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Japan sets record $52 billion military budget to counter China's growing military power

It is amazing how economic power transition between China and Japan in the early 2000s went through peacefully.

So, Europe's past did not become East Asia's future.

This shows wisdom and rationality.

Ever since the power transition, the writing is on the wall: A new regional order. Japan is happy about it - secretly.

Now, in East Asia, we are on the brink of an economic free trade area between China, Japan and Korea.

I think, before the end of this decade, we will see a 1.5 trillion USD trade volume between the three.

Japan, albeit unofficially, also begun to take part in BRI projects.

Japan's political normalization worries the US the most.
Seems like the Japanese want to become a military superpower again like they were for nearly all of recorded history except for the last 75 years. Looks like they are now waking up. Obviously they want to compete with China. Wonder how things will pan out.
Japan prior to Meiji restoration was just isolated as hell they were influenced by China mostly yeah Japanese dont like to admit that because Japan modernized in the late 1800s and early 1900s became the first Asians to defeat a European Empire the Russian Empire during the Russo-Japanese War in 1905 China stagnated became spilt up had Qing Dynasty overthrow by peasants became faulty republic then civil war for decades and then Communists involved China was dirt poor and Japan went ahead basically
It is amazing how economic power transition between China and Japan in Th early 2000S went through peacefully.

So, Europe's past did not become East Asia's future.

Now, in East Asia, we are on the brink of an economic free trade area between China, Japan and Korea.

I think, before the end of this decade, we will see a 1.5 trillion USD trade volume between the three.

Japan, albeit unofficially, also begun to take part in BRI projects.

Japan's political normalization worries the US the most.

Exactly, only cooperation among East Asians countries. Japan has no appetite to fight the giant neighbor. Japan and South Korea sees China as the leading Asian power and economic partner though sometimes they make wrong decisions which are forced by the US they all succumb to China's might eventually. China is not their nemesis but partner and competitor. We are not India and Pakistan.
Exactly, only cooperation among East Asians countries. Japan has no appetite to fight the giant neighbor. Japan and South Korea sees China as the leading Asian power and economic partner though sometimes they make wrong decisions which are forced by the US they all succumb to China's might eventually. China is not their nemesis but partner and competitor. We are not India and Pakistan.

Japan issue how to keep ultra nationalists tendacies low in their society Japan is quite stagnant and the post WW2 consusus made them more pro US as a society too
Excuse me? Japan a military superpower for nearly all of recorded history? That title belongs to China, you obviously have a lack of knowledge in history. Meiji era represents the first half of the Japanese Empire. Since ancient times Japan paid tribute to China recognizing that its giant neighbor is the Asian superpower.

Waking up now? you think Japanese are low intelligent people? They saw it coming from far away when China has been speeding up economically and militarily in the past 10-20 years. If Japanese cannot kick the Americans out of Japan you think they are entitled to compare themselves with China? Japan has been colonized since the end of World War 2, forced to sign the Plaza Accord which crippled Japan's economic rise so that it can't challenge US economically after it was threatening to overtake the US in the 80s. Japan has nothing to compete with China in terms of economic or military. Whatever budget the Japanese Defense get it is nothing compared to what China spends on military. Chinese budget is way lower than the US but it can produce high quality weaponry, employ the largest military, build things the Japanese are not allowed or can't build. Japan cannot do a thing when North Korea launched a missile flying across Japan other than sounding an alarm, that is how weak Japan has become and remains in the future no matter the increase in budget. No other countries can compete with the three superpowers.

I'm not saying that the Japanese are comparable to the Chinese in any way. I didn't even allude to that. I meant that during colonial times (1495 to 1945) they managed to do their best in trying to repel the colonial powers until they decided to become brutal colonialists themselves. That was the the biggest mistake the Japanese ever made.
I'm not saying that the Japanese are comparable to the Chinese in any way. I didn't even allude to that. I meant that during colonial times (1495 to 1945) they managed to do their best in trying to repel the colonial powers until they decided to become brutal colonialists themselves. That was the the biggest mistake the Japanese ever made.
You need to read again what you wrote because that's the assumption you are spreading. You need to articulate things carefully. Japan only became the leading power in Asia from the Meiji to World War 2, their entire history they saw China as their influential big brother. Their entire culture was shaped by China just as the Koreans. Sadly Japanese was trying to colonize China which was impossible anyway, a mouse trying to swallow a weakened elephant? No matter how weak China was at the time you cannot swallow a giant and that proved to be the downfall of the Japanese. If they did not make that mistake, Japan today could be a free country and militarily a very powerful one next to China. Now they are a lapdog but one that secretly admires China and feel proud that not a Western country is bossing around in Asia. Japan joined BRI and signed the latest trade pact with China just proofs it. Do not take these sort of news seriously that Japan is challenging China. MSM headlines gets crazy all the time. In this age it's all about cooperation with China. If US is scared of fighting China militarily and telling the lapdogs to antagonize the rising giant what chances do you think these lapdogs have? It's a joke to us, lapdogs might as well call themselves superpowers.
Fwiw, chinese still fear the japanese to their core.

