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Japan sets record $52 billion military budget to counter China's growing military power

We can talk science all night long brother..

Here we go, how chinese were force mixtured more than mongolian amd japanese..read amd get some IQ points..

Except no DNA evidence suggest that, except the monoglians have 20%+ sino-Tibetans O3 as their male-side ancestors whilst for Japanese, they have 30%+ O3 from Sino-Tibetan.

So its not all-day long its your typical low-IQ random nonsense that backed up by no genetic evidence.

A maximum likelihood (ML) tree reconstructed based on pairwise allele frequency difference provides a better visualization of the genetic relationship of populations (Fig. 2a). All the East Asian populations share a clade, and Mongolians are much closer to European than any other East Asian groups. Among the eight non-Mongolian East Asian populations, the Tibetan population (TIB) shows apparent differentiation from the other seven populations which are comprised of four typical mainland populations (CDX, CHB, CHS and KHV) and three island or peninsula populations (JPRK, JPT and KOR).

Do you know what you are talking about, Y-DNA is quite a bit different than genetic distance, Y-DNA indicates your male-side ancestors

Let me explain that to you:

If an aryan invader raped local, the byproduct childern will carry a Y-DNA R, if the child marry to a local female, their descendant will still carry this R.

Assume for every generation, the child marry to local females, than 50 generation later, the male-side ancestor of you is still R, but you almost contain nothing genetically like an Aryan invader (2^-50)

Get it?

That's why Y-DNA indicates the male side ancestor of a race, whilst whole DNA distance indicate your current gene mixtures.

Since Chinese don't even have a single Y-DNA D2 in their DNA, how could you say they are mixture from Japanese?

On the contrary, the evidence suggesting you are byproduct of Aryan invasion is truly overwhelming genetically.

An individual level neighbor-joining (NJ) tree of 1002 world-wide individuals based on genotyping differentiation was also constructed (Additional file 4: Figure S2A). African and European individuals cluster together respectively, and East Asians individuals also have their own distinct cluster. In East Asians individuals, Mongolian, Ryukyuan and Tibetan have relatively distinct cluster, while Han Chinese, Japanese and Korean showed a relatively mixed phylogeny, suggest their much closer relationship, although substructures are also apparent

Don't citing random stuff that not even remote support or relate to your joke.

Everyone knows East Asian are more related to each other comparing they are to, lets say, indians.
Fwiw, chinese still fear the japanese to their core.

I mean they still trying to get nanking over 80 years ago.

All world needs to do metaphorically to comtain China is just unleash Japan.

Its over and done then. :)
No. We don't. Because we know back to 1937 China was a fragmented, backward, of 90% illiterate population, controlled by a bunch of incompetent and corrupt warlords country. But the CCP changed everything. We know a united China, led of CCP, is invincible. Since 1949, when the PRC was established, China hasn't lost one war to any country, including US and Soviet Union.

No. We don't. Because we know back to 1937 China was a fragmented, backward, of 90% illiterate population, controlled by a bunch of incompetent and corrupt warlords country. But the CCP changed everything. We know a united China, led of CCP, is invincible. Since 1949, when the PRC was established, China hasn't lost one war to any country, including US and Soviet Union.

View attachment 698708

Besides Japan in the past lost all wars against China until industrial age and they enjoy a lead in industrialization.

Today China's feeling towards japan is mainly revenge-seeking, this concept cannot be understood by weakling low IQ Indians who even gain their own independence through begging.
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Besides Japan in the past lost all wars against China until industrial age and they enjoy a lead in industrialization.

Today China's feeling towards japan is mainly revenge-seeking, this concept cannot be understood by weakling low IQ Indians who even gain their own independence through bergging.
Industrialization did make small countries incredibly powerful when facing not industrialized countries. Now China has finished industrialization. Japan has zero chance to win China in a conventional war. We all know that. It's ridiculous to say Chinese still fear Japan.
Industrialization did make small countries incredibly powerful when facing not industrialized countries. Now China has finished industrialization. Japan has zero chance to win China in a conventional war. We all know that. It's ridiculous to say Chinese still fear Japan.

It is called projection, because Indians have always been enslaved by others and have never defeat their slave owners once (unless you count begging as defeating), so they sure fear a lot of their ex-masters, the most recent being British.
Except no DNA evidence suggest that, except the monoglians have 20%+ sino-Tibetans O3 as their male-side ancestors whilst for Japanese, they have 30%+ O3 from Sino-Tibetan.

So its not all-day long its your typical low-IQ random nonsense that backed up by no genetic evidence.

Do you know what you are talking about, Y-DNA is quite a bit different than genetic distance, Y-DNA indicates your male-side ancestors

Let me explain that to you:

If an aryan invader raped local, the byproduct childern will carry a Y-DNA R, if the child marry to a local female, their descendant will still carry this R.

Assume for every generation, the child marry to local females, than 50 generation later, the male-side ancestor of you is still R, but you almost contain nothing genetically like an Aryan invader (2^-50)

Get it?

That's why Y-DNA indicates the male side ancestor of a race, whilst whole DNA distance indicate your current gene mixtures.

