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Japan Defence Forum

I would beg to differ, my friend. The average Japanese are far more technologically advanced than Americans and some of our friends in the EU. I am not trying to show arrogance, but merely pointing fact. I am living in the US now, and they are , in many ways, so far behind the lifestyle in Japan.
We have enough military grade plutonium to make hundreds of nuclear warheads. To be frank, I would not be surprised if JSDF has already created reserve nuclear warheads. We are talking about Japan, the most technologically advanced nation in the world, not some kind of 3rd world cesspool that cannot feed its own people.
Even Japan has tons of weapon-level nuke materials, don't you think Japan also need to build one true nuclear-bomb and explode in somewhere to test it ?

Past 60 years, Top5 nations ever exploded thousands of nukes to test and collect datas. Now they r using Super-computers to simulat nuke test but Empirical Data came from nukes explode tests, no one can provide such classified nuke datas to any nation, even U.S to Japan. So if Japan claim to can build NUKE, at least Japanese need a true nuke and explode it, that can prove Japan successfully own nuke technology.

Only this can prove the truth.
While we are at this, i think it is only befitting that Japan becomes a Nuclear power. Why should we not? After all we are the 3rd largest economy in the world, and have superior conventional military capability. A nuclear deterrence will ensure our sovereign protection.

As a Indian ,I support Japan going nuclear and I appeal my governmen too to support it . But would Japan itself choose to go nuclear is big question.
As a Indian ,I support Japan going nuclear and I appeal my governmen too to support it . But would Japan itself choose to go nuclear is big question.

I personally believe that this resolution has only scratched the surface of the larger issue, which is the Japanese national yearning to be a true military power, not just an economic power. This question that you raise will be eventually discussed and debated in the Diet. I am confident that, in the end, they will see national designs as a necessity to invest in processes that will assure the sovereignty of Japan.
As a Indian ,I support Japan going nuclear and I appeal my governmen too to support it . But would Japan itself choose to go nuclear is big question.

Welcome development.

The following is the Platform of the LDP, the very Party that PM Shinzo Abe is part of, this has been their platform since 1955:

Although democracy and liberalism emphasized under the control of the Allied occupation should be respected and upheld as a new principle for Japan, the initial objective of the occupying forces of the Allies was mainly to demoralize the State; therefore, many of the reforms implemented by the forces including those of the Constitution, education and other governmental systems have been unjustly suppressing the notion of the State and patriotism of the people and excessively disuniting the national sovereignty.
I would beg to differ, my friend. The average Japanese are far more technologically advanced than Americans and some of our friends in the EU. I am not trying to show arrogance, but merely pointing fact. I am living in the US now, and they are , in many ways, so far behind the lifestyle in Japan.
Means nothing. The reason you can afford advance technological lifestyle by the look is due to small landmass infrastructure. Take for instance, Internet speed. Everyone knows you and South Korea have some of the fastest internet connection but this is not because the US can't match or exceed it; instead, it is because to do it requires installing fiber optic cable in the vast US territories. There is not a single thing in Japan that the US can't do but I can name many things where you are no where near the US technological expertise.
My friend, i respect your right to convey your point, but I must insist to you that all aspects contribute to a country's development and realization of delivery in services. Let us get back to the topic before we digress further.
We have enough military grade plutonium to make hundreds of nuclear warheads. To be frank, I would not be surprised if JSDF has already created reserve nuclear warheads. We are talking about Japan, the most technologically advanced nation in the world, not some kind of 3rd world cesspool that cannot feed its own people.

I am skeptical on the "most technological advanced" part and highly doubt the "already created reserve nuclear warheads". Let's put it this way. Countries like Italy, Spain, Brazil, Argentina, Canada, Australia, South Korea. Indonesia, Turkey, Netherland and quite a few others had the economy and freedom to develop their armed force for decades now and they are not nuclear powers. Going to from "larger military role" to "nuclear power" is a rather large jump.
a fantastic development; a stronger Japan is absolutely vital for a peaceful Asia.
And as OP pointed out, Japan has every right and a justified need for developing nuclear armaments.

Japan cabinet approves landmark military change


Japan's cabinet has approved a landmark change in security policy, paving the way for its military to fight overseas.

Under its constitution, Japan is barred from using force to resolve conflicts except in cases of self-defence.

But a reinterpretation of the law will now allow "collective self-defence" - using force to defend allies under attack.

Ruling bloc lawmakers approved the move on Tuesday morning and the cabinet followed later in the day.

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has been pushing hard for the move, arguing Japan needs to adapt to a changing security environment in the Asia-Pacific region.

The US - with whom Japan has a decades-old security alliance - will also welcome the move, but it will anger China, with whom Japan's ties are already very strained.

The decision is also highly controversial in a nation where post-war pacifist identify is firmly entrenched.

On Sunday a man set himself on fire in central Tokyo to protest against the change.

Mr Abe endorsed the move in May, after a panel of his advisers released a report recommending changes to defence laws.

Japan adopted its pacifist constitution after its surrender in World War Two. Since then, its troops have not engaged in combat, although small numbers have taken part in UN peace-keeping operations.

Mr Abe's panel recommended that - if Japan reinterpreted the constitution to allow collective self-defence - conditions be imposed to ensure the power would not be abused.

On Monday, thousands of people joined a protest in Tokyo to oppose the change.

Critics of Mr Abe fear that this move is the first step to a more permanent revision or removal of the war-renouncing Article 9 of the constitution.

"I thought that if we don't stop the Abe government now then it won't be possible to recover," Etsuo Nakashima, 32, told Reuters news agency.

But others believe that the constitution is a post-war relic imposed on Japan by the US that restricts it from engaging in the normal activities of a modern nation.

China - with whom Japan is currently engaged in a bitter territorial dispute - says it opposes the change, accusing Japan of "remilitarising" under Mr Abe.

Now the cabinet has approved the move, legal revisions must be approved by parliament. But by reinterpreting rather than revising the constitution, Mr Abe avoids the need for a public referendum.

BBC News - Japan cabinet approves landmark military change
This security policy will change current East-Asia diplomacy and military balance, there will be a arm race in this region.

I believe Korean and Russian also won't welcome this change in Japan side, specially Korea will be alliance with China when face to the same new threat.

Japan's cabinet has approved a landmark change in security policy, paving the way for its military to fight overseas.

Korean will be with Chinese once again, they has no choice when the Sun rising again.


Last edited:
2014.07.01 This is a historical memorial Day for Japanese / Korean / Chinese. The East-Asia history will cycle again.
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