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Japan Seeks India's Supporton Disputes With China

Of all the countries we have problems with, India is the easiest to slap around as we showed in April of last year. Vietnam and Philippines are way tougher to deal with than weak India.

Laos and Cambodia are tough, don't pretend that India is stronger than these countries.

India will always be on their knees.
Just look at how they let our army invade their sovereignty and did nothing about it.
Pretty gutless if you ask me.

You think your country earned something when your idotic PLA do that folly.And what you got ? You returned from that area.
For India foreign relations is always a chess game .Our officials know how to play .
You know very well the fate of East Pakistan .We use our military .but it is only a last defence.We dont boast about our might like a paper tiger china.
Of all the countries we have problems with, India is the easiest to slap around as we showed in April of last year.

Unfortunately it's somewhat true. Thanks to our impotent political leaders.

Vietnam and Philippines are way tougher to deal with than weak India.

Comrade, Neither India nor Indian armed forces are weak. I have already mentioned, Indian politics has made India look weak.

Laos and Cambodia are tough, don't pretend that India is stronger than these countries.

:haha: :haha:

This statement itself proves how intelligent you are ! Suit yourself :devil:
India should stay out of this dispute and try to amicably resolve its issue with China . Maybe Line of actual control should be made International border . Once in for all , all issues resolved . China can't take AP nor can India take Aksia Chin . one of these two moves and both countries will be nuclear wastelands .
You think your country earned something when your idotic PLA do that folly.And what you got ? You returned from that area.
For India foreign relations is always a chess game .Our officials know how to play .
You know very well the fate of East Pakistan .We use our military .but it is only a last defence.We dont boast about our might like a paper tiger china.

We humiliated India.
We humiliated India.

So why dont you take AP from us? Why wait? After you guys camped in our territory with all the migth why did you run away back into China? Actually we humiliated you, we made you turn tail and run. If your army or govt was so strong they would have held their ground not play in and out like kids. The reality is you guys can just be tough poseurs but you guys dont want shit to hit the fan hence, you run away like always. So go cry in the humiliation we Indians bestowed upon your "high IQ" lot hahahahaahaha :lol:
We humiliated India.

If you call that is an humiliation .Then what is the real definition of 'Humiliation'.?That disgusting act of your PLA give any objectives to PRC.Friend we have also cards to play.Your regularly bully Japan and other small countries .But that will end there.
Your PLA did a heroic job by back stabbing a pacifist country.And you saw outcome.A rag- tag ww2 era armed forces in 1962 changes into an armed forces that ripped apart a powerful country that is equal to us at that time after 9 years in 1971.
You guys also employed same trick in 1967 and 1987 and what you got?
We can see your powerful army run with tail between legs.
We know PRC is more powerful than India.If you want to humiliate us,then attack us and defeat us and seize AP .Then you can tell the world you can humiliate India.Otherwise this bullying act will only help us.PRC and Pakistan do a great job by attacking us.A pacifist country turned into 4th most powerful country in the world in economically,militarily and technologically.
PRC single handedly convert a pacifist country in to nuclear power by exploding nuclear bomb in 1974.

China is a paper tiger and India is a real tiger.lol. only Indians believe it on this planet.

If china is real tiger then attack us and defeat us instead of establishing tent structure near border.
Threaten but didn't carry out. That all it matter, China knew full well US in the past nuked Japan without hesitation, China still enter the Korean war without any possession any nuclear threat.

Actually, China know full well that the US WILL NOT use nuclear weapon, hence the intervention of Korean war

Set aside the popular theory that Chinese spy got the confirmation from Chang himself, as we can no way proof that, but the situation alone would let Chinese know the US will not use nuke on China

1.Russian had nuke, using nuke on China means a 1 way ticket for a nuclear show down in Western Europe, and at that point the western europe defence is soweak that a soviet invasion (which would followed by a nuclear exchange as dictated by soviet doctrine) would crush the Allied defence for sure. Mao had a specific discussion with Stalin regarding China being put into nuclear umbrella before going towar with the UN

2. A full scale war with China would be undesirable as this would mean the anticipated ROC reinforcement would be abandoned or delayed to defend Taiwan, and that would also mean US resource would diverted to Taiwan, nominally the air and naval resources. US do not want to fight China on 2 front while if indeed nuke was used, would have a third front for US to deal with in Europe, which would mean a thermonuclear war in world wide front

Chinese knew all that and the move of sacking MacAurthur wimply because he brought nuke on the table verified the thought Chinese know along

Nuke were indeed used as a threat IN EUROPE to deter Soviet from joining the fight, not so in Asia.

