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Jew shouting 'Allahu Akbar' shot dead by Police in Jerusalem.

No. I don't like it when terrorists attack my country.

When they stop attacking us, I'll stop being angry. Easy.

Then tell the CCP to abolish its stupid policy of keeping the Soviet ethnic designations and keeping Xinjiang as one unit. I already explained how the Soviet created ethnic nationalism feeds separatism. The Soviets created the Uyghur ethnic group and wrote Uyghur nationalist histories with the purpose of separating Xinjiang from China, why is the CCP continuing it and teaching these ethnic designations and categories in schools?

Why doesn't the CCP split Xinjiang into two regions like it was before 1884? The north (dzungharia) used to be called 天山北路 and the south (Tarim Basin) was 天山南路. Since Xinjiang is one unit, it falsely appears that Han are swamping Uyghurs while Han are only in Dzungharia.
I don't know if you know or not but its not just a Jewish holy place its also holy for Muslims and i thought it was innocent until proven guilty not innocent until uttering a few arabic words. He could be a Jew or a Muslim doesn't matter he should not have been shot just because he shouted Allahu Akbar or anything. And again there won't be a short list of other terrorist organizations that had nothing to do with Islam or Muslims and still their religion didn't get maligned for the actions of their followers so its no excuse.

I think it is a good thing in a way. Allah have placed terror in the hearts of kuffar for the Muslims. They are terrorized of us. It serves as a deterrence in a way which protects us by the will of Allah. Kina like how we spend millions of $$$ to get nukes to achieve the same result of deterrence and fear.
I already explained it in my previous posts. Allahu Akbar is not something to dislike. It is just that some morons have used those divine words while committing terrorists acts.

I say it once again, I am not supporting any innocent killing. I am just showing the reason why innocents are being killed by merely saying words like Allahu Akbar.

I agree, and I'm not suggesting you are doing such a thing, but I have to say that this was not a defensive act, it was a prejudice act. If the dead man had been Muslim, I can guarantee that he would have been accused of terrorism or extremism.
I dont blame the police, I would shoot that guy too if a random guy started shouting alla-u-akbar. Everyone knows it is a terorist chant. The only time these clowns shout that is to blow themselves, so better to kill the guy than have 14-15 casualties along with it...
I cannot believe you are such an idiot. Do you read what I am writing actually.

What I have said that now most of those muslim countries do not dare directly back up those uighur terrorists or at least those terrorists directly linked to China. Even when they harbor some of them, it is in human right terms and etc.

However, deep down in their heart, sooner or later they will turn over their guns at us since religion is beyond anything else and it is in their religious duty to liberate their so-called muslim brothers in China.

Those islam terrorists are linked and they are financially backed by muslim countries directly or indirectly.

If they could win over Israel and even united together, they will change their face totally and forget about anything China have helped and done for them. It is their religious duty to islamize every corner of the earth by force, just look at how they islamize those regions e.g. South Europe, Africa, South Asia, Centra Asia and etc.

BTW, you think those separatists only have knives??? What a retard.

Pakistan IS fighting against Tehreek e Taliban, keep up with the news or shut up.

War in North-West Pakistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Since you apparently have a master plan to eradicate TTP and ETIM in the tribal regions in Pakistan, I suggest you share it with the military of Pakistan or stop complaining.


And note the weapons actually used in the attacks in Xinjiang - in most of the attacks the Uyghurs were armed with knives. If you or ephone are suggesting that a foreign state is actually backing these attacks, its pretty pathetic to send knife wielding men on suicide missions while they can achieve far more deadlier results with guns.

When was the last time a separatist militant in China was armed with a gun? 50 years ago?
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First of all idiot, if everything is motiviated by sharing the same religion, then why did Hui crush Uyghur separatists twice? Why were the rebellions in 1781, 1862, and 1895 all crushed with help from Muslim loyalists? Why did the Aqtaghlik Khojas ask the Buddhist Dzunghars for assistance against China while the Qarataghlik Khojas allied with China?

