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Japan's Growing Naval Power: Japan building more Atago Class GM Destroyers

WTF are you talking about? LOL What stone base? Stop making speculation. Our conventional sub got inspiration from Russian kilo, while our nuclear submarine got inspiration from an American toy model. Both are complete developed from scratch I thought someone taught you know that already? LOL

We are equal in conventional while Russian is about 5-10 years ahead in nuclear sub. By 2020s, we should be equal in both quality and quantity as we will introduce the more powerful 096!

No offend, but I remember the 1st sub of China built with Russia help. My talk is all about it.
Correct me if you found something wrong. Thanks

Red highlight is a funny fact if it's true. I guess you mean the appearance, shape of your new subs got inspiration from a sub toy made by American.
Yeah Japanese conquer the Pacific by their own aircraft carrier groups and processed air dominate, air attack to Hawaii over 70 years ago. I guess until now, China and Vietnam are unable to do the same.
We could conquer the rest of Asia right now if the West close their eyes.

AC of Imperial Japan are overrated. They have huge number but lack support crafts. Not a true AC battle group. Also it doesn't have radar unlike the allied power which is why 99% of their AC were sunk in battle.

We don't like to flex our muscles publicly, but when we do, it is inevitable that some many be intimidated by our might. :)


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LOL A bunch of sitting duck for the Russian bear!

No offend, but I remember the 1st sub of China built with Russia help. My talk is all about it.
Correct me if you found something wrong. Thanks

Red highlight is a funny fact if it's true.
This is the word of our Submarine father.

Huang Xuhua, China's chief submarine designer, has told Shenzhen Satellite Television that China's Type 091 Han-Class nuclear-powered submarine was designed and developed based on two toys from the United States.
Constructive policy, my friend. We now focus on constructive and stabilizing policy with all our partners.

It's true that not every countries could deploy such a long distance attack.
That's for measure purpose and doesn't mean I support such attacks.
It's true that not every countries could deploy such a long distance attack.
That's for measure purpose and doesn't mean I support such attacks.

That's the thing, currently, Japanese waters are bristling with the full presence of the 4 Fleets of JMSDF. We can strike down any threat in around the Asia-Pacific region. But, in the spirit of respect and peace, we don't talk much about our ability to do that. It doesn't hide the fact that we can--- tho. ;)
We could conquer the rest of Asia right now if the West close their eyes.
You won't repeat Japanese mistake, will you? LOL

LOL A bunch of sitting duck for the Russian bear!
I guess Japanese has not much dispute to resolve with Russia. So chance to their navies to clash again is small.

Btw, Russia aircraft carrier abilities never ranked high, including their current Varyag-class design.
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You won't repeat Japanese mistake, will you? LOL
We have no interest to conquer anyone even though we can. There is no comparison.

I guess Japanese has not much dispute to resolve with Russia. So chance to their navies to clash again is small.

Btw, Russia aircraft carrier abilities never ranked high.
LOL If there is a war, it is most likely Russia and Japan due to the strategic importance in the Kuril Island dispute.

Russia can build them if they want but they don't need because of budget constraint. Though, no one should underestimate Russia ability to mobilize and build in time of war. They showed that during WWII.
LOL If there is a war, it is most likely Russia and Japan due to the strategic importance in the Kuril Island dispute.

Russia can build them if they want but they don't need because of budget constraint. Though, no one should underestimate Russia ability to mobilize and build in time of war. They showed that during WWII.

Blue: is it possible @Nihonjin1051 I thought it could be resolved this year. Piece of cake.
Red: I doubt about it, during Vietnam War and Cold War era while USA built a lot, Russia show no progress in building those.
Purple: strongly agree
Kuril islands dispute won't be solved easily.

Stalin purposely conquered it during the closing days of WW2 because if Japan has control over those 4 islands, it will disrupt Russia's path to the pacific ocean. Owning those 4 islands also gives Russia exclusive economic control over Sea of Okhotsk, which is rich with fish and natural resources.

No Russia leader will give up those islands, they are arguably as strategically important as Crimea. Russia did agree to give 2 of the smallest islands (7% of the land mass of the disputed islands) back to Japan if they sign a peace treaty.

