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JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 3]

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Can somebody explain the

1. Difference between Block 1 and block 2 JF17

2. PAF have ordered 42 Thunders from china recently are these all block 1.

3. What is the expected delivery time bearing IOC or FOC has offically not happened yet.

1- No documented data is available in this regard. Changes will be more on avionics side. May be AESA get incorporated. (but that is a guess)

2- First 50 will be Block 1. 10 are all ready with PAF rest 40 will join till 2011.

3- PAF will not make many operaitonal details public. I can't say anything about exact status of IOC or FOC... but one thing is sure project is moving with a smooth pace and PAC is working day in day out. According to ACM, First Pakistani assembled Thunder will be in air by end of this year and first squadron of Thunders will also be deployed by end of the year.
China's AVIC steps up sales push for FC-1, J-10 fighters

By Siva Govindasamy

China plans to market the Chengdu FC-1/JF-17 and J-10 fighters aggressively as part of its plan to become a major player in the global aerospace industry.

"While AVIC's main job is to manufacture aircraft, the company also fulfils a national agenda by producing military aircraft for China's political allies around the world," says a source close to Chengdu's state-owned parent company. "There are also countries that would like to buy a good fighter, but not at the cost of a Western fighter.

"While China's military aircraft have been exported for many years, this is the first time that there is a concerted effort to properly market them and establish a support network," the source adds.

In the past few months, senior company officials have been identifying the military products that will be given the most attention for the export market. In the fighter segment, the JF-17 and the J-10 are the two most important aircraft, says the source.

"Given that the JF-17 has been in service in China and Pakistan for a number of years and is a mature programme, it is being given first priority," the source adds.

Islamabad, which helped to develop the JF-17, has committed to buying 150 aircraft produced by the Pakistan Aeronautical Complex. This figure could rise to 300 aircraft to replace the country's air force fleets of Nanchang A-5s, Chengdu F-7s and Dassault Mirage III and Mirage Vs.

The JF-17 will be able to carry a variety of conventional and precision-guided bombs, and air-to-air and air-to-sea missiles from short- to beyond-visual-range. The type is already being marketed to countries in Africa, the Middle East, South America and South-East Asia.

"The J-10 is not ready for export yet, as AVIC is still finalising upgrades for the fighter," the source says. "But there has been interest from several countries."

AVIC is likely to begin exports of the new type - which entered Chinese air force service in early 2007 - after it has finished developing an upgraded J-10B version. Enhancements are to include a modified vertical stabiliser and ventral fins, redesigned engine inlet, a new radar and an infrared search and track sensor.

Pakistan is likely to be the first export customer, having begun negotiations to buy 36 aircraft several years ago. To be designated locally as FC-20s, deliveries are likely to begin from 2014-15.

Beijing could extend loans to purchasing countries and offer local assembly if there are sufficient orders, the source adds.
When Thunders will have IRST integrated with them or it will be carried as a separate pod?
100 More RD-93 Engines

Two major Chinese media outlets (here) and (here) have reported that a contract was signed between Rosoboronexport and Chengdu Aircraft Company for 100 Russian-made "improved-thrust" RD93 engines. An additional 100 engines is also under negotiation. Since the FC-1 fighter is the only target for the RD93 engine, this contract could signify a boost in FC-1 production. According to the report, the Pakistani Air force has a requirement for 250 FC-1s (JF-17) and is the likely recipient.

original article:

Китай раскручивает "Рособоронэкспорт"

На двигатели РД-93 с повышенной тягой

Автор: Defence.pk"Рособоронэкспорт" готовится подписать контракт с Китаем на поставку 100 российских двигателей РД-93 с увеличенной тягой, рассказал "АвиаПорту" источник в оборонно-промышленном комплексе. "Техническое задание с инозаказчиком уже согласовано. Также получены согласования Федеральной службы по военно-техническому сотрудничеству, Минобороны и ряда других ведомств. Сейчас "Рособоронэкспорт" согласовывает контракт с Китаем по ценовым параметрам", - пояснил собеседник. Он напомнил, что с Китаем есть договоренность о поставке 500 моторов. "Первые сто поставляются по фиксированной цене. По второй партии цена сейчас определяется", - уточнил он.

