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JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

You haven't check article writer name is mentioned in last
جزاک اللہ
This looks loke a fgoogle translation from a Chinese article. So can we please have a source. If not can you please elaborate what the source is. Even if you dont want to name the person, then mention that the source is personal. We will then have the right to accept or discard any information .
This looks loke a fgoogle translation from a Chinese article. So can we please have a source. If not can you please elaborate what the source is. Even if you dont want to name the person, then mention that the source is personal. We will then have the right to accept or discard any information .
To much over claim or can say wish list of some fanboy
# JF-17 Thunder Block-3 features......

➲ Almost unchanged airframe design .....; There are huge differences in the avionics, armaments between of the current F-16s and witch F-16s made 50 years ago, but have you seen any changes in the exterior design? So Don't have The interior design of the JF-17 Block-3 will not change much with the addition of upgrades. But like the 'JF-17Bravo' version, the Vertical Stabilizer of block-3 will be some swapped. This leads much maneuvering.
That is, all the pictures of Block-3 in the net are fake.

Airframe made by composite material ......; The composite material used in the construction of the block-3 airframe will reduce the radar cross section (RCS) of the aircraft. The aircraft will also be painted by Radar Wave Observer Material (like the US Stealth F-15 Project).

For example, the F-16 A / B version had 5m2 rcs, witch airframe manufactured by General Material. But in the F-16 C / D version, the rcs is only 1.5m2, that's for composite material-made airframe. Similarly, the rcs of JF-17 block -1,2 where 3.5m2, due to the composite material, the rcs of block-3 will be about 1± m2. That is, the aircraft will be approximately semi stealth type. And for the stealth coating, the aircraft's color may would be gray or silver.

➲ New engine .....; The Russian RD-93 engine used in the previous version will be replaced with more thrust capable engine. Chinese and Italian engines have been verified for this. However, it was not known which one was selected.

➲ Supersonic Speed and More Payload Capacity .....; The aircraft will be powered by a Mac 2± for a stronger thrust of the new engine and can carry more armaments than ever before.

➲ Active Electronics Scanned Array (AESA) Radar .....; Both KLJ-7A and LKF601E radars have been verified for block-3. However, it was not known which one was selected in the end. Both are Long Range Active Electronics Scanned Array (AESA) radar. The standalone range of both rader in aerial combat is about 200 km and the ground / naval combat range is about 300 km. No need more longer range radar than a light fighter with a 1m2 rcs.

➲ New Cockpit Panel ....; The Block-1.2's multi-function digital glass cockpit panel is enough sophisticated and modern. Nevertheless, the cockpit panel of Block-3 will be upgraded with more modifications. The cockpit is designed in such a way that after takeoff the pilot can use all the options of the cockpit without removing his right hand from control steak. As a result, the amount of Human Arrow in combat will be greatly reduced.

➲ Voice command navigation / control system ....; One of the most touching features of Block-3 is the voice command control system. Because this Fifth Generation technology, to my knowledge, has not been used on any aircraft other than the Russian SU-57. As a result of this system, the pilot can provide various types of commands, including communication, aircraft navigation, through his mouth language. Receiving the pilot's commands via the microphone attached to the pilot's oxygen mask, the onboard computer system, through speech recognition software, will understand the meaning of the pilot's commands and perform the corresponding commands. This allows the pilot to focus his mind more on the enemy during combat.

What is more striking is that the system was developed by Pakistani aeronautical engineers themselves, not Chinese.

➲ Holographic Heads Up Display (HHUD) .....; This system is also made by Pakistan itself. This system uses a holographic sign instead of the usual glass display on the head up display at the top of the cockpit. Holographic sign is a technology where photos / videos can be seen inside the void without any glass or mirror! Due to the reflection of light on the glass during the day-mission, there is no problem in the pilot's face. This sophisticated technology is seen on the dashboard of today's expensive Formula-1 super cars.

➲ Advanced Built-in Electronic Warfare (EW) Suite ...; Previous versions of the JF-17 also used the French-made EW and Chinese KG300G Self-Protection jamming pods, which were fitted to the hardpoint like a bomb. But Block 3 will have more advanced and built-in EW suites installed inside the aircraft. This will reduce the aircraft's RCS and free up a hardpoints. This EW system helps the pilot in the role of Early Warner with electronic warfare support, jamming, countermeasure during combat. Advanced Fighter EW Suite is an extremely important avionics.

Multiple Missile Ejector Rack (MMER) ......; Previous versions of the JF-17 also had multiple ejector racks. However, they could only carry multiple bombs, not carry multiple missiles. But using the upgraded ejector rack in Block-3, it can carry 2 to 3 air-to-air missiles at one hard point. That means if they want the Block-3 JF-17 in the Air Superior Formation can fly with 12-15 air-to-air missiles simultaneously.

Three Axis Digital Fly-By-Wire System (FBW) ....; Many people will think that the Axis Digital Fly-by-wire (FBW) system is only using Block-3, but it is not true. Earlier, the JF-17 Bravo version also used the 3 axis Fly-by-wire (FBW) system.

Without the fly-by-wire system, modern fighters cannot be imagined. It is a technology whereby the control stick is transmitted to the pilot's command by electronic signal and sent to the aircraft's on-board computer. From there, the computer itself changes the maneuverability of the aircraft by moving the stabilizers of the aircraft. That this.. in the racing game we switching the car's direction by pressing the switch / slamming the phone, the fly-by-wire system is just like that. On previous planes, pilots had to fly the aircraft by shake the control stick against the air barrier.

Besides, the aircraft can be operated in auto-pilot mode as there is a fly-by-wire system. and three axis are more complicated matters on the roll, pitch and y of the aircraft. If I discuss it, you will not understand anything.

➲ Full Authority Digital Engine Control System (FADEC) .....; FADEC is an advanced technology where the aircraft's engine is fully computerized via the "Electronic Engine Controller" (EEC) and the "Engine Control Unit" (ECU). That is, there will be no manual work on engine management, everything will be done in a computerized manner.

Some of the notable advantages of this system are ... Automotive Engine Protection, Semi Automatic Engine Starting, Engine Health Monitoring. As we have seen in the Hollywood movie .. When the demise of Batman's car or Iron Man suit is shown in a computerized manner, the system can also report to the pilot the engine condition, loss and damage.

