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Jew shouting 'Allahu Akbar' shot dead by Police in Jerusalem.

There is nothing defensive about killing a man in cold blood because he said something you don't like.

I already explained it in my previous posts. Allahu Akbar is not something to dislike. It is just that some morons have used those divine words while committing terrorists acts.

I say it once again, I am not supporting any innocent killing. I am just showing the reason why innocents are being killed by merely saying words like Allahu Akbar.
I am a HK Cantonese of Hakka ancestry. We are now considered as 本地 (locals). In fact, my family was one of the very first settlers in Hong Kong, though our ancestral village is still in Guangdong.

As for ephone, he has his opinion, which is understandable considering the fact that China has been one of the major targets of international terrorist attacks. They should realize their enemy is the USA, not us. But instead they are attacking us more often than they attack the USA (who only had 2 major incidents in the past decade). So of course there will be a lot of hostility.

The Uyghur separatists in ETIM are allied to Tehreek e Taliban Pakistan (Pakistani Taliban), which spends far more time attacking the Pakistani military than it (tries to) attack America.

ephone is having a retarded opinion then, because if Tehreek i Taliban Pakistan is willing to blow up and kill other Muslims then it has no problem targeting non muslims. His opinion is not understandable at all. Pakistan also suffers from these attacks. ephone is just another religious chauvanist.

And besides his retarded opinion, connecting past historical events and current terrorist attacks is retarded as well. Sectarian violence by the Naqshbandi Sufi Jahriyya in the 19th century has NOTHING to do with terrorist attacks in China today. The war was started over the selling of bamboo which has nothing to do with religion. All those wars whcih were started by violence between Muslim sects have nothing to do with ETIM members living in caves.

Angry villagers who want compensation for deaths have also nothing to do with religion. If a Muslim gets accidently hit by a car and villagers protest to demand monetary conpensation, the retards in the media are going to put it down as "religious riot". Thats how alot of Muslim villages appear to have these "riots", and these same "riots" over compensation, land seizures, and deaths happen in non muslim villages all over China too.

The Soviet Union were the ones using the Uyghur separatists before, the Soviet backed Uyghurs under Ehmetjan Qasim slaughtered thousands of civilians in the Ili Rebellion. Before that, it was pan Turkists led by Sabit Damulla Abdulbaki and the Bughra brothers. Those are not religious causes. Both times they were opposed by the Hui.

The Uyghur nationalism is also the CCPs fault as well, because they kept the Soviet created Uyghur "ethnic group" and Soviet written histories. Before 1921 there was no Uyghur ethnic group or Uyghyr nationalism but the Soviets created it. The CCP could have abolished it and split Xinjiang into Dzungharia and the Tarim basin, and name the Tarim basin as "Uyghur autonomous region" and Dzungharia as "Oirat Dzunghar autonomous region", instead, the Ccp kept Xinjiang together so the statistics (falsely) make it appear as though Uyghurs are being swamped. Only in dzungharia which is not uyghur land are Han people the majority.

And alot of people use the Ma warlords as an example of "brutality" of Hui because of what happened to Red Army POWs, they don't mention that Ma Bufang also sent soldiers to fight the Japanese, White Russians, the Soviet Union, and Mongolia and his soldiers "brutally" handled them as well, or that he also has Han and Tibetans in his army besides Hui and Salar.

Neither Chinese nor Rohingya were native to Burma btw. The Burmese government under Ne Win set burned girls in schools alive and unleashed massive pogroms on ethnic Chinese, the Burmese attacked ethnic Kokang Chinese in 2009. I'm not sympathizing with an idiot like ephone.

And don't respond here, we should take this discussion to another forum, maybe one on history.
History always repeats itself:

The "little" difference is that left boy was killed together with all his family, while right boy is alive and well.
The "little" difference is that left boy was killed together with all his family, while right boy is alive and well.

No one is denying Israel her right defend her sovereignty and the lives of her people. But there has to be a fine line between security and this ghettoization. Even you could see that?
Idiots like you, just like those stupid Americans who supported mujaheddin and OBL during afghanistan war, support those Palestinians.