Двигатель РД-93 предназначен для китайско-пакистанского истребителя FC-1 и отличается от двигателя РД-33, устанавливаемого на МиГ-29, нижним расположением коробки двигательных агрегатов. FC-1 (в Пакистан поставляется под индексом JF-17) - первый китайский многофункциональный истребитель, созданный для продажи на международные рынки. Разработка самолета велась с начала 90-х годов китайской компанией Chengdu Aircraft Industry. Около 50% расходов на разработку ($75 млн) взял на себя Пакистан. У Китая с Пакистаном был заключен контракт на поставку 150 FC-1 на сумму $2,3 млрд с опционом еще на 100 машин. А в марте 2009 года руководство компании Pakistan Aeronautical Complex и китайской Авиационной экспортно-импортной корпорации заключили контракт о начале серийного производства в Пакистане 42 легких многоцелевых реактивных истребителей JF-17, которые должны в ближайшие годы сформировать основу пакистанских ВВС. Всего Пакистан планирует самостоятельно произвести от 200 до 250 истребителей.

Самолет оснащен одним российским двигателем РД-93 разработки ОАО "Климов", серийно выпускаемым Московским машиностроительным предприятием имени Чернышева. В 2005 году "Рособоронэкспорт" заключил с КНР контракт на $238 млн на поставку для FC-1 первых 100 двигателей РД-93, этот контракт сейчас выполняет ММП Чернышева. Первая партия из 15 моторов была отправлена из РФ еще в конце 2006 года. При этом Пекин выражал готовность приобрести до 1000 моторов, если они будут модернизированы с увеличением тяги. В этом случае общая стоимость контракта составит $3,75 млрд.

Другой источник "АвиаПорта" уточнил, что переговоры о поставке Китаю двигателей РД-93 с увеличенной тягой с 8,3 тонн до 9 тонн шли с 2005 года. Однако по этому поводу выражала беспокойство Индия - один из основных традиционных покупателей российского оружия, чьим противником является Пакистан. Индия указывала, что если у РД-93 увеличить тягу, он будет сопоставим с двигателем РД-33МК, устанавливаемым на "корабельные" истребители МиГ-29К/КУБ, которые Дели приобрел для оснащения авианосца "Адмирал Горшков".

Тем не менее, российская сторона разрешила в апреле 2007 года реэкспорт двигателей с тягой 8,3 тонны в Пакистан, причем, как утверждали в администрации президента РФ, сделку курировал лично тогдашний глава государства Владимир Путин. На тот момент в администрации президента РФ утверждали, что сделка с Китаем не нарушает интересов Дели, так как Индия закупает в России более совершенные истребители. Действительно, по боевой эффективности FC-1 значительно уступает "МиГам". Об этом говорит и представитель оборонно-промышленного комплекса, знакомый с ходом переговоров: "Китайский FC-1 ни в коей мере не является конкурентам нашим легким истребителям, он совершенно другого класса, в то же время позволяет моторостроительной отрасли иметь серьезный заказ".

В "Рособоронэкспорте" "АвиаПорту" сообщили, что "предпочитают воздержаться от комментариев" по поводу реэкспорта РД-93 в Пакистан. При этом в ноябре 2007 года Федеральная служба по военно-техническому сотрудничеству (ФСВТС) разрешила Китаю реэкспорт российских двигателей РД-93 в шесть стран: помимо Пакистана, который получил это разрешение ранее, двигатель может быть поставлен в Египет, Нигерию, Бангладеш, Саудовскую Аравию и Алжир. Кроме того, намерение приобрести эти истребители также высказывали Ливан, Мьянма, Иран и Шри-Ланка.
JF-17 destroying IAF

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JF-17 going to look even more Mean looking Killing machine?:
BBN- Defence Reporter: The Prototype version with a unique triangle-delta & Canard configuration, flies from Minhas Airbase Kamra. Various design changes and improvements for the next block of JF-17 are being considered, and the PT-DC [Delta-canard] has been built as a test bed for improved aerodynamics and avionics


Please Comment !
JF-17 going to look even more Mean looking Killing machine?:
BBN- Defence Reporter: The Prototype version with a unique triangle-delta & Canard configuration, flies from Minhas Airbase Kamra. Various design changes and improvements for the next block of JF-17 are being considered, and the PT-DC [Delta-canard] has been built as a test bed for improved aerodynamics and avionics


Please Comment !

its PS pic brother, nothing to do with next block.the next block will most probably see changes in avionics,redar and engine(if it can).there wont be any changes in shape.

