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Japan sets record $52 billion military budget to counter China's growing military power


Sep 26, 2018
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Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga`s government approved a ninth consecutive rise in military spending on Monday, funding the development of an advanced stealth fighter and longer-range anti-ship missile to counter China`s growing military power.

The Ministry of Defense will get a record 5.34 trillion yen ($51.7 billion) for the year starting in April, up 1.1% from this year. With Suga`s large majority in parliament, enactment of the budget is all but certain.

Suga is continuing the controversial military expansion pursued by his predecessor, Shinzo Abe, to give Japan`s forces new planes, missiles and aircraft carriers with greater range and potency against potential foes including neighbouring China.

China plans to raise its military spending 6.6% this year, the smallest increase in three decades.

Japan is buying longer-range missiles and considering arming and training its military to strike distant land targets in China, North Korea and other parts of Asia.

A planned jet fighter, the first in three decades, is expected to cost around $40 billion and be ready in the 2030s. That project, which will be led by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd with help from Lockheed Martin Corp, gets $706 million in the new budget.

Japan will spend $323 million to begin development of a long-range anti-ship missile to defend its southwestern Okinawan island chain.

Other big purchases include $628 million for six Lockheed F-35 stealth fighters, including two short-takeoff and vertical-landing (STOVL) B variants that will operate off a converted helicopter carrier.

The military will also get $912 million to build two compact warships that can operate with fewer sailors than conventional destroyers, easing pressure on a navy struggling to find recruits in an ageing population.

Japan also wants two new warships to carry powerful new Aegis air and ballistic missile defence radars that have much as three times the range of older models. The government has not yet estimated the cost of the plan, which replaces a project cancelled in June to construct two ground Aegis Ashore stations.

You know it's an article by Indian media when you read such crude and flame-baiting headlines .
Japan has big geopolitical goal,it has been already made obvious for some time that their military goal is to be self-sufficient in defence instead of having to relying on US.Japanese has realized,they can't count on US in case of any military conflict be it againt north korea or Russia.
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Good move, Japan is a developed nation and can easily afford more defense spending. But self reliant is a turtle race, it take few decades but some one had to start it anyway.
They can spend all the money of the world, if they only buy foreign military hardware they are throwing the money to trash buying military hardware with backdoors.
someday Japan will sink into the sea. That is why my South Korean students all said. They hated Japan.
Good for Japan. Build a massive military to increase pressure on PLA. Its good for everyone involved, incl. China :D
The South Koreans are more vigilante then Japan they trust absolutely nobody in the neighbourhood and this concerns both Japan and China equally
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Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga`s government approved a ninth consecutive rise in military spending on Monday, funding the development of an advanced stealth fighter and longer-range anti-ship missile to counter China`s growing military power.

The Ministry of Defense will get a record 5.34 trillion yen ($51.7 billion) for the year starting in April, up 1.1% from this year. With Suga`s large majority in parliament, enactment of the budget is all but certain.

Suga is continuing the controversial military expansion pursued by his predecessor, Shinzo Abe, to give Japan`s forces new planes, missiles and aircraft carriers with greater range and potency against potential foes including neighbouring China.

China plans to raise its military spending 6.6% this year, the smallest increase in three decades.

Japan is buying longer-range missiles and considering arming and training its military to strike distant land targets in China, North Korea and other parts of Asia.

A planned jet fighter, the first in three decades, is expected to cost around $40 billion and be ready in the 2030s. That project, which will be led by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd with help from Lockheed Martin Corp, gets $706 million in the new budget.

Japan will spend $323 million to begin development of a long-range anti-ship missile to defend its southwestern Okinawan island chain.

Other big purchases include $628 million for six Lockheed F-35 stealth fighters, including two short-takeoff and vertical-landing (STOVL) B variants that will operate off a converted helicopter carrier.

The military will also get $912 million to build two compact warships that can operate with fewer sailors than conventional destroyers, easing pressure on a navy struggling to find recruits in an ageing population.

Japan also wants two new warships to carry powerful new Aegis air and ballistic missile defence radars that have much as three times the range of older models. The government has not yet estimated the cost of the plan, which replaces a project cancelled in June to construct two ground Aegis Ashore stations.

Seems like the Japanese want to become a military superpower again like they were for nearly all of recorded history except for the last 75 years. Looks like they are now waking up. Obviously they want to compete with China. Wonder how things will pan out.
Seems like the Japanese want to become a military superpower again like they were for nearly all of recorded history except for the last 75 years. Looks like they are now waking up. Obviously they want to compete with China. Wonder how things will pan out.

Their population is decreasing and mostly old people they can't provide a wall against china at this point and time. China will smash them rather quickly and swiftly this time around
Japan and South Korea are located just next to China with both of them have experience having a long and full scale war with China. Unlike happening in American continent where no body around is close to USA in term of economic and military power, the situation is different in Far East.
Their population is decreasing and mostly old people they can't provide a wall against china at this point and time. China will smash them rather quickly and swiftly this time around

You are probably right but I guess they will keep trying to increase their defences.
The altaic people are breed for war thru generations of warfare and I don't know why but they are perhaps the best military machine human bloodline. The Turks, Mongols, Manchu and Koreans are all altaic and the same despite South Korea being with less population SK is the much tougher opponent for china then Japan since the altaic people are grinders and good at adapting to tough situations once the Turkic people converted from Buddaism and Tangrism to Islam they quickly re-imposed a new Islamic golden age by simply beginning relentless military conquests example they smashed India to such an extent that is unheard of with small numbers ruling it for 700 years and taking over vaste territories and ethblishing themselves in Egypt and the holy land via Mamluks ruling the 3 holy sites of Islam for nearly 400 years While Oghuz turks conquered half of Europe ruling it for centuries.

While the Manchu and Turks ruled China in different timelines thru Yuan Dynasty and Qing Dynasty for almost 500 years even the chinese wall was build against this people they are notorious warlike people and even assimilated into the Iranian and Anatolian populations becoming rulers for centuries
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Seems like the Japanese want to become a military superpower again like they were for nearly all of recorded history except for the last 75 years. Looks like they are now waking up. Obviously they want to compete with China. Wonder how things will pan out.
Excuse me? Japan a military superpower for nearly all of recorded history? That title belongs to China, you obviously have a lack of knowledge in history. Meiji era represents the first half of the Japanese Empire. Since ancient times Japan paid tribute to China recognizing that its giant neighbor is the Asian superpower.

Waking up now? you think Japanese are low intelligent people? They saw it coming from far away when China has been speeding up economically and militarily in the past 10-20 years. If Japanese cannot kick the Americans out of Japan you think they are entitled to compare themselves with China? Japan has been colonized since the end of World War 2, forced to sign the Plaza Accord which crippled Japan's economic rise so that it can't challenge US economically after it was threatening to overtake the US in the 80s. Japan has nothing to compete with China in terms of economic or military. Whatever budget the Japanese Defense get it is nothing compared to what China spends on military. Chinese budget is way lower than the US but it can produce high quality weaponry, employ the largest military, build things the Japanese are not allowed or can't build. Japan cannot do a thing when North Korea launched a missile flying across Japan other than sounding an alarm, that is how weak Japan has become and remains in the future no matter the increase in budget. No other countries can compete with the three superpowers.
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