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JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 3]

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araz sahib,

PAC already has a huge order to fulfill before we can even think of exports. Remember, the capacity will be gradually increased from 10-12 planes a year to 20-25 a year so the second assembly line could be that.

I don't think PAC will be occupying itself with export at this point in time. However, as a plane is made of thousands of parts, we will have some capacity in excess which can be re-exported back to china for assembly there but I do not see an assembly line for export purposes at PAC for the near future. They first have to gradually build their capacity and absorb the technicalities required to achieve their stated share in the production and fulfill the PAF requirement.

That is their top priority.
araz sahib,

PAC already has a huge order to fulfill before we can even think of exports. Remember, the capacity will be gradually increased from 10-12 planes a year to 20-25 a year so the second assembly line could be that.

I don't think PAC will be occupying itself with export at this point in time. However, as a plane is made of thousands of parts, we will have some capacity in excess which can be re-exported back to china for assembly there but I do not see an assembly line for export purposes at PAC for the near future. They first have to gradually build their capacity and absorb the technicalities required to achieve their stated share in the production and fulfill the PAF requirement.

That is their top priority.

I don't think even Chinese have a capacity to produce 20-25 fighter jets in a year despite their massive industrial capability. To produce this much jets in a single year and that's for a Pakistan is certainly an herculen task because it even ask for a massive Budget and Investments. Given low Budget being assigened for PAF, I don't think any production link Pak set up will bring this much number of jets in a single year.
I don't think even Chinese have a capacity to produce 20-25 fighter jets in a year despite their massive industrial capability. To produce this much jets in a single year and that's for a Pakistan is certainly an herculen task because it even ask for a massive Budget and Investments. Given low Budget being assigened for PAF, I don't think any production link Pak set up will bring this much number of jets in a single year.

J-10 first got introduced in 2004, with first regiment raised.

By end of 2009, it estimated that there are approx 200+ units operational, meaning on average 35 aircrafts per year inducted.

That number is just for one aircraft, in the same time, China has been manufacturing & inducting J-8s, J-7s, JH-7 & JH-7As, H-6s, J-11s, helicopters and many other things just in the aviation sector.

Land forces and Naval platforms are separate to the aviation arm.

So if you just see the aviation manufacturing capability, they have the capacity to manufacture and induct 50+ platforms each year, or even much more.

And yeah for PAF, it can produce these numbers, as the cost of these aircrafts are much much less compared to western platforms. The 15-20MUS$ figure for JF-17 is the export figure, the local production cost is much lower, thus making enough fiscal room to manufacture JF-17s with no worry about the funds.
J-10 first got introduced in 2004, with first regiment raised.

By end of 2009, it estimated that there are approx 200+ units operational, meaning on average 35 aircrafts per year inducted.

That number is just for one aircraft, in the same time, China has been manufacturing & inducting J-8s, J-7s, JH-7 & JH-7As, H-6s, J-11s, helicopters and many other things just in the aviation sector.

Land forces and Naval platforms are separate to the aviation arm.

So if you just see the aviation manufacturing capability, they have the capacity to manufacture and induct 50+ platforms each year, or even much more.

And yeah for PAF, it can produce these numbers, as the cost of these aircrafts are much much less compared to western platforms. The 15-20MUS$ figure for JF-17 is the export figure, the local production cost is much lower, thus making enough fiscal room to manufacture JF-17s with no worry about the funds.

I didn't ask about the production status of anyother fighter jet other then JF-17, at the same time, I didn't questioned ability of both China and Pak to produce that much number of same. Since I base my assumption based on how much Pak can invest to make it to that numbers in a single year.

And yes there is a tons of difference between JF-17s and J-10, since one is being manufactured based on Export customer specification and other one is being produced based on homegrown airforce's specification. In any case, to meet export customer specification, delay bound to happen.
I didn't ask about the production status of anyother fighter jet other then JF-17, at the same time, I didn't questioned ability of both China and Pak to produce that much number of same. Since I base my assumption based on how much Pak can invest to make it to that numbers in a single year.

And yes there is a tons of difference between JF-17s and J-10, since one is being manufactured based on Export customer specification and other one is being produced based on homegrown airforce's specification. In any case, to meet export customer specification, delay bound to happen.