In addition, the engine is computerized the fuel consumption rate and the engine's severnage damage rate is reduced. Installing FADEC also reduces engine weight as manual operating gear is unloaded. That is, the whole thing is like controlling a Honda engine with a smartphone.

➲ P-15 Extra Long range BVR Missile ....; AESA Radar Guided PL-15 is a Chinese-made Hailey Advanced Extra Long Range BVR missile. The range of the missile is 150 km for the fighter-like maneuverable target and 300 km for the non-maneuverable target like bomber. When an AESA radar is installed on a missile, it is easy to guess how the missile's performance will be. This missile is used in all advanced fighters, including J-20, J-31, J-10C, China.

➲ TVC Guided Weapon ....; JF-17's Weapon Capacity has been constantly updated. For example, the Laser Guided Weapon Firing System has been added to Block-2. Likewise, all types of advanced Weapon Firing Capacities, including TV, GPS / INS, Laser Guided, will be added to Block-3. As a result, many advanced Weapons can be used, including the American AGM-114 Hellfire. It is not surprising that the AAM-120C carries.

➲ Helmet Mounted Display Site (HMDS) ....; Chinese J-20 stealth fighter's HMDS system will be used in Block-3. It is the latest HMDS system made in China.

➲ Infrared Search and Trucking System (ITST) ……; IR radar will be installed in Block-3, which helps a lot in close range combat. Any stealth fighter can also be identified if it is within range. The IR system will have a range of about 50-60 km.

All that we have discussed so far is the official announcement of Pak Air Force. That is, the above features are almost guaranteed to be in Block-3. However, there are some features that are very likely to be in Block-3. They are ...

➲ Conformal Fuel Tank (CFT) ....; CFT was not officially reported. However, the idea is to use the Conformal Fuel Tank in Block-3 like all other 4+ Generation Light Fighters.

➲ Extra Hard Point ....; The possibility of setting up a new hardpoint in Block-3 is also very high. In previous versions, there were 7 hardpoints, block 3 would be 8 or 9.

➲ Double seater version ....; Block-3 fighters can be double-seater, or double-seater versions are likely to come out.

It will also be in Block-3 as in previous versions.
In-Flight Air Refueling Capacity
Satellite based navigation system
➧ Onboard Oxygen Generation System (OBGS)
Rader Warning Receiver (RWR)
Missile Approach Warning System (MAWS)
Identification Friends or Foi (IFF)
Advanced Data-link Capacity
Electronic Countermeasure
Flair, chaff, decoy
Self Protection Jamming
Various Mission Pods, including Aselepod, Sniper AAQ-33
Etc ...

When reviewing those features you will notice that there is no wick point in Block-3. In addition to removing all the weaknesses of the previous versions, all kinds of advanced technology have been added to it. Block-3 is a good quality 4.5 Generation Fighter. All things considered, the Fighter is the equivalent of the F-16 Block-60 and capable of being a worthy counterweight to India's Upcoming Rafale.

Performance was verified by installing AESA radar and PL-15 BVR missiles on some Block-2 fighters Early in this year.

Production of JF-17 block-3 started in the June of this year. The first batch of fighters will complete the fast flight in November-December. By mid-2020, the fighters will be join in the PAF fleet.

W. Tafhim Tahsin


Thank you for an excellent post---the translation is very good and to the point---.

Each and every thing that is mentioned in the translation is and was expected---.

It is just a simple stair step of progression which had established a solid base in Blk1 and Blk2 categories---.

The technologies mentioned in the upgrade is something we would expect to have if we were to get a BLK 70 F16 or Gripen NG or a Typhoon newest version in parallel---.

The mention of special paint for special aircraft is acceptable and same with a newer more powerful engine---.

I would say that this article is a great find by you and I thank you very much for posting it on the website---.:pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:
Last edited:
# JF-17 Thunder Block-3 features......

➲ Almost unchanged airframe design .....; There are huge differences in the avionics, armaments between of the current F-16s and witch F-16s made 50 years ago, but have you seen any changes in the exterior design? So Don't have The interior design of the JF-17 Block-3 will not change much with the addition of upgrades. But like the 'JF-17Bravo' version, the Vertical Stabilizer of block-3 will be some swapped. This leads much maneuvering.
That is, all the pictures of Block-3 in the net are fake.

Airframe made by composite material ......; The composite material used in the construction of the block-3 airframe will reduce the radar cross section (RCS) of the aircraft. The aircraft will also be painted by Radar Wave Observer Material (like the US Stealth F-15 Project).

For example, the F-16 A / B version had 5m2 rcs, witch airframe manufactured by General Material. But in the F-16 C / D version, the rcs is only 1.5m2, that's for composite material-made airframe. Similarly, the rcs of JF-17 block -1,2 where 3.5m2, due to the composite material, the rcs of block-3 will be about 1± m2. That is, the aircraft will be approximately semi stealth type. And for the stealth coating, the aircraft's color may would be gray or silver.

➲ New engine .....; The Russian RD-93 engine used in the previous version will be replaced with more thrust capable engine. Chinese and Italian engines have been verified for this. However, it was not known which one was selected.

➲ Supersonic Speed and More Payload Capacity .....; The aircraft will be powered by a Mac 2± for a stronger thrust of the new engine and can carry more armaments than ever before.

➲ Active Electronics Scanned Array (AESA) Radar .....; Both KLJ-7A and LKF601E radars have been verified for block-3. However, it was not known which one was selected in the end. Both are Long Range Active Electronics Scanned Array (AESA) radar. The standalone range of both rader in aerial combat is about 200 km and the ground / naval combat range is about 300 km. No need more longer range radar than a light fighter with a 1m2 rcs.

➲ New Cockpit Panel ....; The Block-1.2's multi-function digital glass cockpit panel is enough sophisticated and modern. Nevertheless, the cockpit panel of Block-3 will be upgraded with more modifications. The cockpit is designed in such a way that after takeoff the pilot can use all the options of the cockpit without removing his right hand from control steak. As a result, the amount of Human Arrow in combat will be greatly reduced.

➲ Voice command navigation / control system ....; One of the most touching features of Block-3 is the voice command control system. Because this Fifth Generation technology, to my knowledge, has not been used on any aircraft other than the Russian SU-57. As a result of this system, the pilot can provide various types of commands, including communication, aircraft navigation, through his mouth language. Receiving the pilot's commands via the microphone attached to the pilot's oxygen mask, the onboard computer system, through speech recognition software, will understand the meaning of the pilot's commands and perform the corresponding commands. This allows the pilot to focus his mind more on the enemy during combat.

