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Japan's Growing Naval Power: Japan building more Atago Class GM Destroyers

I gather humour is not your strong point,huh ?

That isn't humor.

That's an intention to act humorous in order to step down gracefully after his boasting got busted and can't continue normal discussion. However such action usually applies to one-to-one discussion while on a forum it doesn't work because posts are kept and made public to readers.
That isn't humor.

That's an intention to act humorous in order to step down gracefully after his boasting got busted and can't continue normal discussion. However such action usually applies to one-to-one discussion while on a forum it doesn't work because posts are kept and made public to readers.

I continued ALL the discussions in here to wich i was replied "we only have those engines on our ships because we want to give money to the Europeans".I've stated my points,i got childlish rants in return.On top of that ,i got you,with such a superior intelect ,that you couldn't understand a humorous post.QED

Basically the European warships, do not have an advanced anti-ship capability, and certainly not enough missiles anyway!

I'd imagine that's what the Perseus program is for.
@flamer84 : I think you may be underestimating the capability of the Chinese in destroyer design.

While it is probably true that the Type-052C is likely to be somewhat inferior to the European destroyers, the Type-55 is probably going to be very comparable in terms of sensor and missile technology. The type-55 will be the 3rd-generation of Aegis- like technology and so the Chinese would have had plenty of practice in refining the technology. In terms of firepower there would be no contest, Type-55 would blow any EU destroyer out of the water simply due to its much larger armament capability.

And BTW, the UK's Type-45 is reckoned to be the best anti-air warfare destroyer in the world currently.
@flamer84 : I think you may be underestimating the capability of the Chinese in destroyer design.

While it is probably true that the Type-052C is likely to be somewhat inferior to the European destroyers, the Type-55 is probably going to be very comparable in terms of sensor and missile technology. The type-55 will be the 3rd-generation of Aegis- like technology and so the Chinese would have had plenty of practice in refining the technology. In terms of firepower there would be no contest, Type-55 would blow any EU destroyer out of the water simply due to its much larger armament capability.

And BTW, the UK's Type-45 is reckoned to be the best anti-air warfare destroyer in the world currently.

The Type 052D is already the world's first destroyer with four giant panel AESA radars.

In comparison, the current Arleigh Burke class still PESA radars, while the Type 45 uses the AESA radars, but it is too small to be efficient enough.

The Type 055 will only further upgrade its capability which can only be rivalled by the DDG-1000 or the Arleigh Burke Flight III/IV.
your life must be pretty lame if this is entertainment. Your standard for comedy is also pretty low. Let me try something, A Romanian, a French walks into a German bar, both get taken over by the Germans. That funny enough for you?

Anyways, you are basing your entire argument on a Reuters article, while I respect their work, they also got my main man Gordon Chang on their staff, and if he is to be believed, we crashed in 2011 and again in 2012, and every year after that.

Chinese engines, at least on ships, have proven their are indigenous, now does that mean we based it on nothing? No, but it does mean we have made improvements and not only this one, but every new engine we come out with will have less and less resemblance to the first engines we sourced from Ukraine.

At this point every major platform is made and designed in China. If we don't have it we will simply wait, like Y-20, J-20, Z-20, Z-18, and all the other programs that we have, we don't even get stop gaps anymore, Chinese weapons needs to be designed and built in China, that's the policy now.

The first of these things may have been European or American or Russian, but that has changed.

With 055, @ChineseTiger1986 said no equivalent in Europe, you are welcome to come up with something the Europeans are building, to my knowledge, Zumwalt is only American.

Ok,i'll spoon feed you again,on each article about the 055d it's stated that they are powered by French licensed engines.What's so hard to understand ? Show me that i'm wrong.

No,you still import alot of things,and yes,it is funny seeing you cheast beating over and over again.I mean who does that en masse ? Have you checked other forums ? Ofcourse it's laughable and many call you the 50c army.

I was in no way putting China down,China it's on a onwards path ,no doubt,but take a chill pill.

Your joke was mildly funny,i smiled,not laughed out loud but still smiled.

And yes,i still consider the radars,sonars,on Euro ships more advanced even if they have fewer missiles.Not to mention the new generation of ASM's like the Perseus.That's my opinion.If some Chinese members can say that "we buy engines just as a favour to Europe" than i can have an opinion to.
Ok,i'll spoon feed you again,on each article about the 055d it's stated that they are powered by French licensed engines.What's so hard to understand ? Show me that i'm wrong.

No,you still import alot of things,and yes,it is funny seeing you cheast beating over and over again.I mean who does that en masse ? Have you checked other forums ? Ofcourse it's laughable and many call you the 50c army.

I was in no way putting China down,China it's on a onwards path ,no doubt,but take a chill pill.

Your joke was mildly funny,i smiled,not laughed out loud but still smiled.

And yes,i still consider the radars,sonars,on Euro ships more advanced even if they have fewer missiles.Not to mention the new generation of ASM's like the Perseus.That's my opinion.If some Chinese members can say that "we buy engines just as a favour to Europe" than i can have an opinion to.

Again, stop boasting about those low-end technologies such as the diesel engine.

Same as France has nothing to boast when selling the Mistral class to Russia.
Anyway,no FREMM,TYPE 055,Atago can stand against this true beast of maritime engineering:...behold mortals:


Took us 8 years to build,than we had to put her back on the naval yard for another 4 years after christening because she was tilting even in calm waters.:rofl:

Hehehe, man, I hope JMSDF and the Romanian Navy can do joint exercises in the future ;)
Where?! Where the hell does it say that, I have seen no source that says that. I assume you mean 052D. I have to show you how you are wrong? Type 052D into google and see how are you right.

Ok,something basic,wiki:

Type 052D destroyer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Propulsion: CODOG
Two QC-280 gas turbine engines, each generates 28MW of power and two MTU 20V 956TB92 diesel engines, each generates 6 MW of power.

China Destroyer Consolidates Innovations, Other Ship Advances | SIGNAL Magazine

The 052D reportedly has two diesel engines each providing six megawatts of power. All 052B/C Luyang DDGs and the 052D have license-produced MTU 20V 956TB92 diesel engines by Shaanxi Diesel Work rated at 4.9 megawatts of power. -

As to en mass chest thumping, probably you, isn't that what you are doing. You are telling me we still import all these things, based on what. On some article? If that's the case F-35 is a dud that can't fly until 2045 and can be no more than a passenger jet.

Engineers, CEOs of China have already came out and talked about these things, now if you feel different, you can present your credentials, or the author's credentials and we can keep going.

Not our fault, Media only report what they want to report

I hope you did see that in that article it is mentioned that all of this is taken from European defence firms reports of their sells to China.Whyle they can't sell weapons ,they can sell engines and some radar,sonar tech.
lol, I'm so glad you said that.

对中国一些型号舰艇冒黑烟的看法 --军事频道-中华网-中国最大职业人士门户

It's in Chinese, the gist of it is, after one batch of it that's on 054, we made major improvements, while we don't know what's on the 052D is called, we do know, we haven't bought any new engine for it and we do know, it's an improved version of the one we bought, we had close to a decade to work on it.

It is in line with what I said, we take, take it apart and improve and put it back, and now you can call it yours, God's or Jimmy's, the fact remains, we make it ourselves.

Sry dude,it says there black on white,french licensed built engines.Now,if some Chinese official has a feel good internal consumption speech for you,that's not my business.

You see,that's why i have problems debating with some of you....you ask for links,i kindly provide ,than you jump with "no,no,one of our guys says this no truth" while i find my version everywhere online to be real.What is there to debate than ? You asked,i gave....
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