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Jew shouting 'Allahu Akbar' shot dead by Police in Jerusalem.

I'm just going to leave this here:
Children tortured, used as shields: UN | World | News | Sarnia Observer

History always repeats itself:

You think China will support those hamas terrorists??? You must be kidding yourself. Though both have her national interest, I still think there are a lot of ways for China and Israel to building a healthy relationship for the long run.

We welcome Israel at least they contribute greatly to the human civilization, not like some bunch of so-call "holy???book???" worshiping idiots who know nothing but set themselves off as firecrackers.

why bother to reply to lies with facts when everybody already knows the truth?

such utter bull sh it lol.
read my quote again and then look at your life and everybody else around how, your all materlistics just like a llama iqbal said.

we humans need religion without we are no different from any other animal, and thats what a jew from israel told me.

everything is said is a load of crap i would reply to it but im not going to. im sick you of ignorant, arrogant agnostics with your bs. another thing just because you dont like something doesnt make it false. grow the fcuk up and put something worth reading on here instead of your rubbish.

like our chinese friend said, you can keep your mouth shut. you dont speak for china. china is is very clear on its policies. they dont support what is happening in israel, your no body to speak for china.

you just a bigot, how do you live with yourself lying like that?
im not even going to bother replying to what you said becuase your a bigot.
First, China will be involved and possibly highly involved in Israel and Palestinian matter in the near future.

Second, for those bastards either bBurmese or indonesians that have massacred ethnic Chinese, none will be forgotten. We will get back to them sooner or later. However, none of the two governments, either CCP or the one in TW did a sh!t thing then to protect them.

Third, about those minorities staying in other countries but breeding so quickly like mice, you would always get the alert from people there. Plus the benefits of terrorist activities, no country will welcome those.

In addition, did I say what I have said represent this or that???

Idiot, you complain about religion and then you start injecting racial rhetoric as well, (breeding, minorities). Keep your dumb nazi crap to yourself.

If you conplain about minorities and "breeding" that means you turned it into a racial issue. If the Rohingya were Buddhists instead of Muslims, the racist Burmese would still be killing them because the Rohingyas are a different race and would be allegedly "outbreeding" the Burmese. So leave both your racial and religious bigotry out.

You also flung out false islamophobic accusations against Hui in one of your old posts, claiming there were Hui "riots" during the Ming dynasty. Those "riots" was the Ispah Rebellion started during the Yuan dynasty, and consisted of various armed sectarian groups who revolted against the Yuan Mongols and then started hacking each other to death. The Mongols were the ones who brutally crushed the rebellion. The Ming then overthrew the Mongols, forced all of them to stop killing each other, and issued edicts for the protection of Muslims in China.

CHINESE-IRANIAN RELATIONS viii. Persian Lang. ? Encyclopaedia Iranica

The Ming loyalists who fought against the Manchus for the Ming dynaety in northwest China were Hui Muslims led by Ding Guodong and Mi Layin.

Manchu conquest of China - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If you know Chinese you should be able to read these. They are all about Muslims who served in China's army and fought against foreign enemies like the Japanese and the Eight Nation Alliance in the Boxer Rebellion.




* ????????? *

Hui Muslims fought against both the First and Second East Turkestan Republic, so there isn't any BS about only fighting non muslim enemies.

I don't want or expect you to respond to this post, just rethink your bigotry, and if you post another racist attack I urge everyone to ignore ephone.
If you are Chinese, you should have known those 同治回乱 that got tens of millions Han Chinese killed by those muslims. You are being an idiot ignoring that totally.

I suppose you are still not chanting those “驱除鞑虏恢复中华” craps today since those manchus are already part of Chinese.

Even today, in Ningxia, Gansu, Xinjiang, muslim problems are still a much big headache for China. Let along those uighurs in xinjiang.

Even in eastern provinces, muslim has caused this or that problems much more often.

Moderate muslims are fine.

However, we China just lack moderate muslims but a lot of them are not moderate at all.
Idiot, you complain about religion and then you start injecting racial rhetoric as well, (breeding, minorities). Keep your dumb nazi crap to yourself.

