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Japan briefs India, US on islands tiff with China

Japs know if they get into a war with the PLA, it will be a fight to the death.
Chinese generals are cold, brutal and absolutely ruthless human beings.
When the war starts, the only thing on their mind will be to totally annihilate Japan at all costs.
If that means china will endure significant losses, then that will be the price to pay to impose maximum possible punishment on Japan.

Chinese military hawks make guys like Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and Paul Wolfowitz look like military doves in comparison.

That will be unfortunate for China, as it doesn't have unlimited money, unlimited trained personnel, unlimited ships, or unlimited manufacturing capability.

You are gung-ho for war now, you won't be so gung-ho when your mother is killed by a cruise missile while working in some politburo building where some VIP happened to be visiting, or when your best friend is conscripted for some human wave assault by your ruthless generals and becomes just another casualty.

Oh you'll still fight or do whatever it is you have to do for the war effort, you have no choice but to, but you'll have a bad taste in the back of your mouth that the war you supported and your country brought about ate up your friends, family, and affected everyone you consider dear to you.

War is not a pleasant thing, you underestimate the pain and suffering it brings.
Yes you can circle jerk but you can't stop China from spanking you whenever we want :lol:


hahahahaha am a jerk am not the idiot who threat people with war and nukes i mean really? who wins in a nuke war only morons fights a war that kills even a winner tell sir who who every fire a nuke in war that won? discount the atomic weapon that won the World war 2 in the pacific. The answer is no one! this is a fact and your an idiot if you don't know this you zombies are so funny when you try so hard to defend this imperial claims and idiotic reasons man this just so funny :woot:
hahahahaha am a jerk am not the idiot who threat people with war and nukes i mean really? who wins in a nuke war only morons fights a war that kills even a winner tell sir who who every fire a nuke in war that won? discount the atomic weapon that won the World war 2 in the pacific. The answer is no one! this is a fact and your an idiot if you don't know this you zombies are so funny when you try so hard to defend this imperial claims and idiotic reasons man this just so funny :woot:
Keep trying to convince yourself. Just a quick nuclear strike on the Pinoys and Luzon, Palawan islands are ready for Chinese colonization just like Spanish, Americans and Japanese did to you.

Just like Scarborough Shoal, Pinoys will beg for help shamelessly but everybody just laughs at them
:rofl: :rofl:
Keep trying to convince yourself. Just a quick nuclear strike on the Pinoys and Luzon, Palawan islands are ready for Chinese colonization just like Spanish, Americans and Japanese did to you.

Just like Scarborough Shoal, Pinoys will beg for help shamelessly but everybody just laughs at them
:rofl: :rofl:

And you need meds crazy person :woot: Yup i think i just hit a nerve loser! :laugh:
Same paranoia being seen.

Sir, there are no three nations planning an aggression against china.

My points are a two prong side, I too believe no aggression is going against China, but as I said before I am going with the sentiments of the thread, what for? For fun I'm bored.

Post 1 "That said I believe this whole saga will be mostly battle of words/water canons"

Post 2 "Agreed on the diplomatic support, as per my previous post I doubt this would escalate anything more then minor fictions. Too much at risk for everyone."

Yet, at the same time if china believes it can use, what it thinks is it's "great military power" or "great economic power" to achieve it's terriorial adventures ... it's grossly mistaken.

For one, china doesn't stand a chance militarily or economically... and further foolishness will be counting on Russia.

I could debate against this but I rather hear your points to support that China is not a "great military power" or "great economic power". I await your wisdom on this.

Official propaganda only fuels further paranoia among ordinary innocent chinese ... lacking access to free information.

Have you been to China just wondering? Agreed they lack total free access to the information they need but a really driven person in China could easy and I stress easily get information they need. To be honest I am not sure how lack of information to the masses compare against misinformation to the masses fed by India's newspaper.

Singapore freedom of information is 110 according to this ranking as compared to China at 139 and India at 46. How does this impact me and the masses? Plainly it doesn't and hence its irrelevant

World Audit Press Freedom

That said, China does seem to need lessons about being a good global citizen.... everybody hopes the lessons are learnt peacefully.
(unlike how Japan learnt it in the last century).

Nobody has threatened china militariliy... but that doesn't mean it's actions such as "fishing boat diplomacy" against phillipines and japan are not noted by the world at large. Doesn't mean, it's actions against Norway are not noted by world at large.

You reap what your sow ... is an old adage.

I lumped your paragraphs together since they target the same point.

No augments China's action are excessive, but back to my first point the world is bipolar. Yesterdays friends are today's enemies. There is no right and wrong in reality there is only the strong vs the weak. The US and her related companies has killed many innocents for the sake of their own progress. I read about Bhopal, Agent orange etc and some stories make you sick to your stomach ("reap what you sow" when are they gonna start sowing?). At the end of the day the world keeps spinning.
My points are a two prong side, I too believe no aggression is going against China, but as I said before I am going with the sentiments of the thread, what for? For fun I'm bored.

