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JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 4]

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i heard that if the JF-17 is to be exported i would be exported as a Chinese fighter and not as joint fighter of sino/pakistani origin. can somebody please clarify this?
( i do not have a link or a solid proof just heard it some where can't remember.)
i heard that if the JF-17 is to be exported i would be exported as a Chinese fighter and not as joint fighter of sino/pakistani origin. can somebody please clarify this?
( i do not have a link or a solid proof just heard it some where can't remember.)

That is incorrect. The only assembly line of the JF-17 is in Pakistan.
The agreement for export is joint between CATIC and PAC.

When Pakistan will be having ? Naval base with a harbor and a runway Naval Station with air craft carrier war ships?? Missile shields ??And nuclear capable missiles with multiple war heads which can easily penetrate through enemy missile shields? And to test Satellite control ICBM missiles ? Anti drone laser weapons capable of shooting UAV capability of Drone detection and jamming signals destroy & intercept satellite signals to specific equipment using unencrypted data laser's beam to shoot down a drone traveling as fast as 600 miles per hour tracking the drones with sensors used and destroying the aircraft using a high-powered, fiber-optic laser capability to detect, track, engage and defeat dynamic targets at tactically significant ranges?
dude dont ask the same questions on multipal threads and r u for real the stuff u are asking abt?? we already have navel bases and there is no need for harbour runways PAF have real air bases. we dont need an aircraft carrier . missle shields r useless against any threat frm india our natural nuclear enemy. we already have the multi missle warheads as a news of there test suggested it. icbm and SLVs r not a real probleb but geo politics keep us frm making or showing ICBMs. LAZERS r u for real even the US havent had any real luck in direct energy weapons. now quit asking the same question every where
Please keep drones etc off the thread. Shooting down a drone is not a big deal. You can shoot them down with a Oerlikon or Anza, as well a F-7 or JF-17. It is political weakness not defense weakness that the UAVs operate over Pakistan.
How authentic is this article. For me there is a breaking news in this article highlighted:

Pakistan offers JF-17 jet to Indonesian Military

Pakistan Defense Minister Chaudhary Ahmed Mukhtar offers his Indonesian counterpart the latest jet fighter called the JF-17 during his visit to Jakarta on Wednesday.

Defense Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro responded to the offer, saying that further discussion would be conducted in October.

Minister Mukhtar was here to sign the Defense Cooperation Agreement between the two countries at the Defense Ministry.

“We will see it first before we decide if we have an interest in purchasing the aircraft,” Purnomo said.

He said the JF-17 jet fighter was the product of a joint production between Pakistan and China. The manufacturers claimed the jet to be cheaper and stronger than the US F-16.

Purnomo said he learned there had been 500 JF-17 jet fighters produced; 350 are allocated for Pakistan and the remaining 150 are for China.

“I have been informed that Pakistan’s jet fighter’s level is above the US F-16 jet fighter, as well as Russia’s Sukhoi. But we need to see it first hand,” he said.

Minister Mukhtar said the jet fighter project was a result of years of engineering improvements that was made by the Pakistan defense industry back home.

“We have developed our defense industry properly, we have prepared for those who plan to disrupt our peace,” he said.

Pakistan Ambassador to Indonesia Sanaullah, who also attended the press conference, promoted the product, saying the aircraft had met the requirements to be used by the Indonesian military.

The Defense Ministry is currently developing its own jet fighter project with South Korea. Dubbed the KFX project, the project is aimed at providing both countries with five jet fighter prototypes before 2020.

Mass production of the KFX jet fighter is expected to take place after the project reaches its break-even point of 200 aircraft units.

Bhatara Ibnu Reza, Imparsial’s research coordinator, warned that the Indonesian military should prioritize the improvement of its own defense industry.

He said if offers like that from Pakistan contributed to the reinforcement of the country’s defense industry, then Imparsial suggested Indonesia take advantage of it.

“I strongly suggest that we pay serious attention to rebuilding our defense industry so it becomes a strong backbone for the future,” he told The Jakarta Post.

In addition to offering the jet fighter, the Pakistan defense minister also tightened cooperation in the field of education and sharing intelligence on counter terrorism.

Both countries have also planned to conduct a joint naval exercise in December this year.

“We face similar internal security problems here. Therefore cooperation will enable us to tackle these problems,” he said.

The Pakistani defense minister visit is the latest, after China’s Central Military Commissioner, Guo Boxiong, visited the country in May.

chian news: Pakistan offers JF-17 jet to Indonesian Military
500 seems a big number. Certainly it is not a produced number. I mean, where can you hide 500 of these jets? And 350 seems a bit too much for PAF.
Purnomo said he learned there had been 500 JF-17 jet fighters produced; 350 are allocated for Pakistan and the remaining 150 are for China.

That could be a mistake of translation/understanding!
500 units were may be considered for investment planning calculations.

“I have been informed that Pakistan’s jet fighter’s level is above the US F-16 jet fighter, as well as Russia’s Sukhoi. But we need to see it first hand,” he said.

