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JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

Oh Deino.
Now you have made Mr MK mad at you. You will be labelled all sorts of things. Better prepare your visor and bullet proof vest for his on slaught.


I talk with engineering reason behind that post and I talk
Oh well old man. Instead of angrily diverting to a second playground, what's about a non engineering argument and these big holes in logic??

What about any of these "phantastic and as expected items" like an Italian engine?

@WebMaster please control your boy
@WebMaster please control your boy

So much fear to face the facts?? Or are you no longer able to find the logic-holes in Your applause!??

Just in case here it is in long:


... and if it is too much of a text, I would already be glad for an explanation of these points:





Oh well ...we have just May 2020, how could production started in June 2020 and how will it have its flight testing and operational evaluation concluded until Nov/Dec??? ... and then enter service in PAF already by mid-2020?? :hitwall::crazy:

Either the reported has some knowledge and scientific understanding I don't have or it is yet another proof for a hyped up fake-report.

As such in summary, I usually don't like bashing other author's work, but this piece is IMO simply based on fan-boy wishes, a mix-up of rumors, hopes, unproven claims and misunderstandings spiced up with a lot of hope and many wrong errors.

But I'm eager to learn again and being corrected. :-) Or is it too much to give a technical reasonable explanation, what kind of Italian engine is so much likely, and so on.

Or will You again call for help? But maybe indeed @WebMaster can help to decide who's wrong and who's right?

At least asking question and pointing to false information seems not to be forbidden in a forum, however with spreading lies and faked information and name-calling could be however rated trolling!

So much fear to face the facts?? Or are you no longer able to find the logic-holes in Your applause!??

Just in case here it is in long:


... and if it is too much of a text, I would already be glad for an explanation of these points:

View attachment 634831

View attachment 634832
View attachment 634833

View attachment 634834

Oh well ...we have just May 2020, how could production started in June 2020 and how will it have its flight testing and operational evaluation concluded until Nov/Dec??? ... and then enter service in PAF already by mid-2020?? :hitwall::crazy:

Either the reported has some knowledge and scientific understanding I don't have or it is yet another proof for a hyped up fake-report.

As such in summary, I usually don't like bashing other author's work, but this piece is IMO simply based on fan-boy wishes, a mix-up of rumors, hopes, unproven claims and misunderstandings spiced up with a lot of hope and many wrong errors.

But I'm eager to learn again and being corrected. :-) Or is it too much to give a technical reasonable explanation, what kind of Italian engine is so much likely, and so on.

Or will You again call for help? But maybe indeed @WebMaster can help to decide who's wrong and who's right?

At least asking question and pointing to false information seems not to be forbidden in a forum, however with spreading lies and faked information and name-calling could be however rated trolling!


Let me assist you buddy, i struggle to understand why they refuse to accept anything even reasonably logical and rational. I am tired of it myself.

We have literally seen the Block-III and there is NO CHANGE in its tail so that point doesnt even need to be explained.

We don't have access to any form of Radar Absorbent Material. That's a FACT. It is so because China never exports their top of the line stuff, if you want the best example of this, look at their ERA options for tanks, they only recently was FY-IV ERA cleared for export after China developed something better. All of their exports are dumbed down variants of their domestic products. For any rational person to think that China would export their one and only RAM coating would be absurd, at least until they have access to a better product.

'Stealth' coatings or RAM does not turn an aircraft into a "stealth type" aircraft, while it may significantly reduce RCS, calling it stealthy is a dumb thing to say, especially considering the JF-17 is still mostly aluminium and other metals.

While you have already gone over the fact that there is no Italian engine, i do recall whispers in regards to the Eurojet, however, if PAF was planning on replacing the RD-93's why would they setup an MRO facility? Why would the PAF add risk by introducing a potentially sanctionable part onto a fighter that was meant to be a kind of sanction proof asset. One of the main draws to the JF-17 is that it is mostly immune to sanctions, by adding a western engine of all things, that selling point is gone.

I really cant be bothered to continue but everything you have said is correct, if i am forced to i will talk about the rest but yeah.
I really cant be bothered to continue but everything you have said is correct, if i am forced to i will talk about the rest but yeah.

