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Japan briefs India, US on islands tiff with China

Yeah, we always keep that in mind, and it's time to pay it back. We're waiting for this chance for a long time, maybe you can also have a try to erase your humiliation "Last Time" in 1962 and see if we can handle both sides at the same time:)
Last time you met the Japs you got a pasting

Just goooooogle it for Christ's sake, it is an international declaration, if you don't trust what it said then only God can convince you!
Havent you heard enough from your colleagues in PDF that wiki is no way reliable ?
Butt hurt? with $trillions fx reserves andd 40 years+ ahead of india i dont think so

Yes! you are Butt hurt over the fact China had $ 1.85 tirillion GDP in early 1970s :lol:

If india does noting then it was waste of time to tell india all the stories.

Forward your concerns to Japanese Embassy in Bangladesh! :lol:
China daren't have serious conflicts with Japan. It's just a political gimmick for the incoming Communist congress this month. To be honest, most Chinese have a extreme strong inferiority complex to the Japanese, due to Empire of Japan colonised China for decades and its people are presently 10 times richer than Chinese.
Congrats, you successfully learn the spirit of Koreans--the most powerful and historical Empire of the entire universe!
Happy now you mindless... whatever you are...
China daren't have serious conflicts with Japan. It's just a political gimmick for the incoming Communist congress this month. To be honest, most Chinese have a extreme strong inferiority complex to the Japanese, due to Empire of Japan colonised China for decades and its people are presently 10 times richer than Chinese.
Just simply wiki the "potsdam declaration", you can see the TRUE VERSION of story that you may never hear of in your "democratic" country!

correct! Also we have the support of the Cairo Declaration:

Commentary: Japan's "purchase" of Diaoyu Islands challenges post-WWII order in Asia

English.news.cn 2012-09-12 17:20:47


BEIJING, Sept. 12 (Xinhua) -- The Japanese government's move to "purchase" the Diaoyu Islands not only hurts the feelings of the Chinese people, but also challenges the post-WWII order in the Asia-Pacific region set by documents such as the Cairo Declaration and the Potsdam Proclamation.

Diaoyu Island and its affiliated islands have been China's sacred territory since ancient times. This is supported by historical facts and jurisprudential evidence.

In 1895, as the Qing government's defeat in the First Sino-Japanese War was all but certain, Japan illegally occupied Diaoyu Island and its affiliated islands. After that, Japan forced the Qing government to sign the unequal Treaty of Shimonoseki and cede to Japan "the island of Formosa (Taiwan), together with all islands appertaining or belonging to the said island of Formosa."

After the end of the Second World War, China recovered the territories invaded and occupied by Japan, such as Taiwan and the Penghu Islands, in accordance with the Cairo Declaration and the Potsdam Proclamation, which was accepted by Japan at its surrender.

According to international laws, the Diaoyu Islands have already been returned to China.

Today, the Japanese government's move in regards to the Diaoyu Islands issue is a clear violation of what it had accepted and should alarm all those who suffered in the anti-fascist war.

The Cairo Declaration issued in 1943 and the Potsdam Proclamation in 1945 laid the legal foundation for international order in the Asia-Pacific region in the post-World War II era, and the two treaties upheld the victory of international efforts against fascism that cost many people their lives.

Over the past six decades, the Asia-Pacific region has been one of the most energetic economies in the world. Japan itself has greatly benefited from decades of regional peace and stability since World War II, as it was during this period that the country rose as an economic giant and major player in international affairs.

There will be great danger if this legal foundation is shaken.

The "nationalization" of the Diaoyu Islands, as well as territorial disputes between Japan and its other neighbors, have indicated that Japan has not shown any sincere regret for past invasions, but is, instead, attempting to recover its pre-defeat prestige.

The Japanese government's "purchase" of the Diaoyu Islands has also harmed the "important understanding and common ground" reached between the two nations. Therefore, China will by no means remain silent and abstain from action.

The normalization of Sino-Japanese relations over the past 40 years has been the result of the hard work and wisdom of several generations and is an outcome worth cherishing.

The Japanese government should be held responsible for the current situation for conspiring with, instead of restricting, the country's right-wing forces.

For the sake of the region and the country itself, Japan should back up and return to the right track of negotiating a settlement on the dispute with China.
At least we never need other country to unify our own, you india had never been a unified country until your British "SIRs" to colonize you. Yeah, we surely do have a century of humiliation, but that's because we have our spines and treat it as humiliation even though we have never been fully colonized! You don't have sense of humiliation just because of your inferior spirit deep down in your soul and you don't even feel it is a great humiliation...pathetic! That's why you still keep your inferiority today and we have the power to challenge the USA!
I wonder if you can let go of that humiliating failure in 1962? We use our actions to break your delusions and tell you who is inferior exactly!
Now tell me who is inferior again?
Delusional :sniper:

After century of Humiliation Chinese are the ones who feel inferiority complex.
Obviously it's none of your business, and I wonder if Jap has nowhere to go...
BTW, Europeans did not buy their stories month ago anyway...so it's your turn, who's the next? Vietnam or Philippine...?

