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Jawaharlal Nehru 'pleaded' for US help against China in 1962

Also the problem with these two issues are the gap between rhetoric and practice. From the post before India “is a good example of a country with an abyssal gap between policy and practice.”

These are two huge hurdles to India's modernization. That and the damn gurus roaming the countryside spreading ignorance.

Growth and strength both are rooted in the betterment of the people of a country.

i dont know what leads you to believe that India has not made improvements with respect to women's rights and battling the caste system , but ask anybody who visited india 20 years ago and has visited it again today , you will see how much the number of inter-caste marriages have increased , how much more visible women are now everywhere partciulary in the workplaces .

If you are not ready to believe that drastic improvements have been made , than i can only say its a case of either ignorance or bias.

about communism,as i said it may not have worked for india because apart from china it hasn't worked for any nation apparently.

cheers :cheers:
about communism,as i said it may not have worked for india because apart from china it hasn't worked for any nation apparently.

cheers :cheers:

Well, China's system is unique to China... it is quite different from the model they followed in the Soviet Union and in the former Communist states.

It's called "Socialism with Chinese characteristics". I don't think Karl Marx or Lenin would have approved.
What ever Brother, What has happnd has Happened.... It was a Blunder Indeed.... You cannot reverse it can you???

well the good part is we only ended up losing a relatively useless , uninhabitable piece of land called aksai chin.

I am not saying it wasn't a loss , but i think we got away cheaply inspite of this huge blunder. It could have been much worse.
Well, China's system is unique to China... it is quite different from the model they followed in the Soviet Union and in the former Communist states.

It's called "Socialism with Chinese characteristics". I don't think Karl Marx or Lenin would have approved.

Good for you guys , your experiment worked for you , let us see if our experiment works for us or not.

As of now the signals are mixed.
Good for you guys , your experiment worked for you , let us see if our experiment works for us or not.

As of now the signals are mixed.

Well given the fact that China and India are the two fastest growing economies in the world...

I would say that we BOTH did very well, in developing systems that are unique to our own countries. :cheers:
Another question i wanted to ask is , did the Chinese withdraw only because US intervened because from many neutral sources i have even heard that the chinese had logistical problems in the eastern sector i.e arunachal pradesh and could not have held on to that territory much longer and had to withdraw .

Kindly put some light on this
Would done wonders to improve women's right and to abolish castism. :azn:

Don't think so.

You can abolish a believe which has been ingrained in society for millennia using iron hand. The change has to be inclusive. India gave birth to many great men who tried to get rid off this evil practice, today we are bearing the fruits of their good deeds.
Another question i wanted to ask is , did the Chinese withdraw only because US intervened because from many neutral sources i have even heard that the chinese had logistical problems in the eastern sector i.e arunachal pradesh and could not have held on to that territory much longer and had to withdraw .

Kindly put some light on this

Sorry I'm not too knowledgeable on this subject, but from what I know, I think you're right. It was a combination of many factors, logistical problems, etc.
Jawaharlal Nehru pleaded for US help against China in 1962

Jawaharlal Nehru pleaded for US help against China in 1962 - The Times of India


Nehru is a disgrace on the history of independent India. This hypocritical, short-sighted inept leader had so many flaws -- first sings Hindi-Chini bhai bhai and then unilaterally adopts "forward policy" to jeopardize relations with neighboring China. Moreover, he first advocates for non-alignment but later deviates from his principles and begs US for military help.

India and China have peacefully coexisted next to each other for thousands of years and all the peace and goodwill was destroyed because of Nehru. This person is solely responsible for the humiliation India suffered in 1962 and for the atmosphere of suspicion and hostility that plagues Sino-Indian relations till this day.

It is amusing that one would still find some Indians who adore Nehru. When it comes ignorance and blind faith, unfortunately my country is a global leader.

Its like that when you got good education, one of the best secular democracies in world (without discrimination), You are supposed to abuse your forefathers who fought for your rights.
Another question i wanted to ask is , did the Chinese withdraw only because US intervened because from many neutral sources i have even heard that the chinese had logistical problems in the eastern sector i.e arunachal pradesh and could not have held on to that territory much longer and had to withdraw .

Kindly put some light on this

I already made a post on this.

Chinese withdraw because they had no logistics and supply line intact and new divisions of IA about to get deployed to NE. It'd have been suicidal for them to defend the undefendable.
As much as i try to agree with your statement i feel hard to oppose and please believe me it is not for the sake of opposing. The Five year plans while have brought some sort of development to our country were made impotent quickly by the same government due to corruption. Nehru was in the power for 17 years i believe but the literacy part which is still low was not even handled well. I agree with IIT and IIM part but again it was a bane than a boon ala brain drain.

Today i believe that NAM was the biggest mistake we ever committed. There was nothing we gained of it rather than being looked upon with suspicion and on top of this look at the need of hour he had to run to one camp of power to save our a$$e$ what a joke.

The last thing and the worst i hate about him is to groom his daughter to be the next leader when he could have avoided it. The beginning of dynastic politics my friend.

And no i don't want a Mao, here i have to admit one thing other than some stories and articles in news papers i know nothing about this person. The reason is i was never interested.

I disagree. NAM in my opinion was the sole reason for India's now independent foreign policy and her good relation with majority of countries. Nehru adopted an independent foreign policy because of which we didn't become a client state of any two great powers of old world.

Hey you shouldn't hate a person because he groomed his daughter. We voted for her right?
NAM is and always was a joke. India remained on the sidelines of history while much of geopoliticking of latter 20th century passed them by.

Illusions of having an "independent" foreign policy while being a defacto Soviet satellite state with a mutual defense treaty is just one of the many instances to derail that logic train. You current "independent" foreign policy is direct result of not having Soviet crutches to stand on after 91.
It is strange to hear such from a Chinese member, as far as I know, China remained non aligned through out Cold war.
perhaps it though of itself as the third pole in a Bipolar world.

Though it does not matter, that it did not join the namesake movements, its foreign policy was that of non alignment.
My personal opinion on Nehru is more like a person who did good work for India (Establishing a stable government for more than a decade right after independence, trying to improve the infrastructure of the country, establishing quality higher education institutions etc...) and also some not so good work (Taking Kashmir issue to UN when we could have kicked out the armed intruders or tribals or insurgents, on our own by using our armed forces, the 1962 blunder with China, promoting socialism and license raj etc...)

So my opinion of Nehru is not in BLACK (ALL BAD) or WHITE (ALL GOOD)... I see him as a shade of grey (both GOOD and BAD)... Heck, aren't we ALL like this in life???
阿叉 摩羅差;1274642 said:
NAM is and always was a joke. India remained on the sidelines of history while much of geopoliticking of latter 20th century passed them by.

Illusions of having an "independent" foreign policy while being a defacto Soviet satellite state with a mutual defense treaty is just one of the many instances to derail that logic train. You current "independent" foreign policy is direct result of not having Soviet crutches to stand on after 91.

Satellite state is too far fetched, show me a single instance where India indulged into any misadventure with Soviets, we never even had any soviet military base in India. A defence treaty was needed considering our arch-enemy was an ally of another super sower who until recently have always acted with us with a belligerent attitude.

I'll give all credit to Nehru for not letting India to be used as pawn of cold war, our western neighbour and Afghanistan is a good example of what getting used in war between two world power can do to a nation which is not a stake holder at all.

Soviet had always acted in our interest and India should always be grateful for that, but calling India a client state of Soviet is utter BS.
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