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Jew shouting 'Allahu Akbar' shot dead by Police in Jerusalem.

Guard shoots Jew dead at Jerusalem's Western Wall: Police.
Published on Jun 21, 2013
1:28 PM

JERUSALEM (AFP) - An Israeli security guard shot dead a Jewish visitor at Jerusalem's Western Wall, Judaism's holiest site, on Friday, mistaking him for a Palestinian militant, police said.

"He for some reason shouted 'Allahu Akbar'," police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld told AFP.

"A security guard drew his weapon and fired several shots at the suspect... He died from his wounds a few moments ago."

Guard shoots Jew dead at Jerusalem's Western Wall: Police

Unfortunate, but I understand the police officer's reaction. "Alluha Akbar" is so often followed by a bomb blast or other forms of senseless violence against civilians.. :(

but you on the other hand defending what is happening in israel is outrageous, as a pakistani i think its treasonous.
how could anybody with a sane mind condone israeli actions?.....

Listen man, I have been to israel and to Palestinian territory.

Don't believe in media hype. There are plenty of peaceful and secular people among non-Arab population of Israel, who have no issues whatsoever with Arabs or Muslims.

And many many Arab Muslims are thriving as Israeli citizens. They may have few misgivings here and there, but then who doesn't, and which country lives without some little complaint here, and some little argument there.

Every country has that kind of thingy. It is human nature to complain and argue. PDF is prime example of that.

Problem with Many Pakistani posters and intellectuals like you, is that they refuse to accept the reality aka Israel.

And then build up false history to prove that we are right.

what happened in 48, happened long long time ago.

You can't keep on going back.

Even Palestinian leadership doesn't go that back to 48.

Right now the issue is with settlements. And both sides recognize it.

Hopefully one day it will be resolved.

And if not,

well then there will be lot of $hit shoveling among extremists on both sides. Both Israel and Arabs have bad apples that continue to fan the fire.

As a Pakistani, it is your choice to side with the bad apples

or decide to accept Israel and become part of the mainstream middle of the road sane people.

The choice is yours.
Nonsense. There is not a single Israeli between Gaza and Egypt. Tens of thousands go in and out there.

stop it with the lies @500 the whole world nows you isrsel have a blockade on gaza,
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Unfortunate, but I understand the police officer's reaction. "Alluha Akbar" is so often followed by a bomb blast or other forms of senseless violence against civilians.. :(

Was it even the words though?

If I went to Jerusalem's Western Wall (a very high-security area), and screamed "TA MA DE" and pulled an object from my pocket, I would probably be shot too.

Security is a pretty big deal nowadays. Don't pull stunts in high-security areas, that's just common sense.
Listen man, I have been to israel and to Palestinian territory.

on what passport? the pakistani passport?
i know palestinians first hand and jews from israel i've herd both sides.
anyhow seems like by going there you must not have learned anything, never mind me there are jews who hate israel and im not talking about those jews who are religiously against israel but secular jews educated professors not any amateur like you sir.

Don't believe in media hype. There are plenty of peaceful and secular people among non-Arab population of Israel, who have no issues whatsoever with Arabs or Muslims.
no ****, there is good and bad on both sides but thats not what we are talking about here today.

And many many Arab Muslims are thriving as Israeli citizens. They may have few misgivings here and there, but then who doesn't, and which country lives without some little complaint here, and some little argument there.

how many "thriving" palestinians have you met in israel on your visit?
this is not just a complaint here and there.
how could support that attacked a democratically elected government just becuase they dont like them and try to over throw them?
how could you support a country which for years punish the gazans by blockading them just becuase they chose to elect a government they liked?
the israeli government wouldnt allow food, meds or even let the people travel in between.
it was literally a prison where only enough food was allowed in to keep the palestinains alive so they can continue suffering.

Every country has that kind of thingy. It is human nature to complain and argue. PDF is prime example of that.

sure no doubt about that, but your seriously are trying to twist the facts bud, this is not a complaint this is violations of human rights.

Problem with Many Pakistani posters and intellectuals like you, is that they refuse to accept the reality aka Israel.

we accept israel as a occupying force on palestinian lands, we know it exists but we dont recognize it and inshallah never will.
And then build up false history to prove that we are right.

i dont know about you but i havent built up any false history, everything i have said is true.

what happened in 48, happened long long time ago.

i think maybe you should take the "historian" part out of your name since something that happened in 48 doesnt matter to you( on 65 years ago)

You can't keep on going back.
why not?
havent you herd?
those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it, a historian like yourself should know better.

Even Palestinian leadership doesn't go that back to 48
says who?
why are you lying bro? how many palestinians do you even know?
i myself know dozens of them living here in rochester.

