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It's now or never situation again

Healing happens when someone(victim) forgives.
Forgiveness happens when someone(the one responsible) ask for forgiveness..

Other part of Pakistan who allowed this to happen don't even say it's their fault..they say it's FATA fault..

Lol blaming the victim
It's a double sided process.

The people of ex-FATA must accept their side as well, you can't have one without the other.

Who provided safe havens to Al Qaeda, ISIS, and all the other terror groups? Who launched campaigns inside Afghanistan from Pakistan territory? What were they expecting?

There was a reason drones were targeting that area compared to others.

I don't understand why people are focusing on drones specifically rather than the reason they had to be used.
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K.p police or any police can only deliver a little as long as the core of command isn't native to the area. Better revamp the policing structure and scrap the federal policing model nation wide.

We have rangers/f.c and f.i.a to accommodate federal role in the provinces.

Definitely need to revamp the provincial police, and make sure it is seen as answerable to the elected government in each location and Peshawar. Also it must be perceived the elected government is also seen as the deciding body dispersing the funds for economic development to the local governments in parts of KPK.

Presumably when all people in authority are seen to be the neighbors of the people that have to decide if they will support or not support the TTP, it will be a lot harder to claim the government is made up of outsiders.

This is why state/provincial government work in other countries, local laws, local administration, local tax collection.

In the US each state has its own air national guard, with their own aircraft, sometimes their own fighter jets.

Federal assets that are constantly being used in one province and for civilian purposes should probably be given to the provinces, especially for law enforcement. The psychological tactics a local can use, such as through radio traffic from an attack helicopter to militants below can be very intimidating. They can also be more likely to understand if a local has been mis-identified as a hostile (“Tango”) when they are a local smuggler or low level criminal but from a well connected family that may cause more problems for the state if killed by mistake.
I don't understand why people are focusing on drones specifically rather than the reason they had to be used.

Have you noticed in this narrative, not ONCE do they blame AQ or Bin Laden or Taliban for inviting trouble to the region. They can simply do no wrong. AQ propaganda is the first example of 5th gen warfare, psyops to isolate Pakistan on a mental level. To minimize the interests of Pakistan. Very subtle and still to this day it has been able to penetrate.

I picked up on it in 2007 when Sheikh Imran Hosein was calling for TTP to take over Pakistan. It was a collective effort to brainwash Pakistanis.

Its funny they don't do this to UAE or Saudi but pick on a poor south asian country, we are like fodder, disposable foot soldiers. They were celebrating when bombs were going off in markets and putting all the blame on PA.
It's a double sided process.

The people of ex-FATA must accept their side as well, you can't have one without the other.

Who provided safe havens to Al Qaeda, ISIS, and all the other terror groups? Who launched campaigns inside Afghanistan from Pakistan territory? What were they expecting?

There was a reason drones were targeting that area compared to others.

I don't understand why people are focusing on drones specifically rather than the reason they had to be used.
Well we need to apply same logic everywhere not just in FATA.
We should also bomb areas in Lahore and Karachi as there were Punjabi Taliban there as well

Since you have made it clear killing pushtoons civilians and children is okay .

Also it was pushtoons not ISI that started the Soviet resistance...ISI tried it best to keep country neutral but couldn't due to pushtoons
Have you noticed in this narrative, not ONCE do they blame AQ or Bin Laden or Taliban for inviting trouble to the region. They can simply do no wrong. AQ propaganda is the first example of 5th gen warfare, psyops to isolate Pakistan on a mental level. To minimize the interests of Pakistan. Very subtle and still to this day it has been able to penetrate.
The cognitive dissonance is crazy.

FATA houses Al Qaeda? No one says anything

FATA houses thousands of militants from various ethnic backgrounds like chechens, Arabs, Egyptians, Ughiurs, etc? No one says anything

FATA being used as a grounds to fight for OBL in Afghanistan? No one says anything

Pakistan intervenes to get rid of militants and terror organisations, prevent them from joining a war that isn't ours? Automatically wrong and evil 😂

All blame falls on Pakistan somehow
Waziristan belt pushtoons are running very active pushtunistan compaign on social media and they have gained some good chunk of people also on their side from inside kp
State will have to take strict action against Terrorism otherwise coming days will be extremely dark for Pakistan because it will have to fight both Pushtoon nationalists and TTP and will become difficult to handle their narrative.
Take strict action against terrorism .
Well we need to apply same logic everywhere not just in FATA.
We should also bomb areas in Lahore and Karachi as there were Punjabi Taliban there as well

Since you have made it clear killing pushtoons civilians and children is okay .

