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Japan sets record $52 billion military budget to counter China's growing military power

The title is too purposeful and misleading.
Japan's military expenditure in 2021 increased only by 0.5% compared with 2020.
I hope 1937 does not repeat again for sake of humanity.

It was a heartbreak!

I think that's the least you need to worry about a war between China and Japan, but that's just my very humble opinions.

Please just try to persuade the Japanese to give repeating 1937 a try now, we are certainly welcome their move.

Just like I said before, don't waste time on arguing with me, I fully support your mission, just try to persuade the Japanese now.

Don't give me even more evidence to despise you kind as all talk no action weakling jokes, just talk to Japanese instead, try impressing me for once in you indian's entire life time:rofl:
I think that's the least you need to worry about a war between China and Japan, but that's just my very humble opinions.

Please just try to persuade the Japanese to give repeating 1937 a try now, we are certainly welcome their move.

Just like I said before, don't waste time on arguing with me, I fully support your mission, just try to persuade the Japanese now.

Don't give me even more evidence to despise you kind as all talk no action weakling jokes, just talk to Japanese instead, try impressing me for once in you indian's entire life time:rofl:
Yeah let me ask them to remake the celestial empire, I'm sure they will oblige.
So how do you propose we solve you being " chankoro" for Koreans amd japanese.

I'm interested.

Whatever make you sleep, I support everyone may have a dream and for Indians they may need much more than one.
I wish the same unto you brother.

I am sure you wish a lot, just like every indians.

But you accomplish too little, besides your low IQ and others, that's exact one of the many reasons we Chinese don't think very high about your kin.
Perfect time for China to increase military budget to 3% of GDP ($450b nominal, $720b PPP) :coffee:
Too little
Chinese should increase to at least the level of the US to match their superpower ego dream: 750 billion USD.
And here ladies and gentlemen, is the product straight from the hot brown ccp factory!!

If you have nothing to say, just say nothing.

Talking too much and accomplish too little, that's the kind of trait among your kin, and it is also a subject to make good jokes from, among not just Chinese, but almost all East Asians, or even among whites.

I think I have waste enough of my time on a retarded indian just like you and you have make enough embarrassment about yourself and your kin today, I am done with you, good luck on persuading the Japanese to roll over China, and bye.
Im glad I could outdo a CCP troll!!

Maybe my training was good enough.

Bow of hat'.
Their population is decreasing and mostly old people they can't provide a wall against china at this point and time. China will smash them rather quickly and swiftly this time around

Japanese have enough plutonium to blow up the world
Industrialization did make small countries incredibly powerful when facing not industrialized countries. Now China has finished industrialization. Japan has zero chance to win China in a conventional war. We all know that. It's ridiculous to say Chinese still fear Japan.
Why do wars have to be conventional ?
Any genetic evidence suggest that? and have any Chinese claim they are Japanese?

If the Chinese indeed have Japanese's unique Y-DNA (which is D2), and if the Chinese are indeed claim they are Japanese instead than you can say China's case is comparable to the Altic case, I guess its too demanding a reasoning for a low IQ indian.

The unique Japanese's Y-DNA marker is D2, and none of any studies about the Chinese found that, besides a few Tibetans none even carry any Y-DNA D, so can you provide me a source of link suggesting otherwise?

For instance, the evidence that high frequency of R are found among Indians despite of huge genetic distance between Europeans and indians, which is quite a supporting piece of the aryan invasion theory (Or, alternatively, you can claim its the otherway around, but there is no scentific evidence support the latter, but plenty of evidence, even the current caste system support the former).

Xue 2006 - Tibetans are at 42.9% D, and 40% O.

And the Japanese are mainly O in the South. The northern areas of Japan have very high levels of D. Central to south Japan is dominated by that of China and Korea - O. You are probably looking at 60% or more of Tokyo as O. North of Tokyo is the divide. High D north, south of Tokyo is O at 50% or more. That is the lands of the migrants who came to Japan with culture and civilization.

