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JF-17 Block III Multirole Fighter

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Wese if we make it into Mig 29 or F18 what would have to change??? Is a twin engine based off of Jf17 possible???
If there will be twin engine jet, than it will no more a version of JF-17 totally new design based on thunder technologies it will call JF-18 or something because it mechanically/structurally different from JF-17
hope it will be twin
if it will be twin engine jet, than it will be no more a version of JF-17 but totally new project based on JF-17 techs, because if it will be a twin engine jet it will be mechanically/ structurally different from JF-17:p:
if it will be twin engine jet, than it will be no more a version of JF-17 but totally new project based on JF-17 techs, because if it will be a twin engine jet it will be mechanically/ structurally different from JF-17:p:
i agree sir but a wish is wish :p:
So much exited Pakistani boys
When your tiny bikes gets little updates, it's no more same model, it's introduce as new model

Lovely, how these exited boys want to turn JF-17 into stealth and twin engine jet
Will it be different from Block 1 & 2 (in air frame and aerodynamics) ?
I heard some where that a prototype will unveil by April 18... so it's same plane with modifications if what heard is true
Will it be different from Block 1 & 2 (in air frame and aerodynamics) ?

Logically speaking, we expect it to have some of the modifications from B version: increased wingspan, increased length. We know the AESA radar needs a longer nose cone. What is not known from any official source is whether Russia will be supplying RD-93 MA. A higher powered MA version may come with increased size, which may require changes to the body, but we cannot be sure. It will definitely get a chin hard point for pods. And they definitely want to put some sort of cruise missile on it. Whether they will increase its height to accommodate Raad, or reduce Raad to accommodate the Thunder is also not known. Seniors on the forum have been implying it will look closer to B version.
I hope they Explore the work the Russians, Europeans, Turks and Americans did on building a the light stealth fighter; it could really help use the years of R&D and find the best lower RCS design to build the next version of the JF-17 into

Here is the most important one I found recently; recessed or small internal bays to hide missiles and have full stealth (i will post the rest later)

Looks too me twin engine and twin tale good we need bigger AC for bigger load.
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