If you conplain about minorities and "breeding" that means you turned it into a racial issue. If the Rohingya were Buddhists instead of Muslims, the racist Burmese would still be killing them because the Rohingyas are a different race and would be allegedly "outbreeding" the Burmese. So leave both your racial and religious bigotry out.

You also flung out false islamophobic accusations against Hui in one of your old posts, claiming there were Hui "riots" during the Ming dynasty. Those "riots" was the Ispah Rebellion started during the Yuan dynasty, and consisted of various armed sectarian groups who revolted against the Yuan Mongols and then started hacking each other to death. The Mongols were the ones who brutally crushed the rebellion. The Ming then overthrew the Mongols, forced all of them to stop killing each other, and issued edicts for the protection of Muslims in China.

CHINESE-IRANIAN RELATIONS viii. Persian Lang. ? Encyclopaedia Iranica

The Ming loyalists who fought against the Manchus for the Ming dynaety in northwest China were Hui Muslims led by Ding Guodong and Mi Layin.

Manchu conquest of China - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If you know Chinese you should be able to read these. They are all about Muslims who served in China's army and fought against foreign enemies like the Japanese and the Eight Nation Alliance in the Boxer Rebellion.




* ????????? *

Hui Muslims fought against both the First and Second East Turkestan Republic, so there isn't any BS about only fighting non muslim enemies.

I don't want or expect you to respond to this post, just rethink your bigotry, and if you post another racist attack I urge everyone to ignore ephone.
If you are Chinese, you should have known those 同治回乱 that got tens of millions Han Chinese killed by those muslims. You are being an idiot ignoring that totally.

I suppose you are still not chanting those “驱除鞑虏恢复中华” craps today since those manchus are already part of Chinese.

Even today, in Ningxia, Gansu, Xinjiang, muslim problems are still a much big headache for China. Let along those uighurs in xinjiang.

Even in eastern provinces, muslim has caused this or that problems much more often.

Moderate muslims are fine.

However, we China just lack moderate muslims but a lot of them are not moderate at all.

First of all, I caught you lying when you claimed there were "riots" in the Ming dynasty. Second the Uyghur in Xinjiang has nothing to do with being moderate or religious. Their separatism was started by Pan turkist and Soviet nationalist ideologies. The First East Turkestan Republic was started by pan turkist modernists inspired by Jadidism. They were crushed by the Hui because of their Turkic racism towards non Turkic peoples. The second East Turkestan Republic was set up by Soviets, and the Soviets created the Uyghur ethnic group from the sedentary Turkic peoples in the Tarim and wrote an entire nationalist history for them.

A group of villagers rioting is not a headache because many non muslim villagers also riot and cause violence during incidents. The causes of the riots are not religious but secular, like compensation for automobile deaths and other incidents. The villagers just act as a united group to obtain their goal (monetary compensation for the death). Muslim villagers in Ningxia, Gansu and other places are not a headache and causing no more violence than non Muslim villagers elsewhere. There have been tons of cases in NON MUSLIM villagers where corrupt officials murder peasants or a factory is polluting the village, or the officials seize the villagers farmland and the villagers go on a riot and cause violence against the authorities, or they want compensation paid for deaths. Ningxia and Gansu are not problem areas any more than other normal provinces in China.

As for Manchus, I didn't say anyting about Manchus today. I gave that example because you were the one who lied and claimed there were Hui riots against the Ming, while the Hui fought for the Ming in reality. There were many Hui generals in the Qing dynasty as well. I showed you the links about the Hui who fought for the Qing against the Japanese and the Eight Nation Alliance. There were Hui on both sides in the Xinhai Revolution against the Qing. Bai Chongxi was on the revolutionaries side while other Hui like Ma Qi and Ma Anliang were on the Qing's side.

Also, idiot, during the Qing many rebellions happened, Han Chinese managed to get millions of Han killed by themselves. These rebellions, the Taiping and Nien were started by Han and consisted of Han fighting against other Han. Tens of millions died.

