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Pakistan Can not integrate the Western EW system with the chinese Radar. Others are claiming Pakistan Can. This is the point of debate here. And MODP 2013 year book said this thing which confirms Spanish EW system is in a standalone mode and is not integrated with KLJ Radar for sensor fusion

" 2013 modp publication, we read the following:
Integration Activities: Following activities were executed by integration group. EW Suite Controller (EWSC): M/s Indra’s EW Suite Controller (EWSC) pre-integration was successfully accomplished in DSI Lab. Chaff & Flare Dispenser (CFD) made by Air Weapons Complex (AWC) has also been interfaced with EWSC, and pre-integration has been verified in DSI lab"
Did I say Anything About weapon systems and it's integration with JF-17 ? I've been harping about EW systems and sensors which is different than the integration of Weapon system inside JF-17

Let's begin with PAF Statement and their plug and play claims about avionics and weapon system. There are 2 vital components which you MUST HAVE control over if you want have to integrate weapons of your own choice plus If the vendor is willing to provide source code of his weapon system to PAF

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So fortunately Pakistan has complete control over these 2 items and If manufacturer and vendor is willing as well. Pakistan Can Integrate weapon of its choice unlike The indian SU-30 MKI where Russian refused to let india integrate Israeli Missile on SU-30

Since PAF claims it can integrate any western weaponry of its choice. Unfortunately the facts on the ground speak for itself. Since last 13-14 years, have you seen any Western weapons on JF-17 beside Chinese and Pakistan produced weapons? Either it means Pakistan is not interested in purchasing any weapon system for JF-17 or the Western weapon manufacturers were not keen to integrate their weapons with JF-17. Except MAR-1 ARM which for which Brazil cooperated with PAF fully to integrate it on Mirage and JF-17

Now coming to our argument of EW system and sensor integration with radar. You cant integrate EW systems and other sensor with these two modules.

So yes I'm not making any assumptions. Also Kindly show me which manufacturer has claimed Spanish or Western EW systems can be integrated with JF-17 readily ?
What PAF can do or otherwise is not open to public, so please stop spreading your false assumptions. Pakistan military has number of ways to accomplish their tasks. You or me cannot apprehend it with our limited knowledge.

How come information about EW suit and its manufacturer will be published in open source document?
When we analyze the question above, we may realize that its is another kind of "warfare" or may be sales strategy in International market.
That's not a hard point, rather a MAWS.

He's correct ... it's this:

IF we see the picture closely, few things will be clear
1st about radar.
2nd Height of the aircraft is taller than bk-01 & bk-02, which Ra'ad ALCM can be integrated in the future.
3rd Pl-15 will be too bigger for wings of bk-03, which will look weird.
4th no Irst will be integrated.
5th still no sign of RD-93MA most probably.

The pitot tubes for the distributed air data system are different, only 2 smaller pitot tubes to the 3 larger versions on the Blocks I/II. Could be to make way for an IRST in the future. And yes, that is a new starboard intake hardpoint for an LDP or other pod. In addition, the new IR based MAWS can be seen.
IF we see the picture closely, few things will be clear
1st about radar.
2nd Height of the aircraft is taller than bk-01 & bk-02, which Ra'ad ALCM can be integrated in the future.
3rd Pl-15 will be too bigger for wings of bk-03, which will look weird.
4th no Irst will be integrated.
5th still no sign of RD-93MA most probably.
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View attachment 704507
I knew I would be disappointed after all the years of wetdreaming
To nose cone supposed to be slated separation if AESA?

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