Why did even Turkey under Ataturk reject the First East Turkestan Republic's request for diplomatic recognition, while it appeared they would succeed (before the Hui crushed them)?

The United States is the biggest supporter of these Uyghur separatists and funds the World Uyghur Congress. I think you are being the retard. Why don't you read what I say? And partly because China is teaching fake Soviet history and ethnic classifications to Uyghur children, they get separatist ideas. You haven't read anything I posted. The very Uyghur ethnic identity is a fake Soviet creation and yet its the CCP which is teaching this fake identity to Uyghur kids and by doing so, indoctrinating them with separatism and ethnic nationalism.


Again look up Tehreek e Taliban Pakistan and Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan. They are engaged in real insurgencies against their governments. Its not a show, you are being the idiot. The ETIM group is hiding in caves with Tehreek e Taliban Pakistan.

Btw, Jews and Muslims were given the same name, Hui Hui by China, just with different colored caps. Both Synagogues and Mosques were referred to as Libai si or Qingzhen si. And their dietary laws and habits looked the same.

Look up the history during the Ming and Qing dynasties. During the Ming dynasty, the Muslim Salar Tusi (chiefs) all pledged alleigance to the Ming Emperor and fought in the Ming armies. There wasn't any problem with the Hui, Salar or Dongxiang. They were all just Hanafi Sunni (格迪目). They had religious schools and many scholars like Wang Daiyu, and Liu Zhi flourished and never caused any trouble.

Then this Sufi Naqshbandi order called the Jahriyya was introduced into China. Its leader was like a prophet and wielded a personal cult around him, almost considered infallible. The 1781 and 1784 revolts were caused by the Jahriyya order spreading among the Salar and subsequent violence between the Jahriyya and Khufiyya/Hanafi Sunnis. The Qing government made a distinction between Hanafi Sunnis and Khufiyya Sufi (lao jiao, old teaching) and Jahriyya Sufis (xin jiao, new teaching), and outlawed Jahriyya. The old teaching Muslims (ordinary hanafi sunnis) help crush Jahriyya. Did you not read anything I posted?

In the 1862 revolt the Qing said all Khufiyya Sufi and ordinary Hanafi Sunnis were spared, but all Jahriyya Sufi leaders and mullahs were ordered to be killed and the sect outlawed. The 1895 revolt broke out because Muslims from the same sect were having fights with each other and then the government used a heavy handed approach to clamp down on the violence, both rebellions were crushed with the help of Muslims loyal to the government.

I already talked about how the Turkic (Uyghur) religious authorities, mullahs and Khojas submitted to the Qing and had no separatist thoughts or actions. Read my other post again carefully, and see how separatist thought arose. It came though modernist movements (Jadidism) challenging traditional Islam and muslim authorities, or Soviet atheists instigating Uyghur nationalism.


The attackers in Khotan and Kashgar were armed with knives. I don't know any incompetent security agency or military that would give knives to men and tell them to carry out a raid on a neighboring country. Maybe if you were running that country.

I cannot believe you are such an idiot. Do you read what I am writing actually.

What I have said that now most of those muslim countries do not dare directly back up those uighur terrorists or at least those terrorists directly linked to China. Even when they harbor some of them, it is in human right terms and etc.

However, deep down in their heart, sooner or later they will turn over their guns at us since religion is beyond anything else and it is in their religious duty to liberate their so-called muslim brothers in China.

Those islam terrorists are linked and they are financially backed by muslim countries directly or indirectly.

If they could win over Israel and even united together, they will change their face totally and forget about anything China have helped and done for them. It is their religious duty to islamize every corner of the earth by force, just look at how they islamize those regions e.g. South Europe, Africa, South Asia, Centra Asia and etc.

BTW, you think those separatists only have knives??? What a retard.
I agree, and I'm not suggesting you are doing such a thing, but I have to say that this was not a defensive act, it was a prejudice act. If the dead man had been Muslim, I can guarantee that he would have been accused of terrorism or extremism.

You know... I thought that too.. had this guy been a Muslim.. he might have been stamped as a terrorist.