Since Chinese don't even have a single Y-DNA D2 in their DNA, how could you say they are mixture from Japanese?

On the contrary, the evidence suggesting you are byproduct of Aryan invasion is truly overwhelming genetically.

Don't citing random stuff that not even remote support or relate to your joke.

Everyone knows East Asian are more related to each other comparing they are to, lets say, indians.


That part of asia is dominated by Japanese in culture and chromosomes.

We saying the same thing, whats the argument here?
China was a fragmented, backward, of 90% illiterate population, controlled by a bunch of incompetent and corrupt warlords country.

We can agree, you are still there.

That part of asia is dominated by Japanese in culture and chromosomes.

We saying the same thing, whats the argument here?

Except no genetic evidence suggesting that, since Japan's unique Y-DNA D2 (which 30-40% Japanes have that) found zero outside of Japan besides a few South Koreans also carry this one (less than 5%).

Asia is domintating by Sino-Tibetan's Y-DNA O3, that's plenty of genetic studies to confirm that.

Don't trying to waste my time by repeating your low-IQ cow dump without any evidence/reasoning/logics
Except no genetic evidence suggesting that, since Japan's unique Y-DNA D2 (which 30-40% Japanes have that) found zero outside of Japan besides a few South Koreans also carry this one (less than 5%).

Asia is domintating by Sino-Tibetan's Y-DNA O3, that's plenty of genetic studies to confirm that.

Don't trying to waste my time by repeating your low-IQ cow dump without any evidence/reasoning/logics

You probably should have the dear Japanese read that before they run you over again in 2037 bro.

Maybe they will stop..
You probably should have the dear Japanese read that before they run you over again in 2037 bro.

Maybe they will stop..

LOL, I just wonder why they have not yet?

Maybe you Indians need use your indian intelligence and indian IQ to encourage them give it a try, I just hope they will be impressed by you.
LOL, I just wonder why they have not yet?

Maybe you Indians need use your indian intelligence and indian IQ to encourage them give it a try, I just hope they will be impressed by you.

They didnt need indian help last time, they were fine till 1944 you do remember right, The big ol US of A saved your asses back then.
Now say thank you to USA please!
Their population is decreasing and mostly old people they can't provide a wall against china at this point and time. China will smash them rather quickly and swiftly this time around

Japan is a developed nation and can easily afford more defense spending.

Japan has big geopolitical goal,it has been already made obvious for some time that their military goal is to be self-sufficient in defence instead of having to relying on US

Japan is a dying nation, forget being "self-sufficient in defence" they aren't even self sufficient when it comes to making more Japanese people.

The median age in Japan is about 48 years old whereas in China and the US it's about 38.

While China has a fertility rate of about 1.68 Japan's is at 1.43.

China's population in 2100 will be just over 1 Billion people while Japan's will be 83 Million and 35% of them would be over 65 years old.

Japan needs to focus their time and efforts on their elderly and providing funding to support new families which is already difficult enough considering the massive national debt they've accrued standing at over 220% of GDP.
They didnt need indian help last time, they were fine till 1944 you do remember right, The big ol US of A saved your asses back then.

Since when I say Indians' help? Nobody needs Indians or indians's help especially in a war LOL

I just hope you indians trying to persuade the Japanese that its a brilliant time to roll over China LOL.

I just hope the Japanese will be impressed by your suggestion, but maybe the 2 SD difference of IQ between you and them can make a night and day difference there lol.

Don't waste my time on this, just try to persuade the Japanese on that, I wish your success, I really do, I just not being very optimistic about the mission since many Japanese refer India as the shithole of earth, lol.

Now say thank you to USA please!

US need to say thank to France for their independence first, and since when an nobody like indian can determine terms, its the problem between Chinese and true (I mean white) americans, you forget your place my poor indian boy, unless we are asking to serve tea you are not allowed to be near the table.
Since when I say Indians' help? Nobody needs Indians or indians's help especially in a war LOL

I just hope you indians trying to persuade the Japanese that its a brilliant time to roll over China LOL.

I just hope the Japanese will be impressed by your suggestion, but maybe the 2 SD difference of IQ between you and them can make a night and day difference there lol.

Don't waste my time on this, just try to persuade the Japanese on that, I wish your success, I really do, I just not being very optimistic about the mission since many Japanese refer India as the shithole of earth, lol.

US need to say thank to France for their independence first, and since when an nobody like indian can determine terms, its the problem between Chinese and true (I mean white) americans, you forget your place my poor indian boy.

It's ok no. 52051 Chork.

Lizards cant counter the Japanese, you know.

Just one or two words I picked up at cheng du.

Makes sense?
It's ok no 52051 Chork.

Lizards cant counter the Japanese, you know.

Just one or two words I picked up at cheng du.

Makes sense?

Sure sure I know you know Japan will roll over China, just please persuade them to give it a try.

Don't try to argue with me, I fully support your mission my poor indian boy lol
Sure sure I know you know Japan will roll over China, just please persuade them to give it a try.

Don't try to argue with me, I fully support your mission my poor indian boy lol

I hope 1937 does not repeat again for sake of humanity.

It was a heartbreak!
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