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Japan Defence Forum

they don't have to explode the nuke.... you're right by the way.. but live testing would put japan under pressure... computer simulation is more than enough... all the need is to develop one ICBM or BM out of their long rang rockets and mount the warhead.... anyway having a nuke sends clear message to enemies, it doesn't matter if its live tested or not.. I don't think so a enemy state would risk to check if their nukes would work., Israel mostly test their nukes with computer simulations...... but though Japs have the capabilities US won't allow them to have as long as Japan is under US's nuclear umbrella
Supercompter to simulate NUKE need real test datas for reference. Who give nuke datas to them, American ?
Israel ever exploded a nuke in South Africa, u can google it.
1. Japan is purely defensive, we do not have a First Strike Policy. The SDF will only intervene if our assets are attacked.

2. You're right 70 years have passed and without any incident. We have shown to the world of our peaceful nature, and I don't think that will change drastically. Provided, we are not attacked , then there is no reason why our purely defensive stance will change.

3. Correct, I am a Ph.D student; and whilst at it , I must impress upon you that there in lies the concept of Attribution. It is unhealthy and can actually lead to significant intrapsychic tension. It's best to implement behavioral change modalities; and in the case of Japan, there is a significant dichotomy between: 1) Imperial Japan of the past and 2) Japan of the present.

4. Again, i will stress to you not to have precognitive notions of imperialistic tendencies. I can empathize why some Chinese are wary of Japan and anything related to Japanese military. However, i can assure you positively that we have no imperialistic designs in Asia, whatsoever. We merely wish all parties refrain from military warfare, and demand Freedom of Navigation. At the same time, we are ready , should the need arise, to defend these interests.

Words are wind my friend.

It all comes down to action and from what Asians have seen in the past, Japanese expansionism rears its ugly head repeatedly throughout history. Wait a couple of centuries to receive the next report card.

In the end, Chinese have no fear of Japan. The real enemy of our people have always come from within.
Mongolian invasion, Japanese Invasion, Western invasion, all these were only possible because of Chinese within.
If we have the Korean members to join this thread, it must be more interesting.
Im just thinking what Korea will react to Japan's new military role ? Whether Korea will join the China alliance ? Or Korean own NUKE too?
If we have the Korean members to join this thread, it must be more interesting.
Im just thinking what Korea will react to Japan's new military role ? Whether Korea will join the China alliance ? Or Korean own NUKE too?

There is that nasty fat pig in the North. Impossible to tell what he will do.

Our main Korean poster turned out to be an Indian.
If we have the Korean members to join this thread, it must be more interesting.
Im just thinking what Korea will react to Japan's new military role ? Whether Korea will join the China alliance ? Or Korean own NUKE too?

Impossible. They have financial ties to China, the same way as Japan's to China, but there are severe security issues that remains a concern.
There is that nasty fat pig in the North. Impossible to tell what he will do.

Our main Korean poster turned out to be an Indian.
U misunderstand, It's truth that S.Korea also have enough nuclear capability. If u read news, S.Korea exported nuclear technology & nuclear power plants to foreign nations. If could, i think S.Korea can build NUKE.

Impossible. They have financial ties to China, the same way as Japan's to China, but there are severe security issues that remains a concern.
I believe Korean won't nuke China ... S.Korea export nuclear power plant, so i think Korean has enough nuclear technology to build nuke in the future.

Nuclear Power in South Korea

South Korea wins landmark Gulf nuclear power deal
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Words are wind my friend.
It all comes down to action and from what Asians have seen in the past, Japanese expansionism rears its ugly head repeatedly throughout history. Wait a couple of centuries to receive the next report card.
In the end, Chinese have no fear of Japan. The real enemy of our people have always come from within.
Mongolian invasion, Japanese Invasion, Western invasion, all these were only possible because of Chinese within.

No one can know what the future holds. But i deign to say that we live in a far more globalized society , where resources are purchased for partners. Long gone are the days that a country invades another country and makes war to secure oil fields. No, your wariness of a so called Japanese expansionism is unnecessary. I am saying this as one Japanese to you, a Chinese.

I hope you don't take anything i say in this tread, in response to some troll posters, too personal.

Take Care, my friend.
U misunderstand, It's truth that S.Korea also have enough nuclear capability. If u read news, S.Korea exported nuclear technology & nuclear power plants to foreign nations. If could, i think S.Korea can build NUKE.

I believe Korean won't nuke China ... S.Korea export nuclear power plant, so i think Korean has enough nuclear technology to build nuke in the future.

For advanced countries, its really just a matter of political will when it comes to nukes. The Americans did it in the 40s with computers less advanced than a Nintendo gameboy.

I dont like this talk of nukes, its silly really.
I believe Korean won't nuke China ... S.Korea export nuclear power plant, so i think Korean has enough nuclear technology to build nuke in the future.

Korea, like Japan, is dependent on international trade, and one of our largest trading partner(s) is China. So, it would be counter-productive for both Japan and Korea to have hostilities with China, our neighbor. Every nation has military posturing, it doesn't necessarily mean war or precognitive feelings of war. In my opinion, the emotions may rise and fall between certain power(s) in East Asia. But in the end of the day, business to usual will return.

We are living in the 21st century, not in the Warring States Period, or in the Senggoku Jidai..!
Nobody will own nukes, if Japan is going to own nukes Germany will follow, Franch and UK will be the first to jump out to protest, not China.
But I'm actually happy to see Japan getting frustrating now and turning militarism. Would be fun after japan launch ;)the first strike.

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