Thanks my friend and as it seem I'm not the only one who's tired in reading BS- and faked reports by a formerly well-respected veteran.

I don't know why he became so much obsessed in spreading lies and even more to attack those who reveal mistakes and errors - which we all make - certain reports in order to find the truth, so that in the end it is more reasonable for him to attack those posters and insult them instead of using his experience and wisdom to guide the younger and inexperienced members as well "as stupid foreigners" like me. :p:

But comparable to a well-known yellow-haired US politician, it's always better to twist the facts but to admit a foult and facts are irrelevant as long as there are enough fans who support his "opinion".

So sad,:(

Best and take care.
Thanks my friend and as it seem I'm not the only one who's tired in reading BS- and faked reports by a formerly well-respected veteran.

I don't know why he became so much obsessed in spreading lies and even more to attack those who reveal mistakes and errors - which we all make - certain reports in order to find the truth, so that in the end it is more reasonable for him to attack those posters and insult them instead of using his experience and wisdom to guide the younger and inexperienced members as well "as stupid foreigners" like me. :p:

But comparable to a well-known yellow-haired US politician, it's always better to twist the facts but to admit a foult and facts are irrelevant as long as there are enough fans who support his "opinion".

So sad,:(

Best and take care.

Man i know exactly what you are talking about. I was told by a certain someone whos name begins with an M that my engineering degree is useless because i am young and he knows more than me because he is like 40 years old or some other stupidity.

Stay safe buddy. Tag me if you need anything, i am always ready to help to the best of my knowledge :)
Ha ha ha...

Absolute Classic.

One of the funniest things i've seen on PDF since I joined - and i've already taken a screenshot of it before its removed.
But comparable to a well-known yellow-haired US politician, it's always better to twist the facts but to admit a foult and facts are irrelevant as long as there are enough fans who support his "opinion".
So much fear to face the facts?? Or are you no longer able to find the logic-holes in Your applause!??

Just in case here it is in long:


... and if it is too much of a text, I would already be glad for an explanation of these points:

View attachment 634831

View attachment 634832
View attachment 634833

View attachment 634834

Oh well ...we have just May 2020, how could production started in June 2020 and how will it have its flight testing and operational evaluation concluded until Nov/Dec??? ... and then enter service in PAF already by mid-2020?? :hitwall::crazy:

Either the reported has some knowledge and scientific understanding I don't have or it is yet another proof for a hyped up fake-report.

As such in summary, I usually don't like bashing other author's work, but this piece is IMO simply based on fan-boy wishes, a mix-up of rumors, hopes, unproven claims and misunderstandings spiced up with a lot of hope and many wrong errors.

But I'm eager to learn again and being corrected. :-) Or is it too much to give a technical reasonable explanation, what kind of Italian engine is so much likely, and so on.

Or will You again call for help? But maybe indeed @WebMaster can help to decide who's wrong and who's right?

At least asking question and pointing to false information seems not to be forbidden in a forum, however with spreading lies and faked information and name-calling could be however rated trolling!


Concerning CFTs on JF-17.

P.S. Your style is too belligerent.
I think we will have to wait a little longer to see what is going to be the part of Block III and what is not. Massive changes will be internal and all saner people have been saying that since long. One can imagine the extent of these changes by the simple fact that when Block-II emerged, there was no prototyping. We know, PAF took considerable time to analyze the available data and put requirements for Block-III down to very small level and result was the 2018 news that Block-III had completed Preliminary design phase.
And it took 2 and half years of work in finalizing that only. And now it is only in prototyping phase only. We even have no clue how many of these prototypes will fly. 1,2 or 4? But rest assured, PAF did factored in the Indian decision of selecting Rafale either during the design phase or at some later stages. Changes must be radical and reason I am saying is obvious fact that one any thing is designed on paper, industry/ manufacturer must come up with a work flow model in order to produce the designed aircraft at optimal pace. Once that gets ironed out, pace of production on yearly basis becomes known.
For me, meat of the beast is in avionics, level of sensor fusion, level of net-centric ready and weapon package and among these only AESA is confirmed. So, let's stop speculations and wait for real thing to emerge.
Thanks a lot for your kind words buf I'm indeed tired that certain members blindly hail such reports as gold, as pure truth ... and ignore all argument or even more avoid all honest discussions. They hide behind their hordes of fan-boy supporters, bash down all arguments or even avoids any discussion.
I truly have no issues in being corrected, I really like to learn and I'm openminded even to accept harsh critics, if justified.

