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JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

I think any future block of JF-17 should be build with the help of Turkey. I think China want to sell J-10C to Pakistan that’s why they dragging the development work on JF-17 block 3.
Where are you getting this from...
Dragging work for jf17?
No China offer us J-10 in past and recently C for Pakistan but Pakistan is not convince to buy J-10C, in block-3 there are many system of block-3, so Pakistan thinks there no need for buying J-10 and block-3 is almost on the par with J-10C with exception of range and payloads

Range and Payload make lots of difference. From the pictured released, one can see that infrared search and track (IRST) is missing in JF-17 block 3 prototype.
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Range and Payload malt lots of difference. infrared search and track (IRST) is missing in JF-17 block 3
Range and time on station can be compensated by air to air refueling, and IRST is not mandatory in block-3 and in India and Pakistan scenario with AWACS coverage IRST remain mostly useless, we are following USAF trends
3 years late ??? By who's timescale....again yours? They have just finished building blk 2

Timeline establishment by PAF themselves. Block 3 was supposed to go in production by 2016 -2017. It was delayed due to design work by Chinese.According to 2018 article it supposed to be full production by 2019 or 2020 but recently we were told that JF-17 B3 will go into Limited production in 2020.
I wonder what design work they had to do. They have all the technology that they have already developed for J-10, J-31, J-20 and J-11/16. They didn’t make any changes to frame. Let’s hope they have added more composite material to reduce the weight. Had they enlarge the nose, they would have been able to add larger more powerful Radar with IRST and other gadgets.
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With all due respect, I really wanted Turkish member to answer this question.

Just look at the link below.

Just because we are assembling JF-17 doesn’t mean our aviation industry is Superior to Turkish aviation industry. Even in 20 years we won’t be able to catch up to Turkish aviation industry.
In 20 years, Turkey will be competing with Italy, Spain and Russia.


That is an impressive resume---but they have not built a fighter aircraft yet and ours has been thru combat---.

We are a poor and a broke nation---but there are two things the Turks don't have--experience in (on the good side)---nucs and fighter aircraft---.

We are way beyond assembling at this stage---we are into building and manufacturing---.

Don't sell our abilities short just because the paint is peeling off the floor of the aircraft hangar---or the uniform of our techs is average quality or we are drilling by hand---we are way ahead of them in this field---and why we are ahead---.

Even though the Paf has issues---there are some dedicated lunatics in the Paf in the high and low ranks who only see one thing---the star and crescent flying high---.

Trust me on this---. There has been no one bigger critic than me of the JF17---and I am telling you that there is far more success behind the build of this aircraft than is imaginable---. With all the duress---and with all the negatives and stress---all the sabotage from western sellers and all the hinderances and threats from many a places---the JF17 is a reality---and this reality puts us way ahead of those who have yet to start.

We have seen failures and hardships on this project---we have seen difficulties that would make others quit---we have been talked down by everyone---we have seen sanctions against us---at the last moment we have been refused power plant---EW package---.

But it was the tenacity of those " lunatics "---their endurance---their never accept no attitude ---that they even turned our russia to provide us with a power plant and pushed china so hard that they ended up competing for an EW package against the world renowned manufacturers the Italians---and bettered them---.

I am pretty sure that Turkey will come to the arena and will succeed very well in the fighter aircraft field because it already has a base established to propel it forward---. OTOH---we never had anything but the experience of overhauling and rebuilding old junk Mirages and F7's into functional and operational aircraft---.

What we have learnt in this process---if we have not learnt it---then we should---you must never start on these massive project yourself---it takes team it takes diversity it takes prior experience and it takes resource to build a modern day fighter aircraft it takes endurance it challenges your sanity it challenges your patience it challenges your very thought process and turns it upside down---it makes you so crazy that you even end up putting your display aircraft on a flat bed to show your countrymen what you have achieved in your failure---.

