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JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 7]

Right, I think I have worked out the serial production numbers.

PAF ordered 50 Block-1. Completed
PAF ordered 50 Block-2. Completed

PAF ordered 12 additional Block-2. Ongoing
These are serial production numbered as:
2P-51, 2P-52, 2P-53, 2P-54, 2P-55, 2P-56​
2P-57, 2P-58, 2P-59, 2P-81, 2P-82, 2P-83​

Note: 2P-60, 2P-61 and 2P-62 belong to Nigerian Air Force. Credit to whoever confirmed/clarified this here first.

PAF ordered 26 Block-2B. Ongoing
These are serial production numbered as:
2P-63B, 2P-64B, 2P-65B, 2P-66B, 2P-67B​
2P-68B, 2P-69B, 2P-70B, 2P-71B, 2P-72B​
2P-73B, 2P-74B, 2P-75B, 2P-76B, 2P-77B​
2P-78B, 2P-79B, 2P-80B​
Note: 8 were scheduled for 2019 and 14 for 2020 - total of 22 Block-2Bs. Which means 4 more will be produced this year (2P-84B, 2P-85B, 2P-86B and 2P-87B) and the remainder 4 next year as per schedule (2P-88B, 2P-89B, 2P-90B and 2P-91B).

That raises the question, where are the remainder 11 JF-17 Thunders for Myanmar Air Force?
Produced, delivered and publically seen so far are all from three years ago.
17-01, 17-02, 17-03, 17-04​

Is there any photos of the Myanmar AF's JF-17's at PAC? I have not found a thing, i am suspicious they were built at the CAC line, could you help?

Is there any photos of the Myanmar AF's JF-17's at PAC? I have not found a thing, i am suspicious they were built at the CAC line, could you help?

PAC did build the Myanmar planes and they were shown on a programme as Ruby1-4. Due to the sensitivity of the matter these planes were delivered by the chinese. Undortunately dont have any photographs.
Come on Guys... indians have this sudo superiority syndrome.... Russians wouldn't say no to china.... they (china) account for most of their(Russians) direct and indirect millitary sales.... China is even a bigger buyer than India and a direct neighbour to Russians.... Let them say and cry all they want .... Russian smokies are coming and will power JFTs
Nowadays every twitterati has become a defense expert. India had much more leverage with Russia at that time but now that is next to impossible.
Agreed. There has been continuing supply of 93s and the red bear is reassured by our choice of RDs instead of WS 13. We have established overhaul facilities and-possible upgrades are on the way. It will not shoot itself in the foot by halting sales of-something where the prospects are for the supply of 100 to 200 units. When your vendor has options it is stupid to stop supplying the engines to please an ally who will not buy them from you instead.
Agreed. There has been continuing supply of 93s and the red bear is reassured by our choice of RDs instead of WS 13. We have established overhaul facilities and-possible upgrades are on the way. It will not shoot itself in the foot by halting sales of-something where the prospects are for the supply of 100 to 200 units. When your vendor has options it is stupid to stop supplying the engines to please an ally who will not buy them from you instead.

PAF has the requirement of at least 250 Thunder if it truly want to replace all J7 and Mirages. Lets not forget increasing foreign sales potential as well so that rounds it up to at least 150 engines. Now what kind of moron would refuse to such a committed buyer. Lets not forget Pakistan is the only buyer for RD 93 so far meaning engine has been dedicated to JF17 for past two decades. It is not as if India will be willing to buy their engine bcz they already chose US and french for their Air force. Also if by some miracle Russia does crumble under pressure it is not as if we have no other options. China has presented WS13 as an option and there is also the option for EJ200 granted a slightly expensive endeavor.
Hi at the initial launching of jf17 China has already secured 500 odd engines from Russian or been pledged by russians for at least above mentioned number of engines for jf17 so one way or the other Russians plus Chinese and PAF all secured with this deal
thank you
Indians have zero power regarding the RD-93. They were unable to stop the Mi-35s as well.

The Russians have their interests as well beyond India.
It can be used by Russia as a bargaining chip to ask India to buy more weapons as compensation.
But it wouldn't be a bad news to China.:sarcastic:
RD93MA is a year delay and nothing else. Russia is now a day not up to the mark in terms of Production and it is just like the case of INS Vikramaditya (Admiral Gorshkov)
Is there any photos of the Myanmar AF's JF-17's at PAC? I have not found a thing, i am suspicious they were built at the CAC line, could you help?


Why the suspicion brother? You don't want to believe Pakistan Air Force was building these machines while Myanmar was slaughtering the Rogingyas?

Assembly line of Pakistani JF-17 Block2 fighters 4.jpg

JF-17 FC1 RUBY-01 (06-sep-2016)- R-3.jpg

JF-17 FC1 RUBY-01 (06-sep-2016)-.jpg
Agreed. There has been continuing supply of 93s and the red bear is reassured by our choice of RDs instead of WS 13. We have established overhaul facilities and-possible upgrades are on the way. It will not shoot itself in the foot by halting sales of-something where the prospects are for the supply of 100 to 200 units. When your vendor has options it is stupid to stop supplying the engines to please an ally who will not buy them from you instead.
Russia is a very materialistic country and its defense sector accounts for a huge percentage of its economy. It will literally sell to anyone who is willing to buy. As usual, Indian media once again fails in understanding the nature of the Russian defense industry. Stopping the sale of RD-93s to Pakistan would be shooting yourself in the foot and be a pretty crushing blow to Klimov. I have no idea why the Indians feel so entitled vis-a-vis Russia considering they pulled out of the Su-57 program (which Russia definitely wasn't happy about) and how the Indians decided to buy the Rafales instead of some Russian fighter like the Su-35S. Even Russia refused to give a firm answer upon the Indian request for it to speed up S-400 deliveries back in July.
Why the suspicion brother? You don't want to believe Pakistan Air Force was building these machines while Myanmar was slaughtering the Rogingyas?


Americans were killing afghans and iraqis while they were building F16's meant for pakistan---.

Did that outcome ever concern you---?
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