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JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 2]

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fc1 did'nt the serbians got any other aircraft than to stick to cheap chinese aircraft,why cant they refer aircraft from bigger industries sugh as sukhoi and mig mapo from russia or from europe itself.... if they choose fc-1 they are again going to get drubbing from west as in first balkan wars....
nd second reason is that even fc-1 contains russian engine so why not go for a whole russian plane instead of some cheap chinese avionics retro fitted with time proven a f-7/or air frame plus italian radar. so better go for a whole russian plane....

Cut the bull ****. I am sure they have military planners who make the decisions unlike the Indian decision making brass of morons who after years of repeated failures and more over being rejected by your very own airforce, are still sticking with the failed LCA project.:disagree:
lca was never rejected by da iaf nvr will be. its far more superior than jf-17 that u have got, compared rite tip of the nose to the nozzle of the engine,let go the specification.....

Wake up kid and smell the coffee, IAF has rejected it more times then you can count on, dont take my word, just go and have a look at the LCA thread and i'll suggest read it from the begining, educate your self before you start with your rant all over again.
Also this isnt your BR where you can put trash againt pakistan would ever felting the need to back it up, i'll suggest you to watch your mouth or you might end up back at BR.
lca was never rejected by da iaf nvr will be. its far more superior than jf-17 that u have got, compared rite tip of the nose to the nozzle of the engine,let go the specification.....

Check the latest updates on the JF-17 you will get your answer. The number of orders placed by different airforces show the real success story of JF-17. Please dont be so rude with your comments when commenting on your rival's hardware.

can u plz explain what do u mean over here. china has been the most reliable friend of pakistan. buyin technology from china means our supply line will not get effected if world decides to impose sanctions on us.

1、Long-term friendship

2、We have a common interest

3、China's interests:Pakistan Energy Corridor、Economic interests、Political interests etc.

If ”Tomorrow“ Comes,China will support Pakistan to the victory of the day.

I believe that the Pakistan Air Force will once again prove their loyalty and courage

Cut the bull ****. I am sure they have military planners who make the decisions unlike the Indian decision making brass of morons who after years of repeated failures and more over being rejected by your very own airforce, are still sticking with the failed LCA project.:disagree:

Do you mean!"Indian decision making brass of morons" & the " flying cofins(mig-21)"?:rofl::tup:
1、Long-term friendship

2、We have a common interest

3、China's interests:Pakistan Energy Corridor、Economic interests、Political interests etc.

If ”Tomorrow“ Comes,China will support Pakistan to the victory of the day.

I believe that the Pakistan Air Force will once again prove their loyalty and courage


thanks for this show of solidarity. we really respect that and plz dont mind if u hear any of us pakistani sayin something bad about china coz surely he wont be knowin anything about our history. in some of the cases these are indians disguised as pakistanis just to achieve their objective of somehow developing mistrust bw the ppl of pakistan and china.
china's interests in pakistan are similar to that of pakistan's interest. its a win win situation for both the brotherly countries as will help achieve long term economic growth. im studyin economics at the moment and can understand the importance of such projects which are currently being undertaken by both china and pakistan. looking forward to the completion of trade corridor which is expected by the end of 2012. after that both countries will benefit from the investment being made durin this decade.
God bless our friendship:cheers:
I am not too educated about the JF-17's or LCA's.....could someone please provide some sort of side by side specs...in terms of ceiling, thrust capacity, speed, take off load etc...so that we can see which Jet is superior??
I am not too educated about the JF-17's or LCA's.....could someone please provide some sort of side by side specs...in terms of ceiling, thrust capacity, speed, take off load etc...so that we can see which Jet is superior??

check out my video on JF-17 vs LCA.

note.. LCA is not a 4.5 generation fighter at the moment neither first 2 tranches.
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and Indians members were comparing this piece of crap (LCA) with Eurofighter Typhoon on Bharat Rakshak! LOL!!!!!
and Indians members were comparing this piece of crap (LCA) with Eurofighter Typhoon on Bharat Rakshak! LOL!!!!!

leave them to their wet dreams. Dont waste your thoughts on what they say or think. Continue the debate about thunder.
Isn't it true that half of the JF-17 orders will be built in Pakistan?
That means Pakistan will own the full assembly line and the technology.
Will US ever allow Pakistan to build F-16?

I find China is very generous in terms of technology export, the K-8 trainer contract they had with Egypt also included the complete assembly line.

What you are missing here is the pakistani experience with the F-16s and Pakistan's involvement in the JF-17 project which you Indians by the way think is made in china with a pakistani flag on it. In reality its different and yes if the jet was only Made in china, i would have agreed with you as Pakistan till now is not convinced with the J-10 although Pakistan was the first and the only country to be offered, still we went for the F-16s.
I for one have no doubt that when the JF-17 is finally inducted in the PAF if not better it will match the block-52 in terms of its capabilities.
Also do not discount this fact that although we did ordered the F-16s, Pakistan clearly acknowledges the bitter reality about how trust worthy the americans really are and with the treat ever increasing in the SA, do you think PAF will put its future into anything less then the F-16s. Think again.
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check out my video on JF-17 vs LCA.

bZQG8YU6BoQ[/media] - JF-17 vs LCA

note.. LCA is not a 4.5 generation fighter at the moment neither first 2 tranches.

can you please provide with the evidence that, the first 50 will be block I jf17, and from there we will move onto block II and III?

i heard COAS-air force- that the jf 17 built in pakistan. Pakistan will develop the body frame the avoinics, the painting etc right from the word go. Does that mean that the design and look bodyframe in near or once the first 50 jf17s are produced-as it is claimed in clip- will be different and more intimidating then the present one which is more of the basic and good looking. or is it something else. beceuase i wnt to see more intimadting JF17.
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JF17 looks a massive improvement on PAFS MIRAGE rose fighters & F7s

Also i think your right about LCA it moving at a very slow place.

By 2015 I THINK iaf WILL HAVE BARELY 40 PLANES where as PAF will have closer to 80.


A couple of points not belittling the JF17 BUT.

1. pafs first 2 SQUADRONS or 40 planes to be delivered by 2011 will come with russian engine & chinease avionics. PAF is already stated they want both a chinease or european engine and a western radar & weapons mix.

**** THERE BY INDICATING they are not wholley completely satisfied with chinease tech in all aspects of JF17....

2. INTIAL OPEATIONAL CLEARANCE has not yet been granted to JF17 it is not going to be inducted into combat until this phase finishes in 2009 end of.

thats wen follow on orders for 2 squadrons will come.

THE INDIANS are trying to follow a similiar route to LCA

With regards the first 40 planes mk1 version this will come with USA Engine
F404 & elta 2032 ISRAELI radar....

MK2 versions will come with either a indian engine KAVERI or a french or improved USA F114 engine AND ISRAELI AESA radar 2052 but not until 2015 BECAUSE OF FUSELAGE extension
are we in progress of making an fighter enginr?, as indian are ,KAVERI,. i kept saying we must develop technology on our own. it is greate to have friends like China, long live China republic or must develop an engine with chinese with most of our inputs.
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