@Irfan Baloch @Windjammer @Mangus Ortus Novem @Mentee @denel @raja786
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Timeline establishment by PAF themselves. Block 3 was supposed to go in production by 2016 -2017. It was delayed due to design work by Chinese. According to 2018 article it supposed to be full production by 2019 or 2020 but recently we were told that JF-17 B3 will go into Limited production in 2020.
Where do you get this 2016-2017 timeline, senior and professional members of PDF never hinted that PAF will have first flight of block-3 in 2016-2017 and will mass produce 2019-2020
Range and time on station can be compensated by air to air refueling, and IRST is not mandatory in block-3 and in India and Pakistan scenario with AWACS coverage IRST remain mostly useless, we are following USAF trends

Block 3 is for export also, not just for domestic use.

Where do you get this 2016-2017 timeline, senior and professional members of PDF never hinted that PAF will have first flight of block-3 in 2016-2017 and will mass produce 2019-2020

Just go through this forum....
sewpt back tail is not mandatory for block-3

Where the auxiliary cooling intakes is on this prototype, are you considering breaking parachute housing as an auxiliary cooling intake???o_O:what::undecided:
Hopefully this is an air intake for an APU. PAF may needs to be able start these planes ASAP, and an APU speeds up the process.

Also I hope there is an OBOGS and we aren’t using oxygen canisters.

Any indication of either an APU or an OBOGS?
So you're actually saying that if they did design blunder then it's good we should do the same? basically justifying our mistake by giving an example of others' mistakes..


You are going off tangent--way way off---. We have a totally flyable aircaft---. Our aircraft is not defective in design---.

It is a completely functional unit---maybe it needs the end product to have more finesse and physical appeal---but it is still a weapon of war---and it is a successful weapon of war---.

The design blunder is not FLYABLE---I mean to ask you---WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOUR THINKING---you just suddenly compared our successful project to their failure that may end up ruining boeing forever.

You need to think straight---.

There is no comparison between bulky and rough finish to a product that is not fit for flying---.

Where did comparison come into force in the first place---. That is one strange way of comparing---.
Block 3 is for export also, not just for domestic
Just go through this forum....
i join this forum in 2011 and i will reading JF-17 threads regularly since then there are no senior/professional member which claims that block-3 will have first flight in 2016-17 and will go in production in 2019-20
so, what the issue 3000 km ferry range is a quite decent range for light weight fighter jet and we have the option to install podded IRST on customer request

Hopefully this is an air intake for an APU. PAF may needs to be able start these planes ASAP, and an APU speeds up the process.

Also I hope there is an OBOGS and we aren’t using oxygen canisters.

Any indication of either an APU or an OBOGS?
No bro i don't know but its to early to predict at this point lets wait and see

You are going off tangent--way way off---. We have a totally flyable aircaft---. Our aircraft is not defective in design---.

It is a completely functional unit---maybe it needs the end product to have more finesse and physical appeal---but it is still a weapon of war---and it is a successful weapon of war---.

The design blunder is not FLYABLE---I mean to ask you---WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOUR THINKING---you just suddenly compared our successful project to their failure that may end up ruining boeing forever.

You need to think straight---.

There is no comparison between bulky and rough finish to a product that is not fit for flying---.

Where did comparison come into force in the first place---. That is one strange way of comparing---.

Instead of ranting for half a page, plz point three (3) major design flaws that were pointed to you by these experts. This plane has now a decade and half under its belt. If these were such major flaws where weren’t they rectified till now would be the question.

I have already mentioned. Have you seen the two-seater? too bulky seems pregnant ... definitely put a negative impact on maneuverability. About the plane has now a decade and half, the design phase is not in your hand. You can just modify and integrated avionics. Design is all in the hands of Chinese. For them, JF17 is for Pakistan though they had initially developed that aircraft for themselves. More like a testing proto aircraft for the Chinese to get more knowledge and understanding about the aero industry China developed the FC1 based on the design for the MiG-33, which was rejected by the Soviet AF...

Compare the aerodynamic of the aircraft with any modern fighter jet. You can easily get an idea of what I am actually referring to.. compare this with Rafale, F18E, Typhoon, even with the F16....

I am not saying its not flyable thingy.... seems extremely unbalance aircraft...
Block 3 is for export also, not just for domestic use.
It has decent range of 3000 km and as for IRST we install podded IRST if customer ask
Just go through this forum....
Just no senior and professional members claims that block-3 will have first flight in 2016-17 and will mass produced in 2019-20 i am reading this forum since 2011 and regularly reading various sticky threads of JF-17 never heard this news before
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