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Japan Defence Forum

Sorry for my strong statement. Japan having a median age of 45 years old will be unlikely to post a long term security threat to China.

If a nation as advance as Japan median age is 20 years old, then China need to worry.

Japan today has no war potential. She has no natural resource and no strategic breadth. She is just a client state of USA.
Ha ha ha...look at the reactions of mainlanders! They are fearful and desperate. Vietnam needs a strong Japan to stop Chinese aggression.

How many more oil rigs and warships will the Chinese deploy to the SC Sea?

No, we need a stronger Japan to kick chinese out of our waters and soil. Time to pay back. Time to stop their delusions.
Listen, Singaporean, your city state has no room to talk. The population of Singapore is the same size as one of our smaller cities. Japan is resurging, our economy has moved from negative growth to positive growth, our exports are going up, our wages are increasing, government is increasing policies to increase teh population as well as loosen immigration of skilled personnel. And now, our military will have a more active role in global security.We are a military power, but purely on defensive designs. Meaning, if you attack us, then we will gut you.

Before you usher a word, please research. :coffee:

Does matter how powerful Japan is going to be, it still doesn't have an independent foreign policy and will continue to hide and ride on the coat tail of its patron: the USA. Looking back, even when Japan was the 2nd largest economy on the world with powerful militaries it lacked political influences around the world. As Japan's relative economy weakens , its political/economical influences will continue to dwindle and with its voice will continue to weight less on global policies.
I agree that offensively Japan has no current ambitions, but what you list as a reason that war is impossible (natural resources), is actually the very reason that war will someday be likely again in that region.

It is , indeed, laughable that these trolls who try to say Japan is devoid of natural resources are impudent to say the least. We may not have the resources of say Russia, but we do have proven gas reserves. We have around 20 billion cubic cm in proved-reserves, as well as an additional estimated 100-300 billion possibly under the Senakaku Islands.

In addition to this, our engineering facilities have afforded Japan to be the 1st country to extract natural gas from the frozen seabed. Thus, we expect to be a large natural gas and petro exporter in the coming future if we tap into our East Seas. :)

Japan Natural gas - proved reserves - Energy
You guys mis-undertook Japan. Japan do not hate China as many mainlanders have perceived. The war between Japan and China is on who is going to lead yellow people.

The war between Japan and USA is civilization war. Hey China friends,

I am stating a fact. You know who control Japan. If you cannot see that Japan is USA colony, I wont waste my time talking to you.

Talk about war potential, only countries below has it
1) USA
2) China
3) Russia
4) Canada
5) Australia
6) India
7) Brazil
8) Argentina

I think you are confusing "control" with "influence". The US has its stature because of the international influence it retained or obtained post-WWII.

If someone who lives in what was indeed an actual colony until the 1960s doesn't know what "colony" means, then I would want them to spend their time reading and researching, not talking to me on the internet. So on that point, it appears as if we are in agreement.
Sorry for my strong statement. Japan having a median age of 45 years old will be unlikely to post a long term security threat to China.

If a nation as advance as Japan median age is 20 years old, then China need to worry.

Japan today has no war potential. She has no natural resource and no strategic breadth. She is just a client state of USA.
The problems with japs is that it made all its neighbours hatred enemies, not just China. If korea had half sthengh of China, they would have tear japan apart now.

Also japs were famous to make bold yet stupid moves along the history, tactically wise yet strategically stupid, they ambushed Russia's fleet and launched surprized pearl harbour attack, let alone invading China. who knows what spupid action they will do in the future.
I am stating a fact. You know who control Japan. If you cannot see that Japan is USA colony, I wont waste my time talking to you.

Talk about war potential, only countries below has it
1) USA
2) China
3) Russia
4) Canada
5) Australia
6) India
7) Brazil
8) Argentina

LOL! The list even includes, of all countries, Australia and Argentina. :rofl:

Did you conjure this list up in your head, kid? :lol:

A more realistic list would include : France, UK, Germany, Egypt, Indonesia, Israel.
Listen, Singaporean, your city state has no room to talk. The population of Singapore is the same size as one of our smaller cities. Japan is resurging, our economy has moved from negative growth to positive growth, our exports are going up, our wages are increasing, government is increasing policies to increase teh population as well as loosen immigration of skilled personnel. And now, our military will have a more active role in global security.We are a military power, but purely on defensive designs. Meaning, if you attack us, then we will gut you.