A plane blocked the missile.
Yup this is exactly what is going to happen.

I totally agree with the events depicted in this video. You should submit this as a credible defense plan and sleep easy. Knowing you are secure under the protection of the JF-17 the most ..best fighter in the sub-continent.

But wait it beat the Su-30 MKI and the MIG-29 so it would be one of the best fighter jets in the world better than the comparable to the most advanced Western or Russian Aircraft(F-22 excused). but available at 1/3 the price.
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A plane blocked the missile.
Yup this is exactly what is going to happen.

I totally agree with the events depicted in this video. You should submit this as a credible defense plan and sleep easy. Knowing you are secure under the protection of the JF-17 the most ..best fighter in the sub-continent.

But wait it beat the Su-30 MKI and the MIG-29 so it would be one of the best fighter jets in the world better than the comparable to the most advanced Western or Russian Aircraft(F-22 excused). but available at 1/3 the price.

The Video is just a Fun animation , you should not take it as an offence i would say!

Su-30 is a gr8 aircraft , but i doubt that HOW it is compareable to F22 Raptor is there been any Dogfight between MKI and Raptor where MKI has destroyed the Whole sqadron of F22's and Scared the hell out of the USAF? & by the way if you know the real speed & thurst rate , of an F22 please let me know.
Please provide the Source that i can know about it a little bit more than i do at this time of the year.:smitten:
its PS pic brother, nothing to do with next block.the next block will most probably see changes in avionics,redar and engine(if it can).there wont be any changes in shape.

Thank you my dear Brother:

I have a little knowledge about the Multimedia , I Would not have uploaded this pic if it would have been made in any Computer software such as Adobe.
To me it seems a bit like real . and its a Prototype as it says in the news headline !
I am not surprised by this because USAF have been testing weird looking aircrafts during the develoment of F-16 Falcon .
And as it says its only a prototype to test the Next block !! not the one we have at the moment!
i am posting a valid picture just to ensure that you would know what i mean !!:smitten:
The Video is just a Fun animation , you should not take it as an offence i would say!

Su-30 is a gr8 aircraft , but i doubt that HOW it is compareable to F22 Raptor is there been any Dogfight between MKI and Raptor where MKI has destroyed the Whole sqadron of F22's and Scared the hell out of the USAF? & by the way if you know the real speed & thurst rate , of an F22 please let me know.
Please provide the Source that i can know about it a little bit more than i do at this time of the year.:smitten:

LoL i was hardly offended but i found the whole video to be ...un plausible

But Yhea F-22 against a Su-30 that was not equipped specifically for EW.
IS hardly an even match.
LoL i was hardly offended but i found the whole video to be ...un plausible

But Yhea F-22 against a Su-30 that was not equipped specifically for EW.
IS hardly an even match.

This is where we start talking about truth !!

i have a very weak knowledge about Fighter jets but as far i know , i would Never Consider F22 and SU30 simmilar .

Lemme tell you something that the Information about F22's actual speed is a confidencial Information.
They say it can go upto 2,410 km/h or in other words MACH 2.25.
But this speed is only on paper . its Thurst and Speed with many other features are Untold .

Su 30 mki is a really great aircraft its generation is 4.5
F22 is 5th genration a/c
IF you put both in a fight Su30 would be such an easy target because F22 would never be detected on its HUGE Radar.

So please do not say that they are the same next time
Thank you my dear Brother:

I have a little knowledge about the Multimedia , I Would not have uploaded this pic if it would have been made in any Computer software such as Adobe.
To me it seems a bit like real . and its a Prototype as it says in the news headline !
I am not surprised by this because USAF have been testing weird looking aircrafts during the develoment of F-16 Falcon .
And as it says its only a prototype to test the Next block !! not the one we have at the moment!
i am posting a valid picture just to ensure that you would know what i mean !!:smitten:

What was the source of that headline. That pic of thunder is clearly Psed. Canards don't make any sense there.
Is This image for real or another fanboy creation?

I was under the impression that second batch of thunders will have superior avionics and nthing much else is going to change from the current design.

However i do know that third batch will have cinsiderable design changes from current block.

Please could you shed any light on to if another design is being worked on currently and if so is your image the future?.

Kind Regards
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