Japan has a lot to learn from Germany
22-Oct-2012 Intellasia | China Daily | 7:01 AM


Japanese Foreign minister Koichiro Gemba was in Germany on Friday, mainly to persuade German leaders to accept Japan’s “purchase” of China’s Diaoyu Islands.

Gemba was on a weeklong three-country visit to Europe, and it was obvious that the Germans would give him the cold shoulder on the issue just as the British and French had done earlier this week. The European media, too, have been indifferent to Gemba’s visit.

European politicians and media have a clear stance on the Diaoyu Islands issue, which is praiseworthy. Europeans saw through the designs of Gemba because of something his colleagues did back home while he was visiting Europe. Two Japanese cabinet ministers and former prime minister Shinzo Abe visited Yasukuni Shrine, which honors class-A World War II criminals, on Wednesday and Thursday.

Unlike the Germans, the Japanese don’t have the courage to admit, let alone atone for, their atrocities during World War II. Germany denounced fascism after 1945, and has enacted laws to punish anyone publicly denying or trying to rewrite history. Moreover, Germany, along with France, has become the driving force of lasting peace and economic integration in the European Union.

Given Germany’s clear-cut stance, Gemba should not have expected to succeed in persuading the German leaders to accept Japan’s position on the Diaoyu Islands, called “Senkaku Islands” in Japan.

Germans know that the Japanese government allows rightists to glorify their wartime crimes and deny the atrocities its military committed on people across many Asian countries. Right-wingers have rewritten history in textbooks and have never stopped honoring the war criminals.

Asians are waiting for the day when Japan would apologise for its war crimes.

It is true that Japan and Germany both surrendered in World War II, performed economic miracles and contributed to the world economy. But the Germans are respected because they have the honesty and courage to own up to their war crimes.

No wonder, Europeans who see the contrast between Germany and Japan want Tokyo to atone for its war crimes. One of them is Pierre Defraigne, executive director of Brussels-based Madariaga-College of Europe Foundation.

In an interview with China Daily, Defraigne said a key cause of the Diaoyu Islands dispute is the horror the Japanese unleashed on the Chinese people before and during World War II, and urged Japan to follow Germany’s example and apologise for its war crimes. He asked Japan to understand China and work with it at regional and global levels to realise its economic advancement and human development.

These make it clear that Gemba should not have approached his German counterpart Guido Westerwelle claiming “ownership” of the Diaoyu Islands, complaining about China’s reaction and seeking Germany’s support for Japan’s wrongdoing.

Gemba should learn from Germany’s diplomacy for peace, which is reflected not only in its laws, but also in its actions. If Gemba disseminates the lessons he ought to have learned in Europe, especially Germany, among his countrymen, he will sincerely apologise to Asians and help defuse the tension between Beijing and Tokyo.

But Gemba is not expected to do so, because he tried to use the media to spread his misguided message in Europe. To make up for the French media’s scant coverage of his visit to Paris, he contributed an article to Le Figaro, claiming that the Diaoyu Islands were “clearly an integral part of Japanese territory”.

The fact is the Diaoyu Islands and their affiliated islands have been a part of Chinese territory since ancient times, and China has ample historical and legal evidence to prove that.

Japan occupied the Diaoyu Islands 117 years ago, when Japanese rulers unleashed their war of expansion. And after the end of World War II, the Cairo Declaration and Potsdam Proclamation made it clear that Japan should return the islands to China.

The Western media and leaders are aware of all these truths. In Brussels, a journalist from French newspaper Le Monde expressed concern over Sino-Japanese tensions but said France was not likely to support Japan.

He hopes Japan would see reason in reverting to the status quo before the dispute broke out, because that will facilitate Sino-Japanese negotiations to settle the issue peacefully.

If the European media, leaders and intellectuals reflect the wider feelings of Europeans, then Gemba’s visit to Germany has had the opposite effect for Japan.
I don't really think so, strong man does not need apologize. If they really follow what German's did, how are we gonna let 'em pay for their debts with interests? Not to even speak of its strategical position stands in our way of rising! We're gonna sweep them all with our great power like what US does nowadays! It won't be long, we'll see our carriers navigating on the broad pacific ocean and of course the Indian ocean as well!
Japan has a lot to learn from Germany
22-Oct-2012 Intellasia | China Daily | 7:01 AM


Yeah, you are a show lady-boy in sticks' country, good for you!
simple. I ain't a commie slave. :D
So many posts about Japan briefing India. What´s wrong with the Chinese?
India expectedly will overtake China in 30 years or so to become the next superpower. They are just jealous, I believe.

Can't you see the big CHINA in its topic domain? Mindless viets...
So many posts about Japan briefing India. What´s wrong with the Chinese?
India expectedly will overtake China in 30 years or so to become the next superpower. They are just jealous, I believe.

So many posts about Japan briefing India. What´s wrong with the Chinese?
India expectedly will overtake China in 30 years or so to become the next superpower. They are just jealous, I believe.


Unless you are not being sarcastic, no nation post USA will be a superpower.
I guess this explains why a great deal of our infrastructure programs are funded by the Japanese ODA. I've always wondered....what do they even stand to gain from the likes of "Japanese drinking water project" :rofl:

Anyhow, its all good. China is a threat to every country in the region.
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