What is more striking is that the system was developed by Pakistani aeronautical engineers themselves, not Chinese.

➲ Holographic Heads Up Display (HHUD) .....; This system is also made by Pakistan itself. This system uses a holographic sign instead of the usual glass display on the head up display at the top of the cockpit. Holographic sign is a technology where photos / videos can be seen inside the void without any glass or mirror! Due to the reflection of light on the glass during the day-mission, there is no problem in the pilot's face. This sophisticated technology is seen on the dashboard of today's expensive Formula-1 super cars.

➲ Advanced Built-in Electronic Warfare (EW) Suite ...; Previous versions of the JF-17 also used the French-made EW and Chinese KG300G Self-Protection jamming pods, which were fitted to the hardpoint like a bomb. But Block 3 will have more advanced and built-in EW suites installed inside the aircraft. This will reduce the aircraft's RCS and free up a hardpoints. This EW system helps the pilot in the role of Early Warner with electronic warfare support, jamming, countermeasure during combat. Advanced Fighter EW Suite is an extremely important avionics.

Multiple Missile Ejector Rack (MMER) ......; Previous versions of the JF-17 also had multiple ejector racks. However, they could only carry multiple bombs, not carry multiple missiles. But using the upgraded ejector rack in Block-3, it can carry 2 to 3 air-to-air missiles at one hard point. That means if they want the Block-3 JF-17 in the Air Superior Formation can fly with 12-15 air-to-air missiles simultaneously.

Three Axis Digital Fly-By-Wire System (FBW) ....; Many people will think that the Axis Digital Fly-by-wire (FBW) system is only using Block-3, but it is not true. Earlier, the JF-17 Bravo version also used the 3 axis Fly-by-wire (FBW) system.

Without the fly-by-wire system, modern fighters cannot be imagined. It is a technology whereby the control stick is transmitted to the pilot's command by electronic signal and sent to the aircraft's on-board computer. From there, the computer itself changes the maneuverability of the aircraft by moving the stabilizers of the aircraft. That this.. in the racing game we switching the car's direction by pressing the switch / slamming the phone, the fly-by-wire system is just like that. On previous planes, pilots had to fly the aircraft by shake the control stick against the air barrier.

Besides, the aircraft can be operated in auto-pilot mode as there is a fly-by-wire system. and three axis are more complicated matters on the roll, pitch and y of the aircraft. If I discuss it, you will not understand anything.

➲ Full Authority Digital Engine Control System (FADEC) .....; FADEC is an advanced technology where the aircraft's engine is fully computerized via the "Electronic Engine Controller" (EEC) and the "Engine Control Unit" (ECU). That is, there will be no manual work on engine management, everything will be done in a computerized manner.

Some of the notable advantages of this system are ... Automotive Engine Protection, Semi Automatic Engine Starting, Engine Health Monitoring. As we have seen in the Hollywood movie .. When the demise of Batman's car or Iron Man suit is shown in a computerized manner, the system can also report to the pilot the engine condition, loss and damage.

In addition, the engine is computerized the fuel consumption rate and the engine's severnage damage rate is reduced. Installing FADEC also reduces engine weight as manual operating gear is unloaded. That is, the whole thing is like controlling a Honda engine with a smartphone.

➲ P-15 Extra Long range BVR Missile ....; AESA Radar Guided PL-15 is a Chinese-made Hailey Advanced Extra Long Range BVR missile. The range of the missile is 150 km for the fighter-like maneuverable target and 300 km for the non-maneuverable target like bomber. When an AESA radar is installed on a missile, it is easy to guess how the missile's performance will be. This missile is used in all advanced fighters, including J-20, J-31, J-10C, China.

➲ TVC Guided Weapon ....; JF-17's Weapon Capacity has been constantly updated. For example, the Laser Guided Weapon Firing System has been added to Block-2. Likewise, all types of advanced Weapon Firing Capacities, including TV, GPS / INS, Laser Guided, will be added to Block-3. As a result, many advanced Weapons can be used, including the American AGM-114 Hellfire. It is not surprising that the AAM-120C carries.

➲ Helmet Mounted Display Site (HMDS) ....; Chinese J-20 stealth fighter's HMDS system will be used in Block-3. It is the latest HMDS system made in China.

➲ Infrared Search and Trucking System (ITST) ……; IR radar will be installed in Block-3, which helps a lot in close range combat. Any stealth fighter can also be identified if it is within range. The IR system will have a range of about 50-60 km.

All that we have discussed so far is the official announcement of Pak Air Force. That is, the above features are almost guaranteed to be in Block-3. However, there are some features that are very likely to be in Block-3. They are ...

➲ Conformal Fuel Tank (CFT) ....; CFT was not officially reported. However, the idea is to use the Conformal Fuel Tank in Block-3 like all other 4+ Generation Light Fighters.

➲ Extra Hard Point ....; The possibility of setting up a new hardpoint in Block-3 is also very high. In previous versions, there were 7 hardpoints, block 3 would be 8 or 9.

➲ Double seater version ....; Block-3 fighters can be double-seater, or double-seater versions are likely to come out.

It will also be in Block-3 as in previous versions.
In-Flight Air Refueling Capacity
Satellite based navigation system
➧ Onboard Oxygen Generation System (OBGS)
Rader Warning Receiver (RWR)
Missile Approach Warning System (MAWS)
Identification Friends or Foi (IFF)
Advanced Data-link Capacity
Electronic Countermeasure
Flair, chaff, decoy
Self Protection Jamming
Various Mission Pods, including Aselepod, Sniper AAQ-33
Etc ...

When reviewing those features you will notice that there is no wick point in Block-3. In addition to removing all the weaknesses of the previous versions, all kinds of advanced technology have been added to it. Block-3 is a good quality 4.5 Generation Fighter. All things considered, the Fighter is the equivalent of the F-16 Block-60 and capable of being a worthy counterweight to India's Upcoming Rafale.

Performance was verified by installing AESA radar and PL-15 BVR missiles on some Block-2 fighters Early in this year.

Production of JF-17 block-3 started in the June of this year. The first batch of fighters will complete the fast flight in November-December. By mid-2020, the fighters will be join in the PAF fleet.

W. Tafhim Tahsin

Excellent Post. Loved the way how you used examples for the Naysayers to grasp the truth/reality.

