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JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 5]

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I think MastanKhan explains it as it is. De development cycle is 6-10years ahead of what is actually published.

Like I said, there is every likelihood that the Pakistanis put in a lot of R&D for JF17; but THIS very paper is not that example. Because the paper itself says so in the Introduction. Plus the references used in the paper are self explanatory. I dont understand whats the fuss in not accepting this fact.
Maybe you should ask why the F16 was not altered but the did it on JSF.... Because it is not that simple.

It was achieved successfully infact. But the cost was too much to make it feasible, since it wasnt made from the ground up.

Air International
JUNE 2014
Vol.86 No.6
Excerpt from: Page 27

Dave Willis reports on some of the highlights and major news stories from the show.

Seeing the information on the paper and putting it to actual use with the desired results is a big deal. It is not something minor----but as a matter of fact---it is a major achievement---a feather in the crown.

We know that there are examples of technological information out there with blueprints and and all kind of technical data and support and yet the end result does not even come close to halfway of what is desired---.
Hmm, So Block II to be revealed soon, and Block III in 3-4years? We really need to speed up production.
I keep on repeating: within a year block 3 design completed... 48 months till first production (2018!!!!). Is that a typo or plain stupid?
I know, but whats the per year capacity now? 19?

Up to 25. We must note though that the delivery schedule is decided by PAF not by PAC. PAF wants to bleed off max hours out of its old fleet therefore it places orders on 'when needed basis'. The production and delivery of new jets is linked to the phase out schedule of PAF, therefore the unit production fluctuates. I am expecting the Tailchoppers to be equipped with JF-17s next month.
Up to 25. We must note though that the delivery schedule is decided by PAF not by PAC. PAF wants to bleed off max hours out of its old fleet therefore it places orders on 'when needed basis'. The production and delivery of new jets is linked to the phase out schedule of PAF, therefore the unit production fluctuates. I am expecting the Tailchoppers to be equipped with JF-17s next month.

Fine, but which Block do they get? If we look at the first 50 from Block 1, that doesn't leave full 3 squadrons of JF-17s?

50/3=16 jets per squadron
Fine, but which Block do they get? If we look at the first 50 from Block 1, that doesn't leave full 3 squadrons of JF-17s?

50/3=16 jets per squadron

As far as i know so far, it will be the legendary 14th Tail Choppers squadron, though i could be proven wrong. I am not sure about the total number of units allocated to them.
As far as i know so far, it will be the legendary 14th Tail Choppers squadron, though i could be proven wrong. I am not sure about the total number of units allocated to them.

Hmm, i asked because currently Black Panthers and Black Spiders have 20 units each, plus the 8 original SBP versions for T&E at Kamra. One was lost in accident, so that leaves 48-49 aircraft. If a third Squadron is to be raised from those 50 production aircraft, then both of the aforementioned squadrons lose their strength and the T&E unit at Kamra would be disbanded.

Aeronaut, is it possible to ask anyone in PAF what the exact plan is with regards of number of units of JF-17s that go to the squadrons?

@Windjammer any help sirjee??
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