Non-O in East Asia is hunter gathers. Os started the main East Asian civilizations, developed rice farming, started writing, etc. The Mongol Cs were barbarian raiders and kept attacking and attacking the farmers, until there were only barbarians in Mongolia and large population of O sustained by rice and farming, and then Os build a great wall to defend from Mongols. Cs got rid of themselves through warfare and warmongering. Same situation with NATO, you can't pick a fight with everybody and expect to be liked.
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Perfect time for China to increase military budget to 3% of GDP ($450b nominal, $720b PPP) :coffee:
Absolutely not.

In the coming years, there will be heavy pressure on healthcare and social welfare spending due to aging population. Spending needlessly on massive military expansion is silly. They're already having trouble keeping up with China.

2% is the sweet spot. The rest should be devoted to education, healthcare and infrastructure.
The altaic people are breed for war thru generations of warfare and I don't know why but they are perhaps the best military machine human bloodline. The Turks, Mongols, Manchu and Koreans are all altaic and the same despite South Korea being with less population SK is the much tougher opponent for china then Japan since the altaic people are grinders and good at adapting to tough situations once the Turkic people converted from Buddaism and Tangrism to Islam they quickly re-imposed a new Islamic golden age by simply beginning relentless military conquests example they smashed India to such an extent that is unheard of with small numbers ruling it for 700 years and taking over vaste territories and ethblishing themselves in Egypt and the holy land via Mamluks ruling the 3 holy sites of Islam for nearly 400 years While Oghuz turks conquered half of Europe ruling it for centuries.

While the Manchu and Turks ruled China in different timelines thru Yuan Dynasty and Qing Dynasty for almost 500 years even the chinese wall was build against this people they are notorious warlike people and even assimilated into the Iranian and Anatolian populations becoming rulers for centuries

Koreans has one of the highest IQ in the world,a leg up of 20 points against the likes of Turks , Korean achievements and influence in past 20 years make turkey very abysmal. Turks and Koreans aren't same quality of the human resource.

It is amazing how economic power transition between China and Japan in the early 2000s went through peacefully.

So, Europe's past did not become East Asia's future.

This shows wisdom and rationality.

Ever since the power transition, the writing is on the wall: A new regional order. Japan is happy about it - secretly.

Now, in East Asia, we are on the brink of an economic free trade area between China, Japan and Korea.

I think, before the end of this decade, we will see a 1.5 trillion USD trade volume between the three.

Japan, albeit unofficially, also begun to take part in BRI projects.

Japan's political normalization worries the US the most.
Of course Japan is happy about it,it's ingrained in Japanese culture that their war was a holy war against western colonizers to liberate asia,and they achieved their goal.They never viewed any asian nation as the enemy even if they fought war against them and suffered great tragedy on their side.
Once the undefeated Japanese army was left with nothing but their spirits,they were defeated in the end.
However,they left something behind,which is the fact that they removed all the westerners from east ASIA.

-Lord Mountbatten (first earl Mountbatten of Burma)

Asia gained independence because of Japan.Japan ,who acted as our mother,bore babies of asian countries but destructed her maternal body.
Who made us talk equally with the west today?
It is because of the mother Japan ,who almost killed herself to give the birth.
We should never forget December 8.
-Seni Parma,Prime Minister of Thailand.

