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JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

knowing about engine does not tell anything about plane performance unless you know the weight of the plane and more importantly its aerodynamic profile, even then unless either you see it's true/full performance in demos or actual flying experience.

Just knowing what RADAR is used does not tell anything unless its true operational specs are divulged or stolen. otherwise its just a name?

Sir, what will be so secret about it.
RD-93 is a derivative of Kilmov RD-33 used in mig-29 fulcrum, so india already knows characteristics of RD-93. Probably Block III will use another derivative of the advanced RD-33MK, which india will know already unless it is Chinese origin WS-13.
As for RADAR, there are three contenders: Nanjing Research Institute of Electronics Technology (NRIET) KLJ-7A, Leihua Electronic Technology Research Institute (LETRI) LKF601E, and Leonardo Grifo-E.
Most probably it will be one of chinese origin.
Of course PAF and PAC will keep certain information classified about RADAR and avionics, but disclosing the RADAR model and engine is no secret.
After induction it will appear at Farnborough and other shows so brochures will have that info.
Engine is the same; but radar i believe is still not finalised as well as integration which is a big piece of work.
Well most probably RADAR will be an AESA type.
Will be disappointed with same rd-93. TBO of 600hr/800hr and 2200 hrs service life is not that good.
A better fuel efficient and powerful engine could give more combat range which will be helpful for sea missions. 730 nm combat range means PAF wont be going for deep offensive inland missions. With drop tanks it can go further but with air drag and higher RCS.
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