I completely agree with you on block 3 updates !

Thank you for the wonderful post !
Very nice article. Every thing written is possible in block lll . Only the Italian engine is not a possibility. Because they don't have any active engine program for fighter jets.
Even they are part of EFT consortium but they are not active in engine manufacturing since a long time .
They companies and names of the engines you have mention in your other post are mostly obsolete.
Those engines were used in past decades. But now they dont have any active fighter jet engine in recent times.
# JF-17 Thunder Block-3 features......

➲ Almost unchanged airframe design .....; There are huge differences in the avionics, armaments between of the current F-16s and witch F-16s made 50 years ago, but have you seen any changes in the exterior design? So Don't have The interior design of the JF-17 Block-3 will not change much with the addition of upgrades. But like the 'JF-17Bravo' version, the Vertical Stabilizer of block-3 will be some swapped. This leads much maneuvering.
That is, all the pictures of Block-3 in the net are fake.

Airframe made by composite material ......; The composite material used in the construction of the block-3 airframe will reduce the radar cross section (RCS) of the aircraft. The aircraft will also be painted by Radar Wave Observer Material (like the US Stealth F-15 Project).

For example, the F-16 A / B version had 5m2 rcs, witch airframe manufactured by General Material. But in the F-16 C / D version, the rcs is only 1.5m2, that's for composite material-made airframe. Similarly, the rcs of JF-17 block -1,2 where 3.5m2, due to the composite material, the rcs of block-3 will be about 1± m2. That is, the aircraft will be approximately semi stealth type. And for the stealth coating, the aircraft's color may would be gray or silver.

➲ New engine .....; The Russian RD-93 engine used in the previous version will be replaced with more thrust capable engine. Chinese and Italian engines have been verified for this. However, it was not known which one was selected.

➲ Supersonic Speed and More Payload Capacity .....; The aircraft will be powered by a Mac 2± for a stronger thrust of the new engine and can carry more armaments than ever before.

➲ Active Electronics Scanned Array (AESA) Radar .....; Both KLJ-7A and LKF601E radars have been verified for block-3. However, it was not known which one was selected in the end. Both are Long Range Active Electronics Scanned Array (AESA) radar. The standalone range of both rader in aerial combat is about 200 km and the ground / naval combat range is about 300 km. No need more longer range radar than a light fighter with a 1m2 rcs.

➲ New Cockpit Panel ....; The Block-1.2's multi-function digital glass cockpit panel is enough sophisticated and modern. Nevertheless, the cockpit panel of Block-3 will be upgraded with more modifications. The cockpit is designed in such a way that after takeoff the pilot can use all the options of the cockpit without removing his right hand from control steak. As a result, the amount of Human Arrow in combat will be greatly reduced.

➲ Voice command navigation / control system ....; One of the most touching features of Block-3 is the voice command control system. Because this Fifth Generation technology, to my knowledge, has not been used on any aircraft other than the Russian SU-57. As a result of this system, the pilot can provide various types of commands, including communication, aircraft navigation, through his mouth language. Receiving the pilot's commands via the microphone attached to the pilot's oxygen mask, the onboard computer system, through speech recognition software, will understand the meaning of the pilot's commands and perform the corresponding commands. This allows the pilot to focus his mind more on the enemy during combat.

What is more striking is that the system was developed by Pakistani aeronautical engineers themselves, not Chinese.

➲ Holographic Heads Up Display (HHUD) .....; This system is also made by Pakistan itself. This system uses a holographic sign instead of the usual glass display on the head up display at the top of the cockpit. Holographic sign is a technology where photos / videos can be seen inside the void without any glass or mirror! Due to the reflection of light on the glass during the day-mission, there is no problem in the pilot's face. This sophisticated technology is seen on the dashboard of today's expensive Formula-1 super cars.

➲ Advanced Built-in Electronic Warfare (EW) Suite ...; Previous versions of the JF-17 also used the French-made EW and Chinese KG300G Self-Protection jamming pods, which were fitted to the hardpoint like a bomb. But Block 3 will have more advanced and built-in EW suites installed inside the aircraft. This will reduce the aircraft's RCS and free up a hardpoints. This EW system helps the pilot in the role of Early Warner with electronic warfare support, jamming, countermeasure during combat. Advanced Fighter EW Suite is an extremely important avionics.

Multiple Missile Ejector Rack (MMER) ......; Previous versions of the JF-17 also had multiple ejector racks. However, they could only carry multiple bombs, not carry multiple missiles. But using the upgraded ejector rack in Block-3, it can carry 2 to 3 air-to-air missiles at one hard point. That means if they want the Block-3 JF-17 in the Air Superior Formation can fly with 12-15 air-to-air missiles simultaneously.

Three Axis Digital Fly-By-Wire System (FBW) ....; Many people will think that the Axis Digital Fly-by-wire (FBW) system is only using Block-3, but it is not true. Earlier, the JF-17 Bravo version also used the 3 axis Fly-by-wire (FBW) system.

Without the fly-by-wire system, modern fighters cannot be imagined. It is a technology whereby the control stick is transmitted to the pilot's command by electronic signal and sent to the aircraft's on-board computer. From there, the computer itself changes the maneuverability of the aircraft by moving the stabilizers of the aircraft. That this.. in the racing game we switching the car's direction by pressing the switch / slamming the phone, the fly-by-wire system is just like that. On previous planes, pilots had to fly the aircraft by shake the control stick against the air barrier.

Besides, the aircraft can be operated in auto-pilot mode as there is a fly-by-wire system. and three axis are more complicated matters on the roll, pitch and y of the aircraft. If I discuss it, you will not understand anything.

➲ Full Authority Digital Engine Control System (FADEC) .....; FADEC is an advanced technology where the aircraft's engine is fully computerized via the "Electronic Engine Controller" (EEC) and the "Engine Control Unit" (ECU). That is, there will be no manual work on engine management, everything will be done in a computerized manner.

Some of the notable advantages of this system are ... Automotive Engine Protection, Semi Automatic Engine Starting, Engine Health Monitoring. As we have seen in the Hollywood movie .. When the demise of Batman's car or Iron Man suit is shown in a computerized manner, the system can also report to the pilot the engine condition, loss and damage.

In addition, the engine is computerized the fuel consumption rate and the engine's severnage damage rate is reduced. Installing FADEC also reduces engine weight as manual operating gear is unloaded. That is, the whole thing is like controlling a Honda engine with a smartphone.

