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J-10C for PAF - Hypothetical Scenario

If the need a raises the J-10C will be there for PAF and that's the truth but as for now and in the near future PAF is looking to enhance its thunders in to blk 3 and work on project AZAM and also trying to get more vipers in the mean while will still try to maintain the current fleet in a very cost effective manner as they always have.
One key point, in my humble opinion, that many of the detractors of the J-10C acquisition are missing is that J-10C has a greater survivalability factored in due to it's ...
1) More powerful AESA Radar.
2) More power available for it's EW suite.
3) Better payload than the Thunder.

You can do what you need to do more assuredly, when you have a better chance of survival. Against a numerically superior enemy, that is a vital factor no matter how slim. It could be the margin between getting the job done or not.

No matter whatever you say ... China is the source of both fighters and it chose the J-10. If the cost is too much of an issue then I think we should at least get a couple of squadrons to have a backup foil to our Thunders and Mirages in strike missions especially. It can also be a compliment to our Vipers and helping extend their duration in service by taking some of the load off. It will be a completely unknown quality to the enemy ... EW wise.

Just my opinion.

Sir in my humble opinion with exception of J20 or FC31 the other platforms of China may not be having EW capabilities at par with West so PAF chose Indra based EW suit for JF17. In future perhaps if Pak gets J10C then it shall be tailor made with Western gadgets also. Considering future threats PAF should go for any medium fighter with some A2g capabilities on one hand to counter Rafael and on other hand to provide capability for deep strike in India even in presence of S400 or other SAMs.
Sir in my humble opinion with exception of J20 or FC31 the other platforms of China may not be having EW capabilities at par with West so PAF chose Indra based EW suit for JF17. In future perhaps if Pak gets J10C then it shall be tailor made with Western gadgets also. Considering future threats PAF should go for any medium fighter with some A2g capabilities on one hand to counter Rafael and on other hand to provide capability for deep strike in India even in presence of S400 or other SAMs.
Indra may have been an interim solution for the Thunder, for the lack of suitable EW suite that fulfills PAF's need within the Thunder's engine power. PLAAF and PLAAN are very satisfied with their J-16G and J-15G growler EW platforms. J-10C is a different proposition altogether.
Sir in my humble opinion with exception of J20 or FC31 the other platforms of China may not be having EW capabilities at par with West so PAF chose Indra based EW suit for JF17. In future perhaps if Pak gets J10C then it shall be tailor made with Western gadgets also. Considering future threats PAF should go for any medium fighter with some A2g capabilities on one hand to counter Rafael and on other hand to provide capability for deep strike in India even in presence of S400 or other SAMs.
China has developed their industries, and can produce great EW systems.
I don’t see why people take crashes as insulting ?
This is all part of extensive testing, evaluation and upgradation. J-10S/A had quite a low life airframe, issues here & there (not quoting the 50 issues identified by PAF), engine reliability of AL-31FN (which itself was a flop and had issues).

Plus, J-10 was China’s first attempt at 4th Gen fighter, but the machine has come a long way to become really lethal and potent as we see in the form of J-10C today.

It is not about bads, it is more about, improving yourself after the bads, that is what makes you better and great.
Could not agree with you more. In the early 90s the Chinese could not design a modern 4th generation cockpit. The Lavi programme which they based the J10 on was borrowed en masse from the Israelis. With no prior experience and no exposure to 4th generation fighters they learnt on the project. The project had to go back at least twice once during the 90s and again during the early teens. On top of that they adopted a block building approach to the plane which meant redesigning the inlets amongst other things.
They had no engine of their own so they bought the AL31FN from the Russians. I guess it wss not a surprise when they had to ground the whole fleet due to turbine blade failure. Till mid to late teens the visiting PAF pilots were reporting major flameouts on the AL31FNs. This is all reported matter.
We are proud of the achievements of our Chinese brothers. We have played a little part in their progress but they themselves have put in huge effort and money to get to where they are. They are on the cusp of achieving maturity with the engines if not already done so. We wish them the best of luck. My main problem is when people start arguments with useless jingoism and pig headed nationalism and try to put wool over our eyes. That is not fair and this is what I dislike.
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J-10C the best plane to replace PAF's 100+ Mirages
poor engine with only 3000 hour life. If JF-17 block-3 will armed with PL-15, than both will have 100% same weapon Package although J-10C can carry more pay load
poor engine with only 3000 hour life. If JF-17 block-3 will armed with PL-15, than both will have 100% same weapon Package although J-10C can carry more pay load
RD 93 which is used in JF-17 has 2000 hour life span.
poor engine with only 3000 hour life. If JF-17 block-3 will armed with PL-15, than both will have 100% same weapon Package although J-10C can carry more pay load
Better AESA/better EW/ECM/ECCM/ better thrust to weight ratio/ better engine WS-10/AL-31F/Better range etc etc
RD 93 which is used in JF-17 has 2000 hour life span.
yes its problem with all Russian Engine, Where as US and western jets have life span of 4000 hour at least.

Better AESA/better EW/ECM/ECCM/ better thrust to weight ratio/ better engine WS-10/AL-31F/Better range etc etc
The Saturn-Lyulka AL-31FN is a thirsty engine and eat more fuel than RD-93 where as Range of JF-17 is greater than J-10.
The Saturn-Lyulka AL-31FN is a thirsty engine and eat more fuel than RD-93 where as Range of JF-17 is greater than J-10.
and remember J-10 is medium weight jet where as JF-17 light that's why JF has slightly better FERRY range and combat radius of J-10 is also lager than JF-17, AL-31F fuel thirsty engine only on afterburner mode as all jet engine of the world have similar drawback
and remember J-10 is medium weight jet where as JF-17 light that's why JF has slightly better FERRY range and combat radius of J-10 is also lager than JF-17, AL-31F fuel thirsty engine only on afterburner mode as all jet engine of the world have similar drawback
Pakistan will only purchase 5th generation fighter. till than only F-16s (if available) and improved block of jf-17 will be inducted in PAF. May be like Tejas paf plan medium weight block of JF-17 after block-3 induction
Pakistan will only purchase 5th generation fighter. till than only F-16s (if available) and improved block of jf-17 will be inducted in PAF
If push comes to shove meaning we dont get new F-16s or more F-16s PAF might be forced to replace F-16s with J-10s.
All I want to see is JF-17 with the ability to carry 4 SD-10s. Replacing Mirage with J-10 is too expensive I'm afraid for Pakistan.
If push comes to shove meaning we dont get new F-16s or more F-16s PAF might be forced to replace F-16s with J-10s.
and who knows may be
Project Azam = J31
if such speculation become reality than we might see our fifth generation fighter within next 5-6 years

All I want to see is JF-17 with the ability to carry 4 SD-10s. Replacing Mirage with J-10 is too expensive I'm afraid for Pakistan.
no chance of replacing of mirage with J10 fighter jets. If block-3 will become as good as expected than paf will surely go for block-4 as well and it might be in medium weight category
no chance of replacing of mirage with J10 fighter jets. If block-3 will become as good as expected than we will have block-4 as well and it might be in medium weight category
Not enough production per annum to replace Mirage any time soon, Pakistan may need to get PAC, and Chinese manufacturer to make JF-17s simultaneously. Foreign sales are also a big part, Egypt should really invest in JF-17 to replace all its old aircraft with some amount of TOT.
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