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Japan Seeks India's Supporton Disputes With China

We not only invaded India but we stripped the dignity of every Indian. We violated Indian sovereignty and you couldn't do jack to stop us.

There was no war in 1967 and 1987, these are made up fairytale stories by the Indian regime to distract the gullible Indian population from the brutal 1962 thumping the PLA gave the hapless Indian military.

Indians are gutless, thats why we routinely make a mockery of Indian sovereignty and you cry to our leaders.
Indians are meek, weak and extremely time people that can easily be slapped around.

What war has India ever won?
And no you didn't win against Pakistan.

Slaughtering millions of innocent Sikhs in 1984 don't count as war.

You invade India .Lol you did some circus in 1962 correct.But what happened?Your idiot PLA commanders forsee possible onslaught of chinese troops by regrouped Indian Army.And you withdraw from our AP unconditionally .
As usual we know you dont know any f*** about 1967 and 1987 because all your internet services in PRC is scripted by CCP. We have to sorry about that.But except PRC and chinese, all the world know about butchering of more than 300 chinese troops by IA.
You can blah ...blah... infinitely.But fact is if you want humiliate India ,attack us and defeat us and seize AP. Until then we Indians and the whole world know china as bullying ,papertiger that keeps typical 'Hijada'(neither men nor women) mentality.
But we conceded PA is too better than PLA:lol: and resilient.
I think China and India had only one war, and China won. the world thinks the same.as for small skirmishes, I guess must be pretty often,can't not be used to talked about like a real war.
From Wikimedia
Later conflicts
Main articles: Sino-Indian relations, Chola incident, and 1987 Sino-Indian skirmish
India also reported a series of military conflicts after the 1962 war. One report provided by India shows that in late 1967, there were two incidents in which both countries exchanged fire in Sikkim. The first one was dubbed the "Nathu La incident", and the other being "Chola incident".

I think N Korea will soon nuke china..

I think they will nuke S.Korea first,and Japan right after,then US and China.but very likely they will be running out of nukes before hitting China.

And that's how 1987's tension was solved

The result was a thaw. Indian Foreign Minister N.D. Tiwari arrived in Beijing in May 1987 en route to Pyongyang, North Korea. He carried with him messages from Indian leaders that there was no intention on New Delhi's part to aggravate the situation.
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Indian Defence News - 1967 में भारत से मिले सबक को भूला नहीं है चीन..

Sikkim itself is a testimony to the fact that Chinese back tracked. What more proof do you want ??

Sikkim was a victim of propaganda.

If they told the truth, even today, they will prefer their Mongoloid cousins at the north over the South Asian.

I think we should not to discuss this. Chinese people all over the world are already good enough to ignore Mongoloid people in this region and give respect to India.
I think China and India had only one war, and China won. the world thinks the same.as for small skirmishes, I guess must be pretty often,can't not be used to talked about like a real war.

True. Indians are so desperate for victories that they claim victory when not a shot was fired.
Dude , you forgot the 1960s. At that time , both US and Sovient Union wanted to Nuke China

Don't know about Russia, but US certainly do not, infact, when the Sino-Soviet Split, China actually turn to American for help......

During the Korea war , Soviet Union did not have Nuke weapon.

And we never ask Nuclear umbrella protection from Soviet Union.

If the decison was so easy to make , why only Rand made the right conclusion?

Dude , fight with the No1 superpower is not that easy.


RDS-1 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

RDS-1 is a carbon copy of fat man (the one the American used in Japan) and Russia have it tested on August 29, 1949

Well, i suppose they could only test it and not start making it, but let's not be naive shall we....

Nobody know if China turn to Russia for nuclear umbrella, but it would be a natural move. Otherwise it would be too dumb for American not to use Nuclear weapon in Korea if there are no reprecussion from the Russian.....

again, there are no absolute proof or disproof about it, it's just commonsense :)
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Don't know about Russia, but US certainly do not, infact, when the Sino-Soviet Split, China actually turn to American for help......