Though I would still say that the guard must have expected some kind of an attack, hence he acted the way he did. And nobody (I mean nobody) is responsible for this other than some terrorists who used those words while committing crime against humanity.

P.S - See? We Indians and Pakistanis just cant agree on anything lol. And thanks for the sane reply.
Most suicide bombers shout the same slogan before blowing themselves up.

So this guard must have thought that he was going to blow himself after shouting so he shot him.

Why blame the guard?

Today because of Taliban, AQ and others, an innocent has died for no fault of his and the guard has done something he couldn't have imagined otherwise.

Very sad.

No. I don't like it when terrorists attack my country.

When they stop attacking us, I'll stop being angry. Easy.

Good to see you are realizing what is the threat now.

It has crossed the limits of boundaries and is now a global threat.

Hope your leaders also realize this and join against this menace for a common defence. :)
Hui has been taking islam in a Chinese modified version. Even with them, we have dramatic conflicts in the past. There are Huis that were with the government and there are a lot of them with the rebels that caused great damage to Han Chinese as well.

As for idiots like you, my main point is not for those Han muslim, aka Hui. I am taking about throughout the external relationship with those palestinians and other muslim countries. Just like what I have said, a dummy like you do not know how to follow the topic and concentrate on the topic.

If there were some uighur terrorists armed with knives, by your logic, that means all of those terrorists are only with knives??? There are many cases Chinese security forces have raided the secret depot that hosted those uighur terrorists, guns, explosives and other weapons have been found.

It is just the start. Those terrorists will be more organized, if with more external support, will be much more a headache to China's security. I bet idiots like you won't understand that at all.

What a retard.

First of all idiot, if everything is motiviated by sharing the same religion, then why did Hui crush Uyghur separatists twice? Why were the rebellions in 1781, 1862, and 1895 all crushed with help from Muslim loyalists? Why did the Aqtaghlik Khojas ask the Buddhist Dzunghars for assistance against China while the Qarataghlik Khojas allied with China?

Why did even Turkey under Ataturk reject the First East Turkestan Republic's request for diplomatic recognition, while it appeared they would succeed (before the Hui crushed them)?

The United States is the biggest supporter of these Uyghur separatists and funds the World Uyghur Congress. I think you are being the retard. Why don't you read what I say? And partly because China is teaching fake Soviet history and ethnic classifications to Uyghur children, they get separatist ideas. You haven't read anything I posted. The very Uyghur ethnic identity is a fake Soviet creation and yet its the CCP which is teaching this fake identity to Uyghur kids and by doing so, indoctrinating them with separatism and ethnic nationalism.


Again look up Tehreek e Taliban Pakistan and Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan. They are engaged in real insurgencies against their governments. Its not a show, you are being the idiot. The ETIM group is hiding in caves with Tehreek e Taliban Pakistan.

Btw, Jews and Muslims were given the same name, Hui Hui by China, just with different colored caps. Both Synagogues and Mosques were referred to as Libai si or Qingzhen si. And their dietary laws and habits looked the same.

Look up the history during the Ming and Qing dynasties. During the Ming dynasty, the Muslim Salar Tusi (chiefs) all pledged alleigance to the Ming Emperor and fought in the Ming armies. There wasn't any problem with the Hui, Salar or Dongxiang. They were all just Hanafi Sunni (格迪目). They had religious schools and many scholars like Wang Daiyu, and Liu Zhi flourished and never caused any trouble.

Then this Sufi Naqshbandi order called the Jahriyya was introduced into China. Its leader was like a prophet and wielded a personal cult around him, almost considered infallible. The 1781 and 1784 revolts were caused by the Jahriyya order spreading among the Salar and subsequent violence between the Jahriyya and Khufiyya/Hanafi Sunnis. The Qing government made a distinction between Hanafi Sunnis and Khufiyya Sufi (lao jiao, old teaching) and Jahriyya Sufis (xin jiao, new teaching), and outlawed Jahriyya. The old teaching Muslims (ordinary hanafi sunnis) help crush Jahriyya. Did you not read anything I posted?