Taiping Rebellion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nien Rebellion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If people of the same religion will kill their own people, then of course there will be sectarian tension between diffèrent religions. All rebellions were treated the same way, regardless of religion - if you rebel you get crushed.

Rebellion was started because Muslims of different sects started killing each other. Before in China during the Ming dynasty there is only Hanafi Sunni Islam (格迪目). There was never any violence or problem when they were the only sect. Then Sufi Naqshbandi sects like Jahriyya and Khafiya were introduced during the Qing and started causing violence against each other, and in 1781 the Jahriyya sect were repressed by the Qing government with the help of other Muslim sects like the non Sufi Hanafis and Khafiya.

同治回乱 started because of a fight over the selling of bamboo. The Qing issued amnesty for all Muslims except the Jahriyya because of their violent behavior, any Khafiya or non Sufi Hanafis were issued pardons. The Jahriyya were declared heretics.

Sectarianism and religious persecution in China: a page in the history of ... - Jan Jakob Maria Groot - Google Books

The rebellion itself was put down by Muslims. Cui Wei, Hua Decai, and Ma Anliang were all Muslims and they crushed the revolt.

There was a second rebellion in 1895 caused again by Sufi sects killing each other and Muslim loyalists like Ma Anliang, Ma Fulu, and Ma Fuxiang crushed the revolt again.

All sectarian violence and rebellions in China involving Muslims was crushed by other Muslims loyal to the government. There was also alot of violence between Muslims sects that you ignore. The Muslim General Ma Anliang had Xidaotang (西道堂) sect members slaughtered. There was violence between Jahriyya and Khafiya Sufis, between Wahhabis (Yihewani) and other sects as well. Some of the non Sufi Hanafi (gedimu) would fight the Wahhabi (Yihewani) or the Sufis would fight the Wahhabi and they would kill each other.

It has nothing to do with being moderate or fanatical in religion. A lax Jahriyya Muslim would have been killed by the Qing for being a regel while a fanatical ordinary Hanafi Muslim would have been pardoned. The leaders of their sects just have different interests, the Jahriyya Sufi leader wielding an almost prophet like status among his followers and he could order them to do whatever he wanted, so he was a rival to the state.

A bunch of villagers rioting against each other happened all the time before. Look up this war, before calling me an idiot. Both non Muslim groups killing and hacking each other to death. Both Hakka and Punti (Cantonese) are Han people.

Punti–Hakka Clan Wars

There have been Muslims of different sects killing each other and non muslims murdering their own people in China, and Muslims who crushed the rebellions by other Muslims as well. And both Muslim and non Muslim Han villagers have rioted against the authorities for non religious reasons. If you want to blame a certain group for violence look in the mirror.
You think China will support those hamas terrorists??? You must be kidding yourself. Though both have her national interest, I still think there are a lot of ways for China and Israel to building a healthy relationship for the long run.

We welcome Israel at least they contribute greatly to the human civilization, not like some bunch of so-call "holy???book???" worshiping idiots who know nothing but set themselves off as firecrackers.

China recognizes the Palestinian state (under the Palestinian authority) in the 1967 borders like most of the world does except for America and its friends. And China trained and supported Afghan Mujahideen in the 1980s against the Soviets you fool, China does not have a foreign policy against supporting religious people.


Enjoy retard. China has a policy of non interference in countries which do not border it, last time I checked Israel-Palestine is far from the border of China.
Oh so anyone who says Allahu Akbar to the illegal invadeds get shot?

Well, to sum it all, "Jews" :coffee:

Just because we don't like Hamas? are you serious? I know you are intentionally misleading.
It is clear to everyone that Hamas and Israel have been at war for a long long time before those elections. Thousands of dead on both sides make this evident.
Hamas brutally taking control of Gaza and slaughtering and exiling everyone who opposes them an their family was surely a democratic move!
The first thing Hamas did after Israel unilaterally withdrew from Gaza is to fire rockets against Israeli civilians across the fence.
But hey, according to your logic we only retaliated because we "don't like them"...

ok thank you for all this ammo sir.
its a good thing i payed attention to israeli/Palestinian conflict.