I mean they still trying to get nanking over 80 years ago.

All world needs to do metaphorically to comtain China is just unleash Japan.

Its over and done then. :)
The altaic people are breed for war thru generations of warfare and I don't know why but they are perhaps the best military machine human bloodline. The Turks, Mongols, Manchu and Koreans are all altaic and the same despite South Korea being with less population SK is the much tougher opponent for china then Japan since the altaic people are grinders and good at adapting to tough situations once the Turkic people converted from Buddaism and Tangrism to Islam they quickly re-imposed a new Islamic golden age by simply beginning relentless military conquests example they smashed India to such an extent that is unheard of with small numbers ruling it for 700 years and taking over vaste territories and ethblishing themselves in Egypt and the holy land via Mamluks ruling the 3 holy sites of Islam for nearly 400 years While Oghuz turks conquered half of Europe ruling it for centuries.

While the Manchu and Turks ruled China in different timelines thru Yuan Dynasty and Qing Dynasty for almost 500 years even the chinese wall was build against this people they are notorious warlike people and even assimilated into the Iranian and Anatolian populations becoming rulers for centuries

What a long piece of nonsense, first of all, the population you mentioned have little in common genetically-wise, secondly, today's turks in Europe has nothing to do with Mongolian in East Asia, Koreans are even further away from that.

For instance, Manchu's largest male-side ancestor are of a Sino-Tibetan O3 with O3a5 at core.

Just because one nomad race conquered another nomadic race does not make them become the same.

Before the invention of firearm, sure nomads are good at war in plane area due to the high mobility, but Chinese was once a nomad from west China as well, and they hold today's China, the heartland of east asia for the most part of history.

Many of the nomads are desendants of ancient old Asians populated there before the arrival of sino population (Y-DNA O3/O3a5), they were then pushed to the north (Mongolian, Y-DNA C3c) or even further to Australia (Australian aboriginals, Y-DNA C5).

I suspect the altic language family has more to do with C-branch of old Asian aboriginals.

Fwiw, chinese still fear the japanese to their core.

I mean they still trying to get nanking over 80 years ago.

All world needs to do metaphorically to comtain China is just unleash Japan.

Its over and done then. :)

Very brailiant idea, why not the US just try this one yet?
What a long piece of nonsense, first of all, the population you mentioned have little in common genetically-wise, secondly, today's turks in Europe has nothing to do with Mongolian in East Asia, Koreans are even further away from that.

For instance, Manchu's largest male-side ancestor are of a Sino-Tibetan O3 with O3a5 at core.

Just because one nomad race conquered another nomadic race does not make them become the same.

Before the invention of firearm, sure nomads are good at war in plane area due to the high mobility, but Chinese was once a nomad from west China as well, and they hold today's China, the heartland of east asia for the most part of history.

Many of the nomads are desendants of ancient old Asians populated there before the arrival of sino population (Y-DNA O3/O3a5), they were then pushed to the north (Mongolian, Y-DNA C3c) or even further to Australia (Australian aboriginals, Y-DNA C5).

I suspect the altic language family has more to do with C-branch of old Asian aboriginals.

Very brailiant idea, why not the US just try this one yet?

You accuse me of nonsense but yours is more pure nonsense atleast mine is historical facts. You entered into haplogroups but you know nothing of these. The altaic people are one people and come from the same distant relatives and yes they locally originate from Asia in the altaic mountains area. What is this aboriginals? These people are still there and everywhere. The Oghuz, azeris and others of central Asia have assimilated and enter married becoming more dynamic genetically. The Manchu have also assimilated into the han populations but still you can find some genetically Manchus but that is difficult. The Koreans are the only homogeneous left that has not assimilated but kept the altaic bloodline due to being landlocked and isolated themselves from interacting with the world. They are different to the chinese they are much taller on average and more social society
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Seems like the Japanese want to become a military superpower again like they were for nearly all of recorded history except for the last 75 years. Looks like they are now waking up. Obviously they want to compete with China. Wonder how things will pan out.
Japan is no match for China. Unless it wants to be wiped off the map.
You accuse me of nonsense but yours is more pure nonsense atleast mine is historical facts. You entered into haplogroups but you know nothing of these. The altaic people are one people and come from the same distant relatives and yes they locally originate from Asia in the altaic mountains area. What is this aboriginals? These people are still there and everywhere. The Oghuz, azeris and others of central have assimilated and enter married becoming more dynamic genetically. The Manchu have also assimilated into the han populations but still you can find some genetically Manchus but that is difficult. The Koreans are the only homogeneous left that has not assimilated but kept the altaic bloodline

The altic people are not one people, they have utterly different pattern of Y-DNA (male-side ancestors), learn some science before writing your bullshit, thanks.

Don't waste my time, just answer me one question:

If Altic are one people, then what is Altic's Y-DNA marker? For whites its Y-DNA R, for Chinese its Y-DNA O3, for native Americans, it is Y-DNA Q, they are all at dominating frequency among the population.

So what is the dominating Y-DNA marker for Altic population? if you cannot tell that, then how could you call them one people when they have many many utterly different male-side ancestors?

