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Japan Defence Forum

This is a welcome development. We in India warmly welcome this resolution. Japan is a powerful country with advanced technology and has all the rights to defend its interests in the region and beyond. Removing constraints of pacifist economy structure will only increase the potential of closer partnership between Japan and other Asian, African and LATAM countries.

For some reason I get the feeling that Vietnam would also be very pleased with this arrangement.

Yes, for sure. It benefits the whole region by bringing more balance of power.
Very good move Japan!

I strongly believe Vietnamese government soon seeks a security alliance with our Japanese friends.

We will no longer tolerate chinese dirty bullying aggressive politics. Everything has a price.
I don't think we seek an official security alliance with Japan. Our moto is non-alliance. We don't need to beg Japan (and US and other countries) to intervene in Vietnam's East Sea issues. They will have to do it (intervention) for their own benefits.

What we should do is to encourage them to do it while strengthening our own strength to be prepared for worse situations.
Even Japan has tons of weapon-level nuke materials, don't you think Japan also need to build one true nuclear-bomb and explode in somewhere to test it ?
Past 60 years, Top5 nations ever exploded thousands of nukes to test and collect datas. Now they r using Super-computers to simulat nuke test but Empirical Data came from nukes explode tests, no one can provide such classified nuke datas to any nation, even U.S to Japan. So if Japan claim to can build NUKE, at least Japanese need a true nuke and explode it, that can prove Japan successfully own nuke technology.
Only this can prove the truth.

they don't have to explode the nuke.... you're right by the way.. but live testing would put japan under pressure... computer simulation is more than enough... all the need is to develop one ICBM or BM out of their long rang rockets and mount the warhead.... anyway having a nuke sends clear message to enemies, it doesn't matter if its live tested or not.. I don't think so a enemy state would risk to check if their nukes would work., Israel mostly test their nukes with computer simulations...... but though Japs have the capabilities US won't allow them to have as long as Japan is under US's nuclear umbrella
I don't think we seek an official security alliance with Japan. Our moto is non-alliance. We don't need to beg Japan (and US and other countries) to intervene in Vietnam's East Sea issues. They will have to do it (intervention) for their own benefits.

What we should do is to encourage them to do it while strengthening our own strength to be prepared for worse situations.
We must answer these questions:

Can we defend our country against Chinese aggression?
Do we have the power to expel them out of our waters and soil?

The answer is clearly No. At the moment the chicom do whatever they like. They don't care, because we're weak.

We must change our pacifist policy like Japan.
I am skeptical on the "most technological advanced" part and highly doubt the "already created reserve nuclear warheads". Let's put it this way. Countries like Italy, Spain, Brazil, Argentina, Canada, Australia, South Korea. Indonesia, Turkey, Netherland and quite a few others had the economy and freedom to develop their armed force for decades now and they are not nuclear powers. Going to from "larger military role" to "nuclear power" is a rather large jump.

The EU countries you mentioned are already have NATO's Nukes... Argentina ??? no way... first they are not even a strong military power.. economy is not that big... Brazil arose recently + these two nations don't have any threats from Nuclear powers except Argentina from UK. Canada,Sk under US nuke umbrella....................

Nuclear power is large jump... but when you have the equipment and Tech its walk in the park..... They've the Weapon grade uranium in stock, can modify the long rang rockets as Missiles.... given 6 month to 1 year.. they've a Nuke........ All these abilities Japan Acquired silently. why you do think they silently can't build one
TOKYO (AP) — Japan's ruling coalition has given formal approval to reinterpreting the constitution to allow greater use of military force, paving the way for Cabinet endorsement later Tuesday of one of the biggest changes to Japanese security policy since World War II.

The move will allow the military to defend other nations under what is known as "collective self-defense."

Previous governments have said that Japan's war-renouncing constitution limits the use of force to the defense of Japan.

The constitution was drafted by American occupation forces after World War II in part to prevent a repeat of Japan's invasion and brutal occupation of wide swaths of Asia.

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is pushing hard for the change. He cites a deteriorating security environment, including China's rise and North Korean missile and nuclear threats.


Glad to see the resolution was passed. :tup:

Interesting news.

I am surprised this move was not opposed by pacifists.
While we are at this, i think it is only befitting that Japan becomes a Nuclear power. Why should we not? After all we are the 3rd largest economy in the world, and have superior conventional military capability. A nuclear deterrence will ensure our sovereign protection.
No hope for JP to become a Nuclear power, JP even is not allowed to enrich uranium by itself like VietNam.
We must answer these questions:

Can we defend our country against Chinese aggression?

Do we have the power to expel them out of our waters and soil?

The answer is clearly No. At the moment the chicom do whatever they like. They don't care, because we're weak.

We must change our pacifist policy like Japan
\Its hard to fight with China, but it doesnt mean we can not fight against them. We also can not let our country to be controlled by US like JP.

We can enrich uranium in our soil and make Nuke bomb secretly, too. So, China know well that they can not push VN into the corner . China oil rig in SCS(east sea) is not a too serious problem for us coz France willing to transfer military tech to VN now and JP also wanna give more support to our economy.
A good development, Japan has acted in a responsible manner all these years, it has the right to develop arms to protect itself

Good move
The US is covertly and overtly supporting the buildup of Japan, as it sees it as a strong ally to balance against swiftly rising Chinese influence.

While miscalculations and blunders by US strategists happen, I don't think they are under any illusion that a massive force such as the current USN can indefinitely maintain the status quo worldwide. A strong Japan is an insurance policy against USN reductions and cutbacks.

That is, until alliances and politics inevitably shift, and a future generation has to deal with the consequences of a once allied nation no longer seeing eye-to-eye with US foreign policy.
We have Chinese, Japanese, Americans, Indians, Vietnamese point of view, we lacks South Koreans member here to expressing their concern towards Japan. As an Indonesian, my government will giving a full support for Japanese move to reinterpret their Constitutions and change their Civil service into full fledged military uniform.
We will welcome japs' move too. At least on paper, they can become a proud enemy of us rather than whinning being a constrained dog of america.

The really hard part lies in US, on one hand, they need to let their leash loosen a little bit to confront China, on the other hand, if loosing too much japs would bite back US and take the revenge of US nuking them, also it is possible japs' bluntness would drag america into a war it does want to. US president will have many sleepless nights ahead.

Most Japanese are smart enough to understand WWII, and "revenge" against the US is probably not a top priority for even the most nationalistic.

My guess would be protection against Chinese "revenge" for events in that part of the last century is far more worrisome, though I have to agree that things can/will change in the future.

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