Just answer me this, had Soviet did not process nuclear weapon in 1949, do you really think

A. China will join the Korean War?
B. US will not consider using them in China?

See, Chinese know all this before engaging, US never threaten China with nuclear weapon, we would use it in koera if Pusan was seriously threaten, that's it, Chiina was in Soviet Nuclear umbrella, they know they were covered, same way as South Korea know they were covered by the US umbrella.
Actually, China know full well that the US WILL NOT use nuclear weapon, hence the intervention of Korean war

Set aside the popular theory that Chinese spy got the confirmation from Chang himself, as we can no way proof that, but the situation alone would let Chinese know the US will not use nuke on China

1.Russian had nuke, using nuke on China means a 1 way ticket for a nuclear show down in Western Europe, and at that point the western europe defence is soweak that a soviet invasion (which would followed by a nuclear exchange as dictated by soviet doctrine) would crush the Allied defence for sure. Mao had a specific discussion with Stalin regarding China being put into nuclear umbrella before going towar with the UN

2. A full scale war with China would be undesirable as this would mean the anticipated ROC reinforcement would be abandoned or delayed to defend Taiwan, and that would also mean US resource would diverted to Taiwan, nominally the air and naval resources. US do not want to fight China on 2 front while if indeed nuke was used, would have a third front for US to deal with in Europe, which would mean a thermonuclear war in world wide front

Chinese knew all that and the move of sacking MacAurthur wimply because he brought nuke on the table verified the thought Chinese know along

Nuke were indeed used as a threat IN EUROPE to deter Soviet from joining the fight, not so in Asia.

Just answer me this, had Soviet did not process nuclear weapon in 1949, do you really think

A. China will join the Korean War?
B. US will not consider using them in China?

See, Chinese know all this before engaging, US never threaten China with nuclear weapon, we would use it in koera if Pusan was seriously threaten, that's it, Chiina was in Soviet Nuclear umbrella, they know they were covered, same way as South Korea know they were covered by the US umbrella.

I'm not in here debate with you whether China fall under Russia nuclear umbrella protection, a high commander in Asia pacific general MacArthur made statement of annihilation China with nuclear weapons was a fact, US didn't use nuclear bomb on China that a fact, a well know American Japanese physicist had proof president Truman already drafted a war plan to order nuclear bomb drop on China but US population were against such idea confirm by the population opinion major polls. Nothing in your posts counter what my statement to be false, you come up with kind of conjecture and speculation about what if won't change the course of history in Korean war.
I'm not in here debate with you whether China fall under Russia nuclear umbrella protection, a high commander in Asia pacific general MacArthur made statement of annihilation China with nuclear weapons was a fact, US didn't use nuclear bomb on China that a fact, a well know American Japanese physicist had proof president Truman already drafted a war plan to order nuclear bomb drop on China but US population were against such idea confirm by the population opinion major polls. Nothing in your posts counter what my statement to be false, you come up with kind of conjecture and speculation about what if won't change the course of history in Korean war.

Lol truman drafted a proposals....that make me laugh

Do you know as today, Obama have a total nuclear plan on China incase if China would have gone to war with the US? So can I say today US IS THREATEN CHINA WITH NUCLEAR DEVICE?

Plans were made so that if indeed that case do happen, the command could have an instant solution on how to deal with it. So that you will not get caught with your pants down

Can you tell me exactly who tell China openly and Publicly saying if you enter the war, we will use nuke? Beside MacAuthur?

No you can't, the fact is, NO ONE IN THE US DID, hell even the air force guy can't let truman agree to bomb China, let alone using nuke

Lol you are really funny, and youdid not answer my question too.
Lol truman drafted a proposals....that make me laugh

Do you know as today, Obama have a total nuclear plan on China incase if China would have gone to war with the US? So can I say today US IS THREATEN CHINA WITH NUCLEAR DEVICE?

Plans were made so that if indeed that case do happen, the command could have an instant solution on how to deal with it. So that you will not get caught with your pants down

Can you tell me exactly who tell China openly and Publicly saying if you enter the war, we will use nuke? Beside MacAuthur?

No you can't, the fact is, NO ONE IN THE US DID, hell even the air force guy can't let truman agree to bomb China, let alone using nuke

Lol you are really funny, and youdid not answer my question too.

Did MacArthur stated he wanted to nuke China or not? you stated every president since Truman have their own contingency plan of nuclear action for a future nuclear war, was it Truman ordered nuclear bomb dropped on Japan? Eisenhower was the president during the Korean war, I mistaken Truman for Eisenhower as the standing president at that time. I don't know whether Soviet Union have any nuclear weapons or not in 1949. How would I know. Fact China did enter despite of nuclear threat from US, you can't deny this fact. Do you have a full proof documented by China government especially the hand written statement from Mao himself that he believe US wouldn't use nuclear weapon for retaliation with China enter the war?
That shows how insecure and lack of confidence Japan is,serving a lapdog to US meanwhile buying favor of ASEN. This small country seems to be so scared and desperate for any kind of protection.

