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Japan's Growing Naval Power: Japan building more Atago Class GM Destroyers

Seriously, imagine if JMSDF and PLAN work together? What a scary and powerful force we would be, eh?

It will ... especially when we face the same enemy in future (LOL !!!). And Japan Navy ships will early get 1,000+ SAMs, coz we missed MK41 VLSs from rest "General Purpose Destroyer" here.
It will ... especially when we face the same enemy in future (LOL !!!). And Japan Navy ships will early get 1,000+ SAMs, coz we missed MK41 VLSs from rest "General Purpose Destroyer" here.

Seriously. Imagine over 2000 missiles combined. Holy Shiet!

Seriously. Imagine over 2000 missiles combined. Holy Shiet!

It will MUCH MORE BEAUTIFUL than this ... until to 2020 year, no doubt there'r 2,000+ SAMs on North-East Asia Navy fleets (China/Japan/S.Korea).
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Actually, in my observation, during post-war era Japan never made any aggressive act to China.
In fact, they have not any movement on changing status quo.
I'm looking forward China and Japan can duel on the high sea, see who is the boss. The fate of a China and Japan is doomed, we are rival forever. Just like the D boy and his brother pathetic fate in the Tekkaman blade.

Actually, in my observation, during post-war era Japan never made any aggressive act to China.
In fact, they have not any movement on changing status quo.
Nice hope, but the reality is fucking cruel. USA is poking Japan every minutes to go against China and the right wing of Japan still don't admit the crime they did in World War Two. We both are ready to fight as always, it can't be avoided .
Nice hope, but the reality is fucking cruel. USA is poking Japan every minutes to go against China and the right wing of Japan still don't admit the crime they did in World War Two. We both are ready to fight as always, it can't be avoided .

I saw many statements from China to aim their Medium range missile to Japan, missile radar lock to Japanese ships, and you, yourself is one of members who threaten Japan by nukes ?

Any reason for that?

If you were Japanese, what would you do as response?
would build more Aegis destroyers, radars, and start thinking about arm nukes as a detergent element. ??
I'm looking forward China and Japan can duel on the high sea, see who is the boss. The fate of a China and Japan is doomed, we are rival forever. Just like the D boy and his brother pathetic fate in the Tekkaman blade.

lol, here's a song for you then !

Japanese's logic is going like this: 成王败寇. Means they care the most is win or loose, not the righteousness they how they achieve the win. If you wanna peace with them, Hunt them down let them respect you. Look what the Yankee did in 1945, 2 atomic bomber solved the problem.Can you see any bash against USA in Japan about the tragedy? No, they start to respect their enemy who dominated them.
Nice hope, but the reality is fucking cruel. USA is poking Japan every minutes to go against China and the right wing of Japan still don't admit the crime they did in World War Two. We both are ready to fight as always, it can't be avoided .


I don't wanna talk more, I don't wanna hurt Nihonjin1051's feeling.

Yukio Hatoyama is well known be very close to China and Korea when he was the PM of Japan, look what the USA did I to him. USA made a huge fuzz about the Toyota accelerator pedal quality problem, and nearly fined Toyota to bankrupt. That's how your American friend retaliated when Japan want to get close with China. Do you think it's pathetic when Japan is still controlled by USA nowadays? Especially as a tool to hurt China interests. The right wing party inJapan knows China is not gonna forgive them as the Japanese Nazi did too many brutal killing in China, so they try to act in collusion with USA to go assist China in every place. My respect to Japan is like the era of Toyotomi Hideyoshi, at least he had the saying about where to go instead of being a puppet.

Nowadays Japan is still a dwarf in politics.

If Sir Shinzo Abe disobey what. USA tell him, his ending will be same as YukiomHatoyama.

Before we duel, please get rid of the USA control at first. That's how Samurai should do.

I saw many statements from China to aim their Medium range missile to Japan, missile radar lock to Japanese ships, and you, yourself is one of members who threaten Japan by nukes ?

Any reason for that?

If you were Japanese, what would you do as response?
would build more Aegis destroyers, radars, and start thinking about arm nukes as a detergent element. ??
It's complicated to the extreme when it comes to Japan and China. You can't understand.
It's complicated to the extreme when it comes to Japan and China. You can't understand.

You know thats not necessarily true. Japan and China , as well as our historical leaders, have been close. The Father of Modern China , the late Dr. Sun Yat-Sen , had many influential Japanese friends.

It will ... especially when we face the same enemy in future (LOL !!!). And Japan Navy ships will early get 1,000+ SAMs, coz we missed MK41 VLSs from rest "General Purpose Destroyer" here.

Like Martians, for example !!! LOL
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