In the 1862 revolt the Qing said all Khufiyya Sufi and ordinary Hanafi Sunnis were spared, but all Jahriyya Sufi leaders and mullahs were ordered to be killed and the sect outlawed. The 1895 revolt broke out because Muslims from the same sect were having fights with each other and then the government used a heavy handed approach to clamp down on the violence, both rebellions were crushed with the help of Muslims loyal to the government.

I already talked about how the Turkic (Uyghur) religious authorities, mullahs and Khojas submitted to the Qing and had no separatist thoughts or actions. Read my other post again carefully, and see how separatist thought arose. It came though modernist movements (Jadidism) challenging traditional Islam and muslim authorities, or Soviet atheists instigating Uyghur nationalism.


The attackers in Khotan and Kashgar were armed with knives. I don't know any incompetent security agency or military that would give knives to men and tell them to carry out a raid on a neighboring country. Maybe if you were running that country.
THIS is what happens when a real attack by foreign backed militants takes place.

2008 Mumbai attacks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

NOT this



Xinjiang used to be divided into two parts and Uyghurs were only native to the south. Go back and read my other post, but the CCP renamed the entire province as the "Uyghur region" and teaches Uyghurs that they are native to the whole area. The CCP doesn't bother teaching about the Dzunghars being native to the north or that Urumqi s almost entirely a Han and Hui city in the beginning with no Uyghurs.

The traditional Turkic (Uyghur) Muslim authorities and clerics in Xinjiang did not forment separatism of unrest, they were the most loyal to the Qing government. The Qarataghlik Khoja sayyids (descendants of Muhammad) voluntarily joined the Qing state and so did all the begs and mullahs. I explained this ten times already, separatism in Xinjiang was started by reformist modernist Jadidist pan turkists who challenged traditional Muslim authorities and clerics in Xinjiang, and also by Soviet supported nationalists like Ehmetjan Qasim.

There were many han rebels who caused great damage to Han Chinese and many Han peasant villagers who also riot against the government. The causes of those riots were not religious, they riot for the same reasons that Han villagers do it.

And you claimed southeast asia was converted by force. It was not. The Malacca and Sulu Sultanates were allies of the Ming dynasty. The Ming dynasty even warned Ayutthaya (Buddhist Thailand) and Majapahit (Hindu Javanese) against attacking the Malacca Sultanate because the Sultanate was a protectorate of China. The Ayutthaya wanted to attack and conquer Malacca. The Ming also attacked Portuguese in revenge for their attack on Malacca.

Chinese supported the Sulu Sultanate against Spain. The Spanish forced Chinese in Manila to live in ghettoes, levied higher taxes, and started massacres because Chinese were not Catholic but the Sulu Sultan allowed Chinese to even build a temple in their capital Jolo and never massacred, forced them into a ghetto or made them pay taxes. The Maynila Kingdom in the Philippines used to be Muslim but the Spanish converted it to Catholicism by force.

Malaysia China relations

Malayan-Portuguese War

Spanish-Moto conflicy

Sultanate of Sulu - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sangley Rebellion


MNLF Official Website

Hui has been taking islam in a Chinese modified version. Even with them, we have dramatic conflicts in the past. There are Huis that were with the government and there are a lot of them with the rebels that caused great damage to Han Chinese as well.

As for idiots like you, my main point is not for those Han muslim, aka Hui. I am taking about throughout the external relationship with those palestinians and other muslim countries. Just like what I have said, a dummy like you do not know how to follow the topic and concentrate on the topic.

If there were some uighur terrorists armed with knives, by your logic, that means all of those terrorists are only with knives??? There are many cases Chinese security forces have raided the secret depot that hosted those uighur terrorists, guns, explosives and other weapons have been found.

It is just the start. Those terrorists will be more organized, if with more external support, will be much more a headache to China's security. I bet idiots like you won't understand that at all.

What a retard.
You know... I thought that too.. had this guy been a Muslim.. he might have been stamped as a terrorist.