Dont forget PAC is second largest facility in ASIA after china.And we have been producing planes and exporting planes to other countries like iran,indonesia,malaysia etc.
As for as budget is concerned when GOP said they 250-300 will be in active service till 2014 consider it done.We dont fool around for decades crying WE ARE BUILDING A 4 GEN JET.
We do what we say.Reguarding budget sir its not just the govt granted budget Defence services use.Military own companys and schools its self from cereals to fertilizer,anf cement factories to medical colleges army owns a profiting buissness empire.So you dont have to worry.Reguarding chinese even if they produce the jet we will still get our SHARE in exports.
I didn't ask about the production status of anyother fighter jet other then JF-17, at the same time, I didn't questioned ability of both China and Pak to produce that much number of same. Since I base my assumption based on how much Pak can invest to make it to that numbers in a single year.

And yes there is a tons of difference between JF-17s and J-10, since one is being manufactured based on Export customer specification and other one is being produced based on homegrown airforce's specification. In any case, to meet export customer specification, delay bound to happen.

Would be better that you read back your earlier post again.

I don't think even Chinese have a capacity to produce 20-25 fighter jets in a year despite their massive industrial capability.

Especially the underline part, it is due to their massive industrial capacity, that in the last one decade they have produced so much of their defence equipment. Just see how many new, state of the art naval platforms have been inducted, see how much new equipment land forces have inducted, SAMs, tanks, howitzers and what not, lastly gave you some insight to the airforce in my previous post.

So if they can produce a much bigger and complicated J-10 in such huge numbers, then they won't have an issue in manufacturing production plant for JF-17s in no time, with same number of aircraft per year.

Except for avionics, there is no difference in the JF-17. Even there is extra space for a bigger engine if any export customer or PAF wishes to go for some western engine, without any need for redesign.

And PAC is gradually investing and expanding the production line. This year 10-12 aircraft of the line, with not everything 100% within Pakistan, in 2011 more will come off the line with even more % of inland built components, and within 3-4 years time, full capacity with 100% airframe production and similarly avionics too.

PAF is focusing more on inland manufacturing capacity, otherwise China would have no issue in fulfilling the PAF order within a two year time frame if had been required.
I didn't ask about the production status of anyother fighter jet other then JF-17, at the same time, I didn't questioned ability of both China and Pak to produce that much number of same. Since I base my assumption based on how much Pak can invest to make it to that numbers in a single year.

And yes there is a tons of difference between JF-17s and J-10, since one is being manufactured based on Export customer specification and other one is being produced based on homegrown airforce's specification. In any case, to meet export customer specification, delay bound to happen.


We are talking two things. First is the capacity to produce and second is whether or not they will be produced. For the first 50, money has been released (well its on seller's credit) so finances is not an issue. I believe they will raise production to about 16 aircrafts per year by 2011-12.

Secondly, when we are talking of export orders, the payment is made in advance so everything becomes affordable. Like I said, depending on financial situation, they can either open a second line if the numbers are large or just work on a night shift to increase that capacity to about 25-30 per year.

In any case, I do expect around 150 thunders for PAF by end of 2015, unless something goes haywire with our economy.
i agree with mean_bird. and PAC can provide PAF with round about 50-60 aircraft till 2015. And target of 150 is going to be achieved for PAF through CAC and PAC combine effort. than they will look for export. And at the same time PAC is looking for modifying jf-17 after 1st target of 50 air crafts is achieved. it will all go step by step. thing that is making me worry is our economy. cos its money that matters end of the day. no money no honey ...................
after so much of discussion still no one knows what jf-17 carries n contains its like a mystery different rticles and people explaining different features.hope so it will b a gud platform and an ultimate killing machine for PAF against her enemies.INSHALLAH
This was the main idea behind this project, the SURPRISE factor as the enemy will keep guessing all the time.
a serius qes to my PAF members were is program now we see first rollout after that no news? are we finished secend third bird also or still in assembly line?.
i thnk it will b gud if any member has some relative or friend in PAF thn u can ask him about the performance of jf17:azn:
according to my information evaluation of existing ones still under process....... cos still its long way to fully evaluate the capabilities of aircraft .. because still now it is in kamara and makes flights around the base periphery . and production of think 2 new ones under process but not 100 percent sure
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