➲ P-15 Extra Long range BVR Missile ....; AESA Radar Guided PL-15 is a Chinese-made Hailey Advanced Extra Long Range BVR missile. The range of the missile is 150 km for the fighter-like maneuverable target and 300 km for the non-maneuverable target like bomber. When an AESA radar is installed on a missile, it is easy to guess how the missile's performance will be. This missile is used in all advanced fighters, including J-20, J-31, J-10C, China.

➲ TVC Guided Weapon ....; JF-17's Weapon Capacity has been constantly updated. For example, the Laser Guided Weapon Firing System has been added to Block-2. Likewise, all types of advanced Weapon Firing Capacities, including TV, GPS / INS, Laser Guided, will be added to Block-3. As a result, many advanced Weapons can be used, including the American AGM-114 Hellfire. It is not surprising that the AAM-120C carries.

➲ Helmet Mounted Display Site (HMDS) ....; Chinese J-20 stealth fighter's HMDS system will be used in Block-3. It is the latest HMDS system made in China.

➲ Infrared Search and Trucking System (ITST) ……; IR radar will be installed in Block-3, which helps a lot in close range combat. Any stealth fighter can also be identified if it is within range. The IR system will have a range of about 50-60 km.

All that we have discussed so far is the official announcement of Pak Air Force. That is, the above features are almost guaranteed to be in Block-3. However, there are some features that are very likely to be in Block-3. They are ...

➲ Conformal Fuel Tank (CFT) ....; CFT was not officially reported. However, the idea is to use the Conformal Fuel Tank in Block-3 like all other 4+ Generation Light Fighters.

➲ Extra Hard Point ....; The possibility of setting up a new hardpoint in Block-3 is also very high. In previous versions, there were 7 hardpoints, block 3 would be 8 or 9.

➲ Double seater version ....; Block-3 fighters can be double-seater, or double-seater versions are likely to come out.

It will also be in Block-3 as in previous versions.
In-Flight Air Refueling Capacity
Satellite based navigation system
➧ Onboard Oxygen Generation System (OBGS)
Rader Warning Receiver (RWR)
Missile Approach Warning System (MAWS)
Identification Friends or Foi (IFF)
Advanced Data-link Capacity
Electronic Countermeasure
Flair, chaff, decoy
Self Protection Jamming
Various Mission Pods, including Aselepod, Sniper AAQ-33
Etc ...

When reviewing those features you will notice that there is no wick point in Block-3. In addition to removing all the weaknesses of the previous versions, all kinds of advanced technology have been added to it. Block-3 is a good quality 4.5 Generation Fighter. All things considered, the Fighter is the equivalent of the F-16 Block-60 and capable of being a worthy counterweight to India's Upcoming Rafale.

Performance was verified by installing AESA radar and PL-15 BVR missiles on some Block-2 fighters Early in this year.

Production of JF-17 block-3 started in the June of this year. The first batch of fighters will complete the fast flight in November-December. By mid-2020, the fighters will be join in the PAF fleet.

W. Tafhim Tahsin
# JF-17 Thunder Block-3 features......

➲ Almost unchanged airframe design .....; There are huge differences in the avionics, armaments between of the current F-16s and witch F-16s made 50 years ago, but have you seen any changes in the exterior design? So Don't have The interior design of the JF-17 Block-3 will not change much with the addition of upgrades. But like the 'JF-17Bravo' version, the Vertical Stabilizer of block-3 will be some swapped. This leads much maneuvering.
That is, all the pictures of Block-3 in the net are fake.

Airframe made by composite material ......; The composite material used in the construction of the block-3 airframe will reduce the radar cross section (RCS) of the aircraft. The aircraft will also be painted by Radar Wave Observer Material (like the US Stealth F-15 Project).

For example, the F-16 A / B version had 5m2 rcs, witch airframe manufactured by General Material. But in the F-16 C / D version, the rcs is only 1.5m2, that's for composite material-made airframe. Similarly, the rcs of JF-17 block -1,2 where 3.5m2, due to the composite material, the rcs of block-3 will be about 1± m2. That is, the aircraft will be approximately semi stealth type. And for the stealth coating, the aircraft's color may would be gray or silver.

➲ New engine .....; The Russian RD-93 engine used in the previous version will be replaced with more thrust capable engine. Chinese and Italian engines have been verified for this. However, it was not known which one was selected.

➲ Supersonic Speed and More Payload Capacity .....; The aircraft will be powered by a Mac 2± for a stronger thrust of the new engine and can carry more armaments than ever before.

➲ Active Electronics Scanned Array (AESA) Radar .....; Both KLJ-7A and LKF601E radars have been verified for block-3. However, it was not known which one was selected in the end. Both are Long Range Active Electronics Scanned Array (AESA) radar. The standalone range of both rader in aerial combat is about 200 km and the ground / naval combat range is about 300 km. No need more longer range radar than a light fighter with a 1m2 rcs.

➲ New Cockpit Panel ....; The Block-1.2's multi-function digital glass cockpit panel is enough sophisticated and modern. Nevertheless, the cockpit panel of Block-3 will be upgraded with more modifications. The cockpit is designed in such a way that after takeoff the pilot can use all the options of the cockpit without removing his right hand from control steak. As a result, the amount of Human Arrow in combat will be greatly reduced.

➲ Voice command navigation / control system ....; One of the most touching features of Block-3 is the voice command control system. Because this Fifth Generation technology, to my knowledge, has not been used on any aircraft other than the Russian SU-57. As a result of this system, the pilot can provide various types of commands, including communication, aircraft navigation, through his mouth language. Receiving the pilot's commands via the microphone attached to the pilot's oxygen mask, the onboard computer system, through speech recognition software, will understand the meaning of the pilot's commands and perform the corresponding commands. This allows the pilot to focus his mind more on the enemy during combat.

What is more striking is that the system was developed by Pakistani aeronautical engineers themselves, not Chinese.

➲ Holographic Heads Up Display (HHUD) .....; This system is also made by Pakistan itself. This system uses a holographic sign instead of the usual glass display on the head up display at the top of the cockpit. Holographic sign is a technology where photos / videos can be seen inside the void without any glass or mirror! Due to the reflection of light on the glass during the day-mission, there is no problem in the pilot's face. This sophisticated technology is seen on the dashboard of today's expensive Formula-1 super cars.

