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JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

what is,dimensions got to do with any thing
the mark 2 is,similar in size to mirage2000 so your point is,what
It’s a continuation of what your countryman wrote and you quoted supporting his line of argument. His basic point was F414 class engine has never been fitted in fighters similar to JF17 when WS19 was discussed as a possibility for the Thunder. Clearly not the case.
no completely wrong sir
120 tejas,light weight replacing 120 mig21 bison. perfect fit and replacement from. vintage cold war all.alloy metal.cable basic fighter to a full quaruplex the aesa equppied mid 4th generation fighter with bvr and hmd
brilliant and home grown.

the mark 2 is,bigger better but it's replacing the mig29 and mirage2000 approx 120 fighters. post 2028 onwards ... again perfect bigger ge414 engine aesa radar new cockpit from.amca programme massive single hud but bigger better tejas .. again even.the time line fits we wish to start phasing out mirage2000 and mig29 by 2029 to 2030 onwards mark 2 rolls out 2028
You didn't read the specification and Mark 2 will be medium weight not light weight due to weight its class will be changed like F16
To build engines, you need to have supporting industries; those are none existent.

I will suggest you read on Bilal's post; he has done an excellent job of highlighting the malaise and provided recommendations; you dont do TOT when you have no foundations.
TOT will only provide assembly and testing infrastructure for a particular aero engine from a knock down kit. Decision to establish such facilities depends on difference of cost of establishing TOT facilities and savings by producing engines from knock down kits.

Establishing manufacturing facilities for parts and accessories of a particular aero engine requires "very huge" investment with respect to finance and time. Such investment on a particular aero engine whose utility is limited is not a viable option. Therefore, aero engine manufacturing infrastructure should meet local as well as international demands for military and civil aviation industries.

In-country aerospace engine manufacturing infrastructure can only be established with the help of local and international investment. Pakistan and PAF need to take aggressive stance to attract local and international investors to establish in-country aero engine parts and accessories manufacturing facilities, such as bearings, washers, nuts, bolts, oil and fuel seals, gears, filters, hoses, harnesses, fuel and oil pipes etc as initial step. Then expand these facilities to manufacture engine gear boxes, fuel pumps, oil pumps, engine oil storage units etc as second step. Only incremental and strategic expansion considering international and local market demand will help Pakistan and PAF to have the required infrastructure to build their own aero engines for future aircraft and other air vehicles.
Israel hasn't used its entire airforce against Gaza, no airforce deploys its entire assets in one go, not even the USAF has 100% availability, let alone the indians.
This time their air bases were hit.
InshAllah next time their aircraft on tarmac and hangers will be taken out. Its an itterative process. Israel was shaken to the core and they know it. Watching nazis running with their bastard kids to the shelters screaming was a sight for sore eyes. How the mighty have fallen. Arrogance is arrogance. Low tech beats high tech once again. Remember Iraq and Afghanistan
I'm guessing it's the Chinese FC-1 BLK 3 that comes with pure Chinese specs & equipment's as the Pakistani one's ( JF-17 ) use American martin baker ejection seats.

Martin Baker is a British company NOT American
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British aerospace industry is kind of dead at this point compared to the American industry.
They don't do many original projects alone, but in consortiums, the Brits are there front-and-center for design and R&D work. It's just that the UK hasn't supported a fighter program on its own for decades, but they're always a critical partner for Jaguar, Tornado, Typhoon, and now Tempest.

In fact, I'd say that in the West, the UK is a comfortable 3rd place behind the US and France (and France gets to be 2nd because it can make fighters alone, for now). Though I do wonder why KSA never asked the UK to help develop an original fighter (rather than just take the Tornado and Typhoon as-is).
Keep in mind the british embargo related to arms sale to Argentina.

Official proposal comes from CATIC and surely will see some replacement of standard Pakistani equipment.

The JF-17 variants flown by Myanmar apparently already use Chinese ejection Seats, any aircraft delivered to Argentina will have no British-sourced components that may be present in the version Pakistan uses, that isn’t too difficult to do, considering there’s very little of it. Obviously the plane will be slightly modified to Argentina’s requirements.
no completely wrong sir
120 tejas,light weight replacing 120 mig21 bison. perfect fit and replacement from. vintage cold war all.alloy metal.cable basic fighter to a full quaruplex the aesa equppied mid 4th generation fighter with bvr and hmd
brilliant and home grown.

the mark 2 is,bigger better but it's replacing the mig29 and mirage2000 approx 120 fighters. post 2028 onwards ... again perfect bigger ge414 engine aesa radar new cockpit from.amca programme massive single hud but bigger better tejas .. again even.the time line fits we wish to start phasing out mirage2000 and mig29 by 2029 to 2030 onwards mark 2 rolls out 2028
Read it carefully. Mark 2 will be MCA not LCA
British aerospace industry is kind of dead at this point compared to the American industry.
I beg to differ.
Martin baker is probably the only name in ejection seats.
Tempest is on the cards.
The intellectual property is there. They seem to shift manufacturing to other places
Read it carefully. Mark 2 will be MCA not LCA
This is trolling on his part and you are feeding him. Leave Tejas the thaila queen out of this thread and in its own thread.
Please continue with the topic on hand.
Kind regards
The JF-17 variants flown by Myanmar apparently already use Chinese ejection Seats, any aircraft delivered to Argentina will have no British-sourced components that may be present in the version Pakistan uses, that isn’t too difficult to do, considering there’s very little of it. Obviously the plane will be slightly modified to Argentina’s requirements.

The ejection seat used by the J-10 series is pretty good. It has saved the life of test pilot Li Gang (premier J-20 test pilot during a J-10B accident) and very recently allowed a J-10C pilot to bail out at a very low altitude of 79.5 meters following bird strike. Since China is offering the same seat to Argentina I think they should accept it for JF-17.

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I beg to differ.
Martin baker is probably the only name in ejection seats.
Tempest is on the cards.
The intellectual property is there. They seem to shift manufacturing to other places
Is it not true that their metallurgical engineering is falling behind?. They might possibly want to piggy back on US developments but US bring US will always keep them a step or 2 behind. This seems to be the problem through out EU as well. Even the French have not been able to match the PW129 Tthrust much less the GE135. SO the US rules the roost when it comes to metallurgical sciences especially the engines. As to concepts the EU is there but what good is a concept without a suitable engine.
Is it not true that their metallurgical engineering is falling behind?. They might possibly want to piggy back on US developments but US bring US will always keep them a step or 2 behind. This seems to be the problem through out EU as well. Even the French have not been able to match the PW129 Tthrust much less the GE135. SO the US rules the roost when it comes to metallurgical sciences especially the engines. As to concepts the EU is there but what good is a concept without a suitable engine.
Bhai Rolls Royce is a British company and they make very good engines
The ejection seat used by the J-10 series is pretty good. It has saved the life of test pilot Li Gang (premier J-20 test pilot during a J-10B accident) and very recently allowed a J-10C pilot to bail out at a very low altitude of 79.5 meters following bird strike. Since China is offering the same seat to Argentina I think they should accept it for JF-17.

Keeping it's predecessor in mind, it should be.

Ty-5B on thunder prototype was also good and offered zero-zero capability.

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