Trust me, let's suppose palestinians win over Israel one day, the 2nd day they will send their terrorist squads to deal with the "evil Chinese" to liberate their muslim brothers.

I bet many arab countries will do the same once they are united, they will turn their guns right at us. They will take in all of those uighur terrorists or muslim terrorists from China, train them and send them back to terrorize China.

Religion to them is higher and much more important than anything else. What friendships? What supports during difficult time??? They will not remember anything like that at all.

The only thing they could remember is their religious teaching to islamize every corner of the world and get rid of every non-muslims. You think that is funny and impossible??? Have you seen the way how they islamized europe, africa, south east asia in the past???

China recognizes the Palestinian state (under the Palestinian authority) in the 1967 borders like most of the world does except for America and its friends. And China trained and supported Afghan Mujahideen in the 1980s against the Soviets you fool, China does not have a foreign policy against supporting religious people.


Enjoy retard. China has a policy of non interference in countries which do not border it, last time I checked Israel-Palestine is far from the border of China.
I bet many arab countries will do the same once they are united, they will turn their guns right at us. They will take in all of those uighur terrorists or muslim terrorists from China, train them and send them back to terrorize China.

ETIM terrorists already find safe harbor across our western border, there are online videos showing their training camps in Central Asia and Afghanistan.
Oh, that simple???

Why don't you tell me how many Han Chinese were killed during 同治回乱???

First of all, I caught you lying when you claimed there were "riots" in the Ming dynasty. Second the Uyghur in Xinjiang has nothing to do with being moderate or religious. Their separatism was started by Pan turkist and Soviet nationalist ideologies. The First East Turkestan Republic was started by pan turkist modernists inspired by Jadidism. They were crushed by the Hui because of their Turkic racism towards non Turkic peoples. The second East Turkestan Republic was set up by Soviets, and the Soviets created the Uyghur ethnic group from the sedentary Turkic peoples in the Tarim and wrote an entire nationalist history for them.

A group of villagers rioting is not a headache because many non muslim villagers also riot and cause violence during incidents. The causes of the riots are not religious but secular, like compensation for automobile deaths and other incidents. The villagers just act as a united group to obtain their goal (monetary compensation for the death). Muslim villagers in Ningxia, Gansu and other places are not a headache and causing no more violence than non Muslim villagers elsewhere. There have been tons of cases in NON MUSLIM villagers where corrupt officials murder peasants or a factory is polluting the village, or the officials seize the villagers farmland and the villagers go on a riot and cause violence against the authorities, or they want compensation paid for deaths. Ningxia and Gansu are not problem areas any more than other normal provinces in China.

As for Manchus, I didn't say anyting about Manchus today. I gave that example because you were the one who lied and claimed there were Hui riots against the Ming, while the Hui fought for the Ming in reality. There were many Hui generals in the Qing dynasty as well. I showed you the links about the Hui who fought for the Qing against the Japanese and the Eight Nation Alliance. There were Hui on both sides in the Xinhai Revolution against the Qing. Bai Chongxi was on the revolutionaries side while other Hui like Ma Qi and Ma Anliang were on the Qing's side.

Also, idiot, during the Qing many rebellions happened, Han Chinese managed to get millions of Han killed by themselves. These rebellions, the Taiping and Nien were started by Han and consisted of Han fighting against other Han. Tens of millions died.

Taiping Rebellion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nien Rebellion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If people of the same religion will kill their own people, then of course there will be sectarian tension between diffèrent religions. All rebellions were treated the same way, regardless of religion - if you rebel you get crushed.

Rebellion was started because Muslims of different sects started killing each other. Before in China during the Ming dynasty there is only Hanafi Sunni Islam (格迪目). There was never any violence or problem when they were the only sect. Then Sufi Naqshbandi sects like Jahriyya and Khafiya were introduced during the Qing and started causing violence against each other, and in 1781 the Jahriyya sect were repressed by the Qing government with the help of other Muslim sects like the non Sufi Hanafis and Khafiya.

同治回乱 started because of a fight over the selling of bamboo. The Qing issued amnesty for all Muslims except the Jahriyya because of their violent behavior, any Khafiya or non Sufi Hanafis were issued pardons. The Jahriyya were declared heretics.