Not sure what the major fuss is about. Nothing he wrote in there is impossible or not achievable. Even if it has not been officially confirmed, it definitely looks set to be JF17s logical future direction. Maybe choice of words such as semi stealth instead of saying greatly reduced RCS is creating confusion but there is nothing in their that is so out of the box such as claiming addition of laser firing guns. I know it is hard for you to digest as you only go by what has become official (That is just the way you are and have always been on Sino forum as well as here) but this is a discussion forum. anyways... I am sure if one goes back 8 years only, and someone claimed then what JF17 is today, the reaction/Humiliating/abusive comments would have been even worst. Lol.

PS. I am one of those who Believe that Pakistan can get anything that China has. Pakistan is the first destination for the major Chinese weapons for a reason and almost every weapon Pakistan inducted from china was upgraded or modified further as per Pakistan request. I know you believe otherwise. But lets agree to disagree after all this is a discussion forum.

PS Again. It is more in China interest than in Pakistan to see and have a strong neighbor ally.
PS Again. It is more in China interest than in Pakistan to see and have a strong neighbor ally.
seeing china has literally not a single military ally in the region this would make sense..and it has been true till at least 2000..we got what Chinese had..

afterwards, things arent very clear..only time will tell..
An interesting video on Aselsan targeting pod acquired by PAF recently for JF-17s.

JF-17 Block 3 is set to use this pod on its new chin mounted pylon.

Technical specifications

Sensor Resolutions
IR: 640x512
TV: 768x576
Fields of View (FOVs)
IR: 0.8° - 4.0° - 28°
TV: 0.8° - 4.0°
Field of Regard (FOR)
Azimuth: 360° continuous
Elevation: +45° to -150°
Laser Range Finder and Target Designator
Wavelength (Combat): 1064 nm
Wavelength (Training): 1570 nm
Repetition rate: up to 20 Hz
Laser Pointer Wavelength: NIR
Laser Spot Tracker Wavelength: 1064 nm
Communication Interface MIL-STD-1553B
Video Interface
2x Video Output (RS-170)
1x Video Input (Optional)
Power Interface 115 VAC 400Hz and 28 VDC
Diameter: 430 mm
Length: 2350 mm
Weight 240 kg
An interesting video on Aselsan targeting pod acquired by PAF recently for JF-17s.

JF-17 Block 3 is set to use this pod on its new chin mounted pylon.

Technical specifications

Sensor Resolutions
IR: 640x512
TV: 768x576
Fields of View (FOVs)
IR: 0.8° - 4.0° - 28°
TV: 0.8° - 4.0°
Field of Regard (FOR)
Azimuth: 360° continuous
Elevation: +45° to -150°
Laser Range Finder and Target Designator
Wavelength (Combat): 1064 nm
Wavelength (Training): 1570 nm
Repetition rate: up to 20 Hz
Laser Pointer Wavelength: NIR
Laser Spot Tracker Wavelength: 1064 nm
Communication Interface MIL-STD-1553B
Video Interface
2x Video Output (RS-170)
1x Video Input (Optional)
Power Interface 115 VAC 400Hz and 28 VDC
Diameter: 430 mm
Length: 2350 mm
Weight 240 kg
How about blk 2 seen few pics with wing pylon? Can't create chin hard point for this??
The delay in block III can be attributed to:

1. The specs are stringent and require a lot of rework on the whole design
2. The required avionics suit is not accessible at the moment so a stop gap solution is being worked upon but is taking time to come up to specs.
3. The engine issue still persists therefore weight savings are a must and that will require a longer lead up time to integrate composite material ratio greater than what was anticipated.
4. Money is in short supply these days and has been since 2018. That might be the reason for delay. The prototype is one cost but then the fleet add will also cost a substantial amount of money and that to me, is the bigger challenge.

My 2C

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