Right now the issue is with settlements. And both sides recognize it.

just settlements?
are you sure you not trying to hide the truth again?
-have you forgotten that they bulldoze palestinian homes is somebody in their family is a fighter or a bomber? what kind of bs is that? they punish the whole family for one persons mistake.
- they put a blockade on gaza becuase the gazans chose hamas as their government.
-they used palestinian children as human shields
- they wont let palestinians even create a country of their own with the west bank and gaza never mind parts of israel.
i cant think of more stuff right now but there are tons of them but just try to answer these for now.

Hopefully one day it will be resolved.

And if not,

well then there will be lot of $hit shoveling among extremists on both sides. Both Israel and Arabs have bad apples that continue to fan the fire.

you think so? what would israel expect? are they foolish enough to think palestinians are just going to quit? untill israel gives atleast jerusalem and they withdraw from the west bank and palestine becomes a country then i see no end to this.

As a Pakistani, it is your choice to side with the bad apples

or decide to accept Israel and become part of the mainstream middle of the road sane people.

The choice is yours.

my choice is palestine and the palestinians and so is 99.999 percent of all pakistani and majority of the people on this earth.

a person has to be insane to support israel knowing the situation of palestine.
you could say what you want.
but know one thing:
the good guys always win!
stop it with the lies @500 the whole world nows you isrsel have a blockade on gaza,

stop calling everything your opponent says a lie. you can only challenge a lie with verifiable facts.

and your signature;
qamar1990 said:
"I advise you to guard against atheism and materialism.The biggest blunder made by Europe was the separation of Church and State. This deprived their culture of moral soul and diverted it to the atheistic materialism"-Alama Iqbal

What a friggin bullshit. We were freed from priests acting as politicians, something they sucked at.
You muslim clerics still suck at politics. Look at your persistant "Allaaaaah gives us permission and great reward for terrorism". Such bullshit. Such spiritual and moral corruption. You think you're going to paradise with 72 virgins? You might be surprised where you go, terrorism practitioners and supporters. I think you stand a goood chance of ending up in a place that's Vastly more unpleasant than you would think, after a lifetime of supporting this counterproductive bloody tactic of yours.

Either muslim clerics let go of promoting violence to achieve political goals, or we'll have to seperate your mosques and states somewhere in this century, for you.
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A person will be insane to support a bunch of terrorists who know nothing better than being suicide bombers, or breeding tons of children like mice.

No wonder even monks in Burma hate those breeders who know nothing but breeding one after another one.

I would rather to have Israel be the country and force there even though it gets the land by force as well.

on what passport? the pakistani passport?
i know palestinians first hand and jews from israel i've herd both sides.
anyhow seems like by going there you must not have learned anything, never mind me there are jews who hate israel and im not talking about those jews who are religiously against israel but secular jews educated professors not any amateur like you sir.

no ****, there is good and bad on both sides but thats not what we are talking about here today.

how many "thriving" palestinians have you met in israel on your visit?
this is not just a complaint here and there.
how could support that attacked a democratically elected government just becuase they dont like them and try to over throw them?
how could you support a country which for years punish the gazans by blockading them just becuase they chose to elect a government they liked?
the israeli government wouldnt allow food, meds or even let the people travel in between.
it was literally a prison where only enough food was allowed in to keep the palestinains alive so they can continue suffering.

sure no doubt about that, but your seriously are trying to twist the facts bud, this is not a complaint this is violations of human rights.

we accept israel as a occupying force on palestinian lands, we know it exists but we dont recognize it and inshallah never will.

i dont know about you but i havent built up any false history, everything i have said is true.

i think maybe you should take the "historian" part out of your name since something that happened in 48 doesnt matter to you( on 65 years ago)

why not?
havent you herd?
those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it, a historian like yourself should know better.

says who?
why are you lying bro? how many palestinians do you even know?
i myself know dozens of them living here in rochester.

just settlements?
are you sure you not trying to hide the truth again?
-have you forgotten that they bulldoze palestinian homes is somebody in their family is a fighter or a bomber? what kind of bs is that? they punish the whole family for one persons mistake.
- they put a blockade on gaza becuase the gazans chose hamas as their government.
-they used palestinian children as human shields
- they wont let palestinians even create a country of their own with the west bank and gaza never mind parts of israel.
i cant think of more stuff right now but there are tons of them but just try to answer these for now.


you think so? what would israel expect? are they foolish enough to think palestinians are just going to quit? untill israel gives atleast jerusalem and they withdraw from the west bank and palestine becomes a country then i see no end to this.

my choice is palestine and the palestinians and so is 99.999 percent of all pakistani and majority of the people on this earth.

a person has to be insane to support israel knowing the situation of palestine.
you could say what you want.
but know one thing:
the good guys always win!
Not exactly.