RDS-1 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

RDS-1 is a carbon copy of fat man (the one the American used in Japan) and Russia have it tested on August 29, 1949

Well, i suppose they could only test it and not start making it, but let's not be naive shall we....

Nobody know if China turn to Russia for nuclear umbrella, but it would be a natural move. Otherwise it would be too dumb for American not to use Nuclear weapon in Korea if there are no reprecussion from the Russian.....

again, there are no absolute proof or disproof about it, it's just commonsense :)

Soviet Union told mao RU will support us with some Jets and Tank.

When PM Zhou EnLai flied to The Black Sea ,Stalin regreted .

Zhou said China will Join the war without the support of Soviet Union.

Don't know about Russia, but US certainly do not, infact, when the Sino-Soviet Split, China actually turn to American for help......

During 1980S, Soviet Union was at strategic offese stage, that was why US want to ally with China and resist Soviet Union together .

During 1980S, US sold China some equipment just because US need China to resist Soviet Union .

And We never ask help from US
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Soviet Union told mao RU will support us with some Jets and Tank.

When PM Zhou EnLai flied to The Black Sea ,Stalin regreted .

Zhou said China will Join the war without the support of Soviet Union.

During 1980S, Soviet Union was at strategic offese stage, that was why US want to ally with China and resist Soviet Union together .

During 1980S, US sold China some equipment just because US need China to resist Soviet Union .

And We never ask help from US


Whatever Zhou said and Mao said is not made public, so not any would know what is the actual conversation is about. Unless you have a recorded dialogue about mao's or zhou and stalin, otherwise it's all moot talks.

Fact is, Soviet Russia already have nuke in 1949, Fact is, US does not use nuke against China during Korean war.

Now you can go and say American is so dumb that they did not use Nuke in Korea even tho Russia have never agrees to help China with nuclear umbrella.

Or you can say China ask for Russian help and that's why US does not nuke or even bomb China during Korean war.

Now tell me which one make more sense??

And i am not talking about 80s, i am talking about 60s - 70s. Who invite who during the Ping Pong Diplomacy??

Whatever Zhou said and Mao said is not made public, so not any would know what is the actual conversation is about. Unless you have a recorded dialogue about mao's or zhou and stalin, otherwise it's all moot talks.

Fact is, Soviet Russia already have nuke in 1949, Fact is, US does not use nuke against China during Korean war.

Now you can go and say American is so dumb that they did not use Nuke in Korea even tho Russia have never agrees to help China with nuclear umbrella.

Or you can say China ask for Russian help and that's why US does not nuke or even bomb China during Korean war.

Now tell me which one make more sense??

And i am not talking about 80s, i am talking about 60s - 70s. Who invite who during the Ping Pong Diplomacy??
It is public!
And i am not talking about 80s, i am talking about 60s - 70s. Who invite who during the Ping Pong Diplomacy??
I talked about the 1980S , because only that time , US was not very hostile to China and sold China some euqipments.And The other time , US and CN always were hostile to each other during the Cold War.

About the PingPong Diplomacy, it was politic iintelligence not ASKING for help!!

We were fighting US during PP Diplomacy!!! Remember ?
It is public!

The talk is a public knowledge, but do anyone indeed know what the two is talking about? There are no record or what so ever stating even the meeting agenda, only said meeting has ever happened.

I know this is what Chinese media channel doing, this is what they teach, but do you really know what Mao and Stalin talked about in those meeting?
currently Japan has no nukes,if Japan goes nuclear,China will dramatically increase her nuclear ability which has been stockpiled from 1960s. as the biggest industrial nation in the world,let there be no doubt China's capability of mass producing anything.China is a vast country and has been building underground military bunkers and tunnels in the mountains for more than half a century.if there is a nulcear exchange between China and Japan,guess who gets wiped out first.

Western estimate is that China has enough nukes to at least destroy the earth once. destroying a tiny country like Japan doesn't need much. if Japan chose to go nuclear, it amounts to committing suicide.
you are a very sad person. Go out and get a more positive image of the world.
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