➲ Advanced Built-in Electronic Warfare (EW) Suite ...; Previous versions of the JF-17 also used the French-made EW and Chinese KG300G Self-Protection jamming pods, which were fitted to the hardpoint like a bomb. But Block 3 will have more advanced and built-in EW suites installed inside the aircraft. This will reduce the aircraft's RCS and free up a hardpoints. This EW system helps the pilot in the role of Early Warner with electronic warfare support, jamming, countermeasure during combat. Advanced Fighter EW Suite is an extremely important avionics.

Multiple Missile Ejector Rack (MMER) ......; Previous versions of the JF-17 also had multiple ejector racks. However, they could only carry multiple bombs, not carry multiple missiles. But using the upgraded ejector rack in Block-3, it can carry 2 to 3 air-to-air missiles at one hard point. That means if they want the Block-3 JF-17 in the Air Superior Formation can fly with 12-15 air-to-air missiles simultaneously.

Three Axis Digital Fly-By-Wire System (FBW) ....; Many people will think that the Axis Digital Fly-by-wire (FBW) system is only using Block-3, but it is not true. Earlier, the JF-17 Bravo version also used the 3 axis Fly-by-wire (FBW) system.

Without the fly-by-wire system, modern fighters cannot be imagined. It is a technology whereby the control stick is transmitted to the pilot's command by electronic signal and sent to the aircraft's on-board computer. From there, the computer itself changes the maneuverability of the aircraft by moving the stabilizers of the aircraft. That this.. in the racing game we switching the car's direction by pressing the switch / slamming the phone, the fly-by-wire system is just like that. On previous planes, pilots had to fly the aircraft by shake the control stick against the air barrier.

Besides, the aircraft can be operated in auto-pilot mode as there is a fly-by-wire system. and three axis are more complicated matters on the roll, pitch and y of the aircraft. If I discuss it, you will not understand anything.

➲ Full Authority Digital Engine Control System (FADEC) .....; FADEC is an advanced technology where the aircraft's engine is fully computerized via the "Electronic Engine Controller" (EEC) and the "Engine Control Unit" (ECU). That is, there will be no manual work on engine management, everything will be done in a computerized manner.

Some of the notable advantages of this system are ... Automotive Engine Protection, Semi Automatic Engine Starting, Engine Health Monitoring. As we have seen in the Hollywood movie .. When the demise of Batman's car or Iron Man suit is shown in a computerized manner, the system can also report to the pilot the engine condition, loss and damage.

In addition, the engine is computerized the fuel consumption rate and the engine's severnage damage rate is reduced. Installing FADEC also reduces engine weight as manual operating gear is unloaded. That is, the whole thing is like controlling a Honda engine with a smartphone.

➲ P-15 Extra Long range BVR Missile ....; AESA Radar Guided PL-15 is a Chinese-made Hailey Advanced Extra Long Range BVR missile. The range of the missile is 150 km for the fighter-like maneuverable target and 300 km for the non-maneuverable target like bomber. When an AESA radar is installed on a missile, it is easy to guess how the missile's performance will be. This missile is used in all advanced fighters, including J-20, J-31, J-10C, China.

➲ TVC Guided Weapon ....; JF-17's Weapon Capacity has been constantly updated. For example, the Laser Guided Weapon Firing System has been added to Block-2. Likewise, all types of advanced Weapon Firing Capacities, including TV, GPS / INS, Laser Guided, will be added to Block-3. As a result, many advanced Weapons can be used, including the American AGM-114 Hellfire. It is not surprising that the AAM-120C carries.

➲ Helmet Mounted Display Site (HMDS) ....; Chinese J-20 stealth fighter's HMDS system will be used in Block-3. It is the latest HMDS system made in China.

➲ Infrared Search and Trucking System (ITST) ……; IR radar will be installed in Block-3, which helps a lot in close range combat. Any stealth fighter can also be identified if it is within range. The IR system will have a range of about 50-60 km.

All that we have discussed so far is the official announcement of Pak Air Force. That is, the above features are almost guaranteed to be in Block-3. However, there are some features that are very likely to be in Block-3. They are ...

➲ Conformal Fuel Tank (CFT) ....; CFT was not officially reported. However, the idea is to use the Conformal Fuel Tank in Block-3 like all other 4+ Generation Light Fighters.

➲ Extra Hard Point ....; The possibility of setting up a new hardpoint in Block-3 is also very high. In previous versions, there were 7 hardpoints, block 3 would be 8 or 9.

➲ Double seater version ....; Block-3 fighters can be double-seater, or double-seater versions are likely to come out.

It will also be in Block-3 as in previous versions.
In-Flight Air Refueling Capacity
Satellite based navigation system
➧ Onboard Oxygen Generation System (OBGS)
Rader Warning Receiver (RWR)
Missile Approach Warning System (MAWS)
Identification Friends or Foi (IFF)
Advanced Data-link Capacity
Electronic Countermeasure
Flair, chaff, decoy
Self Protection Jamming
Various Mission Pods, including Aselepod, Sniper AAQ-33
Etc ...

When reviewing those features you will notice that there is no wick point in Block-3. In addition to removing all the weaknesses of the previous versions, all kinds of advanced technology have been added to it. Block-3 is a good quality 4.5 Generation Fighter. All things considered, the Fighter is the equivalent of the F-16 Block-60 and capable of being a worthy counterweight to India's Upcoming Rafale.

Performance was verified by installing AESA radar and PL-15 BVR missiles on some Block-2 fighters Early in this year.

Production of JF-17 block-3 started in the June of this year. The first batch of fighters will complete the fast flight in November-December. By mid-2020, the fighters will be join in the PAF fleet.

W. Tafhim Tahsin

Thank you for the post.
Few things mentioned here do not add up.
1. We have seen pictures of a presumed block 3 with the number '3000' being flown in China with some visible differences from earlier blocks so not sure how all pics of block 3 on the net are fake. Was this article written before that flight?
2. Three A-A missiles on one rack? And total of up to 12 to 15? This I believe cannot be done unless there are changes in the wings.
3. IRST. Looks like the writer is pointing to an on board system rather than a pod. Not impossible but pics of block 3 had no indication of this which brings us to point 1 again.
4. Coatings to reduce RCS would not be very effective with uncovered weapons hanging off the wings (like the 12 to 15 missiles mentioned). Just an opinion.
5. Italian engine?
6. Weapon carrying capability will never reach F16 until an additional HP is added under each wing and even then will depend on the load each HP can carry.