The fall of Singapore meant the end of the history of white colonialism-charles de gaulle (pres.of french republic)

What Japan has carried through bravely was to completely put an end to the colonial occupation by the west-Owen Lattimore an advisor to Chinag Kai shek

The Japanese did nothing to us that they have to apologize for.This is the reason that we do not attend the san fransisco Peace Conference and refuse to sign
on its Peace Treaty
- Jawhar Lal Nehru (the first prime minister of independent India)

The West has vested interests in recording Japan as the invading country so that
they can justify their invasion of asia.
Crime against peace & crime against humanity are ex post fact laws,so that in the context of International Law,there is no basis for accusing Japan of crime
-Radhabinod pal(UN's International Law Commission)

For the independece of India,our army will fight through with the Japanese friends.Let's go to Delhi!- Subhash Chandra Bose( a legendary figure who fought against Britain for Indian freedom)

At the San Francisco Peace Conference (1951):Why does asia want Japan to be free
again? It is because Japan was the only country asia could trust.
We should never forget how the people of asia,who hoped for their independence find sympathy with the japanese ideals
- Junius Jayawardene,Prime Minister of Srilanka.t they

Why does Japan have to make an apology?
In that war,the Japanese got rid of the British,didn they?
We should not forget we welcomed the Japanese army with such a joy.

Without the Japanese,there would have been no independence of South East Asia.
If we try to deny the precious sacrifices that the Japanese made,it is like looking only at the back mirror-
Ghazalie Shafie,Foreign Minister of Malaysia.

When the Japanese army marched into the malay peninsula,we all let out a whoop of joy .And when we saw the retreating the British army,I shivered as if I had never experience before.The japanese removed all the western forces that had been colonizing Asia for such a long time.We had almost given up our hope but
the japanese gave us the sensation & confidence
-Ungku Abdul Aziz,vice chancellor
of the University of Malaysia.

The japanese occupation was harsh ,but it was the Japanese army which terminated the western domination in Asia.
That gave asia the confidence.
Within 15 years of the war,all asian colonies were freed
-Goh Chok Tong,
Prime Minister of Singapore.

There is no country that contributed to Asia than Japan did.And there is no country
more misunderstood than Japan is.
It was the Japanese who freed us from white domination.
The true friend of Independent Burma was General Tojo & Japan-
Ba Maw ,Prime
minister of Burma.

A country motivated by high ideals and lofty objectives had sacrificed its lives and all its assets.
That country is a Far East island nation of Japan-
U Nu,Foreign minister of Burma.

The reason that Indonesia was able to win its independence from Netherland is that the same coloured
Japanese had fought that much and that gave us confidence that we
could do the same.
- Suharto,President of Indonesia.

That war was really our war.
We should have fought it ourselves.But we put everything on that Japan's
shoulders and that plunged her into almost total destruction.
- Bung Tomo (Minister of Information Indonesia)

I'm going to Yasukuni Shrine to prey for my brother who died in war.
It is natural if I am his brother ,right?
-Li Teng -Hui,president of Taiwan.

I was born in a family of a very poor farmer and so I could never dreamed of going to school.It was a Japanese offical who persuaded my parents to send me to primary school.
And it was a Japanese teacher who recommended to Japanese Army War college.
The reason I'm here today is because of the compulsory education system they introduced,and because
of the clean and honest japanese people
-Park Chung hee,president of Korea.

The Japanese proved their lofty spirits & ideals by eventually abolishing its military government
to authorize the establishment of the Republic of the Philippine
-F.B Vargas ambassador to japan.

In Asia,there was Japan.
But in Arabs,there is no Japan
(after the defeat in third Middle Eastern War)
- Jamal Abd al Nasir ,President of Egypt.

When I first accepted this assignment,frankly speaking ,I regretted it because I
thought there would be no chance of winning.
However,as I examined and researched what happened,the innocence of the defendents was becoming
very obvious.

Right from the begining ,Japan never had any ambition.I can make this definative
statement that they are all not guilty
.- William Logan(International Military Tribunal for Far EAST)

Chinese or Koreans wouldn't have had any animosity toward the japanese if not for centrally orchestrated massive brainwashing campaign of young generation by some dishonorable leaders 30 years back. Onus on new-gen leaders to correct that and bring peace to the east. The westerners are wired to cause atrocity against the global south for their personal gain,they can pose an existential crisis of global south when their way of exploitation is threatened.