Also it was pushtoons not ISI that started the Soviet resistance...ISI tried it best to keep country neutral but couldn't due to pushtoons
This is simply childish logic.

Punjabi Taliban was hunted down, but it was nowhere near as strong as literally Al Qaeda or with thousands of international militants like FATA was.

Another thing is you will never find any Pakistani complain or be against bombing any terrorist hideouts in Lahore/Karachi/Punjab, go ahead.

It is only you who defends terrorist hotshots because of ethnicity. You refuse to accept that one was a hotspot, Lahore simply wasn't.
Let's not talk subtle here..we need discuss openly..

My point and PTM point was Pakistani in Punjab and urban elite are okay with civilians killed for $$$ /CSF

Now I see and many people here are defending it the extra judiciary killing.

so I was right 👍
after all there was democracy in Pakistan when people voted to allow drones through out their skies to bomb their lesser civilians in FATA

This is simply childish logic.

Punjabi Taliban was hunted down, but it was nowhere near as strong as literally Al Qaeda or with thousands of international militants like FATA was.

Another thing is you will never find any Pakistani complain or be against bombing any terrorist hideouts in Lahore/Karachi/Punjab, go ahead.

It is only you who defends terrorist hotshots because of ethnicity. You refuse to accept that one was a hotspot, Lahore simply wasn't.
Well there is difference in definition of terrorism that's the route of problem

You think kids and infants are terrorists just like how Israeli thinks.

Israeli argues that civilians deaths are okay since there are many Palestine terrorists there

I think that's not the case..that's the difference
Let's not talk subtle here..we need discuss openly..

My point and PTM point was Pakistani in Punjab and urban elite are okay with civilians killed for $$$ /CSF

Now I see and many people here are defending it the extra judiciary killing.

so I was right 👍
after all there was democracy in Pakistan when people voted to allow drones through out their skies to bomb their lesser civilians in FATA

What was Zarb e Azb then? It was the same thing no? Only difference is a school full of children had to be massacred for the public to realise they are the bad guys.

Pakistan didn't do enough in the WOT and that's why TTP exists. In 2001 they should have put 300k troops in FATA and sealed the border and pushed into Afghan border towns and secured them. TTP would not have existed. Haqqani network would not have existed in Pakistan. Bin Laden would not have made it into Pakistan. A lot of wins for Pakistan.

Pakistan sacrificed everything for the Taliban, they literally kept the border wide open, looked the other way during war time and they expected more and more and any decision which went against them they saw that as treachery. Can you believe this hell hole barbaric disgusting filthy terrorist infested craphole country was dictating to Pakistan and unleashed TTP to punish Pakistan for not obeying. On top of that Pakistanis themselves agreeing to it. Couldn't make this up.
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Well there is difference in definition of terrorism that's the route of problem

You think kids and infants are terrorists just like how Israeli thinks.

Israeli argues that civilians deaths are okay since there are many Palestine terrorists there

I think that's not the case..that's the difference
No I don't

I can't take you seriously because you keep giving me these emotional and childish arguments.

To make it even you proposed bombing Lahore (which I have no connection to, go ahead)

But you can't compare FATA with Lahore. One was simply an international terrorist hotpost with no laws, the other was opposite.

Can we agree with the above?

And I don't want to kill children where have I said this? I am simply talking about military operations in general going after hotspots where terrorists are found.

All war crimes are condemnable on our territory, but avoiding collateral damage is impossible.

If this is in Lahore go ahead, but you have no logical reasoning to do so in Lahore...
No I don't

I can't take you seriously because you keep giving me these emotional and childish arguments.