Though I would still say that the guard must have expected some kind of an attack, hence he acted the way he did. And nobody (I mean nobody) is responsible for this other than some terrorists who used those words while committing crime against humanity.

P.S - See? We Indians and Pakistanis just cant agree on anything lol. And thanks for the sane reply.

Could be, we're really speculating here, maybe he just freaked out because he watches too much sensationalist news. We don't really know the complete details yet.

I find having civil conversations are the best way of finding common ground.
Who the helk asked you about its past history? I am well familiar with those history.

BTW, there are hui loyalists who helped but there are tons of them who killed Han Chinese as well.

The problem is now. In the past, it is separate terrorist movement but now it is all inter-connected, pan-nation and well financed.

Anyway, I do not expect idiots like you will understand.

First of all idiot, if everything is motiviated by sharing the same religion, then why did Hui crush Uyghur separatists twice? Why were the rebellions in 1781, 1862, and 1895 all crushed with help from Muslim loyalists? Why did the Aqtaghlik Khojas ask the Buddhist Dzunghars for assistance against China while the Qarataghlik Khojas allied with China?

Why did even Turkey under Ataturk reject the First East Turkestan Republic's request for diplomatic recognition, while it appeared they would succeed (before the Hui crushed them)?

The United States is the biggest supporter of these Uyghur separatists and funds the World Uyghur Congress. I think you are being the retard. Why don't you read what I say? And partly because China is teaching fake Soviet history and ethnic classifications to Uyghur children, they get separatist ideas. You haven't read anything I posted. The very Uyghur ethnic identity is a fake Soviet creation and yet its the CCP which is teaching this fake identity to Uyghur kids and by doing so, indoctrinating them with separatism and ethnic nationalism.


Again look up Tehreek e Taliban Pakistan and Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan. They are engaged in real insurgencies against their governments. Its not a show, you are being the idiot. The ETIM group is hiding in caves with Tehreek e Taliban Pakistan.

Btw, Jews and Muslims were given the same name, Hui Hui by China, just with different colored caps. Both Synagogues and Mosques were referred to as Libai si or Qingzhen si. And their dietary laws and habits looked the same.

Look up the history during the Ming and Qing dynasties. During the Ming dynasty, the Muslim Salar Tusi (chiefs) all pledged alleigance to the Ming Emperor and fought in the Ming armies. There wasn't any problem with the Hui, Salar or Dongxiang. They were all just Hanafi Sunni (格迪目). They had religious schools and many scholars like Wang Daiyu, and Liu Zhi flourished and never caused any trouble.

Then this Sufi Naqshbandi order called the Jahriyya was introduced into China. Its leader was like a prophet and wielded a personal cult around him, almost considered infallible. The 1781 and 1784 revolts were caused by the Jahriyya order spreading among the Salar and subsequent violence between the Jahriyya and Khufiyya/Hanafi Sunnis. The Qing government made a distinction between Hanafi Sunnis and Khufiyya Sufi (lao jiao, old teaching) and Jahriyya Sufis (xin jiao, new teaching), and outlawed Jahriyya. The old teaching Muslims (ordinary hanafi sunnis) help crush Jahriyya. Did you not read anything I posted?

In the 1862 revolt the Qing said all Khufiyya Sufi and ordinary Hanafi Sunnis were spared, but all Jahriyya Sufi leaders and mullahs were ordered to be killed and the sect outlawed. The 1895 revolt broke out because Muslims from the same sect were having fights with each other and then the government used a heavy handed approach to clamp down on the violence, both rebellions were crushed with the help of Muslims loyal to the government.

I already talked about how the Turkic (Uyghur) religious authorities, mullahs and Khojas submitted to the Qing and had no separatist thoughts or actions. Read my other post again carefully, and see how separatist thought arose. It came though modernist movements (Jadidism) challenging traditional Islam and muslim authorities, or Soviet atheists instigating Uyghur nationalism.


The attackers in Khotan and Kashgar were armed with knives. I don't know any incompetent security agency or military that would give knives to men and tell them to carry out a raid on a neighboring country. Maybe if you were running that country.

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