Exactly, only cooperation among East Asians countries. Japan has no appetite to fight the giant neighbor. Japan and South Korea sees China as the leading Asian power and economic partner though sometimes they make wrong decisions which are forced by the US they all succumb to China's might eventually. China is not their nemesis but partner and competitor. We are not India and Pakistan.

I'm not saying that the Japanese are comparable to the Chinese in any way. I didn't even allude to that. I meant that during colonial times (1495 to 1945) they managed to do their best in trying to repel the colonial powers until they decided to become brutal colonialists themselves. That was the the biggest mistake the Japanese ever made.
Japan colonized taiwan( handed over by china,taiwanese love'em) & korea( a falling state whose majoritan political party requested annexation of korea,so technically that's pretty much democratic will),but they teated and referred taiwan & korea as extension of Imperial Japan ,not a colony.. Japan never colonized any other parts of the world,they just went and fought wars against the western colonizers in various nook and corners of asia.
Even after the conquest of Chinese capital nanking , economic hub like shanghai,Beijing, Japan
didn't burn down the summer palace or other important historical site( instead the arson was practiced under kmt's scorched earth " warfare technique) like the anglo criminals did,the Japanese didn't loot any national treasures to fund their war.
Japan instantly handed over nanking ,shanghai,Beijing back to the Chinese under the pro east,Chinese leader Wang Jinwei,he had declared war against the West for the humiliation and suffering caused by the Western colonizers on china.
He was instrumental in Xihai revolution from which both CCP & taiwanese gov tries to draw legitimacy.
Japan never colonized china,it is fact.

You need to read again what you wrote because that's the assumption you are spreading. You need to articulate things carefully. Japan only became the leading power in Asia from the Meiji to World War 2, their entire history they saw China as their influential big brother. Their entire culture was shaped by China just as the Koreans. Sadly Japanese was trying to colonize China which was impossible anyway, a mouse trying to swallow a weakened elephant? No matter how weak China was at the time you cannot swallow a giant and that proved to be the downfall of the Japanese. If they did not make that mistake, Japan today could be a free country and militarily a very powerful one next to China. Now they are a lapdog but one that secretly admires China and feel proud that not a Western country is bossing around in Asia. Japan joined BRI and signed the latest trade pact with China just proofs it. Do not take these sort of news seriously that Japan is challenging China. MSM headlines gets crazy all the time. In this age it's all about cooperation with China. If US is scared of fighting China militarily and telling the lapdogs to antagonize the rising giant what chances do you think these lapdogs have? It's a joke to us, lapdogs might as well call themselves superpowers.
Japan never tried to swallow China,japan conquered beijing ,shanghai & nanking ,technically that's the conquest of china. Japan had one purpose,to defeat KMT or any other western allied regimes from taking control of China,that would have been detrimental for japan,a KMT gov which was very accomodating of the western colonizers,would have turned China as the pivot for an invasion of japan,and irreversible colonization of Asia.

Besides Japan in the past lost all wars against China until industrial age and they enjoy a lead in industrialization.

Today China's feeling towards japan is mainly revenge-seeking, this concept cannot be understood by weakling low IQ Indians who even gain their own independence through begging.

The modern human civilization that we live in today,only starts from the industrial age ,and the Japanese has proven themselves to be the very best in this modern era,they shaped the modern culture of not just east but influenced the whole world,Japan stands in its on league there.There's not a more revered nation.
Japan as a nation, don't carry such lowly primitive thoughts like "revenge-seeking" .That's so beneath them.

FYI ,Japan possesses enough Weapon grade plutonium to bomb the world 50 times over.
Even Joe Biden mentioned : Japan Could Go Nuclear 'Virtually Overnight' .

China isn't an idiot,it knows very well what Japan is capable of , chinese gov is in cat-mouse game,where none seek war,unlike what many vindictive Chinese believe after watching atrocity propaganda movies like 800.
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