It is more political support they are looking for. Japan doesn't need India's help militarily... as lets face it, India's military is weak.
No wonder Hitler, Toujou Hideki all liked india. It does have fantasy for nazis.

shinzo abe likes india as well since there was an india judge about 68 years ago who even had sympathy over the japs and nazis.

his grandfather kan abe was class A world war 2 criminal and should be hanged. Well, thanks to the conflicts between east and west, that SOB even went to become prime minister of the japs later. the americans even let shiro ishii, the unit 731 biological and chemical war fare head, who killed tens of thousand Chinese, Koreans, Russians during WWII, go free.

No wonder the japs would like to turn black into white, invasion into entrance... Now, it finds a partner in india.

Engaged in a territorial dispute with China, Japan today sought to rope in India's support over "the recent Chinese provocative actions" saying a message needs to be sent to it collectively that status quo cannot be changed by force.

Japanese Defence Minister Itsunori Onodera said dialogue is the only way to resolve the row created by imposition of restrictions by China in the East China Sea and other areas.

"For both India and Japan, China is an important neighbouring country. Both countries have important economic linkages with China. However, after the recent Chinese provocative actions, entire international community will have to send a message to China," he told PTI in an interview here.

"Both Japan and India should ask for a dialogue with Chinese side and tell China not to change status quo by force. These issues should be solved through dialogue and following international rules," the Minister said.

He was responding when asked whether India and Japan could come together on issues with China as both the countries have territorial disputes with it.

The security situation in the region against the backdrop of recent tensions between Japan and China triggered by imposition of 'Air Defence Identification Zone' (ADIZ) over East China Sea and other areas by China came up during talks between Onodera and his Indian counterpart A K Antony here on Monday.

During the meeting, Antony is understood to have told Onodera that India stands for freedom of navigation in international waters and application of global conventions.

After the ADIZ started creating tensions in the South East Asian region, India had stated that the issue should be resolved between the concerned parties through dialogue in a peaceful way and it was against use of force to resolve the matterAfter the ADIZ started creating tensions in the South East Asian region, India had stated that the issue should be resolved between the concerned parties through dialogue in a peaceful way and it was against use of force to resolve the matterAfter the ADIZ started creating tensions in the South East Asian region, India had stated that the issue should be resolved between the concerned parties through dialogue in a peaceful way and it was against use of force to resolve the matterAfter the ADIZ started creating tensions in the South East Asian region, India had stated that the issue should be resolved between the concerned parties through dialogue in a peaceful way and it was against use of force to resolve the matters.

Asked about an earlier proposal by Tokyo for forming a trilateral grouping of India, Japan and the US to deal with challenges from China, Onodera said, "India and Japan have good ties with the US. Economically and internationally and in terms of military forces, these are big countries."

He said that, "If India, Japan and the US are in cooperation and send a common message to the Chinese side, that will mean a lot."

The Japanese Defence Minister said his country shares strong ties with both India and the US.

"We share the same interests in safety of sea lanes of communications and to secure the freedom of navigation. Trilaterally, India, Japan and the US should be cooperating in these areas," he said.

On his talks with Antony, Onodera said the two countries have decided to enhance their military ties and a number of decisions were taken during the meeting.

The two sides have agreed on cooperation in Peacek

Japan Seeks India's Support on Disputes With China

Instead of asking rest of the world to support them, first of all Japanese themselves need to help themselves. They need to change their constitution and go nuclear , China would immediately fall in line and would sit on negotiating table.
Did MacArthur stated he wanted to nuke China or not? you stated every president since Truman have their own contingency plan of nuclear action for a future nuclear war, was it Truman ordered nuclear bomb dropped on Japan? Eisenhower was the president during the Korean war, I mistaken Truman for Eisenhower as the standing president at that time. I don't know whether Soviet Union have any nuclear weapons or not in 1949. How would I know. Fact China did enter despite of nuclear threat from US, you can't deny this fact. Do you have a full proof documented by China government especially the hand written statement from Mao himself that he believe US wouldn't use nuclear weapon for retaliation with China enter the war?

Did MacArthur stated he wanted to nuke China or not?

lol, well, the internet is here, you can search it yourselve. But you obiviously only believe in what your country tells you. So, i don't see a point why i keep talking to a wall.

just one final thought tho. Having nuclear weapon is not as powerful as you think, if having nuclear weapon mean the world will be done without war, then there should not be any way fought after 1945.

As long as 2 side have the same weapon, the power of the atomic weapon would be negated.

Believe it or not is up to you. You can keep believe in China courage men defied the American threat to join the war in Korea where ignore other facts (Such as the war do not actually require nuclear weapon and to use nuclear weapon on China = world at nuclear war) well, that's your choice. Lol i have nothing i want to say anymore, drag on long enough.

If you do want to find the source, just look them up in the internet. There are plenty of evidence out there. But for me, i am done arguing with you..
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