Sectarianism and religious persecution in China: a page in the history of ... - Jan Jakob Maria Groot - Google Books

The rebellion itself was put down by Muslims. Cui Wei, Hua Decai, and Ma Anliang were all Muslims and they crushed the revolt.

There was a second rebellion in 1895 caused again by Sufi sects killing each other and Muslim loyalists like Ma Anliang, Ma Fulu, and Ma Fuxiang crushed the revolt again.

All sectarian violence and rebellions in China involving Muslims was crushed by other Muslims loyal to the government. There was also alot of violence between Muslims sects that you ignore. The Muslim General Ma Anliang had Xidaotang (西道堂) sect members slaughtered. There was violence between Jahriyya and Khafiya Sufis, between Wahhabis (Yihewani) and other sects as well. Some of the non Sufi Hanafi (gedimu) would fight the Wahhabi (Yihewani) or the Sufis would fight the Wahhabi and they would kill each other.

It has nothing to do with being moderate or fanatical in religion. A lax Jahriyya Muslim would have been killed by the Qing for being a regel while a fanatical ordinary Hanafi Muslim would have been pardoned. The leaders of their sects just have different interests, the Jahriyya Sufi leader wielding an almost prophet like status among his followers and he could order them to do whatever he wanted, so he was a rival to the state.

A bunch of villagers rioting against each other happened all the time before. Look up this war, before calling me an idiot. Both non Muslim groups killing and hacking each other to death. Both Hakka and Punti (Cantonese) are Han people.

Punti–Hakka Clan Wars

There have been Muslims of different sects killing each other and non muslims murdering their own people in China, and Muslims who crushed the rebellions by other Muslims as well. And both Muslim and non Muslim Han villagers have rioted against the authorities for non religious reasons. If you want to blame a certain group for violence look in the mirror.
I know that. Now only some of those muslim countries are harboring them secretly or openly in certain human rights terms.

However, sooner or later, as what I have said, those muslim countries, would openly support those terrorists with money and guns once they are united or win over Israel...

Their guns will target at China for sure. We China have done enough stupid things to support/create our future enemies, just like those stupid americans.

ETIM terrorists already find safe harbor across our western border, there are online videos showing their training camps in Central Asia and Afghanistan.
No one is denying Israel her right defend her sovereignty and the lives of her people. But there has to be a fine line between security and this ghettoization. Even you could see that?
There is no ghettoization in Israel. 1.6 million Arab citizens of Israel can go and live wherever they want.

Arab women on Tel Aviv beach:

Wow you morons, I just explained where ETIM was hiding. ETIM is allied to Tehreek e Taliban Pakistan and Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan.

Tehreek e Taliban Pakistan is fighting against the Pakistani government and Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan is fighting against the government of Uzbekistan. Those ETIM videos are being shot in caves in the tribal regions of Pakistan where Islamic Movement and Tehreek e Taliban are hiding.

Now tell me again, how are those countries harboring terrorists? Is Uzbekistan harboring terrorists by fighting against Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan?

The Soviet Union harbored and supported Uyghur terrorists for decades and I didn't hear you guys complaining about "atheist terrorism".

The CCP in stupidity has kept the Soviet created "uyghur ethnic group" and Soviet written nationalist histories of the Uyghur (which are mostly fake) with the consequence of increasing separatism. The CCP is also stupidly keeping Xinjiang as one administrative unit. If split into two, with the Tarim Basin and Dzungharia being divided, Uyghur separatists would not be able to fling out false accusations that China is demographically swamping them, because their homeland is the Tarim and its mostly Uyghur, while they too are immigrants in Dzungharia.

If the fake Soviet written histories and ethnic categories were not taught to the Uyghurs by the education system in China itself, there would not be as much tension or separatist thought.