Before you usher a word, please research. :coffee:
Japan is rising. Let the Chinese feel the pain of the rising sun. I see they are fearful. Chinese love to bully Vietnam and Philippines. But Japan?
They pick the wrong enemy.
Japan is rising. Let the Chinese feel the pain of the rising sun.

Japan is the Land of the Rising Sun, and we are on the Rise.

I think you are confusing "control" with "influence". The US has its stature because of the international influence it retained or obtained post-WWII.

If someone who lives in what was indeed an actual colony until the 1960s doesn't know what "colony" means, then I would want them to spend their time reading and researching, not talking to me on the internet. So on that point, it appears as if we are in agreement.

Don't waste your breath over that impudent troll. His entire postings are flame baits and devoid of any reasoning , but to forward his pro-China agenda. He's a false flagger.
Ha ha ha...look at the reactions of mainlanders! They are fearful and desperate. Vietnam needs a strong Japan to stop Chinese aggression.

How many more oil rigs and warships will the Chinese deploy to the SC Sea?

No, we need a stronger Japan to kick chinese out of our waters and soil. Time to pay back. Time to stop their delusions.

If you think that any sovereign nation will fight on your country's behalf, you are seriously naive.

Time will tip the balance of power in China's favour and the East asian order of seniority will once again be in place. Grandson Vietnam needs to behave.

What you are seeing in the SCS is really just the beginning.
But Japan?
They pick the wrong enemy.

They know we don't mess around. We have a tendency of being excessive when we are pushed. A war with Japan is to no one's favor. This is why peace and stability in East Asia and South East Asia is important for us.
Japan is rising. Let the Chinese feel the pain of the rising sun. I see they are fearful. Chinese love to bully Vietnam and Philippines. But Japan?
They pick the wrong enemy.

Do you seriously think that China is afraid of a resurgent Japan? The Americans destabilize Asia from the shadows and willing pawns sells out Asian waters to Western masters.

Where is your Asian pride?
Do you seriously think that China is afraid of a resurgent Japan? The Americans destabilize Asia from the shadows and willing pawns sells out Asian waters to Western masters.

Where is your Asian pride?

So i would conjecture your position would be: "don't sell out your waters to westerners, but sell out your waters to Zhongguo, instead?" lol. Your reasoning is priceless.

Anatawa hontoni tensai ne ! :lol::lol:
I think its time China and Russia nuked Japan. This is a dangerous development of a fascist regime rearming. I think Xi and Putin should think about preemptive nuclear strikes on Tokyo. US will bark but won't get into a nuclear confrontation with Russia and China. I approve the PLA to wipe Japan off the map. For me, the fact that Japan exists is an insult to Chinese civilisation and thus must be annihilated.

It's time the PLA took a hardline view of Japan because the Japan has absolutely NOTHING whatsoever to counter a barrage of nuclear missiles.

I approve of wiping off the Jap race. Turn those Japs into human sushi.

Dont be a fool. You do not understand Japanese history and truth about WW2.
I think its time China and Russia nuked Japan. This is a dangerous development of a fascist regime rearming. I think Xi and Putin should think about preemptive nuclear strikes on Tokyo. US will bark but won't get into a nuclear confrontation with Russia and China. I approve the PLA to wipe Japan off the map. For me, the fact that Japan exists is an insult to Chinese civilisation and thus must be annihilated.

It's time the PLA took a hardline view of Japan because the Japan has absolutely NOTHING whatsoever to counter a barrage of nuclear missiles.

LOL! You must be the Chinese People's Liberation Army Supreme Commander of War. Go ahead, Great Commander , and push that Great Red Button and nuke us. See what happens. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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