Sure internal systems can be swapped as I believe it was supposed to be a modular design so yes expecting better radar, RWR, internal ECM etc.
Three A-A missiles on one rack? And total of up to 12 to 15? This I believe cannot be done unless there are changes in the wings.

I had the same feeling reading above. It will be aerodynamic challenge for a small wingspan of JF-17. The numbers only add up if multiple ejector racks are used instead of external fuel tanks. Don't expect wingtips to carry multiple AAMs. Theoretically it is possible with following configuration
1 - 3 - 3 - EFT - 3 - 3 - 1
Thank you for the post.
Few things mentioned here do not add up.
1. We have seen pictures of a presumed block 3 with the number '3000' being flown in China with some visible differences from earlier blocks so not sure how all pics of block 3 on the net are fake. Was this article written before that flight?
2. Three A-A missiles on one rack? And total of up to 12 to 15? This I believe cannot be done unless there are changes in the wings.
3. IRST. Looks like the writer is pointing to an on board system rather than a pod. Not impossible but pics of block 3 had no indication of this which brings us to point 1 again.
4. Coatings to reduce RCS would not be very effective with uncovered weapons hanging off the wings (like the 12 to 15 missiles mentioned). Just an opinion.
5. Italian engine?
6. Weapon carrying capability will never reach F16 until an additional HP is added under each wing and even then will depend on the load each HP can carry.

Sure internal systems can be swapped as I believe it was supposed to be a modular design so yes expecting better radar, RWR, internal ECM etc.
I agree. This was the reason for asking for the source. All I am expecting is an additional HP, FADEC, uprated RD93(some posters have already said this has already been done on JFT block2)DERs, possibly wing tip mounting of SD10A. Believe it or not I have heard of CFTs on JFT from madam @messiach and if it can be done would be a huge plus. Beyond that all changes will be internal and not visble to the novice like me.
# JF-17 Thunder Block-3 features......

Pardon to play again the devil's advocate, but there are some items in this report that does not fit, which seem to be collected and compiled only from old expectations, very old reports and forum speculations before the first images appeared and are either so far still not confirmed, while others seem to be rather speculative and finally a few simply cannot be; they are plain wrong: Therefore let me try my best and if you don't agree, let's discuss ...

➲ Almost unchanged airframe design .....; But like the 'JF-17Bravo' version, the Vertical Stabilizer of block-3 will be some swapped. This leads much maneuvering.
That is, all the pictures of Block-3 in the net are fake.

As we all know - and as such IMO the biggest weakness of that report questioning its whole credibility - this is plain wrong. the single seater Block 3 has just the same regular tail, and nothing different.

The aircraft will also be painted by Radar Wave Observer Material (like the US Stealth F-15 Project).

IMO a pure speculative claim, that has so far neither been reported nor been confirmed.

That is, the aircraft will be approximately semi stealth type. And for the stealth coating, the aircraft's color may would be gray or silver.

Exactly the same ... a phrase only to spur interest, but barely based on confirmed facts.

New engine .....; The Russian RD-93 engine used in the previous version will be replaced with more thrust capable engine. Chinese and Italian engines have been verified for this.

Another very critical point since first of all there is NO Italian engine available as an alternative and IF, this could only be the EJ200, which won't be sold due to political considerations. As such, there is not such an ITALIAN engine program and the claim these have been "verified" are plain fake.

➲ Supersonic Speed and More Payload Capacity .....; The aircraft will be powered by a Mac 2± for a stronger thrust of the new engine and can carry more armaments than ever before.

another most unlikely claim since neither the WS-13 nor the uprated RD-93-whatever delivers enough thrust for an airfranme that is simply not rated for Mach 2. IMO a plain ridiculous claim.

What is more striking is that the system was developed by Pakistani aeronautical engineers themselves, not Chinese.

This is another very speculative and IMO even plain wrong claim: All the following avionics systems mentioned are based on Chinese ones, be that the FBW-system, the radar or whatever. At best - and even this is questionable - they are produced under licence but one cannot claim to use the latest Chinese radar, the J-20's latest HMD and HUD and then say it is developed independently in Pakistan, IMO another simple fail or even fake.

➲ Holographic Heads Up Display (HHUD) .....; This system is also made by Pakistan itself. ...

just see above... we already discussed that to death and while some claim it will use exactly the J-20's HUD, it was shown that it uses a slightly different albeit similar one ... but surely not one made in Pakistan.

➲ Advanced Built-in Electronic Warfare (EW) Suite ...; Previous versions of the JF-17 also used the French-made EW and Chinese KG300G Self-Protection jamming pods, ...

Yet another "It sounds so good" but most likely wrong claim. Even if widely reported, the KG300 is a so much dated system formerly used by the PLAAF J-8H fighters and never seen on any operational JF-17. Quite to the contrary we've seen the much more modern KG600 and I'm almost sure, French systems were onyl offered as an option, but are not operational yet.

Multiple Missile Ejector Rack (MMER) ......; But using the upgraded ejector rack in Block-3, it can carry 2 to 3 air-to-air missiles at one hard point. That means if they want the Block-3 JF-17 in the Air Superior Formation can fly with 12-15 air-to-air missiles simultaneously.

This in fact is the most stupid claim in the whole report. Not even the most capable high-end heavy fighters in PLAAF service carry triple racks, there is none - at least by all we know - and it is simply plain ridiculous to assume - as such just another "it sounds soooo good" item of this report - to think such a rack is available or even that the JF-17 could ever carry 12-15 AAMs.

Three Axis Digital Fly-By-Wire System (FBW) ....; Many people will think that the Axis Digital Fly-by-wire (FBW) system is only using Block-3, but it is not true. Earlier, the JF-17 Bravo version also used the 3 axis Fly-by-wire (FBW) system.

Again a claim only mentioned by fan boys and contrary to everything reported by the most reliable posters. Maybe @Quwa can help me out (or even correct my post!)

... If I discuss it, you will not understand anything. ... That is, the whole thing is like controlling a Honda engine with a smartphone. ...

What the f..k!? Co,e on, you cannot write such a BS in a report and think to be taken seriously. Either it is simply unworthy to tell the readers they are "too stupid" to understand or plain arrogant. :crazy::hitwall:

P-15 Extra Long range BVR Missile ....; ...

