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Japan briefs India, US on islands tiff with China

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The issue between Japan and China is somewhat tricky, I don't see how India will benefits from this issue. Lets get thing straight before passionate wannabes distort my post.

1. India is definitely a force to be reckoned with in the region, with a population of a Billion plus a reasonably economy and a sizable arsenal achieved over the years going head on with India is no walk in the park for any country, the same is said if US goes head on with China.

2. This is not a good vs bad thing, history is peppered with strong vs the weak. There are reasons why predator drones kill innocents while the relatives can only shake their fist in frustration. The US has a motive for wanted to stay involved in this being a world policeman but motives do get set aside sometimes pending priorities. (just like how Georgia was abandoned).

Moving on

If we talk about strength China and US is definitely on the edge here, China will have the advantage in both geographic distance (maybe this is where US would need India's assistance) and manufacturing capability.

Not forgetting during WWII Japan and Germany shared something similar which was a huge industrial manufacturing capability which allowed for rapid rearming. Interestingly enough most of today's high tech weapons cannot be made without a made in China component, and these weapons are definitely more finicky (needs more parts) than the weapons in WWII

The real balance changer will be if China can rope in countries with similar disputes with Japan. The most likely country to join China would be Russia, if the balance changed to Russia, China against Japan, US, India would probably even things out

With Russia's resources and China's manufacturing abilities now that's a serious force with be reckoned with. With Russia's involvement EU and US will probably back down (they done it before), and where would that leave India? Hence in my opinion India should just stay on the sidelines for this.

That said I believe this whole saga will be mostly battle of words/water canons
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The issue between Japan and China is somewhat tricky, I don't see how India will benefits from this issue. Lets get thing straight before passionate wannabes distort my post.

1. India is definitely a force to be reckoned with in the region, with a population of a Billion plus a reasonably economy and a sizable arsenal achieved over the years going head on with India is no walk in the park for any country, the same is said if US goes head on with China.

2. This is not a good vs bad thing, history is peppered with strong vs the weak. There are reasons why predator drones kill innocents while the relatives can only shake their fist in frustration. The US has a motive for wanted to stay involved in this being a world policeman but motives do get set aside sometimes pending priorities. (just like how Georgia was abandoned).

Moving on

If we talk about strength China and US is definitely on the edge here, China will have the advantage in both geographic distance (maybe this is where US would need India's assistance) and manufacturing capability.

Not forgetting during WWII Japan and Germany shared something similar which was a huge industrial manufacturing capability which allowed for rapid rearming. Interestingly enough most of today's high tech weapons cannot be made without a made in China component, and these weapons are definitely more finicky (needs more parts) than the weapons in WWII

The real balance changer will be if China can rope in countries with similar disputes with Japan. The most likely country to join China would be Russia, if the balance changed to Russia, China against Japan, US, India would probably even things out

With Russia's resources and China's manufacturing abilities now that's a serious force with be reckoned with. With Russia's involvement EU and US will probably back down (they done it before), and where would that leave India? Hence in my opinion India should just stay on the sidelines for this.

That said I believe this whole saga will be mostly battle of words/water canons

Net result of your analysis:

Russia is critical to China's survival... Else Japan-USA-India could fry it, roast it and slice it nicely into an "East Germany/West Germany".

So, much for the supa-powwah which will now be seen running to other countries, for it's own survival.

Anyhow, you just mimic the paranoia of chinese, here... as if the world has nothing better to do, but conspire againt China.

Huh.. Japan discussing one issue, among many other issues, in a trilateral meeting is hardly a reason to cause stomach upsets in bejing. Paranoids that they have become, though.
The real balance changer will be if China can rope in countries with similar disputes with Japan. The most likely country to join China would be Russia, if the balance changed to Russia, China against Japan, US, India would probably even things out

This goes with the assumption that Russians are comfortable with China. On the outside it seems that way.

But Russian perception of Chinese as a threat seems to be increasing.

Zolotarev argued that, while the chances of a
large-scale war breaking out are remote, China would most
likely be the target of any preemptive nuclear strike. Most
serious military planners dismissed any threat from NATO long
ago, he posited. China still has a mass mobilization army,
he said, and the Russian Far East is thinly populated, has
little infrastructure, and a small Russian military

A Preview Of Russia's New Military Doctrine

, and where would that leave India? Hence in my opinion India should just stay on the sidelines for this.

Won't be difficult for India

On the whole in i think this move by Japanese is an attempt to gain some diplomatic support.
it seems the trilateral meeting is causing a similar effect on chinese boys here :lol:

Does Japan and India really have a choice to say no to the yanks.
That's the problem of being a colony, you don't have an independent foreign policy.


Few of these babies in the South China sea and it's game over

:lol: few of the DF-21D and the yanks will be crying like they did in the Korean war and the Hindus did when we ripped up their arsehole in 1962.
Japan is becoming desperate now``first they briefed to his daddy U.S and his daddy didnt promise anything but raped few girls at Okinawa,
and then Japan went to harf dozen european countries seeking for sympathy, what they got were cold faces and ignorings```

and now Japan briefed with India an insignificent country down south who can barely feed its own people```lol

the final puching line is those delusional indians think they are somebody```lol
I really hope that the Politburo realizes the blunder they are doing to distract the entire population's attention.