To make it even you proposed bombing Lahore (which I have no connection to, go ahead)

But you can't compare FATA with Lahore. One was simply an international terrorist hotpost with no laws, the other was opposite.

Can we agree with the above?

And I don't want to kill children where have I said this? I am simply talking about military operations in general going after hotspots where terrorists are found.

All war crimes are condemnable on our territory, but avoiding collateral damage is impossible.

If this is in Lahore go ahead, but you have no logical reasoning to do so in Lahore...
Israeli say the same that Palestinians civilians killing are unavoidable and are fault of terrorists hence we bomb them with f16s and drones.

Same is true for Pakistan..killing of infants in settled areas of KP are unavoidable since we don't ask local police to investigate we just drop a bomb.

Now we don't do that in Lahore since those aren't less Pakistanis like in settle KP and FATA

Nice to know how Pakistani thought about drones from 2012-2018..

It has opened up our eyes

I know qoami gharat is absent but I thought they had humanity I was wrong
Now we don't do that in Lahore since those aren't less Pakistanis like in settle KP and FATA
😵‍💫 I am from Azad Jammu Kashmir I swear I couldn't give a f*ck about Lahore but Lahore did not house thousands of international militants from various ethnic backgrounds in one of the most well known global terrorist organisations like Al Qaeda and ISIS.

If they did then I would hold the same opinion!

I have no sympathy for terrorists based on ethnicity or city location.

Israeli say the same that Palestinians civilians killing are unavoidable and are fault of terrorists hence we bomb them with f16s and drones.

Same is true for Pakistan..killing of infants in settled areas of KP are unavoidable since we don't ask local police to investigate we just drop a bomb.
Several bomb blasts were going off per day, several.

In the largest citities in Pakistan. Everywhere.

Are you telling me they didn't try everything else to stop it before using drones and other military weapons?

Why are you making it sound like these were small time criminals??
Good luck 🤞
Agree all pushtoons are traitors and terrorists
And Roa Anwar was a hero.

Now don't blame if people support TTP or TTM.

War is war..

😂😂🤣🤣🤣 Yeah so you support TTP terrorists or PTM afghans then when they blow up mosques or schools you play innocent 😇

This is quite a con act you guys have going on

Today you tried to hit hazaras in Quetta but oh yes stet, pashto pashto
Waziristan belt pushtoons are running very active pushtunistan compaign on social media and they have gained some good chunk of people also on their side from inside kp
State will have to take strict action against Terrorism otherwise coming days will be extremely dark for Pakistan because it will have to fight both Pushtoon nationalists and TTP and will become difficult to handle their narrative.
Insaf qaim karo. Werna qayamat tak patch work kerty rahogy, per aag thandi nahi hogi.
😂😂🤣🤣🤣 Yeah so you support TTP terrorists or PTM afghans then when they blow up mosques or schools you play innocent 😇

This is quite a con act you guys have going on

Today you tried to hit hazaras in Quetta but oh yes stet, pashto pashto
Yeah Bengalis supported terrorists too.
They supportes terrorists in 1971 because I supported dictators and let them die of hunger in 1960s

I am just putting on facts.
People support PTM TTP because you supported drones and indiscriminately killing in FATA.

If this is too hard to understand then God luck 🤞

😵‍💫 I am from Azad Jammu Kashmir I swear I couldn't give a f*ck about Lahore but Lahore did not house thousands of international militants from various ethnic backgrounds in one of the most well known global terrorist organisations like Al Qaeda and ISIS.

If they did then I would hold the same opinion!

I have no sympathy for terrorists based on ethnicity or city location.

Several bomb blasts were going off per day, several.

In the largest citities in Pakistan. Everywhere.

Are you telling me they didn't try everything else to stop it before using drones and other military weapons?

Why are you making it sound like these were small time criminals??
If this is too hard for you to understand that govt allowed extra judicial killing and did extra judicial kidnapping and killing in all over Pakistan of pushtoons

Then God bless and Good luck.
Israeli and Pakistani establishment policies were pretty similar..Indians never bombed kashmiri with airplanes or drones by the way


People voted for the government and did nothing

It's so cute when everyone thinks pushtoons did Soviet war and ISI CIA did nothing
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