Post 1 "That said I believe this whole saga will be mostly battle of words/water canons"

Post 2 "Agreed on the diplomatic support, as per my previous post I doubt this would escalate anything more then minor fictions. Too much at risk for everyone."

I could debate against this but I rather hear your points to support that China is not a "great military power" or "great economic power". I await your wisdom on this.

Have you been to China just wondering? Agreed they lack total free access to the information they need but a really driven person in China could easy and I stress easily get information they need. To be honest I am not sure how lack of information to the masses compare against misinformation to the masses fed by India's newspaper.

Singapore freedom of information is 110 according to this ranking as compared to China at 139 and India at 46. How does this impact me and the masses? Plainly it doesn't and hence its irrelevant

World Audit Press Freedom

I lumped your paragraphs together since they target the same point.

No augments China's action are excessive, but back to my first point the world is bipolar. Yesterdays friends are today's enemies. There is no right and wrong in reality there is only the strong vs the weak. The US and her related companies has killed many innocents for the sake of their own progress. I read about Bhopal, Agent orange etc and some stories make you sick to your stomach ("reap what you sow" when are they gonna start sowing?). At the end of the day the world keeps spinning.

Simple.. answer lies in your own post.
You cited "Russia".. think why.

It doesn't take much sense to play out any possible scenario in which china wins by aggression, either way: be it using military or economy. And the current path of CPC leads to defeat. What more evidence that nobody else wants to side with china.. since it means sharing the defeat. Everybody knows, without even needing to make it explicit, mankind beats hankind without making a conscious effort.

The only scenario where china wins is in SinoChallenger's dreams. If you want to enjoy those fantasies, read his posts. :laugh:

Back to real world .. and out of sinochallenger fantasies :laugh: ... everybody is better off if china learns the lessons peacefully (like Sovien Union) than learn it's lessons with it's own Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Russians did it nicely two and a half decades back, there is no doubt about it. And germans and japanese could not sort themselves out peacefully, about seven decades back.
Japan went for India? :rofl:

I guess we have nothing to worry any more other than some surge of desperate terror acts by insurgents along the border regions.
Japan went for India? :rofl:

I guess we have nothing to worry any more other than some surge of desperate terror acts by insurgents along the border regions.

Japan is rich enough to employ Pakistan.... and if Pakistan turns against China, you do have a big cause to worry. :laugh:

However, there is no evidence to support that Japanese are planning to visit Pakistan. Sleep cool ... and try to overcome your paranoia that the world is "plotting against china".

Speaking for terror... giving up East Turkestan may a cheap way of coming to peace with Pakistan. The CPC govt is already beginning to make the right noises. :laugh:

(Btw.. India doesn't support terror. Niether does US, or for that matter Japan. So, nil chance that Japan will be employing Pakistan or Taliban. So you will need to deal with them alone.. good for you).

:laugh: :laugh:
Simple.. answer lies in your own post.
You cited "Russia".. think why.

It doesn't take much sense to play out any possible scenario in which china wins by aggression, either way: be it using military or economy. And the current path of CPC leads to defeat. What more evidence that nobody else wants to side with china.. since it means sharing the defeat. Everybody knows, without even needing to make it explicit, mankind beats hankind without making a conscious effort.

The only scenario where china wins is in SinoChallenger's dreams. If you want to enjoy those fantasies, read his posts. :laugh:

Back to real world .. and out of sinochallenger fantasies :laugh: ... everybody is better off if china learns the lessons peacefully (like Sovien Union) than learn it's lessons with it's own Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Russians did it nicely two and a half decades back, there is no doubt about it. And germans and japanese could not sort themselves out peacefully, about seven decades back.

Simply saying that is not enough unless you got something to refer it too. you state that economically China cannot use as a weapon? Experts prove otherwise, if you need more information you can refer to "The Shadow Market - by Eric J W" first chapter "Money is a Weapon" where the pentagon ran a simulate economic warfare scenario where China used its financial muscle against the US and well pretty much took a crap on the US economy. The test pretty much involved financial advisers from multiple banks and military strategist so on and so forth.

Online reference to a separate article with similar content
Pentagon Preps For Economic Warfare - CBS News

Military wise (assuming no nuclear weapons) on a one on one confrontation (except with the US) with Japan or India its obvious China will have the upper hand, they do not just superb mass manufacturing facilities they are also the top 5 arms exporting nations. India lacks the weapons manufacturing ability of weapons on the upper band (artillery, aircraft etc), and Japan lacks mass manufacturing ability. China has the facilities all setup for both, for every one aircraft lose on either side they will produce 2 or 3 to counter. In times of war supply chains are usually impacted.

If the US gets involved of course another superpower has to step in to help, US vs China already US is way ahead on the battlefield as many people will attest to.

I don't read military books but this is something that one can see today, its reality not some fabled projection of yesteryear.

Also Russia invaded Georgia how does that fit in your behave yourself plan? Not to mention cut of Gas to Europe over the Ukrainian issue and a host of other nick nacks.

If you feel otherwise best put a link from a reputable source to support your points.

Which side of the border?

Did your old nick use to be Bomberstrum or something to that extent?
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