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Japan Defence Forum

TOKYO (AP) — Japan's ruling coalition has given formal approval to reinterpreting the constitution to allow greater use of military force, paving the way for Cabinet endorsement later Tuesday of one of the biggest changes to Japanese security policy since World War II.

The move will allow the military to defend other nations under what is known as "collective self-defense."

Previous governments have said that Japan's war-renouncing constitution limits the use of force to the defense of Japan.

The constitution was drafted by American occupation forces after World War II in part to prevent a repeat of Japan's invasion and brutal occupation of wide swaths of Asia.

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is pushing hard for the change. He cites a deteriorating security environment, including China's rise and North Korean missile and nuclear threats.


Glad to see the resolution was passed. :tup:

It is a great step forward. Japan need to be more proactive and have a greater role in the world. I think not only Vietnam but all ASEAN countries support that.

While we are at this, i think it is only befitting that Japan becomes a Nuclear power. Why should we not? After all we are the 3rd largest economy in the world, and have superior conventional military capability. A nuclear deterrence will ensure our sovereign protection.

Why not? It would be reasonable if Japan becomes a nuclear power.

OT: Yesterday i stopped by Walmart to get some supplies, and i somehow found myself at the Electronics section (was looking at some new headphones), i then got lost at the pc section. And found disc copy of Age of Empires II , and was contemplating to actually buy it. :lol::lol:

OT2: I used to pick the Chinese (loved the chu kung nu), or the Byzantines (loved their catapracts).

LOL! What a target...! He can take 1-2 clips worth of shots, maybe even a bayonet or two. :lol:

In Age 2 Mongols were my fav. Make 20 Elite Mangudai and you win the game.
This is a welcome development. We in India warmly welcome this resolution. Japan is a powerful country with advanced technology and has all the rights to defend its interests in the region and beyond. Removing constraints of pacifist economy structure will only increase the potential of closer partnership between Japan and other Asian, African and LATAM countries.

For some reason I get the feeling that Vietnam would also be very pleased with this arrangement.

Enemy of my enemy is my friend...right? Muhahhah I bet you dream day and Night for that to be happened, but what is good for Japan is good for China too, Crisis = opportunity for us, we have thousand years of experiences to face tough advesaries suck Hun, Turks...without Challenge, China will be very passive, Han and Tang empire will never be born.
If Japan is destinate to have Nukes and be our adversary...so be it, we will manage it wisely as how we managed our enemies in the pass, only fews Chinese feel anger about the rise of Japant but me I welcome it, the most important for China is that we're capable to answer the threat and not dreaming that Japan will stay forever weak.
In Age 2 Mongols were my fav. Make 20 Elite Mangudai and you win the game.


maybe against extremely low elo players.

20 Mangudai will probably lose to 30 elite skirmishers!

Skirmishers are so cheap they are pretty much free.
Nobody will own nukes, if Japan is going to own nukes Germany will follow, Franch and UK will be the first to jump out to protest, not China.
But I'm actually happy to see Japan getting frustrating now and turning militarism. Would be fun after japan launch ;)the first strike.

Everything has the good side and bad side at the same time.
Just think another side, when Japan has nukes whether some nuke will target U.S cities ? More nations own nukes and more threats to U.S too. Enemy's enemy will be ur friend, bro ! The relationship between nations is very realistic.


maybe against extremely low elo players.

20 Mangudai will probably lose to 30 elite skirmishers!

Skirmishers are so cheap they are pretty much free.
Mangudai don't stand and fight. Shoot and scoot. Can't catch them. Esp if you have full arrow hitpoints they are the best unit.
Mangudai don't stand and fight. Shoot and scoot. Can't catch them. Esp if you have full arrow hitpoints they are the best unit.

In multiplayer online, shoot and scoot doesn't really work. On Steam, the population cap is 500 units, there is very little room to maneuver when the enemy moves in force.

I have used so many skirmishers that enemy castles have been taken out.
I know. I am just saying as a Unit they are very powerful.

Offcourse everyone has their preference.
In Age 2 Mongols were my fav. Make 20 Elite Mangudai and you win the game.

I never really played as the Mongols ; usually it was as Japan, China, Byzantines , or the British.

In multiplayer online, shoot and scoot doesn't really work. On Steam, the population cap is 500 units, there is very little room to maneuver when the enemy moves in force.

I have used so many skirmishers that enemy castles have been taken out.

The tactic i employ is civil decimation. The target shouldn't be military buildings such as castles, barracks. The target are the granaries, lumber mills, mines, and the workers. Wipe that out as well as town centers, then there is no way to support military growth. Target houses, homes, so you reduce the population limit.

Raize them all. And decimate it through attrition.
I know. I am just saying as a Unit they are very powerful.

Offcourse everyone has their preference.

They're good, but a reactionary player will use a healthy defense of pikemen, archers. Magudais are good when striking unprotected resource areas. You can wreck havoc on enemy economy, tho. if handled properly. :)

They are fun. Try it if you get a chance.

Now i'm going to have to buy AoE on steam this weekend. :lol:
Well indeed why not? They have every right ot create a greater military might to defend its borders. If every country in the world can have a free armed force for its defence with its own policies then why not japan. The problem with US was in 1945 that it saw japan as a serious threat to the rise of super powers. It knew that japan if left alone would once again become a serious military might that next time might go further then pearl harbor thus it took the duty of defending the Japanese borders to keep japan demilitarized. However the trick was never going to last forever as eventually with all the success japan was bound to start thinking abt increasing its armed forces and defensive procedures.

Infact that trick I believe is the secret behind japans economical and technological rise. It didnt have to worry abt its defences It wasnt involved in any war due to the constitution and its defences were handled by the US. It allowed them to give complete focus on Their economy which is at the level of super power nations or perhaps even above. Now with that achieved they are trying for more defensive freedom and slowly but surely they will get it. I wont be surprised if in a couple decades japan ends up having a great armed force with state of the art missiles and weaponry and on the brink of announcing nuclear weaponry to the world. No joke. They are that good.

It would be in Pakistan's best interest to help them in any way it can and to support them at this. Japan will be a major contender in the future.

Japan may need a few of more PM like him and i think he will get it. It cant be blind to the fact that it ticks all the boxes except the military might one which has always been the main strength behind the super power nations rise in history.
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