The guard did the right thing. Most guards with the sane mind at that territory would have shot that idiot many times since the consequence of not doing so would have caused great damages to others close by.

Both were mad, who shot and who got shot.
May his sole rest in peace!!
Poor dumbfuck, should have known better not to say/act like a tard in a high security zone. In all probability, the security guard will definitely be acquitted.....though maybe security guards in Israel should be given Tasers instead of guns?
Not exactly.

The guard did the right thing. Most guards with the sane mind at that territory would have shot that idiot many times since the consequence of not doing so would have caused great damages to others close by.

That's true.... the man shouting was 90% mad and the guard 10%. :D

how could support that attacked a democratically elected government just becuase they dont like them and try to over throw them?

Just because we don't like Hamas? are you serious? I know you are intentionally misleading.
It is clear to everyone that Hamas and Israel have been at war for a long long time before those elections. Thousands of dead on both sides make this evident.
Hamas brutally taking control of Gaza and slaughtering and exiling everyone who opposes them an their family was surely a democratic move!
The first thing Hamas did after Israel unilaterally withdrew from Gaza is to fire rockets against Israeli civilians across the fence.
But hey, according to your logic we only retaliated because we "don't like them"...

how could you support a country which for years punish the gazans by blockading them just becuase they chose to elect a government they liked?

I have already answered the reason for the animosity part, now I'll get to the blockade part. As any person with the ability to understand what lines on a map mean known it is physically impossible for Israel to blockade Gaza.
For the geographically challenged:


the israeli government wouldnt allow food, meds or even let the people travel in between.

That's another one of your many many lies:
"As part of its regular monthly programme to help feed 285,000 vulnerable people throughout the Gaza Strip, WFP said it began on Tuesday to deliver food to 30,000 people at six sites in Gaza. It is also supplying wheat flour to bakeries so that free bread can be given to people who have seen their homes destroyed."

Through the Israeli border.

" Israel resumed the supply of goods and humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip through the sole cargo terminal at the joint border closed since the Israeli military launched an offensive against Palestinian militants, army officials said on Sunday.

About 70 of 120 trucks loaded with medicines, food supplies, household gas and basic necessities have already passed through the Kerem Shalom border crossing into Gaza. [...] The latest wave of violence between Israel and Gaza began on 14 November and has included rocket attacks against Israel from Gaza, and Israeli airstrikes on Gaza. [...] The trucks passed through the crossing for the first time since Wednesday"

Resumed is the Key word here. Sure the flow of aid is somewhat hampered in the highest time of the conflict, but still is resumed at the first opportunity.

From ANERA: "Delivered 32 shipments of donated medicines to charitable institutions throughout the West Bank, Gaza and Lebanon."

now lets examine who really stands in the way of some of the aid getting to Gaza people because they want to make a profit:

“On Tuesday, four trucks with WFP food stocks attempted to enter via the Karem Shalom crossing, but had to turn back due to rocket fire,”

"AMMAN - Anonymous armed men captured a 13-truck convoy laden with foodstuff donated by Jordanians after entering the Gaza Strip, a Palestinian official told The Jordan Times Tuesday."

bombing crossings with Israel: "GAZA CITY (AP) — A Palestinian militant detonated a powerful truck bomb with four tons of explosives at the main pedestrian crossing between Israel and the Gaza Strip on Thursday, causing extensive damage"

United Nations News Centre - UN agencies raise concerns about providing humanitarian aid in Gaza
Israel Allows Humanitarian Aid Into Gaza | World | RIA Novosti
ANERA | Annual Reports and Financial Statements | 990 Forms
Truck bomb destroys Gaza-Israel pedestrian crossing - USATODAY.com

Most of those sources are predisposed against Israel, still they admit the truth.

Here is the real situation in Gaza:

A pro Heaballah (enemy of Israel for those who didn't know) tv channel investigating living standards in Gaza:

This is Gaza:

(note I have not personally verified that every single picture is from Gaza, but most of them definitely are)

- they wont let palestinians even create a country of their own with the west bank and gaza never mind parts of israel.

Why should we give the people who proclaim day in and day out that they want to wipe us out and massacre us the tools to do exactly that? are you serious?

Once the Palestinian leaders (both Hamas and some in Fatah) realize that for peace they have to let go of their wishes to wipe out and massacre us, peace may come.

I wonder if you are capable of learning from sources that are anti Israeli yet still say the opposite of what you do. Tough it seems that you are brainwashed to an unrecoverable extent. sad for you.