The religious and secular authorities in Xinjiang had also voluntarily joined and submitted to China. The Qarataghlik Khojas (sayyids, descendants of the Prophet Muhammad and masters of the Naqshbandi order), a Chagatai Prince and the Turkic Muslim Khans and Begs submitted to the Qing after the Dzunghars were defeated. There was no rebellion or separatist violence other than raids by the Aqtaghlik Khojas and the Kokandi invader Yaqub Beg. See my posts here for the history of Xinjiang


The existing religious and secular authorities among the Turkic muslims in Xinjiang did not support separatism. Separatist thought among the Uyghurs only arose because of influence from the reformist, modernist Pan Turkic Jadidist movement in Central asia, which inoculated Pan turkic nationalism and reform of Islam, challenging the old Muslim religious authorities who were allied to the government. This is what influenced the First East Turkestan Republic in 1933 which was defeated by the Hui. The Uyghur Sabit Damulla Abdulbaki was a pan turkist and sought aid from Turkey and the Western powers like Britain and made a violent, anti Hui and anti Han speech. Alot of the Uyghur separatists were massacred by the Hui after that incident.

The second stream of separatist thought was Uyghur nationalism and it was created by the Soviets. Ehmetjan Qasim worked with his Soviet masters to forment the Ili Rebellion and indoctrinate and spread Uyghur nationalist separatism and pro Soviet sentiment. Hui and Salar soldiers fought against them as well.

The Turkic muslim mullahs, begs, and other religious and secular leaders in Xinjiang were loyal to the Qing government and then the warlord Yang Zengxin. They practiced traditional Islam and it was modernist Jadidists who challenged them and spread separatism.

ETIM terrorists already find safe harbor across our western border, there are online videos showing their training camps in Central Asia and Afghanistan.

I know that. Now only some of those muslim countries are harboring them secretly or openly in certain human rights terms.

However, sooner or later, as what I have said, those muslim countries, would openly support those terrorists with money and guns once they are united or win over Israel...

Their guns will target at China for sure. We China have done enough stupid things to support/create our future enemies, just like those stupid americans.

Whats the death toll for the Taiping and Nian rebellions you moron? And did you not read the post, that Muslims helped crush the rebellion? Both the 1781, 1862, and 1895 rebellion were crushed with Muslim help. The first was started by violence between Muslim sects, the second by the selling of bamboo, and the third by violence between Muslim sects. Whats the death toll for different Muslim sects killing each other? Whats the total death toll for Han killing each other?

Oh, that simple???

Why don't you tell me how many Han Chinese were killed during 同治回乱???

And keyboard warrior, why don't you take revenge on the Spanish and Dutch for their massacres of Chinese in southeast asia? The Spanish forced Chinese in Manila to live in a Ghetto and pay hire taxes because they were not Catholic, and massacred them several times, but in the Sulu Sultanate Chinese were never massacred or forced to pay taxes,


Java War (1741


Wow you morons, I just explained where ETIM was hiding. ETIM is allied to Tehreek e Taliban Pakistan and Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan.

Wow, that quickly descended into insults. :lol:

Why are you so pissed?

Those ETIM videos are being shot in caves in the tribal regions of Pakistan where Islamic Movement and Tehreek e Taliban are hiding.

Considering that those East Turkestan Islamic Movement terrorists are committing attacks against innocent Chinese civilians on Chinese sovereign soil, don't you agree that Pakistan should eradicate them?

The Soviet Union harbored and supported Uyghur terrorists for decades and I didn't hear you guys complaining about "atheist terrorism".

Firstly, we are atheists. Secondly, the Soviet Union is long dead. Third, I didn't like them when they still existed, but it had nothing to do with atheism.
Apparently, morons like you cannot even concentrate on the topic.

Turkey is currently harboring those terrorists. Uighur terrorists also hide in Pakistan and Afghanistan though officially those governments do not harbor them but in reality, they are hiding there.

As for central asia, well, those chechen rebels have already intersected with those jihadists which will spread all across central asia countries including China's Northwest. There is no reason they will just stop right at the border.

In addition, KSA is notorious in providing funding to extremist groups and many of them have connections to those terrorist groups. Of course, there are many other ways funding going to those terrorist groups through mid-east, europe and etc as well.

Sooner or later, as pan-islamists get themselves united, they will turn their guns exactly at China.

As for 同治回乱, I am talking about the death number of Han people caused by those islam rebels then. I am not taking about Taiping rebels or Nian rebels. Keep the concentration on the topic.

Morons like you cannot even get the topic straight. Well, you may be lucky to get 10 points out of 50 points Chinese composition in University Entrance Test.

