your weapons are mounted on external HPs. From pure observabilitypoint of view you will get caught out. This is the reason for the-silent Eagle to have pods to contain weapons. However with a light weight fighter you cannot do that. This is-why no attempt has been made to contain the weaponry inside pods on the 16s. The rest is-upto you.
First of all semi mean learning for PAC about coating.new EW capabilities.about experimental a2a,a2g missilies. Etc and their is some things called eternal stealth pods.
PAC did build the Myanmar planes and they were shown on a programme as Ruby1-4. Due to the sensitivity of the matter these planes were delivered by the chinese. Undortunately dont have any photographs.
Myanmar planes will not be shown to public due to Myanmar Government hostile policy against Rohingya Muslims.

PAC may already have manufactured the 58% of the airframe structure for these planes and shipped to China for further assembly and testing.
PAF must collaborate with Turks for next generation aircraft air-frame production in order get access to latest composites technologies used in F-35.

By collaborating with Turks, access to western technologies to build air-frame structures will be available to PAC. Fusing of both western and eastern techs will enhance the overall strength, reduction in weight and drag, increase in space for fuel and components. This collaboration will be win-win to both Islamic brotherly states.

Now a 25% larger JF17 becomes more important.

Turkey screwed up the F35 deal---a terrible terrible mistake---its f16's maybe in jeopardy---maybe not---.

Paf should have done the Gripen NG type upgrade on the JF17 Blk 2---to make it the BLK3.

The russian engine is a non issue at this stage---. The chinese engine is operational & available now if the need be.
25% bigger will probably be not feasible with rd93ma, may be another 5-10% bigger(if PAF pursues a revamp)

but with respect to endurance the rd93ma better fuel and better dry thrust will definitely give it well above 15%-20% boast in endurance

we dont know anything about WS 13 or 19 yet

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