IMO, this dispute will last indefinitely, Russia will not give them away, and Japan is not exactly eager to fight for them.
Japan is basically 127 million people crammed into a small archipelago with very little arable land, no natural resources, a pacifist constitution, and no nukes. Building more surface ships won't solve these fundamental problems. At the end of the day, you're still a small island and your opponents have nukes aimed at you.

You could say the same for us as well(only difference is that we have nukes and much more power projection capabilities/influence owing to the fact that we were a victor in world war II, would have been different had we lost though.lol). It seems many Chinese members here tend to underestimate Japan. For one Japan was NEVER colonised(bthey did colonised others though) unlike all other countries in Asia (maybe bar to some extent China), Japan also has the best and most adavnced Navy in Asia even today:agree: (Though China has the largest), Japan was the first country in Asia to industrialise(when all oither Asian countries didnt even know what Industrilization was all about.lol), Japa is still the most adavanced country in Asia overall(despite the fact that they hatheir lead has reduced), Japan is still a developed country with one of the hisghest living standard in Asia(something China will need decades of high GDP growth to even come close to), Japan is still the world's third largest economy(bigger than the U.K. France, ,and even Germany) for example Japas GDP is still almost 3 times a big country like India. , Compared to Japans size/population, its Navy/defence spending is huge and more than enough to defend it from any foreign/Chinese/Russian threat, To put things into perspective, If China had a navy comparable to Japan relative to its size/population etc, then Chinas Navy will have to be almost twice the Size of the U.S Navy.lol etc etc. In fact, i will even say China's current Navy/power projection capabilities are surprisingly sub par giving its current size and world trade. It should at least have 1/3rd or half of U.S navy's size/capabilities. Compared to China, Japan is very well armed for its size. So you have to understimate Japan to your own peri(land mind you, it still spends the lowest amount as a percentage of its GDP con defence, compared to all countries in Asia, it could easilly increase it to China's level if needed, that will make things even more interesting).:bounce:
You could say the same for us as well(only difference is that we have nukes and much more power projection capabilities/influence owing to the fact that we were a victor in world war II, would have been different had we lost though.lol). It seems many Chinese members here tend to underestimate Japan. For one Japan was NEVER colonised(bthey did colonised others though) unlike all other countries in Asia (maybe bar to some extent China), Japan also has the best and most adavnced Navy in Asia even today:agree: (Though China has the largest), Japan was the first country in Asia to industrialise(when all oither Asian countries didnt even know what Industrilization was all about.lol), Japa is still the most adavanced country in Asia overall(despite the fact that they hatheir lead has reduced), Japan is still a developed country with one of the hisghest living standard in Asia(something China will need decades of high GDP growth to even come close to), Japan is still the world's third largest economy(bigger than the U.K. France, ,and even Germany) for example Japas GDP is still almost 3 times a big country like India. , Compared to Japans size/population, its Navy/defence spending is huge and more than enough to defend it from any foreign/Chinese/Russian threat, To put things into perspective, If China had a navy comparable to Japan relative to its size/population etc, then Chinas Navy will have to be almost twice the Size of the U.S Navy.lol etc etc. In fact, i will even say China's current Navy/power projection capabilities are surprisingly sub par giving its current size and world trade. It should at least have 1/3rd or half of U.S navy's size/capabilities. Compared to China, Japan is very well armed for its size. So you have to understimate Japan to your own peri(land mind you, it still spends the lowest amount as a percentage of its GDP con defence, compared to all countries in Asia, it could easilly increase it to China's level if needed, that will make things even more interesting).:bounce:
Naah.... Japan is currently a US colony.
Kuril islands dispute won't be solved easily.

Stalin purposely conquered it during the closing days of WW2 because if Japan has control over those 4 islands, it will disrupt Russia's path to the pacific ocean. Owning those 4 islands also gives Russia exclusive economic control over Sea of Okhotsk, which is rich with fish and natural resources.

No Russia leader will give up those islands, they are arguably as strategically important as Crimea. Russia did agree to give 2 of the smallest islands (7% of the land mass of the disputed islands) back to Japan if they sign a peace treaty.

IMO, this dispute will last indefinitely, Russia will not give them away, and Japan is not exactly eager to fight for them.