For instance, besides very high freqency of O3, Koreans also has high freqency of O2b, Manchu also have low freqency of O2b, that neither O3 or O2b are founded in any "altic population" outside of Asia (for O2b, not even mongolian has this).

How could you explain this one?

Just because some alien race conquered you in the past doesn't make you become one of them, get some shame
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What a long piece of nonsense, first of all, the population you mentioned have little in common genetically-wise, secondly, today's turks in Europe has nothing to do with Mongolian in East Asia, Koreans are even further away from that.

For instance, Manchu's largest male-side ancestor are of a Sino-Tibetan O3 with O3a5 at core.

Just because one nomad race conquered another nomadic race does not make them become the same.

Before the invention of firearm, sure nomads are good at war in plane area due to the high mobility, but Chinese was once a nomad from west China as well, and they hold today's China, the heartland of east asia for the most part of history.

Many of the nomads are desendants of ancient old Asians populated there before the arrival of sino population (Y-DNA O3/O3a5), they were then pushed to the north (Mongolian, Y-DNA C3c) or even further to Australia (Australian aboriginals, Y-DNA C5).

I suspect the altic language family has more to do with C-branch of old Asian aboriginals.

Very brailiant idea, why not the US just try this one yet?
Its t
What a long piece of nonsense, first of all, the population you mentioned have little in common genetically-wise, secondly, today's turks in Europe has nothing to do with Mongolian in East Asia, Koreans are even further away from that.

For instance, Manchu's largest male-side ancestor are of a Sino-Tibetan O3 with O3a5 at core.

Just because one nomad race conquered another nomadic race does not make them become the same.

Before the invention of firearm, sure nomads are good at war in plane area due to the high mobility, but Chinese was once a nomad from west China as well, and they hold today's China, the heartland of east asia for the most part of history.

Many of the nomads are desendants of ancient old Asians populated there before the arrival of sino population (Y-DNA O3/O3a5), they were then pushed to the north (Mongolian, Y-DNA C3c) or even further to Australia (Australian aboriginals, Y-DNA C5).

I suspect the altic language family has more to do with C-branch of old Asian aboriginals.

Very brailiant idea, why not the US just try this one yet?

That's what the japs have been doing for a while, haven't you noticed?
Changing your genome sequence since 1937, for all your high IQ, you couldn't guess that?

High IQ works differently in the middle kingdom I guess..

Any genetic evidence suggest that? and have any Chinese claim they are Japanese?

If the Chinese indeed have Japanese's unique Y-DNA (which is D2), and if the Chinese are indeed claim they are Japanese instead than you can say China's case is comparable to the Altic case, I guess its too demanding a reasoning for a low IQ indian.

The unique Japanese's Y-DNA marker is D2, and none of any studies about the Chinese found that, besides a few Tibetans none even carry any Y-DNA D, so can you provide me a source of link suggesting otherwise?

For instance, the evidence that high frequency of R are found among Indians despite of huge genetic distance between Europeans and indians, which is quite a supporting piece of the aryan invasion theory (Or, alternatively, you can claim its the otherway around, but there is no scentific evidence support the latter, but plenty of evidence, even the current caste system support the former).
Any genetic evidence suggest that? and have any Chinese claim they are Japanese?

If the Chinese indeed have Japanese's unique Y-DNA (which is D2), and if the Chinese are indeed claim they are Japanese instead than you can say China's case is comparable to the Altic case, I guess its too demanding a reasoning for a low IQ indian.

The unique Japanese's Y-DNA marker is D2, and none of any studies about the Chinese found that, besides a few Tibetans none even carry any Y-DNA D, so can you provide me a source of link suggesting otherwise?

For instance, the evidence that high frequency of R are found among Indians despite of huge genetic distance between Europeans and indians, which is quite a supporting piece of the aryan invasion theory (Or, alternatively, you can claim its the otherway around, but there is no scentific evidence support the latter, but plenty of evidence, even the current caste system support the former).

We can talk science all night long brother..

Here we go, how chinese were force mixtured more than mongolian amd japanese..read amd get some IQ points..

A maximum likelihood (ML) tree reconstructed based on pairwise allele frequency difference provides a better visualization of the genetic relationship of populations (Fig. 2a). All the East Asian populations share a clade, and Mongolians are much closer to European than any other East Asian groups. Among the eight non-Mongolian East Asian populations, the Tibetan population (TIB) shows apparent differentiation from the other seven populations which are comprised of four typical mainland populations (CDX, CHB, CHS and KHV) and three island or peninsula populations (JPRK, JPT and KOR).

An individual level neighbor-joining (NJ) tree of 1002 world-wide individuals based on genotyping differentiation was also constructed (Additional file 4: Figure S2A). African and European individuals cluster together respectively, and East Asians individuals also have their own distinct cluster. In East Asians individuals, Mongolian, Ryukyuan and Tibetan have relatively distinct cluster, while Han Chinese, Japanese and Korean showed a relatively mixed phylogeny, suggest their much closer relationship, although substructures are also apparent
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