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Jawaharlal Nehru 'pleaded' for US help against China in 1962


Discrimination against women reduces as a result of urbanization, increased economic power and of course education. In urban India, due to the above factors, there really isn't any discrimination, and as more of the country becomes urbanized and the overall wealth increases, the remnants of discrimination in the semi-urban/rural areas will also go away. And the same holds for the caste system.

It has nothing to do with the excellence of communism.

Undoubtedly urbanization is a great factor in doing away with class and gender inequality, but in China gender inequality and class division was done away with long before urbanization or prosperity (you can't even really call China rich today)

I am not saying that communism has that effect everywhere but I am arguing that it had that effect in China.
This kinda makes Nehru's miscalculation look all the bigger. Where'd you get the info on Pakistan's offer of support?

If memory serves, I believe I read it in a Congressional report on India / Pakistan relations. I'm unable to locate that document but there is passing reference to the Pakistani offer to India in a Time magazine article published in 1965.

Also, the Chinese might recall that in the 1962 clash with India, Ayub made clear to Delhi that Indian troops could safely be transferred from the Pakistan frontier to the Himalayas.

Read more: Asia: Ending the Suspense - TIME
If memory serves, I believe I read it in a Congressional report on India / Pakistan relations. I'm unable to locate that document but there is passing reference to the Pakistani offer to India in a Time magazine article published in 1965.

Whether such an offer was made directly by Ayub Khan (GoP) to Nehru (GoI) is moot. Probably not. There was some talk by Ayub with the (then) American Ambassador to Pakistan, which in turn was passed on to "foggy bottom".
In any case, the then Indian establishment still had memories of 1948 (was that OP Gibraltar?) to take such "offers" from GoP with any credibility.
If memory serves, I believe I read it in a Congressional report on India / Pakistan relations. I'm unable to locate that document but there is passing reference to the Pakistani offer to India in a Time magazine article published in 1965.

Even I have a faint recollection of reading something stating that the Pakistanis wanted to work collectively with India to thwart the Chinese incursions in the northern Himalyan regions...our leaders lacked the foresight!
Even I have a faint recollection of reading something stating that the Pakistanis wanted to work collectively with India to thwart the Chinese incursions in the northern Himalyan regions...our leaders lacked the foresight!

'lacked the foresight' yes that was the difference between Nehru and Mao and is the difference between Capt. Popeye and you :)
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'lacked the foresight' yes that was the difference between Nehru and Mao and is the difference between Capt. Popeye and you :)

Hi Death.By.Chocolate,
Just for the record, i just stated what transpired in the "corridors of power" in New Delhi at that time i.e. in North Block and South Block, in order to clarify and explain the 'purported' action (according to the print source quoted by you) and the reaction on the Indian side at that time. You have quoted something which was reported in the press, but was not part of any official parleys.

It did not incorporate any personal opinion thereon. My personal opinions are predicated on the fact that i have been working on an international platform for over 30 years, and a reasonable part of it has been spent working with Chinese organisations to train young Chinese professionals.

Additionally; i was in existence at the time of the 1962 conflict (though with no part to play in it) so had an opportunity to see and hear what happened then. But that episode is 'history' now; nothing more, nothing less.Because of that i am not constrained either by foresight or hindsight. The 'here and now' assumes greater importance than past actions of politicians. Which is what controls the present day relationship between New Delhi and Beijing. And allows me as an individual to have meaningful relations with Chinese organisations and individuals (professionally and personally) alongside my own choices.

Hope that helps you to bring a larger perspective on Sino-Indian relations as they are now. After that it is your own business.;)
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