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JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

This is what i hate about us Pakistanis.We don't confirm or verify and start jumping the moment we hear some news about thunder.300km range....now where did that come from.Even the version PLAAF is using has around 200km range if i'm not wrong.Correct me if i'm wrong bro.We need to learn how to compose our excitements.We need to stop embarrassing ourselves.Someone from the seniors must come forward and put up the facts, real range of the missile and which version will come with the thunder.Thank you
Everything you read from Open sources is highly dubious by nature. The range given for missiles could be
A- Exaggerated to make sales.
This would be done by using different launch parameters IIRC Russian missiles used a high altitude lofted launch at speed. The Western missiles use different launch parameters which don't use The high altitude, lofted launch approach.

B-Undersold to deceive any potential enemies. Not as likely in my opinion as sales are based on this information.

145KM is more than useful for the JF17.
Air Cooled LKF 601 E radar Spec, Remember in first video of LFK letri radar they stated that radar is able to upgrade previous blocks as well without any additional structural modification

Range for fighter jets : est 200 Km
Air to ground Map : 300 Km
Air to Sea : 320 km
Track targets : 20
Engage Simoultenously : 4

View attachment 780853
They have improved/upgraded the radar including range, number of tracked targets from 15 to 20 and weight.


Could just be a generic image to get the point across. Otherwise they may be marketing the capability of the thunder to receive live images from an unmanned platform (via datalink pod?) (and possibly even have its weapons guided by said platform).

However, I am not sure about the latter because they've depicted weapons firing from all units except the thunder.
They have improved/upgraded the radar including range, number of tracked targets from 15 to 20 and weight.

View attachment 781020
By making the radar bigger and heavier. The performance increase is expected.
Air Cooled LKF 601 E radar Spec, Remember in first video of LFK letri radar they stated that radar is able to upgrade previous blocks as well without any additional structural modification

Range for fighter jets : est 200 Km
Air to ground Map : 300 Km
Air to Sea : 320 km
Track targets : 20
Engage Simoultenously : 4

View attachment 780853
145 KG Radar versus 180 KG radar. Rather significant weight increase for a moderate performance increase.
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By making the radar bigger and heavier. The performance increase is expected.

145 KG Radar versus 180 KG radar. Rather significant weight increase for a moderate performance increase.
Rated power consumption 4 vs 11kv has more than doubled
i very strongly doubt this

The Military commentator 施佬&席亚洲 interviewed lots of Radar manufacturer's staff in zhuhai,and finally obtain the above conclusions.I don's think you know more about this~~actually you know nothing about it🤣
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