Completely agree. on this one. Japan and Russia dispute with this island is here to stay.Japan will simply have to forget about these islands, Moscow will never give them back, just like Japan will never give back Senkakus to China(baring a war, which is obviously unlikely). FULL STOP., no argument about these two facts. lol
You could say the same for us as well(only difference is that we have nukes and much more power projection capabilities/influence owing to the fact that we were a victor in world war II, would have been different had we lost though.lol). It seems many Chinese members here tend to underestimate Japan. For one Japan was NEVER colonised(bthey did colonised others though) unlike all other countries in Asia (maybe bar to some extent China), Japan also has the best and most adavnced Navy in Asia even today:agree: (Though China has the largest), Japan was the first country in Asia to industrialise(when all oither Asian countries didnt even know what Industrilization was all about.lol), Japa is still the most adavanced country in Asia overall(despite the fact that they hatheir lead has reduced), Japan is still a developed country with one of the hisghest living standard in Asia(something China will need decades of high GDP growth to even come close to), Japan is still the world's third largest economy(bigger than the U.K. France, ,and even Germany) for example Japas GDP is still almost 3 times a big country like India. , Compared to Japans size/population, its Navy/defence spending is huge and more than enough to defend it from any foreign/Chinese/Russian threat, To put things into perspective, If China had a navy comparable to Japan relative to its size/population etc, then Chinas Navy will have to be almost twice the Size of the U.S Navy.lol etc etc. In fact, i will even say China's current Navy/power projection capabilities are surprisingly sub par giving its current size and world trade. It should at least have 1/3rd or half of U.S navy's size/capabilities. Compared to China, Japan is very well armed for its size. So you have to understimate Japan to your own peri(land mind you, it still spends the lowest amount as a percentage of its GDP con defence, compared to all countries in Asia, it could easilly increase it to China's level if needed, that will make things even more interesting).:bounce:

There is no need to compare Japan with China. We wish them all the best in their efforts to raise their HDI and standard of living. We wish to maintain strong relations, and all this talk of contention is unproductive. This thread was supposed to be an update on the Atago Class and various members have hijacked it in an attempt to do a dick measuring contest.

Please everyone, don't post information about PLAN, Russian Navy etc. This thread is for JMSDF's Atago Class updates. There is an entire Chinese Defence Forum section to discuss whatever development is in the PLAN --- over there.

This is entirely for Japanese Navy.

QC-280 is not licenced at all, and it is becoming 100% Chinese.

As for the diesel engine, we don't pay too much attention about those low-end technologies.

And we are creating a lot of jobs for the French workers, and they should thank for us for this.

It is not the totally irreplaceable tech for us.

Fair enough, then can you all just Please stop trying to say Japan is some kind of inferior/less capable compared to China just because Japan imports some of its military equiments? China does import alot of other stuffs/builds under license from us in Europe as well, in fact many military equipments/parts(had it not been for the sanctions we imposed on you, you will have been importing even MORE.lol). So lets cut the crap about Japan importing some parts/equipments, every country does that, You are no better to be honest.:coffee:

There is no need to compare Japan with China. We wish them all the best in their efforts to raise their HDI and standard of living. We wish to maintain strong relations, and all this talk of contention is unproductive. This thread was supposed to be an update on the Atago Class and various members have hijacked it in an attempt to do a dick measuring contest.

Please everyone, don't post information about PLAN, Russian Navy etc. This thread is for JMSDF's Atago Class updates. There is an entire Chinese Defence Forum section to discuss whatever development is in the PLAN --- over there.

This is entirely for Japanese Navy.


Fair enough. Back to topic guys.:cheers:
Fair enough, then can you all just Please stop trying to say Japan is some kind of inferior/less capable compared to China just because Japan imports some of its military equiments? China does import alot of other stuffs/builds under license from us in Europe as well, in fact many military equipments/parts(had it not been for the sanctions we imposed on you, you will have been importing even MORE.lol). So lets cut the crap about Japan importing some parts/equipments, every country does that, You are no better to be honest.:coffee:

lol, we don't import those critical components for our military.

See how the US companies are whining about that.

U.S. Tech Companies Press Case Against Restrictive Chinese Rules - WSJ

BTW, stick to the topic if you have nothing else to provide.
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