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Jawaharlal Nehru 'pleaded' for US help against China in 1962

I meant from the perspective, both of them were regarded as the strongest leaders for their respective nations and the positive things they achieved overshadow their blunders in the minds of a general citizen.

Believe it or not you'll not find consensus on this, the younger generation don't care and the older generation looks to Mao with nostalgia.
To be fair most of the abuse happens right in front of us. ;) We as a group don't care about abuse as much as ignorant misconceptions.

I believe we should accept our weaknesses and try to correct them instead of lyin and spreading misconceptions.

Care to elucidate,

If you gonna bring what Nixon,Kissinger had to say,don't bother,just ignore my request.

“Hypocrisy can afford to be magnificent in its promises, for never intending to go beyond promise, it costs nothing”~Edmund Burke.
Would done wonders to improve women's right and to abolish castism. :azn:

Well women's rights have improved in India drastically and social mobility too is increasing as the caste system is becoming weaker by the year but these things will take time to reach the levels you are talking about . Things happen slowly in democracies.

One can not say with certainty that since communism worked for china it would have worked for India as well , i mean except for china which country has communism really worked for ? North Korea?

Plus we Indians are too habitual of living in a democracy now , most people are resistant to change in the sytem , it would have only been possible had it been there since the beginning.

Democracy is what we have now , and we have to find solutions to our problems within this framework and we are progressing albeit gradually but faster than ever in history.
Well women's rights have improved in India drastically and social mobility too is increasing as the caste system is becoming weaker by the year but these things will take time to reach the levels you are talking about . Things happen slowly in democracies.

One can not say with certainty that since communism worked for china it would have worked for India as well , i mean except for china which country has communism really worked for ? North Korea?

Plus we Indians are too habitual of living in a democracy now , most people are resistant to change in the sytem , it would have only been possible had it been there since the beginning.

Democracy is what we have now , and we have to find solutions to our problems within this framework and we are progressing albeit gradually but faster than ever in history.

WOULD have done wonders for India. A hypothetical past scenario where Mao took the place of Gandhi. A not unthinkable thing because communism was commonly turned to in postcolonial countries that were exploited. What Marx said about capitalism people like Mao and Ho Chiminh saw in colonial exploitation.

India might have become a stronger nation, and chances are a leader like Mao would have solved the JK problem before it became a problem.
Well women's rights have improved in India drastically and social mobility too is increasing as the caste system is becoming weaker by the year but these things will take time to reach the levels you are talking about . Things happen slowly in democracies.

Also the problem with these two issues are the gap between rhetoric and practice. From the post before India “is a good example of a country with an abyssal gap between policy and practice.”

Since Independence, the government of India has promulgated many laws to protect women’s rights. In general, application of these laws is weak. An international study by Rhoodie goes so far as to state that India “is a good example of a country with an abyssal gap between policy and practice.” India’s legal framework has less influence on women’s rights than do the nation’s religions. Some 80 per cent of the population lives according to Hinduism and its customs and laws; the Muslim population follows the Islamic Sharia law. It is important to bear in mind the number of women subjected to the following discriminations: India is home to some 500 million women.

These are two huge hurdles to India's modernization. That and the damn gurus roaming the countryside spreading ignorance.

Growth and strength both are rooted in the betterment of the people of a country.
I love the way indians try to praise chinese infront of them and abuse em and crap behind em....... to good.

Comparing indra to Mao? is tht a joke? coz its not funny.

Damn i love the hypocrisy.

I think you were out of PDF for along time and are not up to date with matters. If Indians want to bash we bash anybody right from USA China to any itsy bitsy feller. Now as by passing this post which contributed zilch to the topic and having satisfied ur false ego sit back and enjoy this kind of small happiness as i believe u don't have many.
Dude just look around yourself in South Asia, what do you see? Biggest contribution of Nehru is to make the democracy stand on it's feet when he easily could've grabbed the power and pull off a dictator. He also did many other good things like 5 years planning, non-aligned movement, establishment of IITS and IIMS etc etc.

He was bit dopey and not a hawk like Mao. But then again do you really want a Mao in India?

As much as i try to agree with your statement i feel hard to oppose and please believe me it is not for the sake of opposing. The Five year plans while have brought some sort of development to our country were made impotent quickly by the same government due to corruption. Nehru was in the power for 17 years i believe but the literacy part which is still low was not even handled well. I agree with IIT and IIM part but again it was a bane than a boon ala brain drain.

Today i believe that NAM was the biggest mistake we ever committed. There was nothing we gained of it rather than being looked upon with suspicion and on top of this look at the need of hour he had to run to one camp of power to save our a$$e$ what a joke.

The last thing and the worst i hate about him is to groom his daughter to be the next leader when he could have avoided it. The beginning of dynastic politics my friend.

And no i don't want a Mao, here i have to admit one thing other than some stories and articles in news papers i know nothing about this person. The reason is i was never interested.
Also the problem with these two issues are the gap between rhetoric and practice. From the post before India “is a good example of a country with an abyssal gap between policy and practice.”

These are two huge hurdles to India's modernization. That and the damn gurus roaming the countryside spreading ignorance.

Growth and strength both are rooted in the betterment of the people of a country.

What have the "gurus" by which i think u mean sadhus have got to do any damn thing about women problem??
According to declassified documents, the Russians; India's traditional ally were prepared to abandon her in 1962 in exchange for Chinese support during the Cuban missile crisis. While India's non-allied friends and neighbors remained aloof it was Pakistan that offered support to India(rejected by India :blink:). The involvement of Britain and the United States prevented escalation and eventually resulted in Chinese withdrawal.

Overall, I'm awed by Mao's brilliance, especially the manner in which he handled the mighty Soviet Union and preempted US action.And yes Nehru wasn't very bright - was he?:lol:
CIA FOIA - Special Collections

13 October as the first Khrnshchev-Liu meeting,)On the 16th, when Khrushchev entertained him at a state banquet, Chinese diplomats were reported as saying that the Russians would shortly "drop their facade of neutrality on the Sino-Indian dispute, That Khrushchev had suggested he would change his position is also indicated by the published Chinese version (People ' s Daily, 1 November 1963). According to the Chinese: On 13 and 14 October 1962, Ehmshehev told the Chinese ambassador the following: Their
information on Indian preparations to attack China was similar t o China's, If they were in China's position, they would have taken
the same measures. A neutral attitude on the Sino-Indian boundary question was impossible. If anyone attacked China and they /the Soviet/ said they were neutral, it would be an act of betrayal
According to declassified documents, the Russians; India's traditional ally were prepared to abandon her in 1962 in exchange for Chinese support during the Cuban missile crisis. While India's non-allied friends and neighbors remained aloof it was Pakistan that offered support to India(rejected by India :blink:). The involvement of Britain and the United States prevented escalation and eventually resulted in Chinese withdrawal.

Overall, I'm awed by Mao's brilliance, especially the manner in which he handled the mighty Soviet Union and preempted US action.And yes Nehru wasn't very bright - was he?:lol:
CIA FOIA - Special Collections

This kinda makes Nehru's miscalculation look all the bigger. Where'd you get the info on Pakistan's offer of support?
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