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JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 4]

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Sorry guys perhaps my question was very vague, i know what benefits FO holds.
My question was, whether we have more details on this news? i.e. Are we going to do it locally or buy pre-tested, plug and play cable sets.

At this stage all we can do is to have a guess , and mine would be that the technology has already been used in J-10B and J-20 hence Chinese are currently manufacturing it. It will be transfered to Pakistan along with the production of the Block II.
C# is good but has more overheads.
For interface programming where fast processing is required and numbers need to be crunched coming from various sensors in real time; C or ADA are much better as they can talk to sensors and devices pretty much directly.

Most embedded processors support C,c++ ,Ada or for even more time critical applications when FPGA's are involved.. VHDL.
According to Alan Warnes, the JFT's already been in DACT exercises(Dissimilar Air Combat Training) against the Eurofighter. Says more details next week, I'm guessing maybe the next AFM issue...



Unbelievably awesome news. Would the seniors here be able to shed any light on this?
JF-17 Thunder Carrying Two Anti-Ship Cruise Missiles ~ Pakistan Military Review

JF-17 Thunder Carrying Two Anti-Ship Cruise Missiles

Prototype PT-06 of the FC-1/JF-17 carrying 2 antiship cruise missiles. This is just an other indication of the fast track integration of weapons with the JF-17 thunder which is assuming the roles of air defence fighter jet with BVRAAMs & WRAAM, percision strike role against the ground targets with LS-6 and maritime strike role with antiship missiles.
Click Here For Additional Pictures of JF-17 with Antiship missile

Read more: JF-17 Thunder Carrying Two Anti-Ship Cruise Missiles ~ Pakistan Military Review
Is it me, or does the PAF seem more secretive about the JFT nowadays? One thing that illustrates this is the difference between the original JF-17's info, and the Block-II specs which are much harder to come by. Even @pshamim, a senior on this forum who actually served in the PAF for decades, talked about the unusual quietness around Block-II(though posted that the he's heard the cost is expected to rise 5-10mil USD, which indicates a high level of modernization/changes).

My guess is that China has something to do with this. The JF-17 was the most public/visible programme developing out of China, with an abundance of info about many sub-systems being made available online, due to Pakistan. Alot of western experts use the JFT programme to gauge China's aeronautics capabilities, which was something mentioned at Farnborrough as well(with the aircraft recieving alot of attention from western sources - some even went as far as saying the JFT "stole the show", based on how much interest it garnered).

Should be pretty exciting to hear how our little bird fared against the EFT. For decades, our engagement tactics involved evading BVR missiles and perfecting WVR engagement, a neccessity born out of Uncle Sam screwing with us while India gained the lead with long-range BVRs. One advantage from that, seems to be that WVR is something the PAF pilots are really good at.

I know the EFT's an entirely different class(medium-weight fighter), but being small and nimble has it's own advantages. It's manouverability is roughly at par with the F-16(perhaps marginally less in yaw due to hybrid hydraulic/FBW?), @nabil_05 mentioned how the JFT held it's own pretty well pitted against our F-16s, so I'm hoping Inshallah we hear some good news about the JFT's engagement with the Eurofighter. We did beat the EFT with F-16A/Bs in WVR(3-0 in three engagements).
Any update pertaining AESA equipped JFT?
Is it me, or does the PAF seem more secretive about the JFT nowadays? One thing that illustrates this is the difference between the original JF-17's info, and the Block-II specs which are much harder to come by. Even @pshamim, a senior on this forum who actually served in the PAF for decades, talked about the unusual quietness around Block-II(though posted that the he's heard the cost is expected to rise 5-10mil USD, which indicates a high level of modernization/changes).

My guess is that China has something to do with this. The JF-17 was the most public/visible programme developing out of China, with an abundance of info about many sub-systems being made available online, due to Pakistan. Alot of western experts use the JFT programme to gauge China's aeronautics capabilities, which was something mentioned at Farnborrough as well(with the aircraft recieving alot of attention from western sources - some even went as far as saying the JFT "stole the show", based on how much interest it garnered).

Should be pretty exciting to hear how our little bird fared against the EFT. For decades, our engagement tactics involved evading BVR missiles and perfecting WVR engagement, a neccessity born out of Uncle Sam screwing with us while India gained the lead with long-range BVRs. One advantage from that, seems to be that WVR is something the PAF pilots are really good at.

I know the EFT's an entirely different class(medium-weight fighter), but being small and nimble has it's own advantages. It's manouverability is roughly at par with the F-16(perhaps marginally less in yaw due to hybrid hydraulic/FBW?), @nabil_05 mentioned how the JFT held it's own pretty well pitted against our F-16s, so I'm hoping Inshallah we hear some good news about the JFT's engagement with the Eurofighter. We did beat the EFT with F-16A/Bs in WVR(3-0 in three engagements).
EFT vs JF ll be the most exciting story to read a light weight vs european pride dam even if we dont win ill be proud that JF is finally going up againgt other ACs
EFT vs JF ll be the most exciting story to read a light weight vs european pride dam even if we dont win ill be proud that JF is finally going up againgt other ACs

yeah why not, EFT will loose....
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