Wow you morons, I just explained where ETIM was hiding. ETIM is allied to Tehreek e Taliban Pakistan and Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan.

Tehreek e Taliban Pakistan is fighting against the Pakistani government and Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan is fighting against the government of Uzbekistan. Those ETIM videos are being shot in caves in the tribal regions of Pakistan where Islamic Movement and Tehreek e Taliban are hiding.

Now tell me again, how are those countries harboring terrorists? Is Uzbekistan harboring terrorists by fighting against Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan?

The Soviet Union harbored and supported Uyghur terrorists for decades and I didn't hear you guys complaining about "atheist terrorism".

Whats the death toll for the Taiping and Nian rebellions you moron? And did you not read the post, that Muslims helped crush the rebellion? Both the 1781, 1862, and 1895 rebellion were crushed with Muslim help. The first was started by violence between Muslim sects, the second by the selling of bamboo, and the third by violence between Muslim sects. Whats the death toll for different Muslim sects killing each other? Whats the total death toll for Han killing each other?

And keyboard warrior, why don't you take revenge on the Spanish and Dutch for their massacres of Chinese in southeast asia? The Spanish forced Chinese in Manila to live in a Ghetto and pay hire taxes because they were not Catholic, and massacred them several times, but in the Sulu Sultanate Chinese were never massacred or forced to pay taxes,


Java War (1741


Wow, that quickly descended into insults. :lol:

Why are you so pissed?

Considering that those East Turkestan Islamic Movement terrorists are committing attacks against innocent Chinese civilians on Chinese sovereign soil, don't you agree that Pakistan should eradicate them?

Firstly, we are atheists. Secondly, the Soviet Union is long dead. Third, I didn't like them when they still existed, but it had nothing to do with atheism.

Pakistan IS fighting against Tehreek e Taliban, keep up with the news or shut up.

War in North-West Pakistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Since you apparently have a master plan to eradicate TTP and ETIM in the tribal regions in Pakistan, I suggest you share it with the military of Pakistan or stop complaining.


And note the weapons actually used in the attacks in Xinjiang - in most of the attacks the Uyghurs were armed with knives. If you or ephone are suggesting that a foreign state is actually backing these attacks, its pretty pathetic to send knife wielding men on suicide missions while they can achieve far more deadlier results with guns.

When was the last time a separatist militant in China was armed with a gun? 50 years ago?
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Pakistan IS fighting against Tehreek e Taliban, keep up with the news or shut up.

Since you apparently have a master plan to eradicate TTP and ETIM in the tribal regions in Pakistan, I suggest you share it with the military of Pakistan or stop complaining.

No. I don't like it when terrorists attack my country.

When they stop attacking us, I'll stop being angry. Easy.
Cool story bro, so the KSA and Pakistan provide Uyghur militants with Kitchen knives to carry out attacks, I didn't know that they forced their students to read cookbooks in military school. I repeated the same thing I said in my last post, why are these Uyghur separatists all armed with knives if they are provided with state support?

As for 同治回乱, it was started by an idiot selling bamboo and not because of religious reasons. The rebellion was crushed by Muslims who joined Zuo's army. All of the rebellions, in 1781, 1784, 1862, and 1895 were crushed with Muslims help.

Apparently, morons like you cannot even concentrate on the topic.

Turkey is currently harboring those terrorists. Uighur terrorists also hide in Pakistan and Afghanistan though officially those governments do not harbor them but in reality, they are hiding there.

As for central asia, well, those chechen rebels have already intersected with those jihadists which will spread all across central asia countries including China's Northwest. There is no reason they will just stop right at the border.

In addition, KSA is notorious in providing funding to extremist groups and many of them have connections to those terrorist groups. Of course, there are many other ways funding going to those terrorist groups through mid-east, europe and etc as well.

Sooner or later, as pan-islamists get themselves united, they will turn their guns exactly at China.

As for 同治回乱, I am talking about the death number of Han people caused by those islam rebels then. I am not taking about Taiping rebels or Nian rebels. Keep the concentration on the topic.

Morons like you cannot even get the topic straight. Well, you may be lucky to get 10 points out of 50 points Chinese composition in University Entrance Test.

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