This is not confirmed even if widely accepted ...

TVC Guided Weapon ....; .... As a result, many advanced Weapons can be used, including the American AGM-114 Hellfire. It is not surprising that the AAM-120C carries.

... while this is IMO simply impossible. Name any Western fighter, that uses the Hellfire ATGM and explain, why or even how the JF-17 should be qualified foir this weapon when it is not even in service in Pakistan or anywhere off a fighter? ... as such to allude,the Block 3 might even be able to use the AIM-120 is yet another fail!

Helmet Mounted Display Site (HMDS) ....; Chinese J-20 stealth fighter's HMDS system will be used in Block-3. It is the latest HMDS system made in China.

Again an item, that might be possible but that is not confirmed. At best it might be a Chinese or other foreign system but exactly the same one as used by the J-20 seem unlikely.

Infrared Search and Trucking System (ITST) ……; IR radar will be installed in Block-3,

Come on ... again something that just sounds "good" but that is plain wrong: There is no IR radar and most likely he mixes it with an IRST-device similar to the J-11/J-10 series, but this again is unlikely or at least unproven.

All that we have discussed so far is the official announcement of Pak Air Force. That is, the above features are almost guaranteed to be in Block-3. However, there are some features that are very likely to be in Block-3. They are ...

Conformal Fuel Tank (CFT) ....; CFT was not officially reported.
However, the idea is to use the Conformal Fuel Tank in Block-3 like all other 4+ Generation Light Fighters.

Yet another wet-dream by a fan-boy. CFTs on the JF-17 are neither reported nor mentioned in any reliable post even if they are often mentioned in fan-boy-claims. Also, how many of these "all 4+ generation fighters" use CFTs in fact??

It will also be in Block-3 as in previous versions.
... Sniper AAQ-33

Again IMO a huge fail ... I must admit I'm not sure if the Sniper as the USAF's most capable targeting pos is in service in Pakistan, but I cannot think that the US would allow its integration to the Block 3.

Performance was verified by installing AESA radar and PL-15 BVR missiles on some Block-2 fighters Early in this year.

What's the proof for this?? I tknow there are a few - unconfirmed - images showing a PL-15 but nothing hints towards that any Block 2 already uses an AESA radar. IMO one of the worst claims and again a hint that this is nothing but a faked report.

Production of JF-17 block-3 started in the June of this year. The first batch of fighters will complete the fast flight in November-December. By mid-2020, the fighters will be join in the PAF fleet.

Oh well ...we have just May 2020, how could production started in June 2020 and how will it have its flight testing and operational evaluation concluded until Nov/Dec??? ... and then enter service in PAF already by mid-2020?? :hitwall::crazy:

Either the reported has some knowledge and scientific understanding I don't have or it is yet another proof for a hyped up fake-report.

As such in summary, I usually don't like bashing other author's work, but this piece is IMO simply based on fan-boy wishes, a mix-up of rumors, hopes, unproven claims and misunderstandings spiced up with a lot of hope and many wrong errors.

But I'm eager to learn again and being corrected. :-)
Last edited:
Pardon to play again the devil's advocate, but there are some items in this report that does not fit, which seem to be collected and compiled only from old expectations, very old reports and forum speculations before the first images appeared and are either so far still not confirmed, while others seem to be rather speculative and finally a few simply cannot be; they are plain wrong: Therefore let me try my best and if you don't agree, let's discuss ...

As we all know - and as such IMO the biggest weakness of that report questioning its whole credibility - this is plain wrong. the single seater Block 3 has just the same regular tail, and nothing different.

IMO a pure speculative claim, that has so far neither been reported nor been confirmed.

Exactly the same ... a phrase only to spur interest, but barely based on confirmed facts.

Another very critical point since first of all there is NO Italian engine available as an alternative and IF, this could only be the EJ200, which won't be sold due to political considerations. As such, there is not such an ITALIAN engine program and the claim these have been "verified" are plain fake.

another most unlikely claim since neither the WS-13 nor the uprated RD-93-whatever delivers enough thrust for an airfranme that is simply not rated for Mach 2. IMO a plain ridiculous claim.

This is another very speculative and IMO even plain wrong claim: All the following avionics systems mentioned are based on Chinese ones, be that the FBW-system, the radar or whatever. At best - and even this is questionable - they are produced under licence but one cannot claim to use the latest Chinese radar, the J-20's latest HMD and HUD and then say it is developed independently in Pakistan, IMO another simple fail or even fake.

just see above... we already discussed that to death and while some claim it will use exactly the J-20's HUD, it was shown that it uses a slightly different albeit similar one ... but surely not one made in Pakistan.

Yet another "It sounds so good" but most likely wrong claim. Even if widely reported, the KG300 is a so much dated system formerly used by the PLAAF J-8H fighters and never seen on any operational JF-17. Quite to the contrary we've seen the much more modern KG600 and I'm almost sure, French systems were onyl offered as an option, but are not operational yet.

This in fact is the most stupid claim in the whole report. Not even the most capable high-end heavy fighters in PLAAF service carry triple racks, there is none - at least by all we know - and it is simply plain ridiculous to assume - as such just another "it sounds soooo good" item of this report - to think such a rack is available or even that the JF-17 could ever carry 12-15 AAMs.

Again a claim only mentioned by fan boys and contrary to everything reported by the most reliable posters. Maybe @Quwa can help me out (or even correct my post!)

What the f..k!? Co,e on, you cannot write such a BS in a report and think to be taken seriously. Either it is simply unworthy to tell the readers they are "too stupid" to understand or plain arrogant. :crazy::hitwall:

This is not confirmed even if widely accepted ...

... while this is IMO simply impossible. Name any Western fighter, that uses the Hellfire ATGM and explain, why or even how the JF-17 should be qualified foir this weapon when it is not even in service in Pakistan or anywhere off a fighter? ... as such to allude,the Block 3 might even be able to use the AIM-120 is yet another fail!

Again an item, that might be possible but that is not confirmed. At best it might be a Chinese or other foreign system but exactly the same one as used by the J-20 seem unlikely.

Come on ... again something taht just sounds "good" but that is plain wrong: There is no IR radar and most likely he mixes it with an IRST-device similar to the J-11/J-10 series, but this again is unlikely or at lesta unproven.

Why bother with reason, facts, and logic Dieno? Unfortunately these are in short supply sometimes on here.
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