Notice how my post actually has sources to base what I claim?

Just yelling 'lies lies it's all lies" is just not going to cut it in an age when most people have access to the internet and can freely surf to sites like google maps.
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A person will be insane to support a bunch of terrorists who know nothing better than being suicide bombers, or breeding tons of children like mice.

No wonder even monks in Burma hate those breeders who know nothing but breeding one after another one.

I would rather to have Israel be the country and force there even though it gets the land by force as well.

Do us a favor and keep your keyboard warrior fantasies to yourself. China is not involved in Israel-Palestine and China's policy is the same as all other nonaligned nations outside of the region.

I don't know what your obsession with insulting Islam is. Everytime Islam is mentioned in a thread you barge into the article and start insulting people.

Do you not remember that China supported and trained Afghan Mujahideen against the Soviets?

50 years ago in Burma, the Burmese nationalist regime under Ne Win attacked and started pogroms against ethnic Chinese. They burned girls alive in schools and ransacked Chinese quarters in the cities. The Burmese military also attacked Kokang Chinese in 2009 and China supports the United Wa State army against Burma.

You don't speak for any other Chinese people.
First, China will be involved and possibly highly involved in Israel and Palestinian matter in the near future.

Second, for those bastards either bBurmese or indonesians that have massacred ethnic Chinese, none will be forgotten. We will get back to them sooner or later. However, none of the two governments, either CCP or the one in TW did a sh!t thing then to protect them.

Third, about those minorities staying in other countries but breeding so quickly like mice, you would always get the alert from people there. Plus the benefits of terrorist activities, no country will welcome those.

In addition, did I say what I have said represent this or that???

Do us a favor and keep your keyboard warrior fantasies to yourself. China is not involved in Israel-Palestine and China's policy is the same as all other nonaligned nations outside of the region.

I don't know what your obsession with insulting Islam is. Everytime Islam is mentioned in a thread you barge into the article and start insulting people.

Do you not remember that China supported and trained Afghan Mujahideen against the Soviets?

50 years ago in Burma, the Burmese nationalist regime under Ne Win attacked and started pogroms against ethnic Chinese. They burned girls alive in schools and ransacked Chinese quarters in the cities. The Burmese military also attacked Kokang Chinese in 2009 and China supports the United Wa State army against Burma.

You don't speak for any other Chinese people.
stop calling everything your opponent says a lie. you can only challenge a lie with verifiable facts.

why bother to reply to lies with facts when everybody already knows the truth?
and your signature;

What a friggin bullshit. We were freed from priests acting as politicians, something they sucked at.
You muslim clerics still suck at politics. Look at your persistant "Allaaaaah gives us permission and great reward for terrorism". Such bullshit. Such spiritual and moral corruption. You think you're going to paradise with 72 virgins? You might be surprised where you go, terrorism practitioners and supporters. I think you stand a goood chance of ending up in a place that's Vastly more unpleasant than you would think, after a lifetime of supporting this counterproductive bloody tactic of yours.

Either muslim clerics let go of promoting violence to achieve political goals, or we'll have to seperate your mosques and states somewhere in this century, for you.

such utter bull sh it lol.
read my quote again and then look at your life and everybody else around how, your all materlistics just like a llama iqbal said.

we humans need religion without we are no different from any other animal, and thats what a jew from israel told me.

everything is said is a load of crap i would reply to it but im not going to. im sick you of ignorant, arrogant agnostics with your bs. another thing just because you dont like something doesnt make it false. grow the fcuk up and put something worth reading on here instead of your rubbish.

First, China will be involved and possibly highly involved in Israel and Palestinian matter in the near future.

Second, for those bastards either bBurmese or indonesians that have massacred ethnic Chinese, none will be forgotten. We will get back to them sooner or later. However, none of the two governments, either CCP or the one in TW did a sh!t thing then to protect them.

Third, about those minorities staying in other countries but breeding so quickly like mice, you would always get the alert from people there. Plus the benefits of terrorist activities, no country will welcome those.

In addition, did I say what I have said represent this or that???

like our chinese friend said, you can keep your mouth shut. you dont speak for china. china is is very clear on its policies. they dont support what is happening in israel, your no body to speak for china.

A person will be insane to support a bunch of terrorists who know nothing better than being suicide bombers, or breeding tons of children like mice.

No wonder even monks in Burma hate those breeders who know nothing but breeding one after another one.

I would rather to have Israel be the country and force there even though it gets the land by force as well.

you just a bigot, how do you live with yourself lying like that?
im not even going to bother replying to what you said becuase your a bigot.

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