Nobody wants to isolate China as it has emerged as an Asian power around the world.

But unlike USA, that takes all of its neighbors along with them, CCP is doing the opposite.

Technically, US can easily occupy entire Canada with sheer force. But is it doing so? No.

A request to the Politburo: Please don't head on this path. It will not make you a power but simply bring political disaster to your country.

No one wants to hate China.

CCP is just doing it by gaining enmity for its country for selfish reasons.
Japan is becoming desperate now``first they briefed to his daddy U.S and his daddy didnt promise anything but raped few girls at Okinawa,
and then Japan went to harf dozen european countries seeking for sympathy, what they got were cold faces and ignorings```

and now Japan briefed with India an insignificent country down south who can barely feed its own people```lol

the final puching line is those delusional indians think they are somebody```lol

The chinese came running first to brief India about the situation, so you got through much earlier than Japan, good work there by China.
Japs know if they get into a war with the PLA, it will be a fight to the death.
Chinese generals are cold, brutal and absolutely ruthless human beings.
When the war starts, the only thing on their mind will be to totally annihilate Japan at all costs.
If that means china will endure significant losses, then that will be the price to pay to impose maximum possible punishment on Japan.

Chinese military hawks make guys like Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and Paul Wolfowitz look like military doves in comparison.
Net result of your analysis:

Russia is critical to China's survival... Else Japan-USA-India could fry it, roast it and slice it nicely into an "East Germany/West Germany".

So, much for the supa-powwah which will now be seen running to other countries, for it's own survival.

Anyhow, you just mimic the paranoia of chinese, here... as if the world has nothing better to do, but conspire againt China.

Huh.. Japan discussing one issue, among many other issues, in a trilateral meeting is hardly a reason to cause stomach upsets in bejing. Paranoids that they have become, though.

Well you need USA (World's leading superpower), Japan (World's most advance nation sort of) & India (You decide what your strengths are) (power rankings in that order) to have a word with one country what does that tell you? For aggression against 3 nations any nation would need assistance.

No conspiracy I am merely following the thread sentiments, honestly I couldn't give a monkeys since it ain't really my issue.

Also if you want to debate would appreciate you doing it properly. Otherwise I'll will add you to the ignore list.

This goes with the assumption that Russians are comfortable with China. On the outside it seems that way.

But Russian perception of Chinese as a threat seems to be increasing.

A Preview Of Russia's New Military Doctrine

Won't be difficult for India

On the whole in i think this move by Japanese is an attempt to gain some diplomatic support.

No love lost between two nations agreed, but bearing in mind Russia has the same issue with Japan and the last thing they would want is US sticking their noses in their region over a similiar affair, not sure if there are islands with CHina, Russian disputes though.

Agreed on the diplomatic support, as per my previous post I doubt this would escalate anything more then minor fictions. Too much at risk for everyone.
Japan is becoming desperate now``first they briefed to his daddy U.S and his daddy didnt promise anything but raped few girls at Okinawa,
and then Japan went to harf dozen european countries seeking for sympathy, what they got were cold faces and ignorings```

and now Japan briefed with India an insignificent country down south who can barely feed its own people```lol

the final puching line is those delusional indians think they are somebody```lol

Any links for the above statements? Or is that the gossip in "your" factory's assembly line?

Agreed on the diplomatic support, as per my previous post I doubt this would escalate anything more then minor fictions. Too much at risk for everyone.

All parties involved should just grow up and do a joint venture project.....that's how it's done in the real world where common sense trumps nationalistic "pride".
Well you need USA (World's leading superpower), Japan (World's most advance nation sort of) & India (You decide what your strengths are) (power rankings in that order) to have a word with one country what does that tell you? For aggression against 3 nations any nation would need assistance.

Same paranoia being seen.

Sir, there are no three nations planning an aggression against china.

Yet, at the same time if china believes it can use, what it thinks is it's "great military power" or "great economic power" to achieve it's terriorial adventures ... it's grossly mistaken.

For one, china doesn't stand a chance militarily or economically... and further foolishness will be counting on Russia.

That said, China does seem to need lessons about being a good global citizen.... everybody hopes the lessons are learnt peacefully.
(unlike how Japan learnt it in the last century).

Official propaganda only fuels further paranoia among ordinary innocent chinese ... lacking access to free information.

Nobody has threatened china militariliy... but that doesn't mean it's actions such as "fishing boat diplomacy" against phillipines and japan are not noted by the world at large. Doesn't mean, it's actions against Norway are not noted by world at large.

You reap what your sow ... is an old adage.
Well you need USA (World's leading superpower), Japan (World's most advance nation sort of) & India (You decide what your strengths are) (power rankings in that order) to have a word with one country what does that tell you? For aggression against 3 nations any nation would need assistance.

It took UK, USA, and Russia to beat Nazi Germany. No matter how many democratic countries will unite to beat Communist China (very similiar to Nazi Germany) we wll do it. Japan is new emerging ally.Welcome Japan.:yahoo:
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