I have already answered the reason for the animosity part, now I'll get to the blockade part. As any person with the ability to understand what lines on a map mean known it is physically impossible for Israel to blockade Gaza.
For the geographically challenged:


That's another one of your many many lies:
"As part of its regular monthly programme to help feed 285,000 vulnerable people throughout the Gaza Strip, WFP said it began on Tuesday to deliver food to 30,000 people at six sites in Gaza. It is also supplying wheat flour to bakeries so that free bread can be given to people who have seen their homes destroyed."

Through the Israeli border.

" Israel resumed the supply of goods and humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip through the sole cargo terminal at the joint border closed since the Israeli military launched an offensive against Palestinian militants, army officials said on Sunday.

About 70 of 120 trucks loaded with medicines, food supplies, household gas and basic necessities have already passed through the Kerem Shalom border crossing into Gaza. [...] The latest wave of violence between Israel and Gaza began on 14 November and has included rocket attacks against Israel from Gaza, and Israeli airstrikes on Gaza. [...] The trucks passed through the crossing for the first time since Wednesday"

Resumed is the Key word here. Sure the flow of aid is somewhat hampered in the highest time of the conflict, but still is resumed at the first opportunity.

From ANERA: "Delivered 32 shipments of donated medicines to charitable institutions throughout the West Bank, Gaza and Lebanon."

now lets examine who really stands in the way of some of the aid getting to Gaza people because they want to make a profit:

“On Tuesday, four trucks with WFP food stocks attempted to enter via the Karem Shalom crossing, but had to turn back due to rocket fire,”

"AMMAN - Anonymous armed men captured a 13-truck convoy laden with foodstuff donated by Jordanians after entering the Gaza Strip, a Palestinian official told The Jordan Times Tuesday."

bombing crossings with Israel: "GAZA CITY (AP) — A Palestinian militant detonated a powerful truck bomb with four tons of explosives at the main pedestrian crossing between Israel and the Gaza Strip on Thursday, causing extensive damage"

United Nations News Centre - UN agencies raise concerns about providing humanitarian aid in Gaza
Israel Allows Humanitarian Aid Into Gaza | World | RIA Novosti
ANERA | Annual Reports and Financial Statements | 990 Forms
Truck bomb destroys Gaza-Israel pedestrian crossing - USATODAY.com

Most of those sources are predisposed against Israel, still they admit the truth.

Here is the real situation in Gaza:

A pro Heaballah (enemy of Israel for those who didn't know) tv channel investigating living standards in Gaza:

This is Gaza:

(note I have not personally verified that every single picture is from Gaza, but most of them definitely are)

Why should we give the people who proclaim day in and day out that they want to wipe us out and massacre us the tools to do exactly that? are you serious?

Once the Palestinian leaders (both Hamas and some in Fatah) realize that for peace they have to let go of their wishes to wipe out and massacre us, peace may come.

I wonder if you are capable of learning from sources that are anti Israeli yet still say the opposite of what you do. Tough it seems that you are brainwashed to an unrecoverable extent. sad for you.

Notice how my post actually has sources to base what I claim?

Just yelling 'lies lies it's all lies" is just not going to cut it in an age when most people have access to the internet and can freely surf to sites like google maps.[/QUOTE]
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A bunch of villagers rioting against each other happened all the time before. Look up this war, before calling me an idiot. Both non Muslim groups killing and hacking each other to death. Both Hakka and Punti (Cantonese) are Han people.

Punti–Hakka Clan Wars

I am a HK Cantonese of Hakka ancestry. We are now considered as 本地 (locals). In fact, my family was one of the very first settlers in Hong Kong, though our ancestral village is still in Guangdong.

As for ephone, he has his opinion, which is understandable considering the fact that China has been one of the major targets of international terrorist attacks. They should realize their enemy is the USA, not us. But instead they are attacking us more often than they attack the USA (who only had 2 major incidents in the past decade). So of course there will be a lot of hostility.

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