It is true... PAF had done exercise with China built SU-27, where JFT performed very very well... ;)

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/jf-17-...ole-fighter-thread-4-a-654.html#ixzz2Ojl9JzUn
Dear friends,
I have heard from my friend who is among the senior fellows in PAF that the americans r ready to participate in jf17 b3 stealth or probably some other stealth varients of china. Is it true and if so what actually they r going to share or will they come to know the advancements in chinese avi. Industry?
Dear friends,
I have heard from my friend who is among the senior fellows in PAF that the americans r ready to participate in jf17 b3 stealth or probably some other stealth varients of china. Is it true and if so what actually they r going to share or will they come to know the advancements in chinese avi. Industry?

Very, very, very, very and very unlikely that any such thing will happen.

Block 3 (if it will incorporate stealth features) will only be b/w Pakistan and CHina for the below reasons:

1- US likes to keep it's stuff pretty secret, it won't even let the Chinese have a look at the Blk 52's at Jacobabad (almost 30 year old)...so why would they share their stealth tech?

2- Chinese have a stealth program running in the form of J-20 and the rumored J-31, so they also have enough inhouse capability to make the JF-17 a bit less visible on radar (it won't be stealth, but reduced RCS)
Dear friends,
I have heard from my friend who is among the senior fellows in PAF that the americans r ready to participate in jf17 b3 stealth or probably some other stealth varients of china. Is it true and if so what actually they r going to share or will they come to know the advancements in chinese avi. Industry?

He is lying. The US might want to invest in JF-17 to know it's capabilities and hidden secrets but Pakistani won't allow that. JF-17 program is just between Pakistan and China.
courtesy: usayd- pakdef.info


British "Jane's Defense Weekly, March 27 (advance), published an interview of Khaled Mahmoud, deputy director of the Pakistan Air Force JF-17 project. He said that Pakistan currently has two JF-17 fleet, it can carry BVR missiles, Anti-Air missiles and other advanced weapons, the performance of the RD-93 engine is also very good in the Sino-Pakistani joint military exercises in almost The confrontation with the Chinese Su-27.

The article said that in Pakistan fighter project, a joint venture with the Chinese JF-17 Battle matter of national honor, and the fighter itself together to become a pillar of the Pakistan Air Force in the coming decades.

Pakistan Air Force Brigadier General Khaled Mahmoud project has been identified as deputy director from the fighters are still And Sketchpad not yet created. He said, "Two years ago, we only have one containing 20 fighter squadron of JF-17, but we already have two such squadrons the two squadrons can combat, but a squadron two Functions: modified function and combat training., we plan to build a third support squadron, but has not yet determined the specific matters ".

He also said that Pakistan currently has approximately 40 JF-17 fighter flying last batch produced from an area in the final assembly stage. When it comes to the operating performance of the JF-17, Mahmoud convinced that Pakistan Air Force weapons integrated into the aircraft, weapons can be purchased on the free market and assembled JF-17 fighter, and domestic production .

JF-17 beginning in service, it only carries several PL-5E II air-to-air missiles, as well as the fuel tank, but now, the fighters DS-10 can carry air-to-air missiles, STV, G-802A anti-ship missiles, electronic pods and some common types of precision-guided weapons. Pakistan are adapting to a combination of different sources of weapons.

Air Commodore also asserted that the RD-93 engines of the JF-17 fighter engine with strong power in 7000 hours of continuous testing, RD-93 engine is not there any little problem ".

The report also said that China allegedly is working for the JF-17 fighter for the engine, but the Pakistan Air Force side seems to be currently very satisfied with the agreement with China and the former Soviet RD-93 designers, and in order to ensure that the demand for its own engine .

JF-17 has been fully equipped quick reaction alert function. Mahmoud mentioned, the models in the land of IFF (Identification Friend or Foe system), able to direct and effective way to combat the enemy. In the case of standard configuration, it can carry two PL-5E2-generation missiles, two SD-10 missiles and 2-3 drop tanks. Although it has the capacity to carry 4 SD-10 missile, the Pakistan Air Force decided to use the existing standard configuration. Digitized weapons interface is one of the technical difficulties, the breakthrough of this technology to make the weapons to carry with greater flexibility.

, JF-17 has not yet carried out combat, but it has been untested in many experiments. "We have the experience of fighting for a different fighter types in a complex environment," Brigadier General Mahmoud says.

The report also said the military exercises with the Chinese People's Liberation Army Air Force, Pakistan Air Force JF-17 fighters to confront the Chinese Su-27 fighters in different contexts, and achieved gratifying results. (Qiang Jing Liang)

Why is induction of 3rd squadron too late?
Air chief said years ago "Maintaining those mirages is very difficult". Why aren't we getting rid of them.
Can we integrate sd-10 on f-7pgs?
Why is induction of 3rd squadron too late?
Air chief said years ago "Maintaining those mirages is very difficult". Why aren't we getting rid of them.
Can we integrate sd-10 on f-7pgs?

Hi Mr. Haseeb, I remember reading somewhere the F-7PG radar was either 55KM or 80KM. Either way, its range is less than that of the range of an SD-10 missile. In addition, Pakistan would have to modify source code and then integrate and rewire the F-7PG